Huge pimple like a bump: on the forehead, chin, back

  • The reason for the formation of huge pimples such as bumps
  • Squeezing regular pimples causes huge bumps to appear
  • Treatment of huge pimples on forehead, chin, back such as bump
  • Risks Associated with Huge Pimples

If you're suffering from a very painful, huge pimple, such as a bump that's 5mm or larger in diameter, you've probably developed the most severe form of acne, also known as cystic acne. This type of acne forms deep inside the skin and is one of the most severe forms of acne. This is a relatively uncommon problem in which cystic acne may appear as a single pimple on your chin or forehead, or may be spread across multiple pimples on your face, neck, chest, back or shoulders.

The reason for the formation of huge pimples such as bumps

Huge bump-like pimples can form for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, they can develop due to a nodular lesion or perhaps from an increased bacterial infection that develops in the outer layer of the skin. The appearance of huge bump-like pimples on the forehead, chin or back can also be the result of disorders of skin secretion in the body, a deficiency in the diet of fruits and vegetables, especially vitamin A, the deficiency of which can lead to cystic acne. Antioxidants in vitamin A form chemical compounds that turn into cystic acne.

Clogged pores

Everyone's skin secretes sebum and fat (an oily substance) to provide protection from drying out or dehydration. However, clogged pores are caused by overproduction of sebum, in large quantities in their inflammation can even lead to the appearance of huge bumps such as acne on the face or body Among teenagers and women, this excessive amount of sebum is caused by factors such as hormonal fluctuations during puberty.

Acne in adolescence during puberty can be a disaster as these stages are marked by changes in the concentration of hormones. Therefore, it is true to say that fluctuation in the body's hormones can influence the formation of acne and even huge pimples on the body and face, including the chin, forehead and especially the back areas .

People who are unaware of the importance of maintaining good body hygiene are four times more likely to become infected with bacteria and develop large subcutaneous pimples.

Cystic acne

Another possible explanation for your deep and painful huge pimples on your face and body is cystic acne. According to Medical News Today MNT, this is the most severe form and affects the fewest people. Experts estimate that cystic acne affects a fairly large number of people. The main factor in its appearance is is hormonal changes, especially during puberty, especially often they can be associated with pregnancy or menstruation.

Cystic acne can be painful, but it is easy to diagnose despite its alarming appearance on the face.

Moreover, some sources attribute the appearance of these cysts to genetics, that is, variations in inherited characteristics. Under these conditions, a huge pimple like a lump can develop and become a cyst. Most cases of cysts require a clinical diagnosis to determine the best way to treat or remove it.

Vitamin deficiency

Lack of vitamins A and E in the blood may be another reason why some people suffer from the problem of huge pimples and bumps on the face and body, but this factor is still quite controversial.

Fibrous papules

Papules are bumps or huge pimple-like bumps raised above the surface of the skin due to inflammation or irritation caused by the bacteria P. acnes. Those papules that form on the forehead or chin are most often fibrous. Fibrous papules or bumps do not have pus and are sometimes characteristic of cystic acne One common characteristic for both papules and regular pimples is that they usually do not have a white head, so don't waste your energy trying to squeeze it out.

rosacea subtype 2

Rosacea, characterized by flare-ups and remissions, is a chronic condition that generally most commonly affects the areas of the forehead, chin or back. There are quite a few subtypes of this disorder, but subtype 2 rosacea is the main condition, the symptoms of which are a huge pimple like bump in these areas of the face and Although the exact cause is not known, various bacteria, Bacillus oleronius, associated with facial mites, also known as Demodex mites, are known to cause these types of acne.

As Dr. Powell revealed in the British Journal of Dermatology, study results show that "B. oleronius stimulated an immune system response in 79% of 22 patients with subtype 2 (papulopustular) rosacea." This immune response is indicative of the red bumps or pustules that characterize rosacea subtype 2 That is, they are symptoms of huge pimples like bumps on the face or body.

What are the sebaceous glands for?

Normally, the sebaceous glands are designed to produce sebum in order to protect and strengthen the skin, but under the influence of improper care, poor ecology, nutritional habits and hormonal levels, their work malfunctions.

In addition to the volume of sebum secreted, its thickness also matters. The thicker the secretion, the more difficult it is for it to come out. The abundant thick secretion literally “bursts” the walls of the gland, which is why seals of different diameters are visible on the skin: from tiny balls to quite large nodes, over which the color of the skin can even change, acquiring a slightly bluish tint. The accumulation of sebaceous secretions attracts bacteria that live on the skin, since sebaceous secretions are an excellent breeding ground for them. As they multiply, they cause inflammation, soreness and redness of the skin. When the main defect is not eliminated - stagnant accumulation of sebum - such local inflammation can “smolder” for weeks, forming acne or pimples.

Based on the above, there are three steps to healthy skin.

Squeezing regular pimples causes huge bumps to appear

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It's been a couple of years now

About a few months


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It's tempting to try to extract pus from cystic acne by squeezing or poking it, but squeezing the pimple can cause a deeper infection in the skin coupled with painful inflammation that will last a longer period of time than if you let the acne heal naturally.

What are large conglobate eels?

  • Avoid touching large pimples, especially with dirty fingers and hands. Leave them alone.
  • Avoid scratching or picking at pimples like bumps or puncturing them or squeezing them out with a needle. The more you disturb them, the more they may become inflamed and may begin to swell.
  • Keep the affected areas around the pimple perfectly clean.
  • You should stop using facial cosmetics if you first notice the appearance of a huge pimple like a lump.
  • Avoid foods with too much fat. It is advisable to temporarily avoid fried cape, fish and dairy products.

Professional approach to problem skin

In general, the treatment of problem skin is complex. In the acute stage, when there is inflammation, redness and soreness, methods that suppress inflammation are used: electrocoagulation, antibiotics, drying superficial peels, oxygen therapy. After this, you should begin to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and restore the skin's immunity using mesoimmunocorrection, homepathic mesotherapy, and taking Roaccutane. This is the longest and most multi-stage stage of treatment, since it is necessary to change the natural characteristics of the skin and increase its immunity.

At the final stage, the consequences of acne (scars, stagnant bluish spots on the skin) are eliminated with the help of medium peels, mesotherapy with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, and regular use of regenerating serums and creams.

Treatment of huge pimples on forehead, chin, back such as bump

Because huge bumps are considered the most severe form of acne, they require aggressive treatment, which may include isotretinoin and antibiotics. Your dermatologist may also try to "melt" the cyst with intravascular corticosteroids. This takes three to five days of working and reducing swelling. If this treatment option does not To work, it is necessary that the cyst can be drained and surgically excised by a dermatologist, who will make a small incision in the skin to remove a huge pimple like bump on the face, back or other areas.

Antibiotic drugs

The use of antibiotics is one of the most common forms of treatment for big bumps and pimples. These medications fight and reduce the bacteria or germs that cause and stimulate them to grow and increase in size every day.

Natural remedies for bump-sized acne on the face and back

Some home remedies can be helpful in dealing with inflammation, pain and swelling from bumps and pimples on the back or forehead, chin. Many of these remedies use natural ingredients that have antibacterial properties to reduce infections. We will briefly cover them as follows.

Tea tree oil

Using tea tree oil is one of the effective ways to not only treat acne and reduce inflammation of the bumps on your face but also anywhere else on your body. To avoid further side effects, prepare a diluted form of the oil by adding a little water. When applying, use a cotton ball. You You can use tea tree oil for all forms and types of inflamed acne.

About the results and effects of using tea tree oil for acne!


The next remedy you should know about is garlic. Rubbing half a cut piece of garlic several times a day will significantly reduce swelling from a bump - pimple, and can also completely cope with such inflammation. Garlic quickly kills bacteria and microbes that cause acne, and Also, when used in parallel with tea tree oil, it can quickly rid you of even a bump and a huge pimple.

Allergic origin of acne

In some cases, acne on the face is of allergic origin and is associated with intolerance to certain types of food. Then the rash intensifies after various kinds of feasts. Such patients are characterized by a combination of skin rashes with other manifestations: for example, fatigue, headache, digestive disorders, bad breath, general skin sensitivity with a tendency to itching and redness. A surge in requests from patients with this kind of acne to a dermatologist is observed after the New Year celebrations, and in the summer - after returning from a vacation from Turkey and Egypt with their abundant buffet.

What to do?

For rashes associated with food intolerance, the best treatment is to select a diet based on an analysis of the patient's eating habits and the doctor's recommendations for replacing certain types of foods with healthier ones.

Risks Associated with Huge Pimples

Huge bumpy pimples are already a fairly severe form of acne, but if left untreated they can actually worsen, developing into even more severe infectious forms. This process occurs when cysts that are close to each other join together and affect the pores and channels under the skin, destroy cells and cause even more inflammation. Such reactions subsequently develop into chronic acne, after which you can experience deep abscesses, scars and serious damage to the skin.

Blackhead and white pimples

Oil, dead skin cells and bacteria block the pores and cause large bumps. If the blocked pores subsequently become open, then they can look like a black hole in the skin on the face or body. If the blocked pores continue further, then the top part of the bump will appear whiter.

Cystic acne: treatment and causes.

Papules and pustules

Sometimes the pores become so irritated that their walls burst This causes large pimples called papules and pustules Papules are quite painful, especially when you touch them A cluster of papules that are close to each other can make your skin feel like sandpaper Pustules are similar to papules , but differ only in the yellowish, liquid pus that fills the bladder from the inside.

Home care for problem skin

When caring for your skin, maximum attention should be paid to cleansing. Currently, gel-based washes with a high pH are widespread. They irritate the skin less, but often “under-wash” it. This can be easily determined by running your finger over your cheek after washing your face. Ideally, clean skin resists and literally “creaks” from cleanliness. If the skin is not sufficiently cleansed, there will be a “film” feeling. Therefore, experienced dermatologists often recommend that their patients wash their face with... soap. But the choice of soap is also a responsible matter; varieties with moisturizing components are absolutely not suitable. There are also gels that wash the skin well, but it is better to entrust their choice to a dermatologist.

The choice of care product is also of great importance. Problem skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands immediately become clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “rubs”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin. This leads to the development of the phenomenon of so-called “oily dry skin” - the mouths of the glands are clogged with sebum, and the surface of the skin is overdried. The ideal choice in this case is a light gel-based serum with no or minimal fat content. It is also better to entrust the choice of serum to a dermatocosmetologist. Sometimes it's best to choose a serum that's marketed as "anti-aging" even though it contains great anti-acne ingredients.


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So which method is most effective?

Is it difficult to understand the many methods? Not at all. An experienced doctor will quickly select the correct treatment regimen on an individual basis. All these procedures are carried out quickly and painlessly. They may be preceded by a soothing and relaxing massage procedure, which is also effective for problem skin. For example, a deep lift-massage performed on a device that imitates a Jacquet pinch massage, aimed at kneading deep stagnant elements and draining the sebaceous glands. This is a cozy and pleasant procedure, during which people fall asleep, especially after a working day. It can be combined with other types of treatment (as a preparatory stage for peeling, mesotherapy treatment) to combine relaxing care and treatment of problem skin.

The editors thank the specialists of the BioMi Vita clinic for their assistance in preparing the material.

When are medications prescribed?

When prescribing drugs from the group of immunosuppressants, they are guided by the “risk-benefit” principle. In other words: the potential benefit to the patient must be much greater, thereby exceeding the possible complications caused by taking the immunosuppressant.

Indications for the use of immunosuppressive drugs:

  • to overcome tissue incompatibility during organ and tissue transplantation;
  • for malignant neoplasms for antitumor therapy;
  • pharmacological therapy of various forms of autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.);
  • drug treatment of systemic inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, periarteritis nodosa, etc.).

Since the natural protective function of the body is greatly reduced while taking immunosuppressants, this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

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