Exercises, tapes and 5 more ways to stop wrinkling your forehead

Elena Karkukli, author of a book about facial gymnastics “FaceDay”. She has been doing gymnastics herself for 6 years and has been training other girls for 5 years.

Elena Karkukli shows at the training how to do the exercise correctly

We interviewed Elena. We asked you to tell us what gymnastics for the face is, how 5 minutes of exercise a day helps smooth out wrinkles and sculpt your face, and we selected for you several exercises from the training club Faceday “Face as Art”

What is facial gymnastics

There are 57 muscles under the skin of the face. At one end they are attached to the bones of the skull, at the other they are woven into the skin. By contracting, the facial muscles move the areas of the skin to which they are attached. These contractions control human facial expressions: wrinkling the forehead, closing the eyes, smiling.

The appearance of the face depends on the condition of these muscles. Like the muscles of the body, they can become weak or overused. This immediately appears on the face: wrinkles, thin lips, drooping eyelids and other changes. But, like the muscles of the body, the muscles of the face can be brought back to normal with exercise. And behind healthy muscles, facial features will return to normal.

Gymnastics for the face is training of the facial muscles

Solving the problem at different ages

Folds can occur even in young girls and boys. You shouldn’t wait until they get deeper; it’s important to properly care for your skin and take other preventive measures. Otherwise, you will have to resort to serious cosmetic procedures.

Fighting expression wrinkles at a young age

In people with pronounced facial expressions, folds and creases may appear in their youth. However, they become noticeable when the face is in motion. At rest, no age-related changes are visible, but there is a risk that year after year the wrinkles will only become deeper.

To prevent the problem from getting worse, it is worth carrying out regular care, closely monitoring strong emotional manifestations and leading a healthy lifestyle. In this case, small grooves will not become more noticeable and will not deepen.

Advice for girls over 30

It is at this age that women begin to think about how to remove the eyebrow wrinkle between the eyebrows, as they notice visible changes in the skin. Even with a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the face, homemade recipes come to the rescue, which, with regular use, will allow you to again enjoy smooth, healthy epidermis.

First of all, it is important to change your lifestyle. It is worth giving up bad habits, avoiding exposure to the sun without protective equipment, eating right, and drinking a lot of clean water. If problems do not disappear, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will select a number of procedures used in a certain age category.

Among salon manipulations, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are welcome. After the first session, results will be noticeable. A chemical peel may be needed to remove dead skin cells.

After 30, plasma lifting is also used. Massage is also useful; it is recommended to undergo about 10 sessions in the salon. Self-massage is effective; the technique of performing exercises for tightening the oval of the face is discussed above.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G

How to get rid of eyebrow wrinkles after 50 years

Defects of aging skin are constantly present and visible to the naked eye, even if you do not smile or frown. It is very difficult to remove folds that are noticeable even at rest. If you don't take any action, the problem will only get worse.

At home, taping, masks, and patches are used. Before skincare procedures, it is recommended to steam the skin, so the wrinkles will go away faster and more effectively.

Also, do not forget about daily gymnastics. Apply a rich cream to your forehead first. You can only choose the optimal cosmetic procedure that will help reduce the signs of ageing together with a specialist.

Head massage to warm up muscles

Before exercise, as a warm-up, it is useful to massage the scalp. Massage will increase blood circulation in the tissues, warm up the muscles and prepare them for exercise.

In addition, massage enhances nutrition of hair follicles. A follicle is the root of the hair, which is responsible for its growth, quality and restoration. A year of scalp massage gives thick, strong hair. They stop splitting and breaking off when combing.

1. Massage your head with your fingertips. 2. On the sides from the ears to the top of the head. 3. From the back from the crown to the back of the head. 4. Continue massaging for 1 minute.

1. With each hand, grab a large section of hair at the roots. 2. Move your arms effortlessly from side to side. 3. Work through the strands of your entire head for a minute.

Review of post-workout facial care products

Did you do the exercises? Be sure to cleanse your skin of sweat and oil afterwards. Choose a gentle and natural product for this. For example, you can wipe your face with Beauty365 hydrosol, depending on your skin type it can be lavender, sage or mint. You can buy them at www.beauty365.ru.

We have activated microcirculation from the inside, and it's time to nourish the skin with beneficial substances from the outside. Use any natural creams, oils, balms for this - they contain a lot of vitamins and acids necessary for youthful skin.

You can look at the range of natural products at Beauty365. There are oils (coconut, camellia sasanqua), squalane (sugar cane), Verbena balm (hemp, coconut, pistachio, shea oils and oil extracts of calendula, carrot seeds). All of them perfectly moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose. Read the product descriptions - there are products for very dry skin, for smoothing out facial wrinkles, and for whitening age spots. You will definitely find a suitable option.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles

As we age, everyone gets wrinkles. The reason is a change in muscle tone, volume and size. Without even, smooth support, the skin wrinkles and breaks, that is, wrinkles appear. Exercises can restore muscles: return normal tone, size and volume. Following the muscles, the skin will also smooth out.

Smoothing the forehead

1. Place the index fingers of both hands on the middle of the forehead so that they are parallel to the eyebrows. 2. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows and hold them in this position. 3. Pressing your fingers on your forehead, try to raise your eyebrows. 4. Repeat 10 times.

Smoothing wrinkles between eyebrows

1. Place your index and middle fingers at the base of your eyebrows. 2. Slowly, with light effort, move your fingers, smoothing the bridge of the nose from the base to the sides. 3. Perform for 30–60 seconds.

Causes of glabellar wrinkles

Deep wrinkles between the eyebrows form in people who frown frequently. Usually, by the age of 25, the furrows and stripes disappear on their own, but with age, due to the constant hypertonicity of the pyramidal “proud muscle” (from the back of the nose to the frontal muscle) and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, the fold on the nose remains permanently. The bundles of muscle fibers are in constant tension and pull the skin along with them, as a result of which the furrows on the bridge of the nose cease to smooth out. Over the age of 35, the activity of fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen and elastin) decreases, and the elasticity of the skin decreases. This aggravates the problem of the formation of folds and creases on the face.

Also, the reasons for the appearance of glabellar wrinkles are:

  • poor vision (the need to squint and wrinkle your forehead to focus your gaze), if it is not corrected and you do not wear glasses or contacts;
  • genetic predisposition to premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • health problems (hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood and internal organs);
  • dry skin type;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of sleep;
  • unhealthy diet (excess of sweet, salty, fried foods and lack of vitamins in the diet);
  • sudden weight loss (sagging skin);
  • stress and frequent headaches.

Exercises for facial sculpting

There are exercises you can use to sculpt your face. For example, enlarging lips without hyaluronic acid injections and tightening drooping upper eyelids without blepharoplasty. Thin, compressed lips are an overstrained orbicularis oris muscle. A drooping upper eyelid is a weak orbicularis oculi muscle. As with all muscles, they can be worked and brought back to normal.

Lip augmentation

1. Take a small lightweight stopper, cap or other safe and suitable item. 2. Relax your lips. 3. Close but do not clench your teeth. 4. Insert the cap into relaxed lips (not teeth). 5. The cap can be in the lips for 30 seconds or more.

After the exercise, your lips will relax and look plump.

Upper eyelid lift

1. Place the bases of your palms under your eyebrows. 2. Lightly press and pull your forehead and eyebrows up 2-3 mm with your palms. 3. Look down. 4. Blink slowly and forcefully 20 times. 5. Then stay static for 20 seconds. 6. Perform 3 sets.

After the exercise, the upper eyelids will tighten, the look will become open and fresh.

How to remove a deep wrinkle between the eyebrows in a beauty salon

To get rid of wrinkles, you can undergo the following procedures:

  • Chemical or laser peeling (removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis). The procedure is effective, but traumatic, and a rehabilitation period is required after it. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated for some people due to the allergenicity of the drugs.
  • Mesothreads are an effective but painful method of subcutaneously introducing self-absorbable threads to tighten the skin. After administration, a rehabilitation period is necessary. The advantages of this method include a long-lasting effect (from one to three years).
  • Ultrasonic SMAS lifting is the effect of high-intensity ultrasound on the superficial muscle tissue of the face.
  • Injections:
  1. Fillers in the form of a gel are injected under the skin and smooth it from the inside , literally “pushing” wrinkles out. Fillers are divided according to their composition into biosynthetic, synthetic, autologous and hyaluronic acid (used most often). 6-12 months after injection, complete biodegradation of fillers occurs.
  2. Botulinum therapy is the administration of drugs containing a neurotoxin (botulinum toxin), which has a muscle relaxant effect on the facial muscles. The muscles actually relax and stop contracting, but the effect of this procedure only lasts up to six months.
  3. Mesotherapy is the introduction under the skin of special nutritional compounds containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, vitamins, microelements and homeopathic preparations (mesococtail). The required complex of substances is selected by a cosmetologist, depending on the needs of the patient and the condition of his skin. The mesoscooter stimulates the production of natural collagen and restructuring of the skin, however, the procedure has its own nuances - the needles must be quite long, since the skin on the bridge of the nose is quite thick, otherwise the procedure will be ineffective.

Among the disadvantages of the injection method of getting rid of wrinkles are the high cost, pain and the need for a rehabilitation period after the procedures.

  • Photorejuvenation procedures using the M22 device are based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Light rays are transformed into thermal energy and selectively affect the skin. Skin treatment with this device is absolutely painless, safe and effective.

Several cosmetic problems are solved in one procedure:

  • Rejuvenation;
  • Removal of the vascular network;
  • Reduction of hyperpigmentation;
  • Treatment of acne and comedones.

The result of the hardware procedure is noticeable instantly - the skin looks radiant, rejuvenated, tightened and cleansed.

  • Wrinkle removal using the HydraFacial device is performed in combination with other procedures:
  • detox;
  • exfoliation (removal of dead cells);
  • extraction (cleansing the skin of blackheads);
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • protection.

Make an appointment

If necessary, upon the decision of a cosmetologist, microdermabrasion and red LED phototherapy can be additionally performed.

All stages are performed using special serums and individual attachments using a unique patented method (Vortex Fusion). This technology is based on the vortex supply of the medicinal composition to the skin, and after working out, removing it using a vacuum. To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to complete a course of 10 procedures of 70 minutes each, but the result will be noticeable immediately after the first treatment session. The skin looks like it has been processed in a photo editor - the skin literally radiates health.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage to relieve puffiness

The problem many people have is swelling. In the mornings, the face is tired, the eyelids and area around the eyes are puffy. Swelling is accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance of the skin. The pores expand, the complexion becomes uneven and painful.

Puffiness is not just an aesthetic problem. This is a problem with our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, as part of the immune system, protects the body and cleanses it of toxins. She does not have, like, for example, a heart, a circulatory system. Therefore, lymph moves slowly and can stagnate. A sign of stagnation is the appearance of swelling.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps lymph move and reduces swelling. To help the lymph circulate, you need to do lymphatic drainage massage every day, morning and evening.

Oil for lymphatic drainage massage

To avoid pulling the skin and forming creases during the massage, you need to use moisturizer. For massage, it is important that the moisturizing base is oily, helps your hands glide and does not absorb for a long time. An oil or face cream containing oil is suitable for this.

Hydrophilic oil is often found in women's arsenal. They usually remove makeup and cleanse the skin. This oil is not absorbed, and your hands glide over it perfectly, so it is suitable for massage. Hydrophilic oil should be applied to dry skin with dry hands.

Hydrophilic facial oil A`Pieu Deep Clean Bonobono 160 ml

You can use any other oils: coconut, olive, almond, argan. The main thing is that it suits your skin and does not cause allergies. If you have an oil that you use regularly, great. If you buy something new, test it on your hand first. Observe skin for 15 minutes after application. Redness and itching indicate an allergy. Do not use this oil.

1. Apply a massage product to the skin. 2. Using your palm, grab the area under and above the lower jaw line. 3. Move from the chin to the side towards the ear. 4. Without lifting your hands, continue stroking from top to bottom along the side of the neck 10 times on each side. 5. Place your fingers on the area under the eye and stroke up to the ear and down the side of the neck 10 times on each side. 6. Place your fingers on the middle of the forehead and stroke up to the ear and along the side of the neck down 10 times on each side.

It is important that during ironing no wrinkles form on the face and neck. Perform the massage as carefully as possible, do not stretch the skin. Your hands should be soft and relaxed.

How to remove eyebrow wrinkles at home

  • comprehensive regular care , including cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition and massages. Moreover, cosmetic products must be specially selected for the skin type, and also provide hydration, nutrition and protection from type A ultraviolet radiation;
  • massage with a gua sha scraper made of quartz crystals (there are a lot of videos on the Internet with techniques for this ancient Chinese method of getting rid of wrinkles), ice with herbal decoctions, a jade roller and dorsonval to improve blood flow, nourish the skin and reduce swelling;
  • facelifting or facebuilding and manual self-massage are carried out using massage oils, all movements are along the massage lines of the face, before and after the procedure it is necessary to cleanse the skin to avoid the appearance of acne and comedones;
  • taping – correction of facial wrinkles and gravitational ptosis using adhesive tapes placed on the face in a certain way. Tapes are recommended to be applied before bedtime and removed after a few hours;
  • homemade gentle peelings to remove dead skin cells;
  • use masks with a lifting effect up to 3 times a day.


Facial massage can be done not only with your hands, but also with the help of special massagers. The nozzle, just like the hands, stimulates lymph flow and reduces swelling, and the silicone protrusions work deeper into the internal structures of the face without collecting the skin in folds. The size of the nozzle is also important. It is the small nozzle that will help to more thoroughly massage the area under the eyes, where puffiness occurs most often.

Facial massager The Body Shop

The device has the advantage that it can be kept in the refrigerator. The cold will enhance the effect of the massage, quickly refresh your face and help you cheer up. Before using the massager, the skin also needs to be moisturized with oil or a rich cream that contains oil.

After the procedure, the massage product must be removed from the skin. For removal, foam cleanser or cotton pads soaked in tonic are suitable.

Types of eyebrow wrinkles

Eyebrow wrinkles are a dynamic type , and unlike static wrinkles, they appear very early, regardless of age. Their peculiarity is that the skin at the site where they form is thick.

The age of up to 25 years is characterized by fine wrinkles affecting only the epidermis, which can be easily eliminated by moisturizing the skin and restoring the water balance in the body.

After 35 years, wrinkles become medium-deep and already affect the deeper layer of the skin - the dermis. It is becoming increasingly difficult to fight them , and it is necessary to restore the natural production of collagen and resort to professional help from cosmetologists.

By the age of 50, wrinkles usually become deep and spread not only to all layers of the skin, but also to the subcutaneous fat. Gravitational ptosis (sagging of the skin downwards under the force of gravity) only aggravates the picture. It is very difficult to get rid of deep wrinkles, but later in our article we will talk about the most effective methods.

Exercises to improve posture

A slouched person will always look more mature. Incorrect posture is the cause of a blurred oval face, double chin, short neck with transverse folds and withers on the back. Incorrect posture contributes to stagnation of lymph in the head. And, as you already know, this is facial swelling, enlarged pores and unhealthy skin color.

The exercise will improve your posture and help you cope with changes associated with it. In addition, your height will increase by 2 - 3 cm.

1. Stand on your toes, mentally stretch the top of your head up. The chin is parallel to the floor. 2. Pull in your stomach, knees, buttocks. Don't arch at the waist. 3. Take your arms back, lower your shoulders down. Move your shoulder blades to the center. 4. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. 5. Smoothly stand on your entire foot and relax. 6. Slowly lean forward and round your back. Hold for 10 seconds. Slowly straighten up. 7. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise for the area under the eyebrows

Raise your eyebrows as high as you can. Fix them in this position with the phalanges of your index fingers. Close your eyes tightly and do not open them until the end of the exercise. Squeeze with force and then relax your eyelids with pulsating movements. This is great for tightening and relaxing sagging skin above the eyes.

How often should you exercise

The frequency of exercise depends on changes in your face. The more changes, the more often you need to practice. Deep, multiple wrinkles, large swelling and a very swollen oval of the face require 5 sessions per week. Less pronounced changes - 2-3 sessions per week. Young girls only need to exercise once a week just to prevent changes.

Classes take 5 minutes. You don't have to do everything at once. Distribute exercises and massage at convenient times throughout the day. For example, a head massage can be done under an evening shower. Lymphatic drainage massage in the morning while washing. Exercise for posture during breaks if you have a sedentary job.

Preventing the appearance of glabellar wrinkles

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you need to change your lifestyle:

  • establish a nutritional and drinking regime (eat foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, give up sweets, fried foods and flour, drink at least 1 liter of water for every kilogram of body);
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • normalize sleep (try to sleep at least 8 hours a day and fall asleep no later than 23:00);
  • get rid of stress;
  • use cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, peptides, antioxidants and having a lifting effect;
  • learn to relax your face.

What else is needed

At the beginning, you don’t have to combine facial exercises with anything else. For example, at 33, 34, 35, 36. If your face bothers you, start with exercises. Worried about swelling - with lymphatic drainage massage. If your posture is bothering you, start there.

But over time, everyone understands that the body needs additional work. Then you can supplement your activities with what you want, as needed. Gymnastics for the face does not negate the fact that people should think about proper nutrition, healthy sleep and exercise for the body.

Exercise for a clear contour of the cheeks and upper cheekbones

Open your mouth, pulling your lips in as much as possible, trying to pull the circumlabial skin over your teeth. The open mouth in this exercise should look like an oval. Place your index fingers on your cheeks, in the area below the “bags under the eyes.” Smile, feel yourself pushing your cheek muscles with your fingers, and return to the starting position.


  1. Facial exercises smooth out wrinkles, for example on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  2. Exercises can be used to sculpt your face, for example, to enlarge your lips and lift drooping eyelids.
  3. Lymphatic drainage facial massage improves lymph circulation and relieves puffiness
  4. Head massage increases blood flow in the upper third of the face. Improves skin color and strengthens hair.
  5. Exercises to restore posture improve the overall appearance of the face and neck and increase height by 2-3 cm.

It is recommended to practice facial massage and gymnastics if there are no inflammations on the skin, so as not to provoke their worsening. And the simplest thing we can do is help cells exfoliate and renew themselves. Especially for this, we have compiled a selection of safe home remedies for skin renewal. Enter your email and click the download button ↓

Correction of facial wrinkles with botulinum toxin

In all the variety of cosmetic procedures, Botox injections for the correction of facial wrinkles should be highlighted.

Some medicines, completely unexpectedly for their creator, turned out to be useful in places completely different from those originally intended. “Botox” (the exact name is botulinum toxin A) is just such a drug. Back in 1982, it was conceived as a remedy to help cope with strabismus, and even had already undergone the first clinical trials. It was during the test that it turned out that it helps muscle fibers contract less.

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The result was amazing: the muscles responsible for facial expressions relaxed, and this effect was observed for several months. At the same time, the muscles received a sufficient amount of blood and worked as usual. Experts have concluded that this drug is safe and can be used for cosmetic purposes.

It took another eight years before Botox became popular. It received its widespread use in 1993 after the publication of Professor Blitzer on the use of the drug to eliminate wrinkles in the face and neck. From that moment until, for example, 2002, the demand for Botox increased sixfold. By the way, “Botox” is a special name for botulinum toxin A, invented for sales. After this, the procedure itself received this name.

There is another drug for the correction of facial wrinkles - Dysport. Let's figure out what it is and what it has to do with Botox. Let's start with the fact that if Botox has long taken a leading position in the cosmetology market, then Dysport has just declared itself. In fact, it is absolutely identical to Botox, only produced by a different pharmaceutical company. They have one main component, botulinum toxin type A + hemagglutinin in the required consistency. Their only and main difference is the substances used in the manufacturing process. If Botox has sodium chloride, then Dysport has lactose.

These drugs are also produced using different technologies. But this information is unknown for certain, since both manufacturers hide the manufacturing technology. Another significant difference is the dosage of the active substance per bottle. "Botox" contains a smaller amount (only 100 units), but "Dysport" contains much more (300-500 units).

There is no consensus yet on which drug is the most effective. What exactly to choose for the procedure is up to the client or cosmetologist to decide. In Russia, both Botox and Dysport are permitted and widely used in cosmetic procedures.

With the help of these drugs you can reduce the number of wrinkles. You can smooth out absolutely any, located on different areas of the skin of the face:

  • on the forehead (horizontal creases);
  • between the eyebrows (vertical);
  • on the bridge of the nose (horizontal);
  • in the corners of the eyes;
  • above the upper lip;
  • on the chin.
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With the help of Botox, you can also eliminate blemishes and rejuvenate the skin of the neck and décolleté. You will be able to see the final result 2 weeks after the procedure. But some changes will be noticeable after a few days. To remove the drug from the body, you do not need to take any additional steps; it gradually leaves on its own after about six months or a year. The amount of the drug administered (in units) determines how long the effect will last.

But, as before any serious procedure, proper preparation is needed here. Be sure to read the list of contraindications. It's quite extensive. As a rule, professional cosmetologists will talk with you in advance, examine the condition of your skin, the places where you plan to inject the drug, and discuss all contraindications. Only after this you will receive permission for the procedure.

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