Ferulic peeling - what it is, how it is done, acids, Mediderma procedure protocol, reviews, photos and results

With the arrival of spring and summer, the active sun returns to our lives. This means that many people are again thinking about sunscreen cosmetics, because it is well known that ultraviolet radiation accelerates the aging of the skin, pigment spots and wrinkles appear on it. What should be in a UV protection cream for it to be truly effective? Sometimes you can hear that ferulic acid provides maximum protection for the skin. Manufacturers and advertising say that this substance is almost a panacea for all skin problems, especially aging skin. Today we will carefully analyze what ferulic acid is, how it affects the skin and whether it affects it at all.

What is ferul peeling

Ferulic peeling (a chemical analysis will help you figure out what it is) is one of the ways to cleanse the skin based on alpha-hydroxy acids. These biologically active substances are extracted from the fruits of certain types of plants, trees or berries, which is why they have a second name - fruit acids.

Ferulic peeling is one of the latest developments by scientists in the field of cosmetology, a simple and fast method of delivering beneficial elements to the deep layers of the skin without the use of hardware cosmetology.

The peeling mixture contains ferulic acid and other components, such as salicylic acid and resorcinol (help cleanse the skin), vitamins, minerals and plant extracts (nourish and heal the skin).

What does it represent?

Ferulic peeling is a cocktail of plant-based acids (lactic, citric, malic) and extracts of grape skins, spinach powder, carrots, green tea, supplemented with ferulic, salicylic and glycolic acid.

The acid acts as a connecting element between the components and enhances their beneficial qualities; the likelihood of an allergy to such a composition is minimal.

If in ordinary cosmetics the dosage of acid is small, then in peeling it is significant (8-12%). This increases the visible effect, so cosmetologists are confident in the result and recommend its use to almost all clients. This peeling can be the final stage of cleaning or an independent procedure.

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Properties of ferulic acid

Ferulic acid has beneficial properties that determine its popularity in the field of cosmetology:

  • smoothes the skin, making it elastic and less prone to the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • whitens skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • eliminates acne and age spots;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates blood microcirculation;

  • removes toxins from the skin.

The peculiarity of ferulic acid is that it not only protects against UV rays, but also its properties are significantly enhanced under their influence.

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Main ingredient

Ferulic acid is isolated from the ferula plant, as well as from the seeds of other useful plants (coffee, pine nuts, pineapples, oranges, apples), a number of bran and mushroom mycelium. The substance is used to produce vanillin and is used as a dietary supplement.

However, it was in cosmetology that acid found its main consumer, because it has a lot of beneficial properties for the skin, for which Hollywood peeling is valued:

  • Relieves inflammation, swelling,
  • Suppresses bacterial activity;
  • Resists free radicals, reducing the negative impact of the environment, removes toxins;
  • Increases the regenerative function of the skin, increases its elasticity and improves relief, evens out tone;
  • Reduces subsequent UV exposure to the skin by enhancing the protective properties of the skin, lightens age spots;
  • Improves nutrition and metabolic processes at the cellular level, strengthens the structure of tissues and blood vessels.

The latter quality transfers this substance to the category of nanotechnology.

A valuable property of the magic acid is its complementarity: it not only combines with a number of other plant acids and vitamins, but also enhances their effect on the skin.

Because of this, it is included in many anti-aging creams and serums, because ferulic acid helps preserve the beneficial properties of skincare products and deliver certain substances deep into the skin.

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Composition of ferulic preparation

All components for ferul peeling are placed in so-called nano-sized capsules, which are similar in structure to the cell membrane. This is what allows the product to penetrate the skin and begin to act at the nanolevel inside it.

An example of the composition of a ferul mixture for peeling:

  • ferulic acid;
  • malic acid (exfoliates dead skin particles and rejuvenates the skin);
  • salicylic acid (used to treat defects in cosmetology);
  • L-lactic acid (exfoliates dead skin, removes toxins, normalizes sebum production);
  • ascorbic acid (whitens and rejuvenates);

  • glycolic acid (prevents skin aging, cleanses);
  • spinach powder (contains vitamins D, groups B, P, PP, C);
  • green tea extract (contains vitamins A, B, C);

And one more option:

  • ferulic acid;

  • retinol (a form of vitamin A that helps fight skin aging);
  • phloretin (has antioxidant properties);
  • Apple acid;
  • L-lactic acid;
  • citric acid (cleanses the skin of dead skin and impurities).


Experts recommend paying attention to ferul peeling if you notice:

  • increased skin oiliness;
  • withering of the epidermis;

  • skin photoaging;
  • unwanted pigmentation of varying degrees;
  • acne;

  • rosacea, acne and consequences after them;
  • excessive skin density caused by the accumulation of unexfoliated dead cells;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;

  • pronounced blue “circles” under the eyes;
  • decreased skin immunity.

Efficiency of the technique

Ferulic peeling (what it is has already been described above) gives the following changes:

  • Collagen production is enhanced. Thanks to this, a lifting effect appears, the skin tightens and looks healthier and younger.
  • Facial skin becomes clean and smooth.

  • The aging process slows down, and this effect lasts for a long period.
  • Blood circulation and metabolism are improved. Outwardly, this is manifested by a healthy, even skin tone.
  • Eliminates oily shine by normalizing sebum production.
  • Dry skin becomes softer and velvety, flaking disappears.
  • The proliferation of bacteria slows down, and this contributes to the disappearance of acne and pimples.
  • Pigment spots are lightened.
  • It feels like the skin becomes more hydrated.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Ferulic peeling (what it is should already be clear, and how to apply it will be discussed below) is called by cosmetologists one of the most effective means for cleansing the skin, which will not cause harm. After all, when using it, no aggressive techniques or any equipment are used.

Ferulic peeling. What is it and how to do it at home, a cosmetologist will tell you

Cleansing occurs through ferulic acid and auxiliary components included in the peeling mixture. During the procedure, needles, syringes, and current are not used. Everything is as simple and painless as possible. And most importantly, it is effective.

Cosmetologists recommend this peeling for all seasons, but more often it is suggested to use it in the summer, as it copes with the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, helps to avoid sunburn and the appearance of age spots.

Moreover, UV rays not only do not destroy ferulic acid, but, on the contrary, contribute to its more efficient operation. Cosmetologists allow the use of ferul peeling even for sensitive skin.

Protocol for the procedure in the salon

Ferulic peeling does not require any serious preparation; it is enough to spend less time in the sun a week before visiting a cosmetologist, and give up cosmetics 2 days before.

In the salon, before the session, the cosmetologist is obliged to identify contraindications and warn about side effects, only after this the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cleaning;
  2. Degreasing;
  3. Application of a protective agent;
  4. Apply the base composition with ferulic acid and leave for 5 to 15 minutes. The cosmetologist monitors the condition of the skin and can reduce or add time;
  5. Rinsing off the peeling mixture;
  6. Applying a soothing mask;
  7. In summer, cream with UV filters is added.

The procedure lasts no more than half an hour. It is performed without anesthesia. The course consists of 7 sessions, once a week.

What is the difference from other types of peeling?

There are many types of peeling and other methods of skin cleansing, but ferul peeling is somewhat different from other methods, namely:

  • No special preparation of the skin is required before the procedure.
  • Peeling is carried out at any time of the year.
  • The procedure is possible for all skin types.

  • Minimal possibility of complications and almost complete absence of contraindications.
  • A large number of indications for use.
  • A pronounced effect that is immediately visible.

Glycolic peeling

The basis of glycolic peels is glycolic acid. This is the most active of all fruit, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), on the basis of which most chemical peeling preparations are made. Glycolic acid has the lowest molecular weight and is the most physiological, natural and safe in its effect on the skin. Glycolic acid has exfoliating, moisturizing, whitening, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Chemical peels with glycolic acid are superficial peels and differ in the concentration of solutions of this acid applied to the skin. At our NuAnce clinic, doctors perform glycolic peels of 25%, 50% and 70%.

We perform the procedure with glycolic peels of the professional line Glycoline of the Natura Bisse brand (Spain). Glycolic peeling is recommended to be performed in a course of 8-10 procedures with an average interval of 1 time per week. Each procedure takes up to 1 hour. During the course, the doctor, according to indications, changes the concentration of the solution from weak to higher, enhancing the peeling effect.

Glycolic peeling can also be prescribed as a preparatory step for the Time Less yellow peeling or used in rejuvenating oxygen therapy procedures. Glycolic peels are suitable for all skin types.

Indications for performing glycolic peels:

• pigmentation; • dull complexion; • acne and post-acne (except for periods of exacerbation); • enlarged pores; • keratosis; • prevention of skin aging.

Contraindications to glycolic peels:

• pregnancy (relative contraindication); • inflammatory processes in the affected area, herpes; • any diseases and damage to the skin; • fever, ARVI

After glycolic peeling, protection from ultraviolet radiation is required for 2-3 weeks with sunscreen with SPF of at least 20. Glycolic peelings are completely comfortable during the procedure and do not cause any inconvenience after it. They are not accompanied by intense, noticeable peeling of the skin; clients do not experience any discomfort after them and can safely attend any public events after the procedure.

The result of glycolic peeling increases from procedure to procedure. Our clients note a pronounced improvement in skin health, improvement in complexion, lightening of age spots, smoothing of skin microrelief, and narrowing of pores. The skin becomes more youthful and acquires a healthy glow.


Mediderma is a line of professional chemical peels produced by a Spanish company of the same name.

Its founders were dermatologists led by Gabriel Seranno. These peels are considered one of the most effective in cosmetology.

The basis for drugs is not only ferulic acid, but also others:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • salicylic;
  • apple;

  • glycolic;
  • dairy.

Such a wide range makes it possible to have the maximum influence on the processes occurring in the skin. Peeling affects the deep layers of the skin, healing and restoring them, working specifically on areas with problems.

Mediderma is used for any age category, and even with quite severe aging of the skin, the procedure gives good, and most importantly, long-term results. The purpose of the product is to remove keratinized layers from the skin, thereby reducing the signs of age and visible cosmetic blemishes.

Mediderma composition:

  • all of the above acids;
  • green tea extract;
  • grape extract;
  • carrot extract;
  • spinach extract.

Almond-ferul peeling

This type of peeling contains mandelic acid. It is used by professional cosmetologists, as it has a strong cleansing effect, promotes skin regeneration at a deep level, eliminates dryness, sagging and aging of the skin.

After such peeling, the rejuvenation effect is immediately visible. Ferulic acid, in turn, normalizes and enhances the effect of vitamins E and C. It restores and protects the skin from aging.

Almond-ferul peeling is safe and does not cause irritation or burns. Best suited for problematic or oily skin. It should not be used on damaged or irritated skin. Also not used for children.

Precautions when exfoliating at home

When performing ferul peeling at home yourself, it is especially important to adhere to all the rules and precautions:

  • Use acid with a concentration of no more than 12%, otherwise you will get burned;
  • After the procedure, use moisturizers and sunscreens;
  • Do not overexpose the drug - 12 hours is enough;
  • Do not peel off any peeling or film that appears;
  • Do not use cosmetics and scrubs during recovery;
  • Protect your eyes and lips while applying the peeling composition - you can apply a rich cream.

Important! Even when using peeling at home, you need to act exactly according to the algorithm and be sure to follow all precautions, and do not neglect protective equipment during the recovery period. Otherwise, even such a loyal procedure can lead to serious problems with skin health.

Procedure protocol

  1. Stage 1: Cleanse the skin and remove any remaining makeup.
  2. Stage 2: You should use a degreaser, lotion or special cream.

  3. Stage 3: Having previously put on disposable gloves, take a cotton swab and apply the peeling composition to the skin of the face and neck in 2 or 3 layers. After application, you can use your hands to spread the mixture and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated 2-3 more times at intervals of 3-4 minutes and the skin is left with peeling for 25-30 minutes. A dense nourishing layer is formed on the skin.

  4. Stage 4: Next you need to apply a thick layer of aloe gel to the skin without washing off the peeling mixture.
  5. Stage 5: Remove the applied mixture after 10-12 hours with a cotton pad moistened with water at room temperature. You need to thoroughly wipe your face to remove all traces of peeling. After removing the composition, the skin will become red and slightly tight.
  6. Stage 6: Apply nourishing cream. Bepanten cream or another product with Panthenol is also suitable.
  7. Step 7: Next, apply a protective cream with SPF, this should be done especially if the procedure is performed in the summer.

After applying the mixture to the skin, you should carefully monitor its reaction. Mild redness, slight tingling or burning is allowed. But if there is a strong feeling of itching, pain or thick redness, these are signs of an allergic reaction. You should immediately wash your face with water, apply a special neutralizer, and rinse it off after 5 minutes. Then you need to lubricate your face with aloe gel.

96 hours after the procedure, the skin begins to peel off, as dead cells come off. During this period, it is important to treat the skin with moisturizing and nourishing products. It is impossible to tear off scales from the skin, as this will damage it, and subsequently scars will remain.

The best result is visible after 8-10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10 days.

Everything you wanted to know about ferul peeling


Ferulic peeling is an effective and fashionable procedure that allows you to solve many skin problems - for example, remove acne marks and fine wrinkles and make your complexion more even. Who is it suitable for and are there any contraindications to it? We asked dermatocosmetologist Victoria Britko.

Victoria Britko


Ferulic acid and its properties

The basic ingredient of ferulic peeling is ferulic acid, which is found in large quantities in coffee beans, peanut kernels, apples, oranges, and wheat seeds. This is a powerful natural antioxidant with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Acid fights free radicals and promotes the production of collagen and elastin - proteins that form the skin framework.

In addition to it, the peeling also includes other additional components (the exact composition depends on the manufacturer). These may be: vitamins C and E, salicylic, glycolic, lactic and malic acids, green tea and grape skin extract and other ingredients.

Ferulic peeling belongs to the superficial category - provided that the skin is protected from ultraviolet radiation, it can be done in the spring and summer. A “cocktail” of useful substances is placed in micro-capsules measuring 50-200 nm. They penetrate the epidermal barrier, acting at the level of the upper layer of the dermis. This provides a long-lasting and good effect.

Indications for the use of ferul peeling

To achieve maximum results, peelings are recommended to be done in courses. For some, 4 procedures are enough, for others – 8: this is an individual indicator. They are safe and painless. Peeling does not cause burning after applying the composition and peeling (for reference, retinol does). The interval between procedures is a week.

The main indications for ferul peeling are: age-related changes, post-acne, age spots, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, uneven complexion.

There are practically no contraindications to the procedure. But it is better to abstain from it if acne is in the active phase, individual intolerance to components, purulent and infectious skin diseases, active herpes, or violation of the integrity of the skin.

I talked about retinol peeling here.

Features of the procedure

Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist completely cleanses the patient’s skin using tonic, milk or any other cosmetic product. After this, the composition is applied. The exposure time depends on the manufacturer. On average we are talking about 15-20 minutes. After removing the composition, a soothing mask is gradually applied to the skin, and then a regenerating cream. During periods of solar activity, the procedure is supplemented with SPF cream.

Skin care after peeling

After peeling, slight redness of the skin is possible, which completely disappears after a few hours. It is possible that peeling may occur and last for 2-3 days. The main rules of care are skin protection from ultraviolet radiation and good hydration. You can use special creams for post-piling care with good restorative ability. Apply morning and evening, not rubbing, but massaging the product into the skin.

Pros of ferul peeling

In summer, the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to premature photoaging. During this period, she especially needs antioxidants that fight free radicals. Ferulic acid increases the skin's protective properties, helping to cope with this problem.

In addition, it controls the work of enzymes that are responsible for the production of melanin, reducing the risk of pigmentation and post-acne marks.

Ferulic acid has good anti-inflammatory properties - it has a mild exfoliating effect and helps fight minor rashes.

After a course of procedures, the face becomes more even and smooth. Pigment spots are less noticeable, the skin is less shiny in the T-zone due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Read about almond peeling here.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure yourself at home?

Professional cosmetologists do not recommend using ferul peeling yourself at home, explaining that such peeling has a complex mixing and application technology. But the developers have come up with options for home use.

One of them is almond-ferul peeling and ferul peeling with retinol. It smooths out wrinkles and restores the skin. For this peeling, no skin preparation is needed, which allows you to do the procedure at home.

Ferulic peeling with vitamin C is also used at home. Before use, cleanse the skin with tonic, alcohol or alcohol-containing tinctures. Then the peeling mixture is applied in several stages and left for 10 hours.

However, more often the skin is still prepared for the upcoming procedure. Begin pre-peeling preparation at least 7-10 days before the procedure. To do this, you can use Skinoren gel.

You need to use it every time you wash your face. But such preparation lasts at least 21 days. Other cosmetics that contain fruit acids are also suitable.
But it’s still better to go to a cosmetologist and carry out 1-2 cleansing procedures with fruit acids. When preparing your skin you should not:

  • sunbathe in the open sun,
  • go to the solarium,
  • apply aggressive cosmetic procedures and use scrubs.

If you do not prepare the skin, then there may not be a positive result, and there is also a high probability of adverse reactions.

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What is especially pleasing about ferul peeling is that there is practically no recovery period. It lasts only 2 hours after visiting a cosmetologist and does not lead to uncomfortable consequences - peeling and crusts on the face. This means you can safely leave the house the next day.

But still, during the course you need to use sunscreen and moisturizers (especially in the summer), and also minimize skin irritation, that is, limit contact with water, decorative cosmetics, scrubs, and do not rub or scratch your face.

Important! If a film or crust appears on the face (this happens rarely, but still) you should under no circumstances peel it off; it should come off on its own.


This type of peeling has many advantages, but is still a serious cosmetic procedure, since acids are aggressive chemicals. The skin will react to ferul peeling with redness, and in some cases, burning or tingling.

It is better not to plan going out in the coming days after the procedure. The best option is to stay at home. If you need to go outside, lubricate the skin of your face and neck with SPF 50 cream. In the first days, intensively moisturize and nourish the skin with creams, masks, and lotions.

It is not recommended to use foundation, concealer and other decorative cosmetics; they will not apply well due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands. Their work is activated in the first 2-3 days, then restored.

On day 3-4, the top layer of the epidermis will begin to peel off. This is also the norm. The scales cannot be torn off, but if this causes discomfort, use soft cosmetic peelings while washing. You should choose products for sensitive skin. When using everyday cosmetics, small pimples may appear.


Daria, 29 years old

“The procedure was recommended by a cosmetologist to combat pimples that have not gone away since adolescence. I have oily and problematic skin. And the peeling dealt with all the problems and made my face porcelain, removed redness and evened out my complexion. I am very pleased with the result and recommend it to anyone with problematic and sensitive skin!”

Valentina, 25 years old

“Previously, I only had peelings done by a cosmetologist, but I decided to try it at home and bought not a professional product, but a regular product with ferulic acid. I didn't feel any burning during use. After the first use, the skin became smoother and the color evened out. I will continue to use it, I’m very pleased.”

Ekaterina, 30 years old

“I am a lover of acid products and am always looking for something new and interesting. I came across a new product called ferul peeling. It provides light superficial cleansing, evens out tone, and reduces redness. The remedy fights problems as best it can here and now. I liked him."

Possible complications and side effects

Ferulic acid, like other chemicals, sometimes causes side effects, although this is less common than with other peels.

After such cleaning happens:

  • allergic reaction and severe swelling of the face (extremely rare);
  • slight swelling and redness (disappears within 1 hour after the end of the procedure);

  • fever, chills (often this reaction goes away on its own);
  • slight peeling of the skin (occurs after each procedure and goes away after 1-2 days if the skin is moisturized).

You should also avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes, such as the eyes. If the mixture gets into such areas, it is recommended to quickly rinse them with plenty of running water.


Ferulic peeling is a modern and safe procedure, which is characterized by minimal trauma to the skin of the face and neck.

But there are also contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation (possibly dangerous effects on the fetus or child);
  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the components of the peeling mixture;
  • presence of skin diseases;
  • open wounds and pustules on the treated area of ​​skin (acid getting into the wounds will further damage the skin and slow down the healing process);
  • viral infections;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • presence of a tan;
  • fungal diseases of various origins;
  • herpes in the acute phase (the procedure is possible, but only after recovery, otherwise the infection will spread throughout the skin).

Indications and contraindications

Ferulic peeling is suitable for both young and mature skin, all types and can be done on any part of the body.

This type of peeling is recommended for the prevention and treatment of signs of aging and aging, acne, acne and post-acne, age spots, enlarged pores, scars.

But, like any type of peeling, it is contraindicated in case of allergies to the components of the composition, infectious and dermatological diseases, skin damage and pregnancy.


The price for ferul peeling varies from 3 thousand rubles to 6 thousand rubles for 1 procedure. The cost depends on the status of the beauty salon, rating, location, number of scheduled sessions and depth of cleaning. Deeper cleaning costs more.

Ferulic peeling is a new product in the field of cosmetology. It noticeably refreshes the skin, gets rid of dead cells, and cleanses it of impurities. With regular use, it helps maintain youth for as long as possible.

This is primarily a salon procedure, since its implementation requires compliance with clear instructions. If ferul peeling is carried out at home, then they try to follow all the recommendations and do a test for an allergic reaction before the procedure. This is what will eliminate such troubles as swelling and severe redness.


How often can ferul peeling courses be repeated?

Answer: Depending on the skin, the break between courses can be from six months to a year. The effect is quite long-lasting, especially if you regularly care for your skin, so there is no need for more frequent courses.

Is the procedure painful?

Answer: During the session, a very slight tolerable tingling or burning sensation may be felt, but in general the procedure is painless and is performed without anesthesia.

What procedures can be combined with?

Answer: In this matter, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. If necessary, he can prescribe a course of mesotherapy, laser resurfacing or injections with hyaluronic acid. In this case, ferul peeling will be a preparation for another procedure.

Is the time of year important for ferul peeling?

Answer: can be carried out both in summer and winter. The main thing is to follow the rules for protecting your skin from sun rays.

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