A modern view of the problem of lichen planus
The term “lichen” combines a wide group of fungal and viral skin diseases (dermatoses), various
Laser facial resurfacing: advantages, disadvantages, results
Sanding can quickly correct imperfections. The procedure improves tissue blood circulation and stimulates collagen production.
Nummular eczema (on the legs) - treatment, causes, symptoms
Symptoms Externally, eczema appears as irregular rashes on the skin, usually in the form of blisters and
Chronic skin diseases
Skin diseases in humans: photos and descriptions of the main types of skin diseases
Human skin is a kind of indicator that reflects the state of all its organs and systems, protects
Diet for psoriasis - detailed menu and food table
Scientists have found that psoriasis very often recurs when acid reactions in the patient’s body predominate
11 unusual ways to use medicines at home
Salicylic acid is the most important “natural hormone”
Composition 100 g of alcohol solution contains 1 or 2 grams of salicylic acid. 70%
Vitex Black Clean
13 best film masks for blackheads - rating and review of brands
In this article we will look at how to choose the right working product, how to use it and the secrets - how
How to get rid of foot fungus?
Foot fungus - symptoms, effective treatment options, causes of the appearance and development of the disease (105 photos and videos)
Hello, dear friends! Today we are starting a conversation about fungal foot diseases. By
What is included in the product
Salicylic ointment: what it helps with and how to use it
Composition of the product Salicylic acid is a medicinal component of the ointment. Few people know that she was
What ointment to apply to herpes on the lips: the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips
From this article you will learn: herpes virus - types, symptoms, causes of repeated outbreaks, what
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