Snail therapy: reviews from doctors, recommendations from patients, features of the procedure and results

How to get snail mucus

On snail farms, snails are specially grown, the mucus of which is used in cosmetic products.
It is believed that if Achatina is frightened, the amount of mucin secreted will double. So farm workers put the shellfish in a centrifuge and spin it. A barbaric method, but the most effective. To make snail creams, lotions and serums you need a lot of snail secretion. After this procedure, the snails are returned to their containers and fed well. What do you think about this method of extracting snail mucus? Write in the comments.

Chemical composition

Snail mucus contains collagen, allantoin, elastin and chitosan. These elements help keep the skin firm and elastic. They saturate the epidermal cells with nutrients, so the skin remains young and healthy for a long time. In addition, mucus contains a number of vitamins. Among them, the largest amount is represented by vitamins A, E, B12 and B6. It also contains a small amount of vitamin C. It is not for nothing that snail mucus has long been used by the world's leading cosmetic companies. For example, this substance is often present in famous Korean cosmetics.

Are there any contraindications for using cosmetics with snail mucin?

Choose products with snail mucin for your skin type: manufacturers make a series of cosmetics for oily and combination skin, as well as for normal and dry skin.

Before using snail mucus cream, test the product on a small patch of skin on your wrist. Apply the cream and observe the sensation for 24 hours. If no allergic reactions or discomfort occur, use the cream calmly.

Do not use such creams in large quantities in a thick layer, as this can provoke excessive secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands.

With regular use of products based on snail mucin, you will feel a positive effect and appreciate the quality of Korean cosmetics!

What does it help with?

Snail therapy (the photo allows you to understand exactly what the process looks like) helps get rid of many problems:

  • Regular treatment can smooth out acne scars. Mucus restores the composition of the epidermis and saturates it with collagen. Thanks to these actions, clean skin seems to be smoothed and slightly lifted.
  • The therapy has shown a particular effect in the treatment of oily skin prone to the formation of pimples and blackheads. It reduces its porosity, making the skin look fresh and tidy.
  • Using snails helps prevent the appearance of age spots and get rid of existing ones. Reviews and photos before and after snail therapy speak for themselves.
  • Many patients have noticed how fine wrinkles are smoothed out after this procedure. This action is quite understandable. Skin that is hydrated and nourished will naturally look younger. After completing the full course of treatment, the achieved effect remains for quite a long time. Reviews and photos of snail therapy can confirm this.

Regular sessions will help relieve any inflammatory process occurring on the skin of both the face and body.

Composition of Achatina snail mucus

  • Collagen is a protein that maintains the elasticity and firmness of the dermis. Responsible for skin turgor.
  • Allantoin is an antioxidant that binds free radicals and promotes skin rejuvenation and restoration. Prevents age-related changes in the dermis.
  • Elastin is a protein that is involved in the synthesis of collagen in skin tissue. Maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin. Smoothes out wrinkles.
  • Natural antibiotics are bacteriophages that protect the skin from pathogenic bacteria and various parasites. Helps treat acne.
  • Natural vitamins A, B, C, E - moisturize, nourish, and care for the skin.
  • Lectins are protein stickers that glue bacterial cells together and cleanse the skin. They even fight tumor cells in skin cancer.
  • Glycolic acid - promotes exfoliation and cleansing of the stratum corneum of the dermis. The skin is gently cleansed of dead cells. Helps maintain electrolyte balance in the dermis.
  • Fulium or solar filter - protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Protects against exposure to solar radiation. Moisturizes the skin. Prevents the appearance of freckles and age spots.

Cosmetological properties of snail mucus

Achatina snail mucus not only cares for the skin, but also promotes the resorption of scars, scars and wrinkles. Effectively fights age-related skin changes, lightens age spots and freckles. The skin is tightened, moisturized, fresh and smooth.

Achatina mucin has a good healing and restorative effect on burns. Mucin relieves pain, swelling and regenerates burnt tissue. Today, more than half of the snails are grown for burn centers.

How it all happens

As a rule, the procedure lasts no more than thirty minutes. A woman cleans her face of makeup and lies down on the table. The cosmetologist takes out a snail and places it on her face. The snail crawls on the skin and thus massages it. If it is too close to the eyes or lips, the beautician simply moves it in the right direction. After about 15 minutes, the snails are removed back to the aquarium, and new ones are placed on the face.

You should not be afraid of this procedure. Judging by the reviews, snail therapy is an absolutely safe and even pleasant procedure. Snails have no smell at all. A feeling of moisture remains on the face, which does not leave the woman for a long time.

Snails for cosmetic procedures

Many salons in Moscow provide snail therapy services. The popular procedure is not cheap; the cost of one session ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. This high price is explained by the costs of maintaining and preparing gastropods for cosmetic procedures. But the effect is worth it, because after the first contact of snail mucus with the skin, it becomes moisturized, well-groomed, and tightened.

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Facial massage with snails

The slow movements of Achatina when moving help to relax the facial muscles, and the release of a viscous secretion provides the epidermis with deep nutrition and hydration. Upon completion of the massage procedure with giant snails, the skin of the face becomes smooth, fresh, and elastic. After the first session, you can notice that the depth of wrinkles has decreased. Cosmetic snail massage is performed in several stages:

  • Cleanse the face using water and soap.
  • Steam with hot compresses.
  • The epidermis is cleaned with a scrub to remove dead cells.
  • The abdomen and shell of the mollusk are cleaned; to do this, you need to rinse the animal with warm water.
  • Moisturize the client's skin with settled water or milk for easy movement of the snail.
  • Allow the mollusk to travel across the face for 20-30 minutes, the cosmetologist periodically moves it.
  • The snail is returned to its house at the end of the procedure.
  • Rub the mucus left on the face by the clam into the skin.
  • Leave this natural mask on for 15–20 minutes.
  • Wash off the remaining mucus after the layer of viscous liquid has dried.
  • Moisturize the skin with cream before going outside.


Snail exfoliation belongs to a new category of natural “living” procedures for exfoliating the superficial stratum corneum of the skin. The gentle effect of shellfish as a natural exfoliant is more beneficial than chemical peels, because it does not injure the epidermis. Crawling along the face, gastropods burn out the upper keratinized cells of the epidermis. Thanks to natural peeling, snail secretory fluid, rich in beneficial substances, easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin.

Body massage

It can relieve stress and also improve the condition of the epidermis. The body, like the face, needs tightening procedures in order to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. The photos before and after snail therapy speak for themselves. As a rule, all parts of the body are massaged, from the neck to the feet. According to women who have already tried the procedure, they experience the greatest pleasure when snails crawl on their backs. Cosmetologists play special relaxing music, which will help you fully enjoy the massage. The entire session lasts approximately twenty minutes.

Cosmetologists about Achatina

African snails have made a splash in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. Snail massage fights stretch marks, rough scars, warts and scars. In several sessions of snail therapy, a positive and long-term effect is achieved.

Cosmetologists never cease to admire the magical properties of snail mucin, which helps smooth out wrinkles, stops and reverses age-related changes in the skin.

What do Achatina snails treat?

  • Tightens and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Improves complexion, swelling and dark circles under the eyes go away;
  • Blood circulation in the skin improves, small vessels are strengthened;
  • The firmness and elasticity of the dermis is restored;
  • Acne, pimples, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis go away;
  • Scars, scars on the skin, freckles and age spots are smoothed out and lightened;
  • Protect the skin from solar radiation, pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Achatina snails

These giant snails usually live in Africa. However, in some Asian countries, Achatina is grown on farms for food. Shellfish meat is highly nutritious and contains absolutely no cholesterol. The size of these snails is so large that in African countries they can completely destroy crops in a field and even damage the plaster of a house. Their body length reaches thirty centimeters and barely fits in the palm of a person. They have tentacles and a fairly durable shell. The color ranges from rich beige to brownish brown.

In order to breed Achatina at home, you will need a spacious aquarium with at least ten liters of volume for each mollusk. If there are several of them, then the volume of the aquarium increases accordingly for each individual. Pine needles mixed with sand are used as bedding on which the snails will be located. They feed on various fruits and plants.

Disadvantages of keeping Achatina snails

If you decide that it is still worth getting an Achatina snail, then in addition to the positive aspects, you also need to consider the negative aspects. You need to properly assess your capabilities before purchasing a snail. Moving is always stressful for any animal, which significantly reduces life expectancy.

  1. They cause disgust. Snails leave a slimy trail behind them, which makes many people feel disgusted. This mucus is constantly produced in the snail's body; it protects the sole from friction with the surface and facilitates the process of movement.
  2. You can't let him crawl around the apartment. Snails must be kept in an aquarium or container, and the container must be closed (holes must first be made in the lid). Otherwise, the snail will crawl out and may eat indoor plants, paper and even wallpaper. This will not only cause damage to the owner, but is also unsafe for the health of the snail. It may also get stuck somewhere and damage the sink.
  3. Worms and parasites. Often these parasites are harmless to the snail, but dangerous to humans.
  4. Passive. Achatina, unlike a cat or dog, will not greet you when the owner comes home, or play with excitement with a ball or candy wrapper. They slowly crawl around the aquarium, eat or burrow in the ground.
  5. Diseases. Like all animals, Achatina can get sick. It is worth considering that not all veterinarians are able to determine what ails a snail and prescribe treatment accordingly. Before getting a snail, you should first find a specialist.
  6. Diet. Snails feed on plant foods and require a varied menu. You can’t give Achatina the same foods all the time; they get used to them and refuse something new. They also eat a lot. And the more a snail eats, the more excrement it leaves behind. Accordingly, it is necessary to clean the aquarium more often.
  7. They multiply quickly. At one time, a snail can lay from 50 to 500 eggs. If the owner is not engaged in breeding, then such a huge offspring simply has nowhere to go. If you have purchased an adult snail or a pair of snails, you need to check the soil once a week to see if there are any masonry.
  8. Special soil. Ordinary soil or flower soil is not suitable for keeping snails. Use coconut substrate or sphagnum moss. The snail also often digs in the ground and crawls along the walls of the aquarium. Accordingly, it gets dirty in the soil and stains the walls of the aquarium.
  9. Care and maintenance. Requires high humidity and maintaining optimal temperature. At high temperatures, the snail can get burned; at low temperatures, it goes into hibernation. The walls of the aquarium must be irrigated every day to maintain humidity. Be sure to remove excrement once a day. If you rarely clean the aquarium, midges and bugs will appear, which are quite difficult to remove.
  10. Avoid falling from the walls. The aquarium should not have high walls. Snails crawl along the walls and often fall. The higher the walls, the more damage Achatina receives. When it falls, its shell cracks, which leads to illness and even death of the animal.

Interesting: “The benefits of Achatina snails.”

Snails are not particularly demanding in terms of care and maintenance. But still, it is a living creature and needs to be looked after. If the disadvantages of keeping it don’t frighten you, then it’s definitely worth getting an Achatina snail. Most often, people over 30 years of age are interested in purchasing it, since the skin benefits of snail mucus are invaluable.

Procedure at home

First of all, the face should be cleaned with cosmetic milk to remove makeup and rinsed with water. It should be remembered that any cosmetic product has a detrimental effect on snails. Therefore, the skin should be rinsed as thoroughly as possible and several times. Before placing the snail on your face or body, you should hold it in warm water and wipe the shell with a sponge. Next, the woman records the time and after twenty minutes puts the snail back into the aquarium. Mucus remaining on the skin can be washed off with plain water. However, many women prefer to leave it under evening cream. Reviews about snail therapy before and after the procedure are very good.

Treatment of psoriasis with Achatina

Snail mucus has a beneficial effect on skin damaged by psoriasis. If you suffer from this disease, get some Achatina. Watching snails helps to relax the nervous system and relieve stress after a hard day. Cosmetologists recommend applying Achatina daily to skin with psoriasis rashes.

Massage with snails helps to make it less dry and flaky. Achatina mucus promotes skin regeneration. If you find it unpleasant to feel the snail on your skin, then collect its mucin and rub it into the damaged skin. Of course, treatment of psoriasis with Achatina snails is long-term and not always effective.

Eliminating skin problems

Some women mistakenly think that snail mucus can heal difficult-to-heal wounds. However, this is not quite true. In fact, despite the obvious benefits, mucus does not contain the necessary substances that help heal open wounds. In addition, such a procedure can even cause harm. You should also not use snails for healing or straightening postoperative sutures. Otherwise, the wound may become infected.

If there is a capillary network on the face, otherwise called rosacea, then the use of snails is extremely undesirable. The mucus of mollusks acts in such a way that blood circulation begins to increase, which means red spots become more noticeable.

The healing properties of Achatina snails for the skin

The Achatina snail is a giant gastropod that lives in tropical and subtropical countries with a hot and humid climate. Residents of Africa eat it as food and also use the mucus as a wound-healing agent.

During the Second World War, the American and Japanese military showed interest in African snails. Using them in food as easily accessible protein. For gourmets, recipes for dishes made from Achatina.

The dietary and medicinal properties of snails were highly valued during the time of Hippocrates. He used shellfish meat to treat anemia, rickets, tuberculosis and many other diseases. Hippocrates used snail mucin as the main ingredient for ointments for burns, non-healing wounds and the treatment of problem skin.

After the end of World War II, South America, Japan and Korea began to grow the Achatina snail on special farms. Dietary shellfish meat was exported to many European countries. Then snail farm workers paid attention to the wound-healing and rejuvenating effect of snail mucus.

Scientists became interested in this observation, conducted a series of studies and found that snail mucus consists of healing components that moisturize, nourish, heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Reviews of snail therapy from doctors and cosmetologists

According to experts, this procedure is extremely beneficial for the skin of the face and body. After thirty days of regular use of snails, doctors noted noticeable improvements. An important factor is that it is almost impossible to harm snail mucus. Cosmetologists note the disappearance of fine wrinkles over time and a decrease in the visibility of deep ones.

In addition, according to them, women were able to get rid of post-acne symptoms perfectly. The skin actually smoothed out and became lighter. The bluish spots that appear in places where there used to be acne disappeared. Cosmetologists have repeatedly noticed that snail therapy brings tangible results in the fight against age spots.

What are the benefits of snails for the face?

Two species of these mollusks are used for cosmetic procedures: giant Achatina and grape snails. Their mucus is a secretion secreted by mollusks as a lubricant for smooth movement. Since ancient times, special cosmetic snails have been used by our ancestors to treat burns, scars, heal abrasions and wounds, and get rid of pigmentation. The viscous liquid they secrete is replete with useful components and contains:

  • elastin;
  • collagen;
  • peptides;
  • saccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • allantoin;
  • glycolic acid;
  • vitamins C, E, A, B6, B12;
  • bacteriophages.

Giant African Achatina are terrestrial gastropods from the subclass of pulmonate snails. The length of the shell ranges from 5 to 30 cm, and the weight can reach 500 g, but on average their body weight varies from 100 to 200 grams. This type of snail is a pest of agricultural crops, so their population is kept under control. The life expectancy of South African Achatina is about 10 years. Giant snails are hermaphrodites and are capable of self-fertilization. In favorable conditions, egg laying occurs once every two months, and the number reaches up to 300 eggs.

Grape snails are heat-loving creatures that belong to the order of pulmonary terrestrial gastropods of the helicid family. They live in the southern regions of Russia with a temperate and subtropical climate. In nature, this species can be found on lawns, forests, gardens, and vineyards (which is how they got their name). In large concentrations, grape snails can cause great damage to the crop. In nature, mollusks live on average up to 8 years of age, with a maximum lifespan of 20 years.

Properties of snail mucus

Snail mucus for the face has great benefits. It is secreted by special glands in response to stress or injury. This viscous gastropod fluid consists of two main components: organic water and a complex protein that helps repair the shell. Mucin activates the function of fibroblasts, which take part in the formation of the extracellular structure of tissue. Snail secretion has many beneficial properties:

  1. Increases the level of fibroblasts, the production of which decreases under the influence of ultraviolet rays and age-related changes. As a result, the structural integrity of the dermis is restored: enlarged pores narrow, the withering process stops, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin surface whitens.
  2. Destroys bacteria and viruses in the epidermis thanks to the content of natural antibiotics, which is effective in the fight against inflammation, rosacea, acne, acne and other skin diseases.
  3. Stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid - a whole complex of substances responsible for the healthy appearance, smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  4. Regenerates the skin due to the secretion of allantoin. Epidermal cells recover faster, which is effective for burns, abrasions and other body injuries.
  5. Reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin thanks to the antioxidants contained in snail mucus.
  6. Nourishes and softens the skin due to the high content of vitamins and peptides.
  7. Moisturizes, smoothes, increases the turgor of the epidermis due to the influence of saccharides.
  8. Exfoliates dead cells from the skin surface thanks to its keratolytic properties.

Snail secretion can harm the outer layer of skin only in case of individual intolerance to the components of a specific liquid. For this reason, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before the first session. For these purposes, apply a small amount of mucus to the wrist and leave for 20–40 minutes. If there are no unpleasant reactions such as itching, redness or other manifestations, then the secretion of mollusks can be used on the face.

User reviews

In addition to reviews of snail therapy from professional cosmetologists, you can also find many statements from ordinary users on the Internet. According to them, this procedure is extremely pleasant. Snails crawl gently and unobtrusively over the skin of the face and body, leaving behind a moisturized trail. In addition, women very often use their pet snails to treat burns. For example, after sunbathing, it is very useful to moisturize the skin with snail mucus.

Five days of daily use for ten minutes is enough, and there will be no trace left of a major burn. The famous physician Hippocrates, who recommended combining this substance with sour milk, said that snail mucus can treat burns. In addition, according to ancient chronicles, aristocrats were rejuvenated by snail mucus.

Many users prefer to purchase snails rather than spend money at a beauty salon, where the procedure is quite expensive. Mucus can be used to prepare masks, which also include baked milk and wheat bran. This soft, caring mask has proven itself to be an excellent anti-aging product. Users also note a noticeable anti-cellulite effect that shellfish have. People who regularly use this method do not recommend washing off the mucus. It does not cause irritation and, in their opinion, is completely absorbed by the body.

Achatina snail in cosmetology

The secretion of African gastropods, secreted by glands to restore the sole or shell, has been used by different peoples for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for a long time. Giant snails for facial rejuvenation have a powerful regenerating effect on both the epidermis and the inner layers of the skin. In terms of the intensity of its restorative effect on the skin, mucus from mollusks is not inferior to hardware methods of cosmetology.

Cream with snail mucus

Secret-based products solve many skin care problems at once. The beneficial effect on the epidermis is due to the fact that the cream base contains about 90% mollusk mucus filtrate. To enhance the cosmetic effect, manufacturers can add useful ingredients to the base such as chaga, mulberry, vegetable oils (shea, jojoba, etc.), black garlic, cocoa and other ingredients.

The multifunctional formula for the face with snail extract helps to cope with facial wrinkles, sagging, dryness, peeling and withering of the skin. Nourishing cream based on gastropod mucus has a multicomponent composition:

  • brand name: Mizon;
  • price: 1900 rubles;
  • characteristics: a cream with a refreshing texture and pleasant aroma is instantly absorbed, giving the skin a feeling of hydration and smoothness;
  • pros: the basis of the product is snail secretion, rich in useful substances;
  • cons: high price.

Intensive eye product with snail secretion is designed to gently care for the delicate skin of the eyelids. The regenerating cream tightens expression lines, eliminates dark circles under the eyes and has a rejuvenating effect thanks to its rich composition:

  • brand name: WHITE JADE SNAIL;
  • price: 816 rub.;
  • characteristics: the cream has a light texture that is instantly absorbed, leaving a feeling of comfort and moisture for a long time;
  • pros: has not only a restorative effect on the skin, but also a protective effect against most signs of aging;
  • cons: expensive.


A concentrated product based on shellfish extract has an intense effect. The world's leading cosmetologists recommend using serums no earlier than 40 years of age due to their strong effects. The active components of the concentrates penetrate deep into the dermis, which results in a long-lasting cosmetic effect. Thanks to the use of serums with secretions, the skin retains a radiant complexion and a healthy, well-groomed appearance for a long time.

An anti-aging facial product based on snail mucus helps eliminate all signs of premature aging, such as expression lines, pigmentation, sagging, and dryness. The amazing effect of the serum is due to the multi-component composition of the product:

  • Brand name: Ariany Shail Ampoule;
  • price: 700 rub.;
  • characteristics: has a light texture, thanks to which it is instantly absorbed without leaving a sticky layer;
  • pros: can be used as a base for day cream;
  • cons: small amount of serum for such a price.

Intensive nourishing serum based on snail secretion helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminate irritation and inflammation, and eliminate dryness and flaking. The long-term beneficial result is explained by the high content of mollusc mucus in the serum:

  • brand name: Callicos;
  • price: 1500 rub.;
  • characteristics: the delicate texture of the serum promotes long-lasting hydration; the product increases elasticity, makes the skin soft and smooth;
  • pros: 80% consists of an extract of viscous liquid of mollusks;
  • cons: high price.


A facial care product in the form of an application made of natural fabric or non-woven materials, impregnated with shellfish extract, has an intense effect on the skin. A tight fit to the skin of the lining ensures better penetration of the beneficial substances with which the mask is impregnated. The main purpose of using applications is to regenerate and supply the epidermis with micronutrients.

A highly effective product for nourishing and deeply moisturizing the skin can restore it in several procedures. The mask has a beneficial effect on the skin due to its unique composition:

  • Brand name: Gold Shail Face Nutricion;
  • price: 2400 rub.;
  • characteristics: the mask contains colloidal gold and snail mucus filtrate; has a bactericidal effect, enhances microcirculation and lymph outflow, moisturizes, nourishes and regenerates the epidermis;
  • advantages: quick visible results of improved skin after the first procedure;
  • cons: high price for 10 disposable masks.

The cotton fabric mask consists of three layers, which increases the volume of the concentrated product. Thanks to the enhanced effect of mucin, a lifting effect is observed after just one procedure:

  • brand name: Tony Moly;
  • price: 105 rub.;
  • characteristics: the concentrated essence with which the mask is soaked instantly tightens the skin, moisturizes it, improves complexion;
  • pros: the three-layer base does not allow air to penetrate between the mask and the skin, which improves the penetration of beneficial substances into the epidermis;
  • cons: expensive for one-time use.

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