Laser facial rejuvenation (hardware cosmetology)

  • What is laser skin rejuvenation without surgery?
  • Indications: fractional laser rejuvenation
  • Unique features of laser facial rejuvenation
  • What problems does the MCL-30 DermablateEr:Yag 2940 laser solve?
  • Contraindications for laser skin rejuvenation
  • How does a therapy session work?
  • Photo: before and after
  • Fractional thermolysis video
  • Final result
  • Prices

With age, collagen fibers are poorly produced, as a result of which the skin sags and the oval of the face becomes unclear, a double chin becomes visible, and the corners of the eyes and lips droop.
When people are young, there is enough collagen in their skin, so facial tissues successfully resist changes. You can only get rid of drooping chin, cheeks and eyelids with the help of a plastic surgeon. Therefore, it is better to think about this problem in advance and use laser skin rejuvenation when signs of age-related changes appear. Fractional rejuvenation is the most suitable option for most clients because it produces the desired results without the need for surgery.

What is laser rejuvenation (fractional photothermolysis)?

Laser rejuvenation is one of the most serious cosmetic methods aimed at completely eliminating wrinkles and sagging areas.

The impact on the dermis is carried out using a beam of an energy generator, the doctor determines its optimal temperature and depth, after which the treatment of the epidermis begins. Due to the high temperature, skin cells burn, thereby provoking the body to completely renew the skin.

Fractional thermolysis (ablation) is a method of laser resurfacing of the face and body under the influence of high temperatures. In other words, during exposure, the thinnest laser beam removes and helps cope with age-related changes in the skin by removing micro-portions of old skin with the formation of micro-thermal zones on it. At this moment, the effect of laser skin rejuvenation occurs. The recovery process begins, accompanied by increased synthesis of collagen and elastin, leading to renewal of the skin throughout its depth. Collagen is the reinforcing protein of our skin, which creates its frame. The laser rejuvenation procedure is carried out at the Absolut Med clinic using an erbium laser MCL-30 Dermablate manufactured (Germany).

Today, rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body using fractional photothermolysis makes it possible to obtain amazing results. The rejuvenation effect is safe and allows its use even in those patients who have contraindications to plastic surgery. The result lasts for a long time.

Laser blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty (Laser eyelid resurfacing) is a procedure that allows, without a scalpel or incisions, to reduce the skin of the upper and lower eyelids using laser action, as well as eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.

Today, this is a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, which has a number of undeniable advantages.

The procedure is performed using a fractional CO2 laser SmartХide DOT (Italy). This is a unique CO2 laser platform with an integrated innovative DOT Therapy® technique, which is absolutely deservedly the gold standard in the field of laser facial rejuvenation.

Indications for fractional rejuvenation

  • Reduction of depth and complete correction of wrinkles;
  • Reduction of pore sizes;
  • Correction of gravitational ptosis;
  • Restoring skin elasticity;
  • Removal of pigment spots;
  • The need to remove traces of post-acne, scar changes and stretch marks;
  • Getting rid of hyper- and atrophic, postoperative and post-traumatic scars;
  • Improvements in skin structure and color.

What effect should I expect and how long does the recovery period last?

In terms of effectiveness, fractional lifting is comparable to CO2 laser, but requires much less time for rehabilitation. On the day of the intervention, some pain, burning and swelling may be present. It takes about a week to fully recover.

An effect that can be observed immediately is an increase in skin density and elasticity, a reduction in wrinkles, and an improvement in facial contours.

To sign up for fractional rejuvenation in Moscow, call us or use the online registration form on the website. Our address: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6.

Unique advantages of laser rejuvenation:

  • With each procedure, 15-25% of old tissue can be removed, and healthy young skin is formed in its place.
  • Remodeling processes occur in depth, and not just on the surface. The collagen and elastin framework is renewed.
  • Solving several cosmetic problems simultaneously in one session.
  • There are no restrictions on skin color, thickness or sensitivity. The procedure is suitable for all skin types.
  • Laser rejuvenation can be used on any delicate areas, for example, the hands, décolleté, neck, eyelids, etc.
  • No special medical care is required other than standard SPF sun protection and moisturizing cosmetics. The convenient fact is that makeup can be applied the next day after the procedure.
  • The procedure is performed using only local anesthesia and lasts 30-60 minutes.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe chronic diseases (including endocrine);
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Also, the procedure is not carried out in spring and summer, during periods of high solar activity - the skin after exposure to the laser becomes very sensitive, sunburn and age spots may occur.
Anesthesia Application Duration of procedure 15-20 minutes Rehabilitation 5-7 days Duration of effect 1-1.5 years
Discuss the procedure with a specialist

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How does the session work?

During the consultation, the cosmetologist first determines the goals for which the client came, finds out possible contraindications to the procedure, and talks about the possible results. The method of numbing the treated area is also discussed.

  • Preparing the client's skin for the upcoming laser rejuvenation procedure. To do this, the area of ​​skin that will be affected is cleansed. Then a special anesthetic cream is applied to reduce pain.

  • Sequential fractional laser treatment. Takes about 30 minutes. During the session, the cosmetologist moves a nozzle over the surface, which emits a targeted laser beam. If necessary, the same area (depending on the problem) is treated multiple times within one procedure. The procedure can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the volume of leather being processed.

  • Applying a special cream or ointment. Upon completion of fractional photothermolysis, a cream with a soothing effect is applied to the “polished” surface.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out a course of several procedures - from 3 to 5. The number of procedures and type of impact are determined by a cosmetologist during an in-person appointment. A session can be performed once every 6 months.

Features of the SMAS lifting procedure

The Ultroformer 3 device uses HIFU (High intensity focused ultrasound) technology - high-intensity focused ultrasound penetrates several levels of the skin and reaches the muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS). Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the temperature of soft tissues at a microthermal point at a given depth increases to 60–70°C.

Directed radiation triggers the processes of contraction and compaction of SMAS, tissue repair, lipolysis, and also activates collagen production. Thermal damage stimulates the synthesis of a new collagen matrix, the renewal of which is completed in 3–4 months.

Before and After Photos of Fractional Laser Rejuvenation

Three modifications of the Fraxel laser –

There are three main original Fraxel devices, which are used in different clinical situations, and depending on the severity of the problem.

Fraxel Re'fine –

This is a fractional non-ablative erbium laser, with a wavelength of 1410 nm and a single pulse energy of 5 to 20 mJ (Fig. 10). This laser works to a depth of 0.7 mm, and the stratum corneum of the epidermis remains intact. This is the softest type of Fraxel laser, after which healing occurs as quickly as possible, and the procedure itself is as painless as possible and lasts only 20 minutes.

Fraxel refine is used to smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the skin of the eyelids, remove age spots and other pigmentation on the skin, and treat melasma. Also, this type of laser generally improves the condition of the skin and can be used primarily to prevent aging.

Thus, the indications for using Fraxel refine are exactly the same as for photorejuvenation techniques using IPL devices. The latter, as a rule, are much cheaper than Fraxel laser treatment. However, Fraxel can be used on people of any skin color, and IPL devices are not recommended for people with dark skin.

Fraxel Restore –

This is a fractional non-ablative erbium laser, with a wavelength of 1550 nm and a single pulse energy of 4 to 70 mJ (Fig. 11). The depth of exposure, depending on the settings, ranges from 0.4 to 1.4 mm. This type of laser is used to treat similar problems that Fraxel refine can eliminate, but only more severe. For example, to smooth out more pronounced wrinkles.

Fraxel restore reviews also claim that it does an excellent job of removing small atrophic acne scars, hypertrophic scars, and is also used to treat stretch marks after pregnancy, pigmentation and skin keratosis.

Fraxel Re'pair –

This is a fractional laser of the ablative type, belongs to the group of CO2 (carbon dioxide) lasers with a wavelength of 10600 nm and a single pulse energy of up to 225 mJ (Fig. 12). Unlike classic ablative lasers, which work only deep into the epidermis, Fraxel Repair works in both the epidermis and dermis. The depth of exposure ranges from 0.4 to 1.6 mm, and it can be adjusted by the settings of the device, on which modes can be selected: “medium ablation” or “deep ablation”.

Medium ablation mode primarily targets the lower layers of the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis, which is suitable for smoothing shallow wrinkles (such as around the eyes), reducing pore size and improving skin texture.

Fraxel repair in the “deep ablation” mode acts primarily on the middle layers of the dermis, which is excellent for smoothing out deep wrinkles. When using this mode, there is also a pronounced skin lifting effect, which you will notice immediately after the procedure. The device is also successfully used to remove age spots and spider veins, as well as to remove hypertrophic scars and scars.

Analogues of the Fraxel Repair laser produced by other manufacturers -

  • Active and Deep FX (Lumenis),
  • Quadralase (Candela),
  • Pearl Fractional (Cutera), etc...

Comparison of Fraxel refine and Fraxel restore – with Fraxel repair…

Fraxel repair fractional ablative CO2 laser is more aggressive than erbium non-ablative lasers Fraxel refine and Fraxel restore, which leads to greater synthesis in tissues of inflammatory mediators, proteins and factors that stimulate stem cells and fibroblast function. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the procedure with the Fraxel ablative CO2 laser will be 2 times higher, although healing will take 2-3 times longer. In addition, it is “Fraxel repair” that gives the best skin lifting effect.

Operation process of fractional CO2 laser: video

Where to get fractional laser rejuvenation in Moscow

Contact the aesthetic medicine clinic in Moscow “Absolut Med” near the Airport metro station in the Northern Administrative District, which uses innovative technology - the MCL-30 Dermablate erbium laser. This laser can be considered a revolution in aesthetic cosmetology.

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Fractional photothermolysis - face23 000 ₽
- face, neck27 000 ₽
- face, neck, décolleté30 000 ₽
- buccal area10 000 ₽
- neck10 000 ₽
- neckline10 000 ₽
- upper eyelids4 000 ₽
- lower eyelids4 000 ₽
- paraorbital region7 000 ₽
- perioral region5 000 ₽
- chin area7 000 ₽
- nasolabial triangle5 000 ₽
- nose3 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis-body
- Hands7 000 ₽
- stomach (1 zone)7 000 ₽
— back (1 zone)7 000 ₽
- lateral thigh7 000 ₽
- back of the thigh7 000 ₽
- inner thigh7 000 ₽
- anterior thigh7 000 ₽
- one full thigh12 000 ₽
- shoulders7 000 ₽
- shins7 000 ₽
- mammary gland12 000 ₽
- buttocks12 000 ₽
- forehead8 500 ₽
Fractional photothermolysis (per 1 ₽
Laser facial resurfacing30 000 ₽
Laser resurfacing of the eye area9 000 ₽


After laser blepharoplasty, the first visible effect of the procedure appears after the rehabilitation period, on average 5–7 days. At the same time, the skin noticeably tightens, becomes elastic, not only small but also deep wrinkles, scars and stretch marks disappear or are significantly reduced. The effect is increasing, most pronounced 2-3 months after the procedure.

After SMAS eyelid lifting, the first results of the procedure are noticeable immediately, the maximum effect is achieved after 3-4 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once a year.

Fraxel (Fraxel). Smartxide dot

Fractional thermolysis gives a positive result after the 1st procedure. In order to see excellent results, you need to complete a course consisting of 4-7 sessions.

The most powerful device for laser rejuvenation is smartxide dot. It acts precisely and is not as aggressive as some other devices for laser correction of imperfections.

This Fraxel rejuvenation procedure will help you if you have especially visible signs of aging, if you are unhappy with oily skin or enlarged pores, or suffer from acne or age spots.

Fractional rejuvenation. Prices

The cost can be found in our Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology!

For better results, cosmetologists usually recommend combining fractional rejuvenation with biorevitalization.

How Fraxel Fractional Laser Works –

To understand how it all works, you need to know the structure of the skin (Fig. 13). The skin consists of 3 layers: → epidermis (surface layer), → dermis (middle layer), → subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The epidermis consists of numerous layers of keratinocytes of varying degrees of differentiation. The epidermis also contains melanocytes (so-called pigment cells), which are responsible for skin color. The dermis consists of collagen and elastin fibers, fibroblasts, which provide the skin with strength, firmness and elasticity (

As our body ages, the appearance and general characteristics of the skin change. The epidermis becomes thinner, various spots on the skin become more noticeable, and the collagen content in the dermis by the age of 45 decreases by almost half. Skin moisture is noticeably reduced due to a decrease in hyaluronic acid content. All this leads to the gradual appearance of wrinkles, the formation of deep lines on the face, and the skin becomes flabby.

Principle of operation -

Using special technology, the laser beam is split into thousands of microbeams, each of which is one-tenth the size of a human hair.
That is why such lasers are called fractional. The meaning of such fractionation is that areas of destroyed tissue are subsequently surrounded by areas of undamaged viable tissue, the cells of which will ensure rapid restoration of damaged areas. When using non-ablative Fraxel lasers (Fraxel refine and Fraxel restore), numerous micro-areas of tissue coagulation (MTZ microthermal zones) are formed - in the form of columns perpendicular to the skin surface (Fig. 14). And when using the Fraxel repair ablative laser, not only injury occurs, but also a certain percentage of tissue is removed, which leads to a pronounced skin lifting effect.

In response to such damage, the body begins to synthesize more proteins, mediators and signaling molecules, which cause the activation of skin stem cells and increase the rate of their division. A large number of new cells begin to gradually synthesize the structural elements of the skin, such as collagen and elastin. Moreover, after using the Fraxel repair ablative laser, these processes are more pronounced.

When using non-ablative Fraxel lasers (Fraxel refine and Fraxel restore), coagulation areas occur predominantly in the dermis without compromising the integrity of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. And when using the Fraxel repair ablative laser, coagulation occurs with a violation of the integrity of the stratum corneum, which leads to the formation of microholes in it up to 200 microns in size, which are completely restored in about 24-45 hours (Fig. 17). Damage to the dermis is restored in 4-7 days.

Possible complications and consequences

Our patients have never contacted us with complaints of side effects. However, in general practice the following cases are very rare, which mainly occur due to the incompetence of the specialist or when the patient has contraindications to the procedure:

  • Thermal damage to the skin when the recommended parameters of laser exposure are exceeded. In this case, it is recommended to use drugs with anti-inflammatory and epithelializing effects and prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Mild hyperemia (redness of the skin due to blood flow to the treated area), which goes away without a trace within 1-2 days.
  • Local swelling, which also goes away on its own within the first 24 hours.
  • Light flaking and dry skin, which can be eliminated with a nourishing cream.
  • A slight burning sensation that goes away on the day of the procedure. To reduce discomfort, you can apply an ice compress or put on a hydrogel mask.

As we said above, the listed side effects are usually consequences of unprofessional conduct of the procedure. When undergoing a procedure at the TORI aesthetic medicine center, you are insured against such unpleasant surprises.

Possible side effects

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation procedures are extremely rare. Most often, negative consequences are observed due to the unprofessional actions of a cosmetologist who neglects the processing instructions. Sometimes side effects occur due to the client's failure to follow skin care recommendations.

Most likely complications:

  • severe hyperemia of the skin, which goes away on its own after three days;
  • swelling;
  • dark skin tone;
  • excessive dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • burns;
  • scars and cicatrices;
  • white or yellow milia raised above the surface (dense nodules that form under the skin);
  • inflammatory processes in damaged areas;
  • the phenomenon of hyperpigmentation (may appear as a result of exposure to sunlight).

Complications after fractional laser rejuvenation will not appear if you prepare well before the procedure, choose a reliable clinic and an experienced professional.

Thread and vector lifting:

Thread lifting is a method of tightening and lifting the soft tissues of the face using special self-absorbing caprolactone threads (Aptos, Dermafil). One-sided notches on the threads provide lifting of sagging areas of the face, while the introduction of threads under the skin occurs unhindered. The threads dissolve within 9-12 months, but as the threads dissolve, they are replaced with their own fibrous tissue, due to which the effect of a thread facelift lasts up to 2-5 years. Indications: eyebrow lifting. elimination of soft tissue ptosis, double chin, elevation of the cheek areas. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, does not require long-term rehabilitation, and you can maintain your usual lifestyle.

Vector lifting with fillers - fillers are injected intradermally in the form of parallel vector lines along which the skin is tightened. Indications: mild to moderate ptosis, modeling and lifting of small areas of the face (zygomatic, eyebrow corners, cheek fat pads). During the vector lifting procedure, fillers of hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) are used - depending on the drug used, the effect can last from 6 months to 3 years.

Preparation and progress of the procedure

To avoid disastrous consequences in the form of complications after a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

First, you need to consult with a cosmetologist and get an assessment of the condition of the skin on your face. The specialist will determine a list of contraindications and give the necessary recommendations.

Before the procedure, it is not advisable to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for 3–4 weeks. In addition, sunbathing in the open sun is prohibited. Before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your face.

It is very important to stop taking certain medications, particularly antibiotics and blood thinners. In addition, doctors recommend taking antiherpetic medications.

No later than two weeks in advance, it is not recommended to perform manipulations that injure the skin tissue.

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Fractional laser rejuvenation of the eyes and other areas takes place in several stages. First, the cosmetologist must prepare the skin areas for the procedures. To do this, it removes the remnants of decorative cosmetics from the skin, as well as dirt, dust, and sweat. Then the surface is treated with an antiseptic.

The next step is to apply an anesthetic cream, which is left on the skin for about an hour.

After anesthesia, contact gel is evenly applied to the face so that the sensor glides smoothly and evenly over the surface of the skin.

The tip is then used to process the skin tissue in straight lines in several directions. The device is equipped with nozzles of different sizes. Typically, 2 cm² of skin is treated in one pass.

At the end of the procedure, the specialist should remove the remaining contact gel and apply a soothing cream.

How is the procedure performed?

The procedure is easily tolerated. Thanks to the use of anesthesia, the patient does not feel anything. The eyes are protected from radiation with special caps, so the rejuvenating procedure does not have a negative effect on vision. The procedure lasts 20-40 minutes.

The laser treats both the inner and outer surfaces of the eyelids. All soft tissues of the paraorbital zone are also heated. The use of ultra-long pulses of an erbium laser is a unique technique that can trigger the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of soft tissues. This allows you to make the contours of the eyes clear, get rid of folds and bags.

If necessary, laser resurfacing is performed at the final stage, making the skin of the eyelids smooth and radiant.

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