Indications and contraindications for galvanic cleaning

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Oily or acne-prone skin requires deep cleansing to remove various secretions and waste products from the pores. Sometimes ordinary cosmetic products, such as creams and lotions, are enough, but they cannot compare with professional cleaning using a galvanic facial cleansing machine. Electricity gives a stronger and brighter effect in the fight against problem skin. One of the most effective facial procedures, which has earned positive reviews and recommendations from doctors, is disincrustation. The galvanic facial cleansing method not only removes various imperfections, but also softens the skin, moisturizes and relaxes the tissue, which helps remove toxins and sebum from the pores. It also simulates blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen, helps clear sinuses and reduces nasal congestion.

The essence of the procedure

During disincrustation, the dermis is alternately exposed to a negatively charged electrode—the cathode and a disincrustant substance—and then to a positively charged one—the anode.

The following effects occur under the cathode:

  • opening of pores;
  • increased activity of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • loosening of the epidermis;
  • breaks in connections between keratinocytes;
  • alkalization;
  • dilation of blood vessels.

Disincrustant alkalizes the environment, contains potassium and sodium ions, and helps maintain moisture. When alkali and NA and K ions combine, soap is formed.

Under the anode:

  • the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands decreases;
  • pores are toned;
  • compaction and reduction of swelling of the epidermis;
  • acidity increases.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The alternating action of the cathode and anode leads to the desired result. After softening and removal of keratinized cells and sebaceous gland secretions, the young layer of the epidermis is compacted.


Under the influence of current, the intercellular connections of keratinocytes are broken and within 12-24 hours they migrate to the more superficial layers of the epidermis;

Course desincrustation of facial skin restores the structure of blood vessels, stimulates the proliferation of granulation tissue and angiogenesis;

Alkalinization occurs, pores open, saponification and loosening of their contents to a depth of 1 mm. Thus, it is possible to achieve complete atraumatic cleansing of the pores.

Note! At the initial stages, the patient should regularly visit the cosmetologist’s office, and after 1-2 courses, to maintain the result, it is enough to carry out de-encrustation once every 3-6 months.

In total, the listed effects make it possible to facilitate mechanical exfoliation (ultrasonic peeling) and cleaning (vacuum/manual).

Without the addition of other types of cleansing, superficial removal of impurities from the pores, normalization of the sebaceous glands and prevention of inflammatory elements in the future are achieved.


  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • acne without pronounced inflammatory elements;
  • post-acne;
  • open comedones;
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • enlarged pores.

Is skin care necessary after galvanophoresis?

Galvanic cleansing is most effective in cleansing the skin, but it is not a way to treat acne. After the procedure, the skin restores normal breathing and healthy color. In addition to the cleansing effect, it is possible to achieve its regeneration and rejuvenation. The structure of epithelial cells becomes denser, the procedure contributes to less sebum production.

In the first three days after the procedure, the sensitivity of the skin increases, so it is necessary to protect it from UV rays, mechanical stress, and aggressive cosmetics, because this can aggravate the acne problem. It is also necessary to avoid visiting the sauna, swimming pool, and solarium. The cosmetologist will recommend masks for home care that will help the skin recover.75

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Absolute painlessness
  • Atraumatic
  • No recovery period
  • Low risk of complications or side effects
  • Long course
  • Weaker effect compared to other types of procedures
  • Virtually no exfoliating effect
  • Large list of contraindications

Carrying out the procedure

At the preparatory stage, a disinfectant is applied to the face, sealed with film and left for 15-20 minutes. To work as a cathode, use a 2% soda solution or a special DESINCRUSTANT gel. With the anode, use 0.9% NaCl, zinc or aloe gel. To remove drug residues, use water, saline solution or a special lotion.

Electrodes for disincrustation are most often labile. One of them is passive, the other is active.

Active ones are available in the following forms:

  • Video clip;
  • Ball;
  • Roller;
  • Cone.

Indications for galvanic facial cleansing

Disincrustation is carried out in the following cases75:

  • open and closed comedones;
  • acne (except for periods of exacerbation);
  • oily and combination skin;
  • the first signs of photoaging;
  • melasma;
  • post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • seborrhea.

If the comedones are shallow, the device allows you to clean the pores, completely replacing mechanical cleaning. When they are deep, these two procedures are combined to achieve a better effect.74

How it goes

The patient is placed on the couch. In the right hand, the doctor gives the client a passive (connected to the positive pole) electrode, wrapped in a damp cloth in several layers (at least 0.5 cm thick). Depending on the type of passive electrode, its position is determined.

The doctor works with an active electrode, which is connected to the negative pole of the device. The duration of the stage is 5-8 minutes.

The zones are worked out in stages, starting with the forehead. The optimal current strength is determined by the patient’s sensations (slight tingling, burning sensation) when the circuit is closed and usually ranges from 0.3 to 10 mA.

Please note that a metallic taste in the mouth is a normal phenomenon during facial skin decontamination.

When all areas have been treated with the cathode, the disinfectant is carefully removed with sponges or ultrasonic peeling is carried out directly on the gel.

Working with the anode. The doctor swaps the poles and re-works the same areas, but with a positive charge for 2-3 minutes

Afterwards come the following stages: toning; use of an alginate mask as desired/indicated; applying a soothing cream to complete the procedure.

The duration of the course is determined individually. Usually 6-8 manipulations, 1 per week. 2-3 courses are allowed per year, but the number and frequency of sessions should be gradually reduced.


During cataphoresis, the environment becomes alkaline, while normally the surface of the dermis has a slightly acidic pH. To normalize the pH, you should wash your face 2-3 times a day with a slightly acidic solution, for example, lemon juice.

Mandatory use of tonics.

After disincrustation, there is a tendency to dehydration, so the treated areas must be intensively moisturized with special serums or creams.

Is it possible to do it at home and how?

Miniature devices for carrying out disincrustation at home can be purchased from medical equipment. The principle of their operation is similar to that of professional equipment, but the efficiency is lower, and the duration and frequency of sessions is significantly longer.

To achieve deep cleaning, the easiest way is to use a 5-10% solution of baking soda as a layer. The charge is negative.

Finally, mechanical cleaning, toning and closing of pores is carried out. Geltek Anti-acne tonic is ideal for toning oily skin. The charge of the active electrode at this stage is positive.

Note! At home, it is almost impossible to comply with sanitary standards. And the very act of forcibly releasing a pore from its contents can lead to negative consequences in the form of an inflammatory reaction.


A device for disincrustation is often included in cosmetology combines. The main requirement is compliance with the current strength, which ranges from 0.6 to 1.5 mA.

In addition to the device itself, which is a source of direct current, the kit includes two metal electrodes. For use at home, it is better to choose models where one electrode, passive, is fixed on the body.

The procedure is performed with two metal electrodes

Important! The active handpiece can be in the form of a smooth, conical, ball roller. The choice depends on the area to be treated. When purchasing a device, you need to study additional options, their purpose, and compatibility with the device.

The price range depends on the manufacturer, the set of attachments, and the number of functions.

Precautionary measures

Basic knowledge of physics, appropriate qualifications and understanding of the operating principle of the device are required to carry out the electropeeling procedure.
Therefore, patients should be extremely responsible when choosing a specialist, familiarize themselves with all contraindications and do not forget to inform the doctor about them, if any. Before disincrustation, the client must remove all jewelry containing metal.

Side effects:

  • Unstable hyperemia of the treated area;
  • Inflammatory reaction;
  • An allergic reaction to any component of the drug used during cleaning.

List of contraindications:

Are commonClinicalSpecificRelative
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Fever of any origin;
  • Any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Presence of a pacemaker;
  • Individual intolerance to the effects of current;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Thin, irritated and dry skin;
  • Severe rosacea;
  • Vitiligo;
  • Dermatitis, eczema, any rash;
  • Herpetic eruptions on the face;
  • Violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • Tooth sensitivity, dental cysts;
  • Recently installed dental implants;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • Breast cysts.
  • Condition after thread lifting;
  • Non-absorbable threads and fillers;
  • Gold reinforcement;
  • Breast implants.
  • Hyaluronic fillers;
  • Botox.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The presence of a pacemaker, ultrasonic hearing aids, as well as metal plates implanted in the bones serves as a direct and absolute contraindication for the use of electric current devices.


I have combination skin with enlarged pores. I decided to have the procedure because I wanted to cleanse my skin. The solution was applied to the face, then moved with a metal roller. The procedure lasted about 10 minutes. There were no uncomfortable sensations during the process. As a result, the pores became cleaner and narrower, but not all impurities were gone. I did not notice a pronounced lifting effect. The result lasted more than a week.

Marina Ivanova, 25 years old.

The doctor prescribed disincrustation after an examination. The procedure was part of the therapy. I have acne-prone skin and also acne. In 2 months I completed a course of 10 procedures. Acne began to bother me much less often, even before critical days it almost never appears. The acne spots also went away. I was also pleased that my skin tone had improved.

Alexandra Violova, 23 years old.

Disincrustation is aimed at combating imperfections and age-related changes. After the first session, the skin becomes much cleaner and fresher. At the end of the course, not only the narrowing of pores and the prevention of acne is noticeable, but also a lifting effect.

Cost of service in the salon

The average price of the service in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 500 rubles.

The best budget gels for the procedure:

Gleansing Geltek;

  • Deep cleansing lotion “Disincrustant” Beauty Style (USA);

Higher price segment:

  • Lotion Desincrustante M120 Les Complexes Biotechniques (France);
  • Aroma Magic Papaya Enzyme Lotion (USA).

Gels for disincrustation

The disincrustation method is based on the action of a chemical reaction. To begin, it requires the introduction of special components through special gels. The main requirement for such means is the conductivity of electrical impulses. In order for the galvanic current to “work”, the gels must be ionized. The packaging of the gel contains information about the purpose for which it is intended. Products with the “-” marker are used to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Products with a “+” sign have decongestant, whitening, and stimulating effects.

The principle of operation of the disinfectant

Among imported manufacturers, cosmetologists prefer to choose “Beauty Style” products. The product line contains conductive gels for different purposes:

  • moisturizing (“Crystal Spring”);
  • anti-aging action (“Youth without borders”, “Tiana” ampoules);
  • improving elasticity (“Perfection”);
  • anti-rosacea (“Comfort”).

Beauty Style products

Opinion of cosmetologists

Without additional cleaning (ultrasound or manual), it is not possible to achieve complete and high-quality removal of contaminants from the pores. However, this manipulation makes cleansing easier and less traumatic.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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