Panavir, 0.002%, gel for local and external use, 3 g, 1 pc.

Treatment of condylomas and papillomas

Condylomas and papillomas are a manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease. The cause of their formation is the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is one of the most common viral infections, affecting about 60% of the adult population. The likelihood of infection increases in direct proportion with the number of sexual partners and does not depend on the method of protection.

Many people are sincerely perplexed: why get tested if everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about? Such an approach is an insidious business. The human papillomavirus (HPV), while in the body, may not manifest itself for a long time, be asymptomatic - nothing bothers the person. Even with the apparent general well-being of your health, you can be a carrier and source of infection of the papilloma virus. To determine if you have HPV, you need to see a doctor and undergo the appropriate tests.

The first clinical symptoms - condylomas or anogenital warts, often accompanied by severe itching and pain, may appear several years after infection and become an unpleasant surprise for both yourself and your partner. In this situation, we can already say with 100% certainty that the papillomavirus has settled in the body and the disease has entered the active stage. The growth of condylomas can be very active and in a short period of time occupy a significant surface of the skin, which will greatly complicate the situation. Therefore, in this case, the first thing to do is not to be afraid and not to delay further, but to consult a doctor as soon as possible, get tested for HPV and start treatment.

Today, the most effective principle of HPV treatment is an integrated approach, which consists of antiviral therapy prescribed by a specialist in conjunction with low-traumatic methods of destruction - removal of condylomas, papillomas and warts.

Genital warts in men

There are several physical methods for their removal, differing in the degree of tissue damage, the duration of wound healing, the development of complications and effectiveness:

  • Chemical destruction - includes the external use of highly concentrated chemicals that have a destructive effect (cauterization with an acid solution);
  • Electrocoagulation - cauterization with an electric discharge - is a common method of treating HPV, which leads to a rapid effect in 80-95% of patients, but the formation of long-term non-healing defects and scars at the site of removal is possible.
  • Cryotherapy - cauterization with liquid nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide. It acts by rapidly freezing intra- and extracellular fluid. Thawing is accompanied by the death of cell lysosomes. Cryotherapy can be performed in freezing mode or sequential freezing and thawing (at least 2 cycles). Disadvantages include severe local inflammation with severe pain and swelling of the tissue;
  • Laser therapy – removal with various types of laser. The method requires local anesthesia and after using this type of surgical treatment, long-term non-healing of the wound and the addition of a secondary infection are possible;
  • Radio wave surgery is a method of removing condylomas due to the evaporation of water contained in the cells under the influence of high-frequency radio waves - “evaporation” of cells directly in contact with the electrode and a low-traumatic splitting of tissues is achieved. Used to remove single condylomas of the external genitalia, when they are located on the cervix, as well as for giant condylomas.
  • The electroradiosurgical method—removal using electromagnetic waves—requires preliminary anesthesia of the surgical site. After its use, long-term healing and formation of a skin defect at the site of removal are possible;
  • Photodynamic therapy is the removal using a laser and intravenous injection of a photosensitizer - a special drug, a substance that is very sensitive to light. It first accumulates in all tissues, then is removed from healthy cells by natural metabolism, and is retained in pathological cells, then under the influence of a laser beam, active oxygen is formed in them - O3 and the infected cells die.

It is with the aim of increasing the efficiency of destruction and improving the healing of the postoperative defect that local therapy is prescribed using the drug Panavir. This is the latest development of domestic pharmacology, which has already shown good results in the prevention and treatment of human papillomavirus.

The results of clinical studies have shown that Panavir promotes the synthesis of a protective protein - interferon, which is produced by cells in response to their infection with the virus. Thanks to this, the cells become immune to the virus. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on preventing the virus from entering a healthy cell, preventing the opening of the viral capsid and suppressing the synthesis of viral DNA.

Panavir gel 3g

The choice of method of physical influence on papilloma (destruction) is purely individual and is recommended by the attending physician. Unfortunately, none of the above methods provides 100% recovery. The course of the postoperative period can be disrupted by inflammation, wound infection, poor healing, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain, and as a result lead to a gross defect of the damaged surface. In addition, after removing the papilloma, there may still be a virus around it on the skin and mucous membranes - the disease may return again!

It is with the aim of increasing the efficiency of destruction and improving the healing of the postoperative defect that local therapy is prescribed using the drug Panavir. This is the latest development of domestic pharmacology, which has already shown good results in the prevention and treatment of human papillomavirus.

The results of clinical studies have shown that Panavir promotes the synthesis of a protective protein - interferon, which is produced by cells in response to their infection with the virus. Thanks to this, the cells become immune to the virus. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on preventing the virus from entering a healthy cell, preventing the opening of the viral capsid and suppressing the synthesis of viral DNA.

Panavir gel 30g

Panavir gel, in addition to its powerful antiviral effect, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, which lasts for several hours after the first application. The gel is applied up to 5 times a day in a thin layer to the skin and mucous membranes affected by condylomas, and to the sites of their removal. It has been proven that daily use of Panavir gel during and after destruction shortens the healing process of affected areas from two weeks to 3-5 days. The recommended time for using Panavir gel is 4-5 days. For more complex and extensive rashes, it is recommended to use the gel until the condylomas completely disappear and the sites of destruction heal.

Genital warts in women

Panavir gel also softens inflammatory processes, relieves discomfort, burning and pain, and prevents re-infection and the addition of a bacterial infection. While reliably protecting damaged areas, Panavir gel nevertheless promotes the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes.

By using Panavir gel daily, the patient can be sure that he is under the reliable protection of a proven and effective product. The drug is convenient and economical to use, well tolerated, does not cause side effects and is indicated for long-term use.

Since a complete cure for papillomavirus infection is currently impossible, treatment consists of eliminating the clinical manifestations of the virus and introducing the virus into an inactive form using antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. In addition, the patient should avoid factors that reduce immunity, such as hypothermia, overwork and severe emotional stress. You should also not forget about regularly taking vitamins, eating right, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Patients should also get into the habit of undergoing regular medical examinations and taking control tests for HPV every six months.

Reviews about Panavir, questions, doctor's comments

Valentina asks:2022-02-07 05:39:44

There are brown plaques of 1-2 cm on the back and sides. There are many on the shoulder and neck. Which doctor should I see. How to treat. I am 75 years old.

Valentina asks:2022-02-07 05:38:20

There are brown plaques of 1-2 cm on the back and sides. There are many on the shoulder and neck. Which doctor should I see. How to treat. I am 75 years old.

Aaa asks: 2021-12-17 18:12:35

The HPV test does not show the presence of the virus in the body

Aaa asks: 2021-12-17 18:10:24

If you smear Panavir on a man's genital warts in the morning and evening, will they go away, and how many days will it take for this to happen?

Aidana asks:2021-12-03 13:38:29

I have HPV 58 on my vulva, you can spray Panavir Inlight and burn the gel just yet, right?

Olga asks: 2021-10-29 16:10:44

Hello, can a man apply Panavir for condyloma?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna The obstetrician-gynecologist answers: It’s possible.

Julia asks: 2021-10-13 13:38:25

Good afternoon. Is it possible to apply the gel immediately after laser removal?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. It is possible and even recommended for better antiviral, as well as anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Thank you.

Olga asks: 2021-07-10 17:13:23

Hello. Condylomas appeared on the root of the tongue near the larynx. Please tell me what remedy can be used to treat it?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. You can use Panavir gel and Panavir Inlight spray. To clarify the diagnosis, consult a specialist. Thank you

Ilkhom asks:2021-06-16 22:18:56

Hello, a month ago we had a candyloma removed from the anus, everything was fine... but several small ones also appeared in the same place... Will Panavir gel help remove them? Can you please advise?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Needs to be removed, but... the disease recurs before/or during removal on the 4th day, it is necessary to undergo a course of systemic therapy - intravenous injections or rectal suppositories No. 10, the gel is applied topically. Thank you.

Vyacheslav asks:2021-05-24 14:10:51

There is only one papilloma on the penis, 2 mm. If you apply the gel, is it possible that it will go away on its own?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. there is such a possibility. The gel is applied up to 5 times a day, treatment can last up to 30 days. Thank you.

Zhenya asks: 2021-05-06 18:44:07

Good evening . Tell me there are cuts in my anus nuri. Is it possible to freeze with creoform?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Treatment should only be carried out by a doctor. Thank you.

Sveta asks: 2021-05-05 06:31:53

Hello, can Panavir spray be sprayed into the vagina as a healing agent after removing papillomas inside the vagina?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Can. Thank you.

Katya asks:2021-04-05 10:11:06

Can Panavir gel be applied during pregnancy?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Provided that the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks. Under the supervision of a doctor. Thank you.

Karina asks:2021-03-13 19:30:10

Papilomatosis of the larynx Small numerous painful growths Can Panavir spray be used during pregnancy? Thanks for the answer

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Can.

Sveta asks: 2021-03-02 19:31:12

Hello, can Panavir spray be sprayed into the vagina as a healing agent after removing papillomas inside the vagina?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Maybe 3-4 times a day. Thank you.

Kolya asks: 2021-02-15 17:02:05

There are 7-8 papillomas on the penis closer to the stomach. Is it possible to remove them with Panavir gel? Thank you

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. The gel will help stabilize the process - stop growth and spread. If papillomas are larger than 4 mm, then they must be removed by a dermatovenerologist. Thank you.

Ohiko asks:2020-07-13 06:30:03

A friend recommended treating papillomas with celandine, then Intimate Panavir spray, she promised that the itching and burning would stop, but as soon as I applied it, everything intensified. Horrible feeling, didn't help me at all

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Please clarify what causes the itching and burning. Removal of papillomas with celandine is a chemical burn with unpredictable degrees of damage and complications. The result and consequences of such “treatment” also depend on what is added to the “bottle of celandine”. HPV is an infectious disease that requires examination and treatment by a doctor, and self-medication may not result in optimistic results. Thank you.

Natalya asks:2020-07-12 23:31:52

Hello. Please tell me, can Panavir gel be used on eyelids? A couple of years ago very small papillomas appeared. Or would you recommend another method? Thank you.

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. Panavir gel can be applied to the skin of the eyelids. To avoid getting the gel on the mucous membrane of the eyes, apply the gel in the form of applications; use pieces of paper napkins as a carrier (the size of the carrier is slightly larger than the rash element). If there are more than 4 elements of the rash, then it is better to add a course of treatment with systemic therapy to local therapy - injection solution No. 5 or rectal suppositories No. 10. Thank you.

Nina asks:2020-05-27 03:52:24

Hello! Please explain, I have papillomas under my breasts on both sides that are flat, like freckles, where I put on my bra. What is this? What is the treatment?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. If the rashes are proven papillomas, then this indicates the presence of HPV infection in the body. The treatment tactics for this infection require an integrated approach - local and systemic therapy with antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. In the treatment of this infection, the drug Panavir has proven itself well, because it has both local and systemic forms, and also has antiviral and immunocorrective effects. If elements of the rash are injured by underwear, then treatment should begin as soon as possible, and the injured elements must be removed. Thank you.

Valentina asks whimsically: 2020-02-02 18:51:46

how to cure small papilloma on the back

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers: Good afternoon. If the papilloma is no more than 4 mm, then treat it with Panavir gel 3-5 times a day. Thank you.

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