Types of papillomas. Photos on the body, face, eyelids, neck, back, description of dangerous and non-hazardous

What happens if you tear off a papilloma on a leg?

When a pedunculated papilloma is detached from the base, the benign neoplasm begins to become inflamed.
This creates a wound surface.

All this is accompanied by itching and increased body temperature.

There is suppuration and swelling due to the inflammatory reaction.

Remains of papilloma must be removed in a hospital setting.

Such injuries threaten the degeneration of a benign papilloma into a malignant neoplasm.

Sometimes, with good immunity, papillomas come off and new ones do not grow.

There is no negative impact.

The recovery is complete.

Non-dangerous and dangerous types of HPV

Most warts are harmless to humans and can be easily removed. But there are neoplasms of high oncogenicity that provoke malignant processes.

There is the following classification of such papillomas:

Low gene groupStrains 1-5, 7, 10, 12, 14-15, 17, 19, 20-24, 26-29, 57. Characterized by the formation of uneven gray warts.
Group with low oncogenic riskStrains 6, 11, 42-44, 53-55. The growths are most often associated with cervical condylomas.
Group with average oncogenic riskStrains 31, 33, 35, 52 and 58. Warts most often appear on the surface of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. There is a risk of transformation of the affected tissues. At an early stage of the disease, symptoms can be eliminated with the help of immunostimulating drugs.
Group with high oncogenic riskStrains 16, 18, 36, 39, 45, 51, 56, 59 and 68. Particularly dangerous warts that indicate a precancerous condition and require immediate treatment.

A dermatologist and comprehensive diagnostics will help you establish an accurate diagnosis. You should not self-medicate, it can be dangerous to your health.

How to distinguish a papilloma from a mole

The papilloma is colorless and pedunculated.

A nevus or wart does not have a stalk and is brown in color.

It is advisable to remove papillomas, since they are most often located in areas of increased trauma and are not very aesthetic.

As a rule, moles do not pose any danger.

They do not have a special function and in their structure contain various pigments in large quantities.

Folk recipes

Recipes from witch doctors and healers can be used in the fight against papillomas, but you should choose a remedy with your doctor. Many components used can cause allergies or individual reactions.

The following methods will help you remove warts at home:

CelandineA green and young plant must be cut, chopped and squeezed out the juice.Celandine juice is applied to the wart, rubbed well and sealed with a band-aid, which must also be lubricated beforehand. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day.
GarlicPeel and chop 2-3 heads of garlic. Add 2 tsp to it. any cream. Mix all ingredients well. The resulting pulp must be placed on the papilloma, covered with a bandage and covered with a bandage. After 2-3 hours, remove the compress and rinse the treated area with warm, clean water. It is recommended to carry out the procedures every day for 10 days.
MelissaPour boiling water over the leaves of the plant, leave for 30-40 minutes and strain.The resulting decoction should be drunk in 3-5 doses throughout the day.

Folk remedies dry out warts, burn them out and cut off their nutrition through the circulatory system. Medicines taken orally further strengthen the immune system.

Pedicled papilloma: diagnosis, histology

Pedicled papillomas, like other papillomas, must be subjected to histological examination.

This will complement the cytological examination.

The histological examination method consists of analyzing a biopsy specimen - a part of the papilloma obtained during its removal.

A microscope is used for this.

We evaluate the nature of the benign tumor and determine the degree of oncogenicity of the papilloma.

Within three days after the study, we have the result.

The diagnosis of papillomatosis when infected with HPV occurs on the basis of laboratory diagnostics:

  • cytological analysis (to determine changes in the cellular material of the test sample);
  • carrying out a polymerase chain reaction (to find viral DNA in the material under study);
  • obtaining a biopsy specimen for histological examination;
  • carrying out the histological examination itself;
  • conducting a daijin test.

The Daijin test is carried out to determine the type of HPV, its quantity and degree of oncogenicity.

Without laboratory research methods, based only on the clinical picture, even an experienced doctor has difficulty in making a correct and accurate diagnosis.

Antiviral therapy

Complex therapy involves the use of special drugs orally. Removing papilloma is not enough; it is necessary to fight the virus that caused its appearance.

Patients are prescribed the following medications:


IsoprinosineThe tablets are taken orally after meals with plenty of water. The recommended dosage for adults is 50 mg/kg per day. The specified volume of medication should be divided into 3-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 5-14 days.
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • pregnancy.
PapinolDrops are taken orally every day, 3 ml must first be diluted in 0.5 tbsp. water. The course of treatment lasts 10-14 days.
  • individual sensitivity;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

If the oral cavity is affected, it is recommended to rinse with antiseptic agents (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).

Complications of papillomas

The most important complication is the degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant tumors.

It is necessary to determine as quickly as possible the type of HPV that caused the formation of papillomas.

If it is a highly oncogenic type 16 or 18, constantly monitor the development and changes in the condition of papillomas.

These pedunculated papillomas also threaten traumatization and relapse.

You should always remember this and avoid injury, and after removing papillomas, prevent their occurrence.


Papillomatosis on the mucous membrane of the tongue
Papillomatosis is a condition in which the number of neoplasms increases sharply and spreads throughout the body. It is also called the generalized form of papillomavirus. Typically, a large accumulation of papillomas is found on the hands, face, and genital area. Papillomatosis that occurs in the mucous membranes or on internal organs is potentially dangerous for humans.

Most often, papillomatosis is mentioned with the appearance of juvenile papillomas localized in the larynx. They are the ones who are prone to large growth.

Degeneration of papillomas into malignant pathology

We must always remember that HPV poses a risk of cancer.

Especially highly oncogenic types, for example, 16 and 18.

Typically, malignant degeneration of papillomas cells takes ten to twenty years from the moment of infection.

The process is accelerated by smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity and hormonal disorders that reduce immunity.

It is the decrease in immunity, which occurs for various reasons, that contributes to the activation of HPV and the transition of the benign state of papillomas to a malignant pathology.

The destruction of papillomas is enhanced by cytomegalovirus, genital herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.

And of course, you need to avoid frequent trauma to papillomas, which contributes to their malignancy.

A direct indication for removal of papillomas is the presence of large papillomas.

They are often hurt and hurt.

Boosting immunity

The types of papillomas (a photo with a description will help to accurately determine the type of growth) are different, but they all indicate that a person has weak immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the body's defenses.

In complex therapy, patients are prescribed the following drugs:

ViferonThe drug is used rectally. Adult patients are prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day for 5 days. Individual sensitivity
PanavirThe medicine is administered intravaginally, 1 suppository for 5 days.
  • damage to the kidneys, spleen;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • childhood.

Many immunostimulating agents also have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. In the initial stages of the disease, you can additionally use external medications (gels, ointments).

Methods for removing papillomas

There are quite a lot of methods for removing papillomas.

Let's consider everything.

Firstly, it is the destruction of papillomas using a special liquid containing alkali.

They are purchased in pharmacies with prescriptions from the attending physician.

The disadvantage is considered:

  • the need for precise local application of liquid to papillomas,
  • risk of chemical burns to adjacent tissues,
  • painful procedure,
  • the possibility of scars appearing at the site of papillomas removal.

Usually, the method is used to remove single vulgar papillomas (warts) of the hands.

It is not suitable for filamentous papillomas.

Refrigerants are used for cryodestruction.

Basically, liquid nitrogen is used.

Although other refrigerants are possible.

The application of the coolant is painless; acute pain occurs later when “defrosting” occurs.

After a certain time, the surrounding tissues turn red and swell.

There is an active formation of a subcutaneous bladder filled with fluid.

After a week (maximum one and a half months), everything heals and is restored.

It takes three weeks for the tissue under the crust to die, while the infected tissue is reliably destroyed.

There are no scars, and any traces disappear within six months.

The intimate area and face are not treated with this method.

Firstly, the genital area is very sensitive.

And secondly, it is not suitable for the face due to post-operative swelling and redness of the surrounding tissues.

Using a special device, papillomas are removed using radio wave coagulation.

Most often they use Surgitron.

The method does not cause pain.

Several radioknives in the kit allow you to choose the most convenient one for papilloma of a given location.

The radioknife provides directed high-frequency radiation, which cuts off the papilloma, “evaporating” its tissue.

There is no rehabilitation period.

The operation is quick, painless and leaves no traces of the intervention.

But if there are acute inflammatory processes or worsened chronic ones, then radio wave coagulation is not used.

Diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation and any cancer pathology in the body are also contraindications for using the method.

But if there are no contraindications, the method can be successfully used anywhere.

Patients say that the only drawback of the method is the discomfort at the time of administration of the anesthetic.

Laser beams are also used to remove papillomas without contact.

Healthy tissues are not damaged.

Infected papilloma tissues seem to “evaporate” under the action of a laser beam.

A session of laser removal of papillomas does not take long, just a few minutes.

Complete rehabilitation takes place in two weeks.

Side effects include prolonged redness of the skin and swelling of adjacent tissues.

Problems with the thyroid gland contribute to the formation of keloid scars.

Contraindications for the use of laser coagulation are the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders of endocrine and immune status;
  • photoderomatosis;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Patients who have undergone laser coagulation report pain and an unpleasant “burnt meat” smell.

Long-term rehabilitation, pain and tendency to relapse with this method.

Small papillomas are removed by electrocoagulation or cauterization.

Rehabilitation takes place within a week.

Reliable and inexpensive method.

Any localization of papillomas is suitable for its use.

To remove large papillomas or malignant neoplasms, a scalpel is used.

Advantages of treating human papillomavirus at Deltaclinic

  • Our clinic has all the necessary specialists (dermatologist, dermatologist-oncologist, proctologist, urologist, gynecologist) who remove condylomas and papillomas of any location.
  • The most modern equipment (lasers, electrocoagulation, radio wave), which allows you to get rid of condylomas on the day of the visit.
  • Condylomas are removed without leaving a trace. Excellent cosmetic effect - no trace remains on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Fast healing time.
  • An accurate diagnosis of the type of papillomavirus is carried out. General immunostimulating and antiviral therapy is prescribed.
  • Removal of candylomas is carried out on an outpatient basis; hospitalization is not required.


Surgitron device for non-surgical (radio wave) removal of condylomas.

Do not delay your visit to the doctor, genital warts must be removed! If papillomas are not removed, they can spread throughout the body. The virus can be transmitted to other people with whom an HPV-infected person comes into contact. A woman can infect her fetus during childbirth. Cases of familial infection with the human papillomavirus are common.


The papilloma virus can also be suppressed through vaccination. Gardasil is most often used for this. In most cases, vaccination is carried out between the ages of 9 and 17 years to prevent infection of the body during the onset of sexual activity.

The vaccination is done 3 times throughout the year. The vaccine is very effective, since in 96% of cases it forms lasting immunity in the human body to the virus.

Treatment of papillomas will not help to completely get rid of the virus, but it is possible to prevent repeated recurrences of warts. The treatment method depends on the type of tumor, which is important to select with your dermatologist.

A photo with a description will allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis and undergo diagnostic methods that will confirm or refute the specialist’s assumptions. It is not recommended to engage in therapy on your own, as it can cause serious complications.

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