Cosmetic product Propeller against acne

Propeller cosmetics lines

The series represents a whole range of specialized products, including lotions, masks, scrubs and gels.


This Propeller line eliminates acne and inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Its active components fight blackheads and also affect problematic parts of the skin; they can be used spot-on to:

  • restore the microbial balance of the epidermis;
  • reduce pore size;
  • remove skin redness and acne;
  • increase cell activity.
  • The cleansing strips included in this series are excellent for getting rid of blackheads


The products in this line provide deep cleaning, which is comparable to vacuum cleaning. Propeller gel and other products improve the condition of the sebaceous glands. Cleansing strips come in both the classic version and with green tea, salicylic and sulfur, and they also have an antiseptic effect. Main components:

  • Anti-Sebum acids, due to their gel consistency, easily penetrate the sebaceous glands and normalize their functioning.
  • Charcoal acts as a natural adsorbent that can deeply cleanse pores.
  • Horse chestnut and nettle tighten pores and stop inflammatory processes.


Propeller cosmetics complex, which fights acne and acne in a targeted manner, cleansing problem areas from bacteria. It helps reduce the amount of sebum:

  1. the gel provides deep cleansing;
  2. the scrub eliminates dead cells and stimulates the appearance of new ones;
  3. The mask eliminates excess sebum.

This series of Propeller for washing and cleansing contains the following active components:

  • Allantoin, Bisabolol and Betaine.
  • Tsincidon.
  • Salicylic acid, lavender and tea tree oil.
  • Vitamin E, camphor and panthenol.
  • Pure Carbon

This Acne Propeller series painlessly removes blackheads, using cleansing strips you can eliminate excess oil and stop the appearance of new impurities.

Causes of acne

The appearance of acne (acne), pimples, and inflammation on the face is perceived as a serious problem.
The psyche of teenagers suffers the most from acne: at a young age, impeccable appearance is a prerequisite for successful socialization and acceptance of the individual by society. A good cream for acne on the face, combined with a healthy lifestyle, can work effectively; you just need to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of unpleasant formations.

The main list of sources of inflammation of the skin:

  • poor nutrition and, as a result, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system leading to hormonal imbalances;
  • functioning of the nervous system at its limit (constant stress);
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics (for example, on oily skin, acne cream is used for dry and sensitive skin);
  • lack of proper skin care;
  • lack of oxygen supply;
  • hot and humid climate.

First, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, then the pores on the face, chest and upper back can no longer cope with the influx of sebum and expand; the sebaceous ducts, clogged with a mixture of fat and dead skin cells, become inflamed at the slightest contact with dust and this is the result:

  1. black comedones (blackheads) appear in pores where the sebaceous plug has come out and its surface has oxidized;
  2. white comedones (open) are excess sebum accumulated under the upper layer of the epidermis;
  3. papules are formed when comedones become infected and look like inflamed red nodules;
  4. pustules are white ulcers, also formed by the entry of bacteria into the cavity of the comedones.

At different stages of the disease, the set of anti-acne products includes various cosmetic and medical preparations and procedures, but not a single strategy can do without a special acne cream.

On the website of the Russian brand “PROPELLER” there is a special service that helps you choose an acne treatment for young or mature skin.

The advantages of this cosmetics:

  • low price (you can buy an effective acne cream for 100–150 rubles);
  • efficiency.

Composition of Propeller brand products

  • AHA acids help improve complexion and eliminate oily shine.
  • Bamboo charcoal – absorbs impurities and blackheads from the skin.
  • Volcanic sand renews the skin, makes its surface smooth and evens out the tone.
  • Zinc speeds up healing.

Volcanic Clay

Propeller salicylic series tightens pores and mattifies the skin. It contains a complex of clays that dry out the surface of the epidermis and eliminate acne. The main components include fireweed, olibanum resin, BIO salicylate and azeloglycine.

Where to buy Prepeller in Moscow

Prices for Prepeller in Moscow range from 84 ₽ to 216 ₽ Product cards, which contain a detailed description, instructions for use, certificates, photos, videos and customer reviews, will help you choose the option that’s right for you.

AltaiMag is the official distributor of leading Russian manufacturers of beauty and health products!

Rest assured, you will receive 100% quality goods in Moscow with a guarantee and delivery.

You can find the nearest pick-up point in Moscow here.

To buy Prepeller, take just a few steps: indicate the quantity of the product and click on the “Add to cart” button or call +7 (495) 137-92-97.

Description of popular drugs and instructions for use

Propeller cosmetics has a wide range. The products of this brand include more than thirty types of products to combat rashes. Among the names are:

  • scrubs;
  • foam;
  • active applicator;
  • creams;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • combination products 3 in 1;
  • anti-acne talkers and many other effective products.

For comprehensive and effective care for problem skin, it is recommended to select several items at once.

Anti-blackhead lotion

The anti-acne product has a composition that includes active ingredients:

  • nettle and horse chestnut extracts;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • ANTI-SEBUM acid.

The lotion reduces the oiliness of the skin, eliminates sweat secretions and blackheads. This product has a positive effect on the functionality of the sebaceous glands, destroys bacteria that provoke the development of acne. After using it, the skin becomes clean and fresh, oily shine and blackheads disappear.

According to the instructions for use, the lotion should be used as follows:

  • soak a cotton pad with a medicinal product;
  • wipe your face along the contour of the massage lines.

This composition is used to treat the face twice a day, morning and evening. In hot weather, oily sheen on the skin is removed as needed up to 3-4 times a day.

Scrub Propeller

The product from the “Acne Fighter” series is produced in the form of a thick cream with solid particles of white and blue color. The scrub has the following pharmacological properties:

  • deep penetration into the pore structure;
  • effective extraction of dirt, sebaceous secretions and keratinized particles of the epidermis;
  • active refreshing and tonic effect.

According to the instructions, the face should be pre-moistened, then apply a gel scrub. Areas with a large number of blackheads should be wiped with light movements. Finally, wash your face with cool water.

The medicine has a specific smell, so not everyone likes it. It cleanses the skin well, but it is not recommended to remove makeup.

Nose strips Propeller

There are several types of treatment strips. There are classic ones, with activated carbon and green tea. The package contains 6 strips, each of which is packaged separately.

The product unblocks clogged pores, liquefies sebaceous secretions and absorbs them. When removing the product from the skin along with the strip, secretions that have accumulated in the pores are eliminated. As a result, blackheads are eliminated and enlarged pores become less noticeable.

Instructions for using strips:

  1. The nose is well cleaned and moisturized with water.
  2. Carefully remove the film from the strip.
  3. The product is applied to the skin on the nose, smoothed and pressed well.
  4. The strip is kept for 15-20 minutes, then slowly removed, starting from the wings of the nose.
  5. Wash your face with a gel that tightens the pores, or apply a fluid.

It is recommended to use nasal strips several times a week as the pores become clogged.

Cleansing gel Propeller

The concentrated acne remedy contains the active substance ANTI-ACNE with D-panthenol and cincidone. With regular use, the gel cleanses problematic skin, making it healthier and fresher.

The drug has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the skin:

  • eliminates pimples;
  • fights propionobacteria;
  • reduces inflammation and sebum levels;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • prevents the re-formation of pustular rashes.

Correct application of the gel consists of several stages. First you need to wash your face. Then apply a small amount of gel to damp skin using massage movements. After this, remove the gel with water at room temperature.

SOS cream with cincidon

This is an effective product for spot application. Its composition has a quick and effective effect on problem areas of the skin.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • active prevention of the occurrence of new pimples and blackheads;
  • elimination of redness and inflammation;
  • minimizing sebaceous secretion;
  • healing of damaged skin after acne;
  • drying of the epidermis.

The cream is applied pointwise to problem areas. There is no need to rub the skin after application; the mixture is easily driven in with your fingertips. Wipe off the remaining cream with a napkin or wash your face.

Important! Treat the skin with a spot treatment an hour before bedtime. During the night, zinc oxide will actively work in the affected layers of the epidermis.

Shredder with salicylic acid

This acne remedy works well to eliminate acne. The effectiveness of the drug is due to its unique rich composition. Bio-salicylate, derived from salicylic acid and willow bark extract, destroys germs and exfoliates dead skin. Lactulose prevents the appearance of ulcers. Zinc eliminates inflammation, dries the wound, fights the effects of acne, and restores damaged skin.

Shake the salicylic powder before use. The face needs to be washed and wiped. The suspension is distributed over problem areas, avoiding healthy skin.

When using the mash, you need to make sure that the product does not get into your eyes. You should also make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the composition of the product.

Foundation "Concealing effect"

When applied, a cosmetic preparation for problem skin can be adjusted to the color of the skin. The mass has a light texture. It contains an antibacterial complex.

The foundation evens out skin tone and has a healing effect on the epidermis. Among the benefits of the product, users note the absence of the feeling of a mask on the face. When applied, the composition gently contacts the skin and does not burden it.

Before use, you need to cleanse your face and distribute the cream along the massage contours using a sponge or fingertips.

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