Mesotherapy for pigment spots: the essence of the procedure and features of the procedure

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the subcutaneous administration of beneficial drugs that saturate the skin and awaken natural metabolic processes. Mesotherapy for age spots is one of the most effective areas of technology, as it promotes accelerated regeneration of new epithelial cells, evening out facial tone and neutralizing pigmentation.

Reasons for the formation of age spots

Most often, pigmentation on the face of women appears due to age-related changes. The first signs of photoaging of sensitive skin appear after 30 years, then whitening mesotherapy for pigmentation will help prevent their occurrence.

However, there are other reasons for the appearance of such defects:

  1. Ultraviolet radiation . If you sunbathe and don't use sunscreen, your risk of pigmentation is much higher.
  2. Hormonal surges. They can happen due to pregnancy, depression or serious illness.
  3. Inflammatory processes. Post-acne appears after acne and acne disappear.
  4. Injuries and skin damage.
  5. Intoxication of the body . Sometimes happens when taking antibiotics or medications.

Keep in mind that mesotherapy will only help you whiten the colored epithelial cells, however, if the cause of pigmentation is related to health problems, you must first pay attention to eliminating them. To do this, first find out what caused the formation of such a problem, and only then undergo a course of mesotherapy.

Types of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for pigmentation can be performed using one of three techniques:

  • Manual. It is used to eliminate local problems, since a syringe with a meso-cocktail is injected into the selected area. It is placed quite deep, which makes the technique quite effective;
  • Hardware. It is used to neutralize common problems with facial skin; it uses a device that evenly distributes the beneficial composition over the skin;
  • Non-injection. The most gentle technique in which the applied meso-cocktail penetrates the skin due to the influence of electromagnetic pulses.

All technologies can be used to eliminate pigmentation, but they should be done in a salon to ensure maximum effectiveness of the procedure.

Mesococktails and fillers

The main effect of meso-cocktails used for mesotherapy against pigmentation on the face is whitening. Because of this, the useful composition always includes arbutin and ascorbic acid, which ensure the attenuation of the melanin pigment that colors the skin.

However, the administered drug also includes other components:

  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Organic acids;
  • Animal and plant extracts;
  • Collagen;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Oils.

In cosmetology, the master selects the composition of the drug used independently, taking into account the initial condition of the girl’s skin and the desired result.

Review of drugs

Sometimes ready-made meso-cocktails are used for mesotherapy, aimed at eliminating pigmentation on the face and body. Let's look at popular drugs.

Drug nameManufacturer countryPeculiaritiesPrice
F-RADIANCESpainUsed to eliminate age-related pigmentation in the early stages. To completely eliminate stains, a course of 8-10 sessions is required. From 2000 rubles
FILORGA NSTF 135FranceThe most effective drug that has a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin. In addition to eliminating age spots, the drug provides skin tightening and eliminates signs of photoaging. From 10,000 rubles
DermahealKoreaMost often it is an additional component in classic meso-cocktails to prevent pigmentation. It is also often used to restore skin after aggressive cosmetic procedures. From 1000 rubles
FillerVit OxItalyThe high content of hyaluronic acid in the composition ensures the elimination of signs of skin photoaging, including pigmentation, regardless of the cause of its occurrence.From 7000 rubles
Mesoline ShineLuxembourgIn addition to eliminating existing pigmentation, the drug helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation in the future.From 2000 rubles

The essence of treatment

In 1952, Michel Pistor, a French physician, administered vitamins subcutaneously for the first time. This is how mesotherapy appeared, which is a course of procedures aimed at introducing healing substances into the upper layer of the dermis. Thanks to this, there is an effective effect on the desired area of ​​​​the skin. Based on the type of drug administration, there are two types:

  1. invasive mesotherapy (injection);
  2. non-invasive mesotherapy (non-injection).

Invasive mesotherapy involves administering the drug through a thin needle. The procedure can be carried out manually (manually using a syringe and Labelle needle) or with a device (using a gun (injector)). The hardware method allows you to more accurately calculate the dose of the drug, reduces the pain of the procedure, and shortens the duration of the session. However, in particularly delicate areas, it is recommended to give preference to manual mesotherapy and trust the skill of a professional cosmetologist who can select the most suitable injection technique.

Non-invasive mesotherapy is characterized by deep penetration of healing substances into the skin without the use of a needle. This is especially true for patients who suffer from trypanophobia (fear of injections and syringes). To achieve the desired result, the following methods are most common:

  1. laser radiation (laser phoresis);
  2. exposure to oxygen supplied under high pressure;
  3. exposure to electric current (electroporation);
  4. simultaneous exposure to the drug, current and cold (cryomesotherapy);
  5. exposure to galvanic current (ionon mesotherapy).

The non-injection procedure is tolerated comfortably and there is no pain. The duration of the session is about 30 minutes. A uniform distribution of the drug used is achieved.


The algorithm for performing mesotherapy depends on the technology you choose. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Administration of injections

A classic version of mesotherapy, in which a regular syringe with a thin cosmetic needle is used to administer the meso-cocktail.

The syringe is filled with the drug, and then gradually injects it into the necessary areas on the girl’s face.


The selected composition is applied in a dense layer to the skin, and then, using a special apparatus, many punctures are created on its surface, through which the meso-cocktail is delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis.

Needleless (hardware)

The most painless technique involves administering the drug using electromagnetic waves. The gel is also applied to the skin, and then a device that emits waves is installed on it. Despite the absence of pain, beneficial substances quickly penetrate the epithelial cells.


The technique is not used in all salons, since it appeared relatively recently, but it is no less effective.

The method is similar to the classic one, but here a special flexible needle is used, which does not violate the integrity of the skin, but gently pushes them apart, delivering the drug to the epithelial cells.

Stages of the procedure

Mesotherapy always begins with skin preparation. To do this, cosmetics and dirt are removed from it, and then it is treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine. When performing injection mesotherapy methods, the skin is first numbed with a local anesthetic in the form of a cream, the effect of which most often occurs within 10-15 minutes and lasts for several hours.

The device used in the procedure is also pre-treated with an antiseptic to ensure the safety of the session.

Then the mesotherapy itself begins according to the algorithm of the selected technology, which are described above. The procedure usually takes no more than twenty minutes, and at the end of the session, the remaining drug is removed from the skin, it is treated with a disinfectant solution and a soothing lotion is applied.

Efficiency and speed of obtaining results

Mesotherapy guarantees the achievement of the desired result due to its targeted effect on the problem area. Since nutrients and health-improving substances, micro- and macroelements penetrate the skin, they most effectively eliminate disorders and lighten age spots. This is evidenced by the popularity of this method, a large number of positive reviews.

Thanks to mesotherapy, the drug remains in the subcutaneous layers for a long time, providing a healing effect. In this case, a properly selected cocktail is important. Therefore, you should only contact specialists.

The effectiveness also depends on the time of the procedures to lighten age spots. Cosmetologists recommend choosing late autumn or winter. This is explained by the fact that after mesotherapy the skin is very sensitive to the effects of sunlight.

Regarding the speed of obtaining results, everything depends on the patient’s age, individual characteristics of the body, and the condition of the skin. Some patients note the appearance of the effect several hours after the first procedure. For others, the result is noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

In addition, cosmetologists note that in order to fully solve problems with pigmentation, several additional procedures should be performed. This will allow you to consolidate the result. Much also depends on the responsibility of the client, whose responsibilities include strict adherence to all the specialist’s recommendations.

Healing period

Regardless of what technology you used to perform mesotherapy, after visiting the salon it is important to pay attention to following skin care recommendations:

  1. For 4 hours, refrain from washing and applying any cosmetics.
  2. For 7 hours, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, energy drinks, and coffee.
  3. Avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath for 3 days.
  4. Do not sunbathe while undergoing a course of mesotherapy
  5. Stop taking blood thinners.

If you follow the recommendations after the session, you will not only prevent the occurrence of consequences, but also increase the efficiency of assimilation of the beneficial substances of the meso-cocktail.

Precautionary measures

When performing the procedure at home, it is important to first pay attention to choosing a high-quality meso-cocktail that does not contain toxic and aggressive components.

Also, when working with the device, periodically change the direction of its movement - vertically, horizontally, obliquely. This is the only way to achieve complete elimination of age spots.

If you experience any discomfort during or after the procedure, consult your doctor to avoid a serious reaction from the body.

At what stage is it applied?

Mesotherapy to combat pigmentation is prescribed from the age of 20. Due to the youth of the body, all processes proceed much faster, the skin is easier to influence from the outside. The effect of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately.

However, unwanted pigmentation can appear at any age. Fortunately, mesotherapy has no upper age limit. The procedure for lightening age spots can be carried out both at 65 and at 80 years old. The only caveat is that after 60 years there is a slight decrease in the effect of the procedure, which can be compensated for by the number of sessions.

The use of mesotherapy is possible at any stage of pigmentation. There are no strict restrictions. However, experts recommend adhering to a simple rule - the sooner you start a course to remove age spots, the better.

At an early stage, fewer sessions will be required. In addition, this will allow you to provide timely assistance and avoid more serious procedures in the future. At later stages, effectiveness is also guaranteed provided there are a sufficient number of sessions and the correct drug is selected.


Before performing any cosmetic procedure, it is important to pay attention to the contraindications that are prescribed for it in order to avoid negative consequences.

There are quite a lot of health restrictions to mesotherapy:

  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Low blood clotting rate;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Herpes;
  • Infectious and chronic diseases;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Allergic reaction to the components of the meso-cocktail used.

To ensure that there is no individual intolerance to any substances contained in the drug used, you should first perform a test. To do this, the meso-cocktail is applied to the inner surface of the elbow for 3 hours, then the composition is washed off, and the skin is checked for side effects.


Most often, after performing the procedure, some side effects appear on the skin associated with mechanical effects on sensitive tissue. They manifest themselves in the form of redness, swelling, and thickening in the areas where the epidermis is punctured.

This skin reaction subsides within 1-3 days and usually does not cause discomfort to the girl.


Negative consequences after mesotherapy can occur when using a low-quality drug, illiterate administration, or failure to comply with contraindications for health reasons.

Complications can be expressed by the following problems:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Effect on the nervous system.
  3. Increase in local or general temperature.
  4. The occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  5. Reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Reaction of the liver and kidneys.

In the presence of existing diseases and inflammations, the risk of their aggravation increases.


Mesotherapy is an effective way to combat age spots. There are practically no contraindications. Recommended for use by a wide range of patients. The procedure for removing pigmentation has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, preventing the appearance of new pigment spots and acne.

Through mesotherapy, active substances are targeted to the desired area. A gradual and uniform effect is guaranteed, replenishment is ensured from the inside. Thanks to this, high efficiency is achieved, which lasts for a long time. The mesotherapy procedure helps the body and normalizes blood circulation.

A clear advantage is also the painlessness of the procedure for removing age spots. There is no feeling of discomfort both during the session and after it. No marks are left on the skin. In addition, there is no need for a long recovery period. It is enough to follow the simple recommendations of a cosmetologist after each session.

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