Laser décolleté rejuvenation: features of the procedure and stages of implementation

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of laser décolleté rejuvenation
  • Indications and contraindications for laser décolleté rejuvenation
  • Types of laser rejuvenation of the décolleté, neck and face
  • The difference between fractional laser décolleté rejuvenation and resurfacing
  • Stages of laser décolleté rejuvenation
  • Result of laser décolleté rejuvenation
  • Care after laser décolleté rejuvenation

Laser rejuvenation of the décolleté is an effective and popular procedure, because it is this area that reveals a woman’s true age. Cosmetic care products are often not enough to maintain the ideal appearance of your skin. And then aesthetic cosmetology comes to the rescue, which allows you to remove outdated epithelial cells and promote the formation of a renewed epidermis.

Like any procedure, there are indications and contraindications, as well as recommendations for care to maintain the results. To ensure that the achieved effect pleases you for a long time, and the procedure itself does not cause concern, be informed, and therefore armed, read our article.

Features of laser décolleté rejuvenation

In recent years, lasers have been actively used in medicine and cosmetology. Thanks to this, many have the opportunity not only to improve their health, but also to make their appearance more attractive. Problems such as pigmentation, acne scars, scars and others associated with skin imperfections easily disappear under the influence of a laser beam.

In addition, laser is an excellent assistant in the fight against signs of aging. Of all the methods for eliminating external age-related changes used in cosmetology, laser rejuvenation (smoothing wrinkles, tightening the oval of the face, getting rid of bags under the eyes) accounts for 75%. This is an effective procedure, but it should only be carried out by a highly professional and experienced cosmetologist, since, in addition to its advantages, laser treatment has disadvantages and contraindications.

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Rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, and hands using a laser beam often allows you to completely get rid of age spots and wrinkles, and remove sagging in certain areas of the body. This is a serious cosmetology technique that requires special equipment. As a rule, laser systems have adjustable parameters - the master can set the desired temperature and depth of beam penetration in each specific case. This is a very important stage of the procedure: not only the beauty, but also the health of the patient depends on the correct selection of settings; the slightest mistake can lead to burns.

The laser beam is adjusted based on information about the type and thickness of the client’s skin, the characteristics of the affected area and the severity of the imperfections that need to be eliminated. The more information the cosmetologist receives, the more accurate the impact parameters will be.

At the first consultation, the specialist explains to the client the specifics of the laser rejuvenation technique for the décolleté and other areas: one session is not enough to get rid of wrinkles; the problem can be radically solved only by going through a course of procedures. After the cosmetologist determines the range of safe and effective settings, he begins the first stage. The essence of laser exposure is that under the influence of high temperature, the destruction of skin cells (burn) occurs, after which the natural process of regeneration begins in the body, as a result, the tissues are renewed (rejuvenated).

Indications and contraindications for laser décolleté rejuvenation

A procedure such as laser rejuvenation of the décolleté area is very popular among women over 30 years old. But this does not mean that only at this age can you do laser resurfacing on the neck and upper chest. It all depends on the condition of the skin, which is what you need to focus on.

Laser resurfacing is recommended for:

  • the presence of wrinkles and deep creases;
  • pronounced sagging skin;
  • noticeable age spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • existing scars after operations, acne and smallpox;
  • the presence of stretch marks on the skin;
  • consequences of acne;
  • unhealthy skin color.

However, even if the problems listed above are present, laser treatment will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  • diagnosed with cancer;
  • there is an inflammatory process or there are infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases have worsened;
  • there is a herpes infection;
  • there are problems associated with blood clotting;
  • the patient suffers from epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus was detected;
  • there is a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.

In order not to worry about the unpleasant consequences of laser rejuvenation in the décolleté area, you should discuss the possibility of carrying out the procedure with your doctor or consult a dermatologist.

Reasons for appearance

The formation of acne in the décolleté area is possible for the following reasons.

Seborrhea and keratosis

Seborrhea is associated with hormonal imbalance, when male sex hormones predominate over female ones. As a result, there is an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and due to contamination of the outer integument, plugs are formed.

Also, women who abuse sports nutrition and supplements with a high content of steroids are prone to developing a rash in the décolleté area.

The appearance of acne on the skin due to seborrhea is often caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The epidermis clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and the fatty secretion binds them, which reduces the ability to exfoliate.

With keratosis, acne in the décolleté area occurs due to the layering of keratinized cells on top of each other, which accumulate at the roots of the hair. The skin becomes lumpy and unpleasant to the touch.


Increased sensitivity of the body to any product can occur in any person. It often manifests itself in the form of pimples on the skin of the neck and décolleté. It is important to distinguish an allergic rash from dermatological defects of other etiologies, provide timely assistance and exclude the allergen, since in the future the accumulation of toxins can cause shock or Quincke's edema.

Rashes from allergic reactions are usually small and red in color. They are accompanied by itching and may swell slightly. After stopping contact with the allergen, the negative reaction on the skin goes away.


Pimples in the décolleté area often appear after nervous overload. The rash appears suddenly, spreading throughout the body, most often it is red pimples that do not have additional symptoms. When the emotional state is restored, the formations go away on their own.

Types of laser rejuvenation of the décolleté, neck and face

Laser rejuvenation usually means not one, but several types of manipulations that have a similar principle of achieving an effect - a destructive effect on the skin that stimulates tissue renewal.

  1. Fractional ablative rejuvenation – a procedure well known to many that helps eliminate small local defects. The fewer there are, the faster you can get rid of the problem, and forever. But if there are many defects, they are grouped in a certain area or, on the contrary, dispersed over a large area, it will not be possible to remove them in 1 or 2 sessions. The doctor will have to work much longer or choose a different method of influence.

    Why is it better to use such a laser pointwise, only on problem areas? Because the impact on large areas gives an uneven effect: tissues are restored at different rates in areas whose integrity has been compromised and in those where the skin was healthy before the procedure and had no damage.

  2. Laser biorevitalization – a new cosmetic procedure that shows good results in the fight against deep wrinkles and scars. Moreover, it is painless. The skin is exposed to short pulses that separate its surface layer. As a result, cell division occurs faster, collagen is produced more intensively in the body, the skin is renewed and becomes more elastic and smooth.

    The success of the procedure is largely due to the special composition that is applied to the skin and, under the influence of a laser, penetrates the cells, nourishing and moisturizing them. As a result, the condition of the epidermis becomes much better.

  3. Non-ablative rejuvenation . After such laser treatment, which is carried out with a long beam, not only wrinkles disappear, but also scars, acne, etc. The surface of the face is completely treated. The skin is evened out and pigmentation disappears.
  4. Laser resurfacing. This is a treatment of the face, neck and décolleté with a sapphire or erbium laser. This rejuvenation makes the skin firmer and more elastic, tightens it, and gets rid of acne.
  5. Complete fractional rejuvenation of the skin of the face and neck (phototherapy). This technique is considered the simplest and safest, without causing complications. As a result of photoexposure, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, and tissues are renewed. As cosmetologists note, this is the method they most often treat the neck area for rejuvenation purposes. The advantages of fractional exposure are:
  • reduction of pores on the face;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • getting rid of spider veins and spider veins;
  • elimination of excessive pigmentation;
  • restoration of an even natural tone of the skin of the face and neck;
  • giving the skin velvety and softness.

Laser rejuvenation of the décolleté, neck and face is effective not only for women with the first signs of skin aging. The results of the procedure listed above are noticeable even after 50 years. Because a high-energy beam, acting on tissue, is able to activate cell regeneration processes at any age.

The fractional rejuvenation method along with laser resurfacing are the most popular procedures around the world today. Let's take a closer look at these techniques.

The difference between fractional laser décolleté rejuvenation and resurfacing

How does laser resurfacing ? This is nothing more than burning with a standard laser the surface of the skin on which there are cosmetic defects. As a result, a large burn is formed, and the damaged tissue is gradually renewed. The procedure is very traumatic, the regeneration process is quite long, it can take several months . And it is not a fact that after healing there will be no scars or age spots will not appear. More serious consequences cannot be excluded - the development of infection and inflammation in a vulnerable area of ​​the skin.

Fractional laser rejuvenation is a lighter treatment. There are no side effects in this case. In another way, this method is called dermal radio wave optical thermolysis (DROT). This is a systemic procedure based on a combination of fractional skin rejuvenation (carried out using the energy of a CO2 laser beam) with thermolysis and neocollagenesis (exposure to RF radiation).

How does the process work? Before the laser begins to process the surface of the skin, a special scanner divides the energy flow into many small beams, they are equidistant from each other. Each such ray acts on a specific area of ​​the skin and eliminates pillar cells on it, creating microthermal zones of damage through them. This can be compared to a kind of matrix made up of damaged and untouched skin fragments. Where destruction has occurred, cell restoration begins, and the skin begins to renew itself.

RF radiation activates tissue regeneration processes, promotes increased production of fibroblasts (cells that play an important role in recovery), normalization of intercellular metabolism - in a word, this energy effect causes skin cells to rejuvenate.

Laser resurfacing using a CO2 machine eliminates scars, scars, acne, warts, moles, and helps get rid of stretch marks and age spots. In addition, it helps solve the problem of enlarged pores.

Stages of laser décolleté rejuvenation

Laser rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté is usually carried out in stages:

  1. A special nutritional composition is applied to the skin in the areas of planned treatment, which prepares the epidermis for exposure to a laser beam.
  2. The laser beam is aimed at the area where there are defects or wrinkles that need to be eliminated. The length of the laser beam and exposure time are adjusted by a cosmetologist depending on the severity of the problem and the condition of the skin. The doctor first decides which anesthesia to use: local (if the manipulation is carried out on the superficial or middle layer of the epidermis) or general (if the effect is carried out at a deep level).
  3. At the end of the session, the face, neck and décolleté area are treated with a special paste, which promotes rapid healing of the skin and tissue restoration.

Any uncontrolled situations during the procedure are excluded, since the doctor closely monitors what is happening and checks the device settings, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The laser beam not only burns the top layer of skin with existing defects in the area where it is directed, but also stimulates nearby cells to regenerate. Thanks to this tissue response, the body accelerates the process of collagen production, on which the elasticity of the skin depends.

Another useful property of the laser is antimicrobial: the beam kills pathogens on the skin and disinfects it.

You can’t hide it: how to properly care for the décolleté area

The décolleté area is often ignored, believing that since it is not visible, it is not worth working on.
But it is precisely this part of the body that betrays age. So if you're planning to shave off a few years, then it's time to pay attention to it. Anastasia Sharova, cosmetologist, certified international trainer in contouring and mesotherapy
Caring for the neck and décolleté area is in no way inferior to facial care. All methods are good here: botulinum toxin, lasers, biorevitalization, and even threads. Cosmetologists note that recently more and more patients, whose age starts from 30 years, are turning to maintain the beauty of this area. This is understandable; in our age of advanced technologies, gadgets add fuel to the fire. It's hard to keep your phone or tablet at eye level every time. One way or another, looking at the blue screen, the head is tilted down. This means that wrinkles on the neck are inevitable. This is the so-called acquired manifestation of signs of aging. Although, of course, patients whose problems arise due to age, and not bad habits, are mainly concerned with the correction of décolleté skin.

Operation "combination"

“Often in their practice, cosmetologists use a comprehensive program for the décolleté area, which consists of several stages,” notes Anastasia Sharova, a certified international trainer in contouring and mesotherapy. — First, they solve the problem of excess fat deposits in the area of ​​the double chin and lower jaw. This is usually done with the use of indirect lipolytics (if the adipose tissue is insignificant), which differ from direct ones in that they do not cause inflammatory reactions and allow the patient to remain socially active throughout the course of therapy. In addition, their introduction is painless (five to ten sessions once a week). The second stage is the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid (every 8-12 months). Here we work with both the contours of the lower jaw and the lower third of the face. Immediately after fillers, the next step is biorevitalization (four to six sessions every 14 days), which will reduce fine wrinkles in the décolleté and circular neck wrinkles. This combined program will be an alternative to surgical lifting and will provide a long-lasting rejuvenating effect.”

Bust of the leader

There are plenty of problems with the delicate décolleté area: sagging skin, a fine network of wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. “Skin laxity and pigment can be prevented using preventive measures, for example, a course of mesotherapy,” continues cosmetologist Anastasia Sharova. — The meso-cocktail includes only those plant extracts, vitamins and microelements that have a good evidence base, and therefore effectiveness. Such a mesocourse will give the cells an additional resource, and they will begin to function better (one bottle is enough for the neck and décolleté area; the same amount is usually used for the face). In my opinion, mesotherapy is one of the main methods that can give real results in the treatment of age-related problems, and not just provide a visual effect. Especially if you stay on schedule and do it once a year.” Biorevitalization did not stand aside either. It tightens the skin and increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in it. “If these measures are not enough, then laser procedures can be added,” continues Anastasia Sharova. — The use of erbium or CO2 fractional lasers is appropriate here. The latter improves the stimulation of collagen synthesis, reduces the skin area and evens out its relief.” But, as with any technique, there may be complications (for example, thinning of the skin). To avoid this, you need to choose trusted clinics with good modern equipment and experienced doctors. PRP therapy gives very good results in improving the quality of the skin of the neck and décolleté. At a young age, it will provide a good increase in metabolism in tissues, and at a more mature age it will act as one of the significant stages of correction. Absorbable mesothreads are also used to rejuvenate the décolleté area. Their main task is skin lifting, which is carried out by forming a strong frame that supports soft tissues. Photorejuvenation is a great way to activate the natural production of collagen and elastin and get rid of age spots. As a result, the skin restores its natural shade and takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. True, it is important to take into account one feature. The skin on the body is more sensitive to phototherapy, so it is important to set the correct parameters to eliminate the risk of burns. Radio wave procedures also did not stand aside. For example, bipolar RF lifting works well in the décolleté area to tighten the skin. It would not be out of place to say that not a single doctor will carry out all this “work” in the mammary gland area. Only surgeons are responsible for this area.

swan neck

“One of the most common and not the most pleasant “decorations” of this zone is the rings of Venus,” notes Anastasia Sharova. “These deep horizontal creases in the neck are not related to age, but are an anatomical feature that can appear even at a young age and, alas, is difficult to correct. The fact is that there are ligaments in the neck that “hold” these creases. And the larger the fatty tissue, the stronger the tension and the more noticeable the folds. But there is good news: for those who are not overweight, it will be easier to remove them. In my practice, I use combined techniques to combat the rings of Venus. First of all, this is the intradermal injection of viscous fillers. Then comes microneedling using DMAE.” In other words, mechanical piercing of the upper layer of skin with a special needle device (mesoscooter or dermapen). In this case, a dimethylaminoethanol preparation is pre-applied to the skin. This active ingredient is often included in meso-cocktails, and its main task is to renew the number of fibroblasts in the skin, thereby tightening it. If these measures are not enough, then laser therapy can be added to the end.” A set of these measures will improve skin turgor, and the rings of Venus will become less noticeable. But, alas, it will still not be possible to get rid of them completely. “I am against filling the rings of Venus with fillers,” continues Anastasia Sharova. — Firstly, the effect will be short-lived, and secondly, contouring will not look very natural due to the fact that fillers will add volume. If we are talking about correction of the neck area in general, then fillers are applicable. For example, to smooth out the relief of a too thin neck, a soft gel is injected subcutaneously.” Another way to bring your neck closer to the “gold standards” is the Thermage procedure. It is enough to carry it out once every two to three years - and you don’t have to worry that an open wardrobe will reveal your age. “Botulinum therapy also plays an important role in correcting the neck area,” continues cosmetologist Anastasia Sharova. — It is often used in cases where the subcutaneous muscle of the neck is tense (it is in active movement during conversation or facial expressions). The fact is that in this state of affairs it will pull down the tissues located in the lower third of the face, and this, in turn, will add volume under the lower jaw.” Botulinum toxin injections cause temporary paralysis of the neck muscle and promote its relaxation, and the temporary absence of muscle activity leads to the smoothing of wrinkles. The effect will become noticeable a few days after the procedure, and the result will last for 8-12 months. To prolong it, botulinum therapy is combined with mesotherapy and contouring. Thermolifting (photorejuvenation) and RF lifting in the neck area are also practiced. The main task of these techniques is to smooth the skin and rid it of age spots. True, some patients who are thinking about neck correction often have a question about how safe all these measures are for the thyroid gland. It is known that there is an active metabolism in this zone, so a competent doctor avoids all procedures with thermal heating. It's the same story with injections. What to do if swelling has been removed, subcutaneous fat has been reduced, muscle has been smoothed out, but excess skin still remains on the neck? Then the need for thread techniques, and in some cases laser liposuction, is assessed. But this is already the prerogative of plastic surgeons. Age has nothing to do with it
Why did young patients begin to pay attention to the décolleté area? The fact is that not all people have ideal collagen levels; the more common picture is when it is reduced. The reason is not only in ecology and lifestyle, but also in changes in the gene that is responsible for the production of collagen, and, as a result, leads to hidden collagenopathy. Therefore, in many patients, age-related changes in the neck and décolleté area begin much earlier than is commonly believed (from the age of 30).

Firming cream for neck and décolleté, VIf

Moisturizing cream retin A 6%, isystem

Cell shock modeling cream for neck and chin, swissline

Moisturizing and smoothing cream for neck and décolleté DNa, Dr. brandt

Modeling cream for neck and décolleté, eisenberg

Anti-wrinkle cream for eyelids and neck, Phy-mongshe

Result of laser décolleté rejuvenation

The effect of laser rejuvenation of the décolleté, neck and face is manifested by the following changes:

  • wrinkles disappear or become less pronounced;
  • the structure of the skin is transformed;
  • skin color is evened out, the face looks refreshed;
  • pores narrow;
  • pigment spots and vascular networks disappear;
  • scars are smoothed out, stretch marks become invisible.
We recommend

Laser aesthetic cosmetology: the perfect technique for an ideal appearance More
In each specific case, the cosmetologist selects an acceptable method of applying laser to the skin, depending on its condition and the problems that the client wants to solve.

The effect is noticeable at the end of the recovery period after the first procedure. The optimal course is prescribed on an individual basis.

Treatment methods

After the necessary research, the doctor selects a treatment regimen based on the reasons that caused the formations on the skin.

Treatment of acne should be comprehensive and include the use of medications, adherence to a special diet and, if necessary, physical therapy.

Drug therapy

The course is selected depending on the factor influencing the appearance of rashes.

Basic treatment regimens:

  • local anti-inflammatory drugs (syntomycin, zinc ointment);
  • antibacterial drugs (“Zinerit”);
  • antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine);
  • drying agents containing alcohol (salicylic or boric solution);
  • pharmaceutical mixtures of several components that have several effects at once;
  • for allergies use antihistamines;
  • steroid-based ointments (prescribed by a doctor in severe cases, with serious hormonal changes in the body).

All procedures are carried out with clean hands. Before applying the products, you must thoroughly wash and steam your skin.

Folk remedies

When a person develops hypersensitivity to purchased medications, alternative therapy methods are used.

  • Frequently wash problem areas with laundry or tar soap, use soap suds as a compress several times a week.
  • Grind the leaves of a three-year-old aloe and wrap in gauze. Apply to skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Brew celandine, calendula and chamomile. Use as a lotion after the solution has cooled several times a day.
  • Mix lemon juice with three parts water and wipe the skin morning and evening.

Recipes for ointments and scrubs

  • Combine olive oil and honey, add tocopherol and a few drops of aloe. Mix and place in a jar with a lid. Apply to pimples daily. The shelf life of the product is about 30 days.
  • Mix sour cream with cucumber, lemon juice and two yolks. Beat the mixture and add a little alcohol. Use twice a day.
  • To prepare the scrub, mix orange peel with honey in equal proportions and add a few grams of pepper and cinnamon. Apply to the décolleté area and leave for a few minutes, then massage lightly and rinse.

Care after laser décolleté rejuvenation

Those who decide to undergo laser rejuvenation of the décolleté must be prepared for the fact that at the end of the session, pain may be felt in the areas affected by the beam. As a rule, it is not possible to get rid of it with the help of anesthetic gels and other compounds.

After 3-4 hours, redness and swelling are possible, especially in the nose and eyelids. In the next day they do not go away, but intensify. But this should not cause undue concern: such a reaction is the body’s natural response to the traumatic effects of external factors. A special diet helps to alleviate the condition: drink plenty of fluids (water or herbal tea), avoid salty foods and canned food.

The second day after a laser rejuvenation session is characterized by the release of liquid on the affected areas and the formation of crusts from it. Under no circumstances should these crusts be removed; they protect the tissues from infection. In addition, if they are torn off, they may leave scars later. As the crusts heal, they disappear on their own.

It takes at least a week for the skin to recover. During this time, the swelling goes away and the crust softens. But the pinkish tint, characteristic of a post-burn condition, persists for another month.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid side effects. The only thing you can do to help your skin is to use protective and healing creams correctly. For a month, it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun (apply products with a protection factor of at least SPF 30), provide them with vitamins and minerals. It is very important to stick to your diet - eat plenty of vegetables and fluids.

It is better to wash your face with boiled water and be sure to moisturize your skin as much as possible with products prescribed by the cosmetologist. Scrubs and peelings are strictly prohibited during the rehabilitation period.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Causes of acne on the décolleté

Good afternoon dear reader. In this article I will tell you why acne appears in the décolleté area, its causes, treatment and how to get rid of it.

Pimples (acne) create a problem in life and spoil your mood, especially in summer.

Acne is a disease

Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, acne appears in places where there are sebaceous glands. That is, on the face, upper back and décolleté in women.

The main reasons why acne occurs in the décolleté area are increased sebum production, blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, their infection and inflammation.

Do you need to deal with acne immediately? Yes! It is necessary to begin treatment of acne as early as possible in order to prevent the development of inflammation, suppuration, and scar formation, which so spoil the skin.

Contrary to the opinion of many desperate women, medicine claims that acne is a curable skin disease. Doctors testify that it is curable in 90% of cases.

Acne and spring

They say that “in spring, eels grow like flowers in a field.” Sometimes they add that “in spring the blood becomes polluted.” And having prescribed blood purifying agents to the unfortunate woman, whose décolleté area is covered with acne, with a clear conscience they advise her to wait for the summer.

But summer comes, and acne remains. Moreover, under the rays of the sun it blooms even more.

And yet, acne is a spring disease that occurs during the spring of life.

Those who claim that “acne will disappear after marriage” are not telling the truth. They mislead sick people and make them even more unhappy.

Acne rarely goes away after marriage. Even if it disappears during the natural restoration of hormonal balance after puberty, noticeable scars may still remain on the skin.

Experts advise starting acne treatment as early as possible, when the very first, minor manifestations are detected.

Acne disappears by age fifty. But will you really wait that long and ruin your life?

Acne on the décolleté and medicine

Unfortunately, most doctors do not treat acne. To the already well-known widespread misconceptions, they add one more, no less ruthless: “This is not a serious disease.” And they give many incorrect arguments as proof. They consider it unworthy of themselves to treat a “cosmetic” disease. And besides, they don’t die from acne.

However, acne in the décolleté area in women is very dangerous. Acne treatment is long-term. Relapses are possible.

This is what Professor E. Sidi, one of the most authoritative experts on skin diseases, writes: “Listening to patients who come to me for help after many years of unsuccessful treatment from unqualified dermatologists and cosmetologists, having spent significant funds from their modest budget to the detriment of the urgent needs of their family , I am convinced every time how serious this disease is. In addition, we should not forget that people with hypersensitivity perceive acne as an irreparable tragedy. This reflects on their behavior and their character."

It is impossible to describe the suffering of women whose faces and bodies are disfigured by acne. They can't wear the dresses they like. Swim in the sea or in pools. Move up the career ladder. All this is a source of difficult emotional experiences for them. It is necessary to urgently consult a dermatologist. And if the disease has gone too far, see a highly qualified endocrinologist.

Hormones and acne

Without a doubt, acne in the décolleté area and the causes of this disease are hormonal imbalances.

There are also many other opinions about the causes and development of acne. Doctors still cannot agree. Some experts argue that to remove acne it is necessary to treat the nervous system, others - the liver or intestines.

Indeed, many people suffering from acne eat very quickly and complain of impaired liver and intestinal function. But no one has yet testified that this disease was cured by a specially designed diet.

According to the best modern experts, disorders of the nervous system and digestion complicate acne. But the cause of acne is hormonal imbalance. It would seem that nothing could be simpler: it is enough to restore this balance.

However, hormonal drugs have a very active effect, so when prescribing them, it is necessary to provide for possible and undesirable side effects, as well as take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Correct treatment can only be provided with an accurate dosage of hormonal drugs, that is, in those quantities that should be secreted in the patient’s body.

If hormone therapy is not successful, the doctor may prescribe another effective treatment - radiotherapy.

Massage of the décolleté area

Massage, which consists of rubbing the tissue affected by acne, is an integral part of any course of acne treatment. It is unacceptable to use this procedure as the only means of treating acne.

Dr. Leroy's method is a very simple and effective treatment method. The masseur rubs powder into his fingers. Cleans the affected areas of the patient's skin with a cotton swab moistened with Hoffmann's balm to dry oily skin.

For several minutes, the massage therapist, with precise movements, kneads the affected area of ​​the body in all directions with the end phalanges of his fingers, capturing its entire thickness. Then he rubs the skin with strong short movements in the direction from the center to the periphery.

Neither stroking, staccato, nor circular movements are allowed. In eight to fifteen sessions, depending on the severity of the disease, massage has a beneficial effect on the skin. Blackheads and excess sebum, which clog pores and cause acne, will disappear.

The first three sessions are carried out daily, and the subsequent ones every other day. The duration of each massage session is fifteen minutes.


The causes of frequent rashes on the skin of the face, back and acne in the décolleté area may be demodex - a subcutaneous mite. To clarify the diagnosis and get rid of the unwanted “neighbor”, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Don't be scared! Demodex, or acne mite, lives on the skin of 90% of people and animals. Usually it does not cause trouble, but with immune failures and some chronic diseases (disorders of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, biliary system, imbalance in the endocrine system) it can begin to multiply too actively. That's when skin problems arise: redness, peeling, rash, itching. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances!

Treat acne on your décolleté without delay!

To find out the final diagnosis, contact a dermatologist and take a scraping to check for demodex. After all, rashes, redness and itchy skin can be caused not only by mites.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe an individual treatment regimen, taking into account age, severity of the disease, etc. These can be antibiotics, metragil jelly, sulfur masks, benzide benzoate and other means.

During treatment, limit the consumption of salt, vinegar, fried and spicy foods, flour products, and alcohol. Include more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, and dairy products in your diet.

During this period, forget about the bath and any thermal procedures. Do not use creams containing honey. Try not to sunbathe, do not expose your face to the sun and protect it from wind, rain and snow.

After treatment, take a re-test. We can talk about recovery only if the acne in the décolleté area has completely disappeared. But be prepared for the fact that after a while demodicosis will make itself felt again. Acne can be completely cured only if the causes of mite proliferation in the décolleté area (a chronic disease) are eliminated.

Don't worry that your skin will forever retain traces of the disease. There are effective procedures that eliminate cosmetic defects left after demodicosis.

Ask your doctor to choose the optimal skin rehabilitation regimen. These scars can be removed by peeling.

You can also follow the link and read the article The appearance of acne

Be healthy! Elena Levchenko was with you.

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