7 types of blood transfusion for acne on the face and body

Acne is a common skin disease.

More often they appear at a young age, but this serious problem can be encountered at any age .

People resort to various cosmetics and medications, diets, and folk methods to get rid of acne.

When these measures do not help, doctors recommend a blood transfusion for acne.

Indications for blood transfusion for acne

There are direct indications for autohemotherapy. It is done in the presence of diseases such as:

  • acne,
  • furunculosis or carbunculosis,
  • dermatitis,
  • poor wound healing.

If the dermatological pathology is bacterial in nature, then blood transfusion is an effective treatment option. It provides positive dynamics in 80% of cases and is the only solution for those who have already tried everything: therapeutic skin care, therapy using hardware cosmetology, chemical peels. It is the lack of positive results for many patients that is the reason for consent to the autohemotherapy procedure.

How blood transfusions fight acne

Blood transfusion or autohemotherapy is an effective method for getting rid of infectious pustular rashes.

To carry out the procedure, blood is taken from the patient’s vein and injected into him subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

This technique is based on the principle of homeopathy. How does the cleansing process take place? Blood “remembers” information about pathologies present in the body.

When it is reintroduced, the body turns on defense mechanisms to destroy the source of the disease. At the same time, various types of acne are eliminated.

When did this method appear?

This is a fairly old method of treating various diseases; it was first used and described by the German surgeon August Bier in 1905 .

His method was often used in our country in the twentieth century .

Therefore, questions about whether a blood transfusion helps with acne usually do not arise, since there are many people testifying to the beneficial effect of this method . Now autohemotherapy is widespread in cosmetology.

To enhance the effect, a blood transfusion for acne with an antibiotic or ozone is performed.

Pros and cons of blood transfusion for acne

Like any other medical procedure, autohemotherapy has its advantages and disadvantages. Its implementation helps to activate the body's reserves and direct them to fight skin inflammation. The immune reaction allows you to eliminate acne and cure many chronic processes occurring in the dermis. Reviews from patients indicate the high effectiveness of this method. After the full course, acne and boils disappear completely, and the skin becomes clean and smooth. Before administration, the blood undergoes additional processing. And this also has a beneficial effect on skin health.

The therapeutic effect is formed as follows: a portion of pathogenic microorganisms enters the human body along with the blood. Since they are part of the patient’s own microflora, infection does not occur with them. Part of your own blood stimulates the production of the necessary antibodies. They stop the inflammatory process, which causes acne formation. As a result, the pustules disappear from the surface of the skin. The introduction of your own venous blood improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, starts metabolic processes, increases vitality, and removes toxins from the body. Many patients noted that after completing the course of transfusions, their physical performance increased significantly.

How is the plasma lifting procedure performed?

Venous blood is collected from the patient, then the tubes with blood are placed in a centrifuge. After centrifugation, the blood in the tube is divided into two fractions: platelet-rich plasma (clear fraction) and red blood cells (red fraction). Then the doctor injects the renewed plasma into the dermis. In each individual case, according to indications, various vitamins, amino acids, microelements, anti-inflammatory drugs and hyaluronic acid can be added to the plasma.

Stages of preparing and conducting a blood transfusion for acne

There are three options for autohemotherapy. Blood can be administered:

  • subcutaneously
  • intramuscularly,
  • intravenously.

The method of administration is chosen by the attending physician, taking into account the expected results. The transfusion procedure can be supplemented with ozone therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, and homeopathy. After examining the patient and clarifying the diagnosis, in parallel with transfusions, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Sequence of autohemotherapy

  1. At the first session, the specialist uses a syringe to draw two milliliters of blood from a vein in the elbow joint. After this, the extracted portion is injected into the buttock muscle.
  2. At the second stage, the blood sample is increased by one milliliter and injected into the buttock several times.
  3. The number of transfusions is determined by the doctor.
  4. You cannot administer more than ten milliliters of blood in one session.
  5. Afterwards there is a break.

If necessary, therapy is resumed. Most often, repeat courses are prescribed every six months. Transfusions are carried out in a medical hospital and must be carried out by experienced medical personnel.

Indications for autohemotherapy

Autohemotherapy is usually carried out for the following diseases:

  • advanced acne,
  • furunculosis,
  • skin dermatitis,
  • various types of inflammation,
  • reduced immunity.

This method rids people of acne forever . After this procedure, not even spots remain on the patient’s face. But you can't expect an immediate effect.

The skin can clear up within a month. Only after this does it become smooth and silky.

Possible side effects

The most common side effect is the appearance of painful lumps at the sites of blood injection. This is explained by the fact that the density of blood is several times higher than the density of any medical drug, so it dissolves very slowly. The appearance of compactions causes some discomfort. When a portion of blood exceeding six milliliters is administered, severe pain is sure to occur. A warm compress helps relieve it. To implement this, experts recommend applying a heating pad to the injection site and holding it for ten to fifteen minutes, and then making an alcohol compress or iodine mesh at night.

In very rare cases, a more dangerous complication, a purulent abscess, appears. It appears not due to the negligence of medical personnel, but due to a negative autoimmune reaction of the patient’s body.

What is the mechanism of action of plasmolifting in the treatment of acne?

Platelets react actively with the blood protein fibrin. As a result, an intradermal framework of biologically active threads is formed. New collagen fibers, intercellular matrix and blood vessels are actively formed. As a result of such a powerful launch of local immunity, tissue respiration and water balance are normalized, metabolic processes are improved, microcirculation is improved, and regeneration processes are accelerated. All this has a beneficial effect on problematic seborrheic skin. Inflammatory elements subside, oily shine disappears, pores shrink, stagnant spots dissolve faster, complexion improves, and the skin takes on a healthy appearance.

For acne, plasmolifting is rather an auxiliary, but very effective procedure that can significantly accelerate the effect of general and local therapy. In fact, the predecessor of plasma therapy was autohemotherapy (sampling of venous blood and injecting it intramuscularly according to a scheme) with the aim of increasing immunity in pustular skin diseases. Local injection of plasma allows you to achieve an even more pronounced effect.

After the procedure

When blood from a vein is injected into the buttock, it can take a very long time to be absorbed there. That is why temporary painful seals remain in this place, which cause inconvenience. Sometimes they can hurt for a long time.

Typically, discomfort occurs after a large amount of blood has been administered. To make the side effect less noticeable, you can apply a warm heating pad to the area.

Blood transfusion helps in 80% of cases

In addition, it is recommended to do an iodine mesh or manual massage. An alcohol compress also helps relieve discomfort and dissolve blood faster.

Statistics say that blood transfusion helps in 80% of cases.

In autohemotherapy, in some cases autologous blood can be used. This is the patient's blood, which has been treated with a special chemical method.

In rare cases, a complication may occur. Autohemotherapy sometimes causes a negative reaction of the body in the form of a purulent abscess. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of acne

Acne is a very unpleasant problem that can be very difficult to get rid of. Superficial medications and diets in some cases do not help or give temporary results.

The transfusion procedure is prescribed by a doctor when other treatment methods have not had an effective result.

Pimples are what we see on the surface. The problem itself is located under the skin, where the bulk of pus and microbes accumulate in large quantities, which cause severe inflammatory processes and diseases. This disease can occur not only in adolescents, but also in people even in adulthood, and it occurs for a variety of reasons.

Let's consider the biological reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance during body restructuring in adolescents or during pregnancy;
  • diseases of the digestive system; diseases of the genital organs;
  • nervous stress, insomnia;
  • allergy;
  • active work of the sebaceous glands;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hereditary predisposition.

A person can also harm his skin without meaning to, if he does not properly care for it:

  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • incorrect selection of creams, peelings, masks and lotions according to skin type;
  • lack of basic hygiene skills;
  • washing too often.

Types and stages of acne

There are 4 degrees of severity of acne:

  1. First. There are no inflammations or pustules yet, but there are closed comedones in the form of white rashes.
  2. Second. Open comedones, i.e. blackheads, also appear. Against their background, you can notice inflamed lumps and isolated pustules. Their number already exceeds 20 elements.
  3. Third. The number of inflamed elements and pustules reaches 40 pieces.
  4. Fourth. There are very large lumps and nodules on the skin, many ulcers, more than 40 pieces.


  • skin diseases
  • allergy to anticoagulants
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus
  • presence of cancer

Plasmolifting is perfectly combined with other injection and hardware techniques, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of each procedure. To achieve a lasting effect, a course of 4-6 procedures is required, once every 1-2 weeks.

After a course of plasma lifting you will forget about acne. Your facial skin will be smooth, clean and radiant with beauty and health!

Autohemotherapy regimens

  1. Intravenous;
  2. Subcutaneous;
  3. Intramuscular.

Blood transfusions can be performed using other additional components that enhance the therapeutic effect. This could be ultraviolet light, ozone, the use of homeopathy, etc.

How does it work?

The effectiveness of this method is due to the inclusion of the body’s “protection” against any foreign object. As a result, immune and metabolic processes are activated. The bottom line is that your own blood is injected, taken from a vein. It also contains harmful substances (toxins, by-products, poisons). Thanks to this, the defenses are stimulated, immunity is increased - this is what gives a beneficial effect in the treatment of acne and a therapeutic effect is achieved.

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