How to remove stretch marks after childbirth? Skin care after childbirth

Did you get stretch marks after giving birth? The article contains a lot of useful information on how to get rid of them at home.

Can anything else in the world make a woman happier than motherhood? But, on the other hand, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding are the most stressful periods for the female body, which few people pass without a trace.

Very often, immediately while carrying a baby or immediately after its birth, a young mother faces problems such as excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks. And if the first two are completely solvable, it will not be possible to completely get rid of stretch marks, at least using conservative methods. And to reduce their manifestations, it is necessary to make considerable efforts.

How to make skin elastic after childbirth?

Striae (stretch marks) are pale pink, bluish, purple, and borage scars that appear on the abdomen, thighs, calves, breasts, or arms of women, often during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of talk about stretch marks, why they appear, and how to get rid of them, some women still think that scars and furrows that disfigure the skin appear due to its sudden stretching.

For example, if a woman has gained weight sharply or during pregnancy. In fact, our skin is naturally so elastic that a mechanical factor alone would clearly not be enough for stretch marks to appear. According to cosmetologists and endocrinologists, stretch marks have a whole range of interdependent causes:

  • hormonal disorders (it is known that when preparing to become a mother, while breastfeeding a child, a woman experiences a real hormonal storm)
  • deterioration of blood supply to the skin
  • hypoxia and insufficient nutrition of skin cells
  • loss of moisture
  • insufficient production of collagen and elastane
  • mechanical factor (elastane fibers are torn in places where the skin is subjected to the most intense stretching, the places of these microtraumas are “bound” by connective tissue)

IMPORTANT: Experts say that a woman should think about how to make her skin elastic after childbirth as soon as she finds out that she is “in a position.”

The set of preventive measures includes:

  • proper, sufficient, but not excessive nutrition
  • compliance with the drinking regime
  • feasible sports activities
  • weight gain control
  • the use of store-bought creams, lotions, and gels for stretch marks for expectant and young mothers
  • washing the skin with water at a contrasting temperature
  • wearing a bandage
  • the use of folk remedies for firmness and elasticity of the skin, for example, mumiyo, cosmetic clay, bee products, etc.

Where do striae form?

As mentioned above, stretch marks on the body can appear anywhere on the body. Precisely the one that undergoes sudden changes in weight (increase in volume). Based on this, it becomes clear that during pregnancy, stretch marks appear on the chest, abdomen, and thighs.

In adolescents, during puberty and with sudden changes in weight and volume in different areas of the body, stretch marks appear on the hips, lower back (they are transverse in nature), chest and abdominal stretch marks.

If we talk about pathology, then long-term use of hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids, such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.), as well as Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, which is accompanied by a similar hormonal imbalance, causes skin atrophy, significantly worsening its properties. In such cases, stretch marks are widespread; they appear not only on the body, but also on the face. At the same time, stretch marks occupy large areas and are themselves longer and wider than stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and adolescence.

How to remove stretch marks on the skin after childbirth? Photos before and after

If, despite preventive measures or due to their absence after childbirth, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, hips, and chest, they can be completely removed using surgical methods. These include laser resurfacing and abdominoplasty (removal of damaged areas of skin). Other, less drastic methods can only make them less noticeable, but not completely eliminate them.

These include:

  • massage
  • microdermabrasion (grinding with microcrystals creates the effect of mechanical peeling)
  • scrubbing
  • use of cosmetic preparations (creams, gels, etc.)
  • use of folk remedies

The essence of the procedure

A laser is a special radiation with significant energy. To remove stretch marks, this energy is directed in the form of rays traveling in a beam, with intervals between individual streams. When hitting the stretch, the laser energy evaporates these torn fibers - but not entirely, which would lead to the formation of a scar - but in the form of columns of tissue. Also, some of the rays hit the healthy skin around the stretch mark.

As a result of such intentional damage to the integumentary tissue, this is what happens:

  • the stretch area is reduced due to the fact that the areas opposite the laser-evaporated tissue tend to move closer to each other;
  • fibroblast cells are activated in areas of healthy skin;
  • they synthesize new elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid;
  • newly formed skin structures “creep” onto the stretch area, replacing it with normal skin.

Thus, the laser significantly reduces the area of ​​stretch marks: they are “pressed” around the perimeter by healthy skin, and they also narrow themselves, trying to “patch” defects formed by high temperature. If a capillary gets in the path of the laser, bleeding does not occur: under the influence of heat it is sealed.

Laser for stretch marks after childbirth, before and after photos

In many cosmetology clinics today you can undergo laser resurfacing of stretch marks using a fractional laser. Judging by the reviews, this method turns out to be effective even when the stretch marks are large and old. The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • laser destroys scar tissue
  • under its influence, healthy skin cells actively produce collagen
  • blood microcirculation is restored, metabolic processes are accelerated, the regeneration process is more active
  • Elastic young skin appears in places of stretch marks

There are almost no side effects to laser removal of stretch marks; the procedure itself is painless.

Unfortunately, young mothers cannot always resort to this method.

  1. Firstly, its cost is steep, and several procedures are often required
  2. Secondly, lactation, that is, breastfeeding, is a contraindication for laser resurfacing of stretch marks
  3. Thirdly, the laser will not be used if even the slightest inflammatory processes occur in the area of ​​its influence, or if the woman suffers from dermatological diseases

What types of lasers are used to remove stretch marks?

Several types of lasers are used to carry out cosmetic procedures. They are classified according to their effectiveness and depth of penetration into tissue.

Excimer laser

For laser removal of stretch marks that formed more than a year ago, experts advise using this particular type of device.

The intense ultraviolet beam generated by the laser affects stretch marks, destroying connective tissue cells. After the procedure, a crust forms on the skin, which disappears after a few days. New covering tissues are formed under it during the healing process.

The excimer laser activates the synthesis of melatonin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, so that stretch marks acquire the shade of healthy skin.

Laser removal of stretch marks using a device of this type guarantees an excellent result, because instead of cutting or burning, the bonds between molecules in the affected area are broken down. Thanks to this, a healthy epidermis is formed as quickly as possible.

But this method of laser stretch mark removal has one contraindication. The procedure is prohibited for persons suffering from photodermatosis (allergy to ultraviolet radiation).

Dermal optical thermolysis (DOT)

DOT is the latest effective method of laser removal of stretch marks, which involves selective (fractional) effects on the skin.

A beam of laser beams produces a huge amount of small thermal damage in the skin, due to which the process of synthesis of new elastic and collagen fibers is activated.

This method of laser stretch mark removal allows you to remove old defects. That is why many cosmetology clinics actively and successfully practice DOT.

This procedure gives a number of positive results:

  • the surface of the skin is leveled;
  • the epidermis becomes more elastic and elastic;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars, post-acne are removed;
  • pigment spots and fine wrinkles disappear;
  • White stretch marks are completely eliminated.

Laser Palomar

This laser is fractional and provides precise treatment of the affected areas. Microscopic beams of laser beams penetrate the layers of the epidermis and initiate natural tissue healing.

Laser stretch mark removal using this device guarantees the following results:

  • disappearance of stretch marks that occurred during pregnancy;
  • elimination of even the deepest wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin and restoring its texture;
  • removal of scars and scars;
  • getting rid of age spots and rosacea (spider veins and spider veins).

Laser Fraxel

Getting rid of stretch marks using this device is carried out by exposing the surface layers of the skin to low energy. Therefore, this device can perform laser removal of stretch marks even on the chest, where the skin is delicate and sensitive.

Getting rid of stretch marks using this device is absolutely safe and does not cause complications, since only the upper layers of the epidermis are affected. The rehabilitation period after the procedure is only one day.

Erbium laser

Laser removal of stretch marks after childbirth is carried out with an erbium laser. This procedure is delicate and safe, since the rays penetrate the epidermis by only 1–5 microns.

The process of getting rid of dead cells occurs so quickly that nearby areas of the skin do not heat up, which is why the erbium laser is called “cold”.

Qualified specialists will select the type of device that is needed in this particular case. After laser stretch mark removal by an experienced cosmetologist, clients are always satisfied with the result.

Regardless of the device chosen, laser stretch mark removal is carried out according to a specific scenario.

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Massage for skin after childbirth

A massage in a salon or self-massage at home will not only help you get rid of stretch marks, but also generally improve the condition of your skin after childbirth.

IMPORTANT: Massage in the hips, legs or arms can be done no earlier than 6 weeks after birth, in the abdominal area - only after three months. You should consult your doctor first

Postpartum massage for stretch marks is a delicate procedure, during which there should be no intense impact on the skin and muscles. It requires technical awareness. You can watch the massage lesson on video. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, or if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it is better to entrust it to a professional massage therapist.


A simple way to eliminate stretch marks is to regularly exfoliate the skin. This procedure will help remove dead particles of the epidermis and activate cell renewal. Deep cleanse your skin 1-2 times a week using effective yet gentle exfoliants from the ARAVIA Laboratories line.

  • Raspberry Cream Scrub qualitatively renews the skin, making it soft and radiant. Pine nut shells in the scrub have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Pink clay is rich in microelements (silicon, iron, calcium and magnesium) and effectively relieves dryness and flaking of the skin. Raspberries refresh and lighten pigmentation. Vitamins E, PP, A and B2 tone the skin and prolong its youth.

Skin scrubs after childbirth

During scrubbing:

  • the top layer of dead cells is removed
  • blood flow in capillaries improves
  • cellular metabolism accelerates
  • skin cell regeneration accelerates

The procedure is done twice a week and goes like this:

  • you need to take a shower, preferably a contrast one
  • the body is cleansed with gel, soap, etc.
  • the scrub is rubbed into the skin with massage movements
  • After the procedure, you can rub oils into the skin or make a regenerating mask

Body scrubs can be purchased ready-made in the store. Home remedies are no less effective. Here are some recipes:

RECIPE: Coffee scrub against stretch marks.

You need: heavy cream – 1 tbsp. spoon, olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground coffee - 2 teaspoons, salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each. The components of the drug are mixed and then applied to areas of the skin with stretch marks.

RECIPE: Scrub for stretch marks with honey and sea salt.

Needed: honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, sea salt - 1 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon. The mixture prepared from slightly warmed honey, salt and lemon juice should also be rubbed into the skin of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen or legs where there are stretch marks.

What can you do to minimize the appearance of stretch marks on your body?

Throughout your pregnancy, use special products, namely gels/oils that are high in essential vitamin E. Among the most popular options that are easy to find in the store are almond/peach or any other oils.

The diet should contain as many dishes as possible rich in various vitamins.

You can additionally take vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor.

It is advisable to wear the bandage daily from 20 weeks until delivery. You just need to choose the right one and adjust the size in a timely manner.

Wear underwear of your own size, since after 20 weeks the breasts need special support.

Oils for skin after childbirth

An effective way to make stretch marks less visible is massage with oils or simply oil rubbing. Preparations based on vegetable or cosmetic oils with the addition of esters are easy to prepare; their components are available in pharmacies and stores.

IMPORTANT: Before rubbing the oil preparation into the skin where there are stretch marks, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test on the bend of the elbow. Essential oils are aggressive substances, and for many they can cause an undesirable reaction in the body.

RECIPE: Olive oil rub mixture. You need: olive oil – 4 tbsp. spoons, orange ether – 2 drops, geranium ether – 2 drops, lavender ether – 2 drops. Olive oil is heated and enriched with essential oils. The mixture is rubbed into the skin after showering and scrubbing. RECIPE: Almond-citrus oil preparation. You need: almond oil – 3 tbsp. spoons, orange, neroli and bergamot oils - 1 drop each. It is very good to do self-massage with this mixture.

IMPORTANT: The oil can be allowed to absorb into the skin. If after the procedure the body becomes shiny, you can wash it with chamomile decoction.

How much does laser stretch mark removal cost?

How is the cost of the procedure calculated and how much does laser stretch mark removal cost? Its price is quite high, although it does not require any costs. This is explained by the high cost of the equipment and the duration of its operation. After all, it happens that in advanced situations, removing stretch marks, the device works for up to two hours without interruptions.

Also, the high price of the procedure is associated with the complexity of its implementation. The device settings are selected individually for each client in accordance with the severity of stretch marks and how long ago they appeared.

The specialist must carefully examine the patient’s skin and prescribe laser removal of stretch marks. The cost of this procedure is from three hundred rubles per square centimeter of skin. The penetration depth of the rays does not affect the price. If the client does a set of procedures at once, he receives a discount, thanks to which he can get rid of many defects at a lower cost. If you order laser removal of stretch marks one square centimeter at a time, it will cost approximately 500 rubles.

The cost of the procedure itself does not include the price of anesthesia. You should not skimp on painkillers, because laser removal of stretch marks can be very painful. Before you begin, check with your specialist about the cost of anesthesia.

Also, the price depends on the type of laser device. It was already said above that there are several types that differ from each other in intensity and depth of impact, and therefore their effectiveness and cost vary widely. Consider this moment.

It is also necessary to understand the duration of the treatment course. The cost of each subsequent procedure may decrease if the number of stretch marks is reduced. But don't expect a big price drop and be prepared for another large investment.

To achieve noticeable improvements in laser removal of stretch marks, you need to do about 3-6 procedures for stretch marks that formed less than a year ago, and 6-12 with a break of one or two months for old ones.

To get rid of stretch marks, other salon procedures are also used, which also give a certain effect, despite the fact that laser is considered the most effective method.

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Does mummy help with stretch marks after childbirth?

Even in the name “mummy” there is a lot of mystery. And the composition of this substance is truly amazing! The unique organo-mineral complex contains about four dozen micro- and macroelements, amino acids, essential oils, and all known vitamins. Thanks to this, mumiyo has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antiviral, anesthetic and many other properties.

When used topically, mumiyo accelerates cellular processes in the skin, which leads to its restoration and rejuvenation. So, to get rid of stretch marks, you need to purchase mummy in tablets and prepare a preparation from them at home.

RECIPE: Cream with mumiyo for postpartum stretch marks Needed: baby cream – 50 ml, mumiyo – 4 tablets In a glass jar, mix the cream base and mumiyo tablets dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water and soaked for about 6 hours. The cream can be stored covered in the refrigerator for 10-14 days.

RECIPE: Moisturizing cream with mumiyo You need: moisturizing body cream – 50 ml, mumiyo – 4 tablets, essential oils of geranium, lavender and orange – 2 drops each. The cream is prepared in the same way as the previous one. At the last stage it is enriched with essential oils.

Question answer

The desired result can be achieved only by following professional recommendations and regularly carrying out such procedures.

To achieve a noticeable result, you will need to undergo at least 3 procedures - for fresh stretch marks and up to 10 - for old ones. A one-month break is required between each session.

Indeed, mumiyo is used to eliminate stretch marks. To do this, the crushed tablet is mixed with cream and then applied to the skin. This method improves regeneration, reduces small stretch marks, and large ones become less noticeable. To achieve results, you should use mummy for more than one month. Therefore, it is better to approach this problem comprehensively, using other methods.

Clay against stretch marks after childbirth, before and after photos

Clays, natural mineral complexes, have been used in medicine and cosmetology for centuries. Their medicinal properties are due to the substances they contain that are beneficial to the human body.

IMPORTANT: Cosmetic clays come in different colors: gray, white, pink, yellow, blue. The color depends on the concentration of minerals contained in the material. Blue and yellow clays are most suitable for smoothing out stretch marks

Clay therapy for stretch marks is effective because the natural material:

  • has detoxifying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells
  • tones and nourishes the skin with oxygen

Yellow clay has a high content of sulfur, potassium, iron, magnesium, and sodium. Blue – calcium, magnesium, aluminum, chromium and nickel. To get rid of stretch marks that appeared during or after pregnancy, you can do clay masks, wraps and baths. Clay peeling is also effective.

RECIPE: Mask against stretch marks with yellow clay. Needed: yellow clay, honey, chamomile decoction. The number of components is taken taking into account how large the areas of skin with stretch marks are. The clay is diluted with chamomile decoction so that it acquires the consistency of thick porridge. A few tablespoons of honey are heated and added to the mixture. Using a brush or hand, apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin. You need to wrap a bandage on top. You can leave the mask on your body for three hours or overnight, and then take a contrast shower and use stretch mark cream.

RECIPE: Wrapping mixture made from blue clay, coffee and spices. Needed: blue clay, natural coffee, ginger, cinnamon, essential oils of coniferous and citrus fruits. This mixture helps with stretch marks and the “orange peel effect.” But before you use it, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components. If a burning sensation occurs during the procedure, the mixture should be immediately washed off the body. Brew coffee, take it with the grounds in such an amount as to dilute the clay to the state of thick sour cream. Add a teaspoon of ground ginger and ground cinnamon to the mixture, add 3 drops of any coniferous and citrus esters. After a bath, shower or sauna, or using a scrub for stretch marks, the mixture is applied to areas of the skin with defects and wrapped in plastic wrap. After half an hour, take a shower again and use moisturizing body milk. RECIPE: Bath with cosmetic clay. Needed: cosmetic clay – 0.5 kg. In a warm bath, you can dilute any one clay or take several types at once. Take a bath for stretch marks for 15 minutes, then wash in the shower. After the procedure, the skin is moisturized. You can enhance the effect by rubbing oil into stretch marks.

RECIPE: Scrub with clay. Needed: blue clay – 2 tbsp. spoons, oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons, wheat germ oil. The components are used to prepare a thick, heterogeneous mass with a creamy texture. It is used as a scrub for areas on the body with stretch marks.

How does laser stretch mark removal work?

Laser removal of stretch marks is carried out using standard technology:

  1. An anesthetic cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin or the client is given general anesthesia.
  2. Stretch marks are affected by laser radiation.

If the patient for some reason refuses pain relief, experts suggest that he perform the procedure using the Palomar laser, which cools the skin and thereby reduces pain. In addition, a session with this device will last from 30 to 50 minutes, and when carrying out fractional thermolysis it will take about two hours. Typically, laser removal of stretch marks using the Palomar device leads to excellent results.

However, like any other medical intervention, laser stretch mark removal has its advantages and disadvantages.

Cream for firming abdominal skin after childbirth

Today, in store windows there is a large assortment of branded products for skin care for expectant and young mothers, including creams. It’s easy to get lost in this assortment. Some tips will help you choose the right and effective one:

  1. It is necessary to buy products specifically for pregnant women or women after childbirth. They contain more natural products that act only on the skin, do not penetrate the bloodstream and are not capable of harming the child.
  2. The packaging must be marked “HYPOALLARGENIC”
  3. Cosmetics should be odorless
  4. Creams for stretch marks should contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, retinol, vitamins A and E, vegetable oils and extracts
  5. As a rule, such creams are oily based

Judging by the reviews that mothers leave on women's forums, effective creams are Mama Comfort, 9 months, Our Mother, Mustela, Bubchen Mama, and some others.


Prevention measures have already been mentioned earlier, but it is better to look at each method in more detail:

  1. Proper diet. To maintain the integrity of the skin, it is important that the expectant mother’s diet includes foods rich in nutrients: nuts, grains, fatty fish, cottage cheese and dairy products.
  2. Sport. Gymnastics will keep both muscles and skin toned. As a preventive measure during pregnancy, you can visit the pool and do some easy exercises. In each trimester, different exercises are recommended, which will be suggested by a specialist during a consultation.
  3. Massage complex. An excellent measure to prevent stretching of the dermis would be to carry out a complex of massages using oils. Oils will nourish the skin with vitamins and increase tone. They cope with this task perfectly: olive, linseed, almond oil. However, it should be carried out with caution, with light movements, so as not to cause untimely contractions of the uterus.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Spend more time outdoors, get enough sleep.
  5. The use of special creams. There are a lot of specialized products on the market today to prevent stretch marks. When choosing a product, you need to ensure that it contains natural ingredients. The drugs must be marked that they can be used during pregnancy and lactation and have no contraindications for use. The preparations should be applied to the skin twice a day after water procedures with light massage movements.
  6. Skin peeling. A very simple, but no less effective method. Helps get rid of dead cells and promotes better regeneration. It is better not to use large abrasive particles so as not to injure the skin. Scrubbing increases blood circulation, so it is not recommended in the last months of pregnancy so as not to tone the uterus and cause premature birth.
  7. Cold and hot shower. An excellent way to increase skin elasticity. It is better to carry out with a slight difference in temperature conditions, ending with cool water. Such simple tips will help prevent irreversible processes and fully enjoy the moment of pregnancy and the joy of motherhood.

Skin care after childbirth: tips and reviews

Judging by the reviews, before and after photos, it is possible to remove, if not the stretch marks themselves, then their visible manifestations after childbirth. No one hides the fact that this is long and difficult work. Young mothers say that the effect of salon treatments, homemade and store-bought cosmetics is enhanced if you eat right and exercise. A few tips will help give you confidence that even the burgundy stretch marks on your stomach and hips that remain after pregnancy will become invisible.

  1. A young mother should learn to devote time not only to the baby, but also to herself, her beauty
  2. When you decide to get rid of stretch marks, you don’t need to rely on any one drug. Massage, wraps, peeling, creams and masks should be used in combination
  3. Even if you can’t completely remove stretch marks, you shouldn’t be upset. Doctors believe that having a certain amount of them is normal for any woman who has known the joy of motherhood

>> Maintain your figure during pregnancy correctly - read expert advice

The formation of stretch marks is caused by insufficient production of collagen and elastin - substances responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. Therefore, when the skin is overstretched, the reticular layer of the dermis is torn along with the vessels, collagen and elastin fibers, and narrow stripes are formed on the body.

Striae are not a disease. Scars do not impair the quality of life, but they can negatively affect the emotional state, reducing self-confidence. That is why many strive to reduce their appearance and restore smoothness to the skin.

If stretch marks are tears at the level of the dermis, is it possible in principle to get rid of them?

Elena Sibrina : “With the help of hardware and injection techniques, oral and external agents, you can reduce the severity of stretch marks. But the formed deep stretch mark will not recover to healthy skin. It's important to accept this fact."

Marina Miusova : “Like scars, stretch marks cannot be completely removed. You can adjust their thickness, color, and improve the density of the fabric. Then they will look like highlighted thin stripes.”

Tatyana Al Sabunchi: “Every girl who goes for procedures should understand: the skin will become better. In some cases - much better. But this is not one procedure, and traces will still remain.”

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Reposted from @whenbabycomes Visualization is a powerful mind exercise. Used by elite athletes and performers it's a technique to manifest desired outcomes. Many of us visualize everyday but to create the life we ​​DON'T want. Often we imagine the worst outcome or become hyper-focused on imperfections. I constructed my first vision board just this past week, and instead of putting things I want (material), I focused on what I wanted to feel. And more than anything else I want to feel deserving. Deserving of my own affection. I want to admire this body. I want to celebrate this body. I want this to be MY body and not just a transitional body until I work hard for the hotter better one. Instead of visualizing a body without the marks of change, I want to forever see these stretch marks as beautiful as they were this day. #glitterstretchmarks inspired by original artist @glitterstretchmarks Outfit gifted by @trueandco ✨ #motherhoodunplugged #discoverunder5k #discoverunder10k #bodypositive #loveeverybody #mombod #honestlymothering #motherhoodthroughig #ohheymama #momentsinmotherhood #ig_motherhood #parenthoodunveiled #teammotherly #momtogs #uniteinmotherhood #this_is_postpartum #power inpostpartum #stopcensoringmotherhood #trueandco #truebody — #regrann Reposted from @kimcheepie — #regrann

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Diastasis is a pathology of the abdominal muscles, more typical for women who have recently given birth. In most cases, it is treated without surgery using only conservative methods. It is observed in 40% of women during the postpartum period.

The most effective remedy in the fight against diastasis is physical exercise. Here are a few:

  • cat pose;
  • gluteal bridge;
  • lifting the body while lying on your back;
  • slowly lifting your legs from a lying position on the floor.

Perform them daily for 3 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

What Causes Stretch Marks?

As the name suggests, stretch marks occur as a result of sudden stretching of the dermis, for example, during pregnancy. They usually look like long or short stripes on the skin. In medicine, stretch marks are called striae (lat. striae gravidarum). Most often, stretch marks appear on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, chest, and sometimes on the shoulders. Their appearance is influenced by two factors:

  1. Physical factor. If you look closely at the areas where stretch marks appear, these are often the parts of the body that gain weight the fastest.

This stretches the dermal layer, causing tears in the skin. Stretch marks tend to appear with weight gain, which is why they often occur during pregnancy. Striae are also observed in athletes who quickly gain muscle mass. Since stretch marks during pregnancy are caused by excess weight, expectant mothers are advised not to overeat. But you shouldn’t limit your diet too much, because a lack of nutrients can become a threat to both the mother and the unborn baby.

  1. Hormonal factor. According to research, hormonal imbalance also affects the formation of stretch marks. A hormonal surge during pregnancy or puberty leads to a decrease in the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and ruptures.

Stretch marks often first appear during puberty, when a growth spurt occurs. Scars appear precisely during this period, because during the process of growth the skin continuously stretches, and much more than before. Another lesser-known cause of stretch marks is Cushing's syndrome. Stretch marks are a symptom of this condition, which is characterized by increased cortisol production, as well as excess weight gain and thinning of the skin, leading to the formation of purple scars.

There are 2 types of stretch marks

Stretch marks vary in color and shape, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Red stretch marks. Formed due to overstretching of the dermis. With red stretch marks, the underlying layer containing capillaries becomes noticeable.
  2. White stretch marks. These silvery-white marks occur when capillaries are replaced by fat underneath the dermis.

How to prevent stretch marks

More and more people are asking questions about how to remove stretch marks after losing weight. To answer the question of how to get rid of stretch marks, first of all, you need to drink more water and properly moisturize your skin. To protect your skin from scarring, follow these guidelines:

  • Drink a lot of clean water every day - it is good for the whole body. In addition, this is a great way to prevent stretch marks. Scars do not form on moisturized skin, even if you gain weight or build muscle.

A common misconception we hear is that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day. In fact, how much water to consume depends on each individual. This is affected by the foods you eat, the medications you take, and the drinks you drink throughout the day. You can tell if you're drinking enough water by looking at your urine—its quantity, color, and smell. If you haven't urinated for several hours in a row, you're probably not drinking enough water to flush toxins out of your body.

  • Eat right - by consuming healthy foods, you will ensure a complete balance of minerals and vitamins in the body. By eating a balanced diet, you can also avoid sudden weight changes that cause stretch marks. Eating a healthy diet also helps you keep your weight under control and avoid gaining fat mass, which is often the cause of scarring on the abdomen and thighs.
  • Limit your alcohol intake—avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages whenever possible. Alcohol leads to dehydration, leaving the skin drier and more vulnerable to stretch marks.
  • Moisturize your skin – use moisturizer immediately after your bath while your skin is still damp. This will help the beneficial substances penetrate the skin faster and keep the skin hydrated and elastic. Often pregnant women note that the rapidly stretching skin of the abdomen itches. Moisturizer also helps soothe itching.
  • Stock up on vitamin E - it is famous for its beneficial properties for the skin. Vitamin E helps maintain collagen in the skin, thereby maintaining its elasticity.
  • Use sun protection – Sunscreen alone can't prevent stretch marks, but it helps keep your skin healthy and beautiful. Sun exposure can make scars and marks more visible and also significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. Use an effective sunscreen when out in the sun. Among other things, the sun's rays can destroy collagen fibers in the skin, making it more susceptible to stretch marks.
  • Exercise regularly – Exercise helps control weight and maintain firm skin, which together reduces the risk of stretch marks.

The above tips are just some of the ways to prevent stretch marks from forming. Don’t despair if you have stretch marks, because at some stages in life it’s natural. This is just one way the body adapts to changes in its size. However, if you develop too many stretch marks, you may want to change your lifestyle to avoid gaining or losing weight too dramatically. Try the following remedies to help you say goodbye to stretch marks.

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