Skin care and rehabilitation after removal of papillomas

For example, electroagulation destroys a wart or papilloma using electric current. Cryodestruction destroys tumors using extreme low temperatures. Today, laser removal of tumors is the most effective and safe method without the risk of complications. This is explained by the fact that the laser has high accuracy. Laser is a strong antiseptic; it ensures sterility and active restoration of cells and tissues. The impact of the laser is dosed.

Laser removal of tumors allows you to remove all benign growths (moles, papillomas, etc.)

The laser “evaporates” tissue due to the high temperature and power of the beam. In this case, the doctor fully controls the depth of the laser’s impact on the tumor.

Laser removal of tumors. How to properly care for your skin after the procedure?

The patient must understand that after surgery, the skin at the removal site may change noticeably.

Stages of wound healing:

  • 1 Week

At the site where the papilloma was removed, an open small wound will first appear, which will quickly become covered with a thin crust. There is no need to peel off the crust, as it protects against infection from entering an open wound. It is necessary to protect the place where the wound is located from damage and injury. Do not rub the affected area with a washcloth. Do not scratch the damaged area under any circumstances.

According to the recommendations of a specialist, you can treat the wound with disinfectants.

  • 2 week

Literally after 10 days the crust will disappear, and a barely noticeable scar will form in its place. Don't be afraid that this scar will stay with you forever! It will disappear over time, and the skin on the operated area will completely recover.

  • 3 week

During this period of time, healthy skin develops at the site of the wound, which is able to independently withstand ultraviolet rays and other factors.

Once the wound where there was previously a tumor has completely healed, no further special care is needed.

If you suddenly feel itching at the operated site (after 20 days), but the skin looks normal, without redness and inflammation, you can use an ointment with a soothing effect.

By the end of the month after the procedure, the dimple from the removed tumor is smoothed out. At 3 months, a barely noticeable trace of the operation remains on the skin.

The healing process takes two to four weeks. The period will depend on the area occupied by the removed tumor. The larger the area of ​​removal, the longer the process of tissue regeneration in the damaged area will be.

Let's move on to the issue of proper care after removal of tumors, so that this leads to a rapid healing process and regeneration of the skin without negative consequences.

To do this, consider a few rules that should be followed:

  1. For the first few days, do not wet the wound where there was previously a tumor.
  2. After laser removal, the skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays. You should avoid visiting the solarium and staying in the sun for long periods of time. Neglecting this rule can result in scar pigmentation.
  3. You should use sunscreen for a month after the procedure.
  4. It is worth giving up scrubs, lotions and tonics if you have removed a mole on your face. It will also be undesirable to use foundation and cosmetics for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  5. It is forbidden to drink alcohol during the week, as it causes blood vessels to dilate, which can cause bleeding;
  6. Do not allow household chemicals to come into contact with the operated area.
  7. It is not recommended to visit saunas and swimming pools for the first couple of weeks to reduce the risk of infection in the place where the tumor was;
  8. If the tumor has been removed in the genital area, you need to avoid intimacy for a while.

If you adhere to the simplest rules, the recovery process will be rapid and without unpleasant consequences.

Important! If, a couple of days after the laser tumor removal procedure, swelling or bleeding is observed in the wound area, you should immediately consult your doctor, since these symptoms may indicate the development of an infection.

What can't you do?

After the operation, you should not wet the wound, expose the injured area to friction or other influences. It is also necessary to exclude exposure to direct sunlight on the injured area. This is due to the fact that the skin at the operation site is too thin and delicate; sunlight can cause burns or irritation.

It is imperative to ensure that chemicals, including household and cosmetic products, do not come into contact with the wound. The application of foundation creams and lotions is not recommended. For the first couple of months it is better not to visit baths and saunas.

After removing the papilloma in the clinic, the specialist will give recommendations on special care for the wound. Self-medication in this case is strictly not recommended. The choice of care product depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the course of the operation, and the method of removal.

Laser removal of tumors. Possible complications after the procedure

After surgery, you need to carefully monitor the operated area of ​​skin.

Because after surgery, symptoms may appear that require immediate medical attention or additional treatment.


  • Itching, excessive wetting of the wound.
  • Bleeding from the wound.
  • Heat.
  • Pus is released.
  • Skin inflammation lasting several days.

Laser removal of tumors. Consequences

It happens that the healing process has slight deviations from the norm, but they can be eliminated with additional treatment.

Let's consider the possible consequences:

  1. Small blisters on the area of ​​skin where surgery was performed. Occurs when exposed to particularly sensitive skin. Over time, the blisters are replaced by barely noticeable scars.
  2. The occurrence of hypopigmentation - a light spot forms at the site where the neoplasm was located. Such a defect is a consequence if the removal of the tumor somehow affected the deep layers of the skin and if the rule of prohibiting visiting a solarium and prolonged exposure to the sun is neglected. The white spot will disappear on its own within two years.
  3. Recurrence of nevus (moles/papillomas). This situation is possible if laser removal of a tumor is performed by an inexperienced specialist and the papilloma/mole is not completely removed. Do not be afraid, this case does not cause harm to health. If the tumor reappears, it can be removed again.
  4. If the patient has diseases such as herpes and acne, then activation of inflammatory processes is possible.
  5. The appearance of a depression at the site where the removal was carried out. The situation arises due to the low rate of tissue restoration. The scar is barely noticeable and does not require intervention, since it smoothes out on its own over time.
  6. The appearance of a bulge at the site where the removal was performed, darker in color than the skin at the site. If this phenomenon does not smooth out within six months, then you need to consult your doctor.

How to treat a wound?

As a rule, doctors recommend various antibacterial drugs enriched with a vitamin complex. The choice of medications depends on the characteristics of the procedure performed. It is understood that the doctor will monitor the patient’s condition until complete recovery.

The wound heals due to the formation of a scab from anesthetized tissue. There is no need to use potent topical preparations if the process proceeds without any peculiarities or pathology.

If there is an accumulation of purulent formations, then additional care of the operated area will be required. If everything is in order, and a crust has formed on the wound, it is lubricated with a solution of peroxide and furatsilin, then, after it has softened, it is removed, treating the resulting funnel. All these procedures are carried out in a clinical setting by medical staff.

What is needed to undergo treatment?

Today, there are several ways to remove papillomas and other formations on the skin and mucous membranes, but the laser method is superior to all these methods in terms of efficiency. The specialists of Dr. Novikov’s center have been successfully working in the field of laser medicine and cosmetology for many years. The procedure for removing papillomas in Moscow in our center is carried out on an outpatient basis. We remove papillomas in both men and women on any part of the body as effectively as possible. You can make an appointment with our specialists by calling +7, or use the convenient feedback form.

Prevention of scar formation after papilloma

In order for wound healing to proceed without complications, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Immediately after surgery, an unhealed wound should not be wetted with water and sealed with a band-aid - open air promotes rapid healing.
  • Excessive use of potassium permanganate and other antiseptics can cause tissue necrosis. However, the wound must be disinfected to avoid infection. It is best to process no more than 3 times a day.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to peel off a scab - healthy tissue will form under the rough crust. If it is damaged, infection may occur and the formation of an atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid scar.
  • For treatment in hard-to-reach places, it is better to ask for help in order to thoroughly disinfect the wound.
  • Until the wound heals, avoid sports (so as not to cause increased sweating), swimming pool, sauna and sun (ultraviolet radiation provokes the growth of scar tissue at the very beginning of its formation).
  • If the papilloma was on the genitals, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gynecologist or urologist, because the infection could spread to the internal organs.
  • If lumps, bulges, etc. appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

During the rehabilitation period, it is also necessary to use ointments and creams prescribed by the doctor for rapid healing and scar prevention.

Removal of papillomas prices

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
Initial doctor's appointment before treatment900,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (up to 10 pcs.) 390,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (from 11 to 20 pcs.) 330,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (from 21 to 30 pcs.) 270,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (more than 30 pcs.) 210,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a pedicle on the face for 1 pc.850,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) of the ciliary edge, for 1 piece.3 000,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) of the eyelid, for 1 piece1 200,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on the skin of the genital organs, for 1 piece1 200,00
Application anesthesia, 5 grams800,00
Histology2 990,00
**Methodological recommendations No. 99/28 dated February 22, 1999

all prices in the section Laser cosmetology prices

  • All Promotions
  • Consultation
  • 900 rub. 0 rub.1
  • Laser removal of papillomas on the body
  • 330 rub. 100 RUR/pcs 1 to 3mm diameter
  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
  • Sign up

How does healing and recovery proceed?

After removal of condylomas, healing usually proceeds quickly. But we must also take into account the way in which they were eliminated.

1​. During cryodestruction , a small wound remains at the site of exposure to liquid nitrogen. It goes away on its own within 1-2 weeks.

2.​ As a result of chemical cauterization, scars often appear on the body and the percentage of relapse of the disease is very high.

3.​ After diathermocoagulation , patients recover quickly and can begin normal sexual activity after 2 weeks. However, the operation itself is the most painful of all.

4.​ Radio wave is non-invasive and minimally interferes with tissue structure, but has some limitations. It cannot be performed on people with implanted devices and functional elements. For example, with a pacemaker and various metal parts.

5.​ Healing and recovery are most optimal after laser removal of condyloma . The beam does not affect neighboring areas and does not leave scars, wounds or scars on the body. Has the shortest rehabilitation period.

6​. Medicinal treatment in the form of an application is one of the longest-lasting treatment methods. But at the same time it has the lowest percentage of relapses.

Causes of papillomas

1. The appearance of papillomas on the human body is caused by infection with human papillomavirus. It is believed that most people are already infected with this virus, but it does not manifest itself in any way. When the immune system is weakened, the papillomavirus becomes more active and external manifestations appear in the form of “growths” that can cause discomfort, both aesthetic and domestic (they can rub).

2. Contact household method. Through small cuts and the virus entering the blood. Infection is also possible through visiting any public places; simply touching a contaminated surface is enough to become infected. To reduce the risk of contracting papillovirus at home, it is recommended to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and ensure that abrasions and scratches are treated and, if possible, covered.

3. As we have already said, most people already have the virus, but it does not manifest itself in any way. Infection could pass from mother to child during pregnancy and birth.

4. Self-infection (for example through shaving)

5. Sexual transmission of the virus. Promiscuous sex life, as well as unprotected sex, are the causes of human papillovirus infection.

Despite the fact that the virus is believed to be present in every 8 out of 10 people, its presence and the possibility of infection cannot be ignored, even if the virus does not manifest itself in any way. It should be remembered that most often the human papillomavirus affects people with weakened immune systems. This means that if you take care of your health and strengthen your immune system, then even if you have a virus, it will not manifest itself in any way.

When should papillomas be removed?

The presence of papillomas in itself does not threaten health. In most cases, papillomas cause more aesthetic discomfort.

In rare cases, papillomas degenerate into malignant formations, and that is why experts recommend removing papillomas immediately.

It is necessary to remove papillomas if:

1. The papilloma is in an awkward place and constantly rubs against clothes. Constant physical contact of papilloma and clothing can provoke the degeneration of papilloma into a malignant tumor.

2. Papilloma causes pain when pressed or any other physical impact.

3. If papillomas are located on open areas of the skin (for example, on the face)

4. On doctor's recommendation

What happens after laser removal of papillomas and other tumors?

For the first two to four weeks, redness of the skin will be observed in the laser treatment area, which will subside over time. For this period of time, it is recommended to refrain from sunbathing, visiting swimming pools and baths, and also to carefully monitor that the wounds do not have any physical impact (for example, after a shower, do not rub the wounds with a towel but dry them with a hairdryer).

Treatment of the patient consists of strictly following all doctor’s recommendations and may include drug antiviral therapy.

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