Boro plus: what is the difference between green and purple

Boro Plus is a cosmetic product for the care of problem skin. The composition includes natural ingredients that have an antibacterial effect, which helps accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, and acne. The causes of skin inflammation are removed, the surface is cleansed and restored. Normalizes metabolism and eliminates acne, ulcers, blackheads, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Boro Plus is used both as a preventative and for daily care. The cream effectively relieves irritation after shaving and protects lips from cracks.

What are the benefits of the cream components?

Vetiver cools the skin and relieves itching and burning. If you are bitten by a mosquito or have skin irritation, Vetiver will help eliminate the discomfort.

Aloe not only moisturizes the epidermis, but can also relieve inflammation in the deep layers of the skin. Aloe is often used for dry skin and flaking.

Estimahdu heals wounds, so Boro Plus cream will help perfectly with cuts and small scratches. The exception would be large wounds or suppuration; here the cream should not be used.

Tulsi is an antiseptic. Instead of drying out the skin with various antibacterial agents and removing the protective film from the surface of the epidermis, it is better to apply Boro Plus cream to the pimples. Believe me, the effect will be amazing. The cream can be used up to 5 times a day, but each time it is advisable to apply it to clean skin.

Sandalwood helps even out skin tone. Many oriental products perfectly cleanse and smooth the epidermis, so it is almost impossible to meet a woman in the east with bad skin. They know the benefits of herbs and various spices and are not afraid to use them as cosmetics.

Turmeric is also a natural antiseptic and stimulator of epidermal renewal. It is turmeric that is used for care masks.

Ginger lily – has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can even be called a natural antibiotic.

Talc eliminates unpleasant odors and absorbs skin secretions.

Composition and principles of action

Boro Plus is popular because of its composition, which includes natural ingredients , namely:

  • Tulsi - has an antiseptic effect.
  • Turmeric - treats skin diseases.
  • Aloe is a natural antiseptic that cools and moisturizes the skin.
  • Glabra - accelerates wound healing.
  • Sandalwood - treats allergic reactions and diseases, eliminates odor, gives the skin a healthy appearance, and reduces burning sensation.
  • Estimahdu - heals wounds.
  • Vetiver - relieves burning sensation, cools the surface, normalizes sweating.
  • Neem - tones the skin, removes most skin problems.
  • Kapur kachari is a substance widely used in Indian medicine and is used to treat skin diseases.
  • Talc - absorbs liquid, eliminates odors.


The composition of the cream is almost the same , only the concentration and a couple of components distinguish them from each other. Both creams are designed to protect the skin from damage and scratches. They are produced in India, so many components are unknown in Russia. The volume and cost of the products are also the same, so when customers ask how the creams differ, the seller often cannot answer, because you can understand the difference when you actually use them.

Boro Plus Skin Care Cream

Boro Plus is a series of two different creams (in green and purple packaging), which are low cost and affordable. Such products are popular among people of different genders and ages.

The manufacturer advertises Boro Plus creams as a universal cosmetic product. Such products help to quickly cope with various inflammations and have a mild antiseptic effect. Boro Plus creams also restore the skin and improve its structure. They contain a lot of useful components that provide deep nutrition to the epidermis.

A huge plus of creams is their exclusively natural composition. Such products have few contraindications and are great to include in your home medicine cabinet.

Is there an ointment?

Many consumers talk about Boro Plus cream as an ointment. Perhaps this is due to the presence of many medicinal properties, or perhaps a similar consistency. But in fact, Boro Plus is only available in cream form.

What is the difference between green and purple?

Regardless of the color of the package, both Boro Plus creams have a fairly intense anti-inflammatory effect when applied externally. They cope well with pathogenic bacteria and even show activity against fungal microorganisms. Both green and purple cream have a similar composition, differing only in some components. There are also a few other minor differences:

  • The product in the purple tube is thicker and fattier. You need to wait for it to be completely absorbed into the skin. At the same time, the cream in the green tube is lighter and softer.
  • The cream in the purple tube has a pleasant floral aroma, while in the green tube it contains virtually no fragrance; its aroma can be described as herbaceous.


Green Boro Plus contains neem , and purple cream contains margose . Neem is a humectant and antiseptic, and margosa is a healing and disinfectant, it is essentially the oil of the neem tree, so the cream has a richer texture.

In addition, the green one has a herbaceous scent, while the purple Boro Plus has a floral scent. The green tube has a thinner consistency and is quickly absorbed into the skin, while the second one is dense and can be used as a makeup base or protection on cold days.

Now, having found out the composition of Boro Plus cream, it becomes clear that it is a moisturizer and antiseptic, and the cream also helps relieve skin irritation. Moreover, all its components are natural herbs and cannot harm the skin.

Indications for use

The instructions indicate that Boro Plus in green packaging is used for:

  • Acne, boils, acne.
  • Irritation, eczema.
  • On postoperative scars.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin of young children, diaper rash.
  • Frostbite, scratches, insect bites, abrasions.

Indications for use of the composition in purple packaging:

  • Chronic forms of skin disease.
  • Rashes, boils.
  • Partial frostbite.
  • Traumatic damage and microcracks.

Where can I use the cream?

The cream is used not only to cleanse and moisturize the skin of the face , but also as a remedy for insect bites; some mothers use it as a diaper cream for their baby, while others relieve skin irritations after diathesis. In any case, this product has such a wide range of uses that it can be kept as a first aid kit at home. Boro Plus does a good job of healing scratches. It allows you to improve the appearance of the epidermis, making it more hydrated (green version). It helps well as a protective agent in cold weather (purple cream).

When choosing a cream at the pharmacy, just ask yourself what exactly you want to get from this product. Green Boro Plus is more gentle, easily absorbed, has a herbaceous smell, is a humectant and antiseptic. The purple cream is a bit greasy, it can be used as a face mask, it protects the skin quite well. Both creams have protective properties and are an excellent healer for cuts and peeling skin.

Therapeutic effect

According to the instructions, Boro Plus ointment has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Quickly removes ulcers and inflammation in the layers of the epidermis, eliminates itching, burning, and irritation. Creates a protective layer that protects the surface from the environment. The ointment promotes the healing of abrasions, burns, wounds, and cuts. The composition performed well on diaper rash and impetigo.

Natural components help saturate the skin with beneficial substances. Boro Plus effectively moisturizes dry surfaces and restores a healthy appearance. The components of the cream eliminate skin damage that occurs after the treatment of acne and acne.

Does the cream help with acne?

Anyone who has used the cream for acne does not see results at first. But here you need to calm down, you need to use the cream constantly and for a long time. In addition, procedures for cleansing the skin, washing with a solution of chamomile or calendula are also important. Natural antiseptics in the cream will not work immediately, and if acne is caused by stress, dietary habits or other reasons, then until they are eliminated, the acne will not disappear, so the cream has nothing to do with it. Having eliminated the problem, you can see that antiseptics still work.

If your skin is oily, then it is better to purchase a lighter cream in green packaging; if you have dry skin, then in purple packaging. Not suitable for the face, use as a healer for hands and heels. In any case, the epidermis will thank you for loving it.

Ayurveda has existed for many years, which is why it is so valued not only in the East. The power of plants and herbs has a wonderful effect on the body, restoring its strength and youth.

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Which is better?

It is difficult to say which Boro Plus cream is suitable for the skin in each specific case. After all, the effectiveness of such products depends not only on their composition, but also on the individual needs and characteristics of the epidermis. Since creams are very inexpensive, you can purchase two tubes at once and use a trial method to determine which option will actually be more successful.

The remaining tube of cream can be used to care for the skin of your hands or feet, and not to solve cosmetic problems.

Side effect

The cosmetic product is well tolerated by patients, side effects are rare. Ailments appear in hypersensitive people and are expressed as:

  • Swelling;
  • Tearing;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Urticaria;
  • Itching;
  • Burning sensation.

There are no toxic components in the drug, so if allergic reactions occur, it is not necessary to discontinue treatment. In most cases, side effects go away on their own within 3-4 days. If signs of allergy persist for 5-7 days, you should consult a specialist.

Description of the cream

The universal product combines the innovations of modern cosmetology and the natural power of medicinal plants. It has a pronounced antiseptic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect.

Copes with the following skin defects:

  • suppuration;
  • weathering;
  • scratches, abrasions;
  • frostbite;
  • cuts;
  • superficial burns;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • impetigo;
  • boils;
  • cracks on the chest during feeding;
  • postoperative scars;
  • insect bites;
  • irritation on the face, hands;
  • after shaving.

Thanks to natural ingredients, the cream can be used by children from birth. Suitable for the skin of women and men of any age. The drug has a light, pleasant structure that is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film.


The product has no analogues with identical composition. There are drugs on the market with similar therapeutic effects. These include:

Rescuer . Ointment with pronounced wound-healing properties. It disinfects the surface of wounds, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. The product stops the spread of inflammatory processes and stimulates the protective functions of the skin. The composition contains naftalan (oil with medicinal properties), beeswax, essential oil of lavender and sea buckthorn. Antiseptic and immunostimulating ointment belongs to the group of regenerants and reparants.

Solcoseryl. A medicine that can have a healing, membrane-stabilizing, cytoprotective effect. Available in the form of a homogeneous ointment with a dense structure. The main component is dialysate obtained from the blood of calves. For medicinal purposes, Solcoseryl is used for frostbite, burns of varying severity, scratches, abrasions and cuts. The product ensures the transport of glucose and oxygen to cells, accelerates regeneration processes and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Dexpanthenol . Available in the form of spray and cream. The active substance is a component of the same name, the concentration of which varies depending on the form of release. Additional components: water, lanolin, liquid paraffin, beeswax and almond oil. They quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Under the influence of the ointment, cellular metabolism improves, the density of collagen fibers increases. The drug is able to penetrate the systemic bloodstream.


The Indian-made drug includes a large number of medicinal plants, which together provide a quick healing effect.

  • Basil or tulsi . Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness, roughness, and irritation. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic property.
  • Sandalwood. Soothes, cools the skin, relieves irritation,


  • Turmeric . Natural antiseptic. A powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that is used for cuts, abrasions, and scars after surgery.
  • Kuchari . Included in many antibacterial agents. Fights fungi and bacteria. Used for psoriasis, lichen, dermatitis of various origins. Eliminates skin defects - blackheads, pimples, enlarged pores, papillomas, warts. Eliminates itching, used for herpes.
  • Aloe . Moisturizes, soothes, relieves itching.
  • Vetiver . It has a pronounced cooling effect, due to which the skin quickly calms down after injury or damage.
  • Nim . Used for various skin diseases. Removes inflammation and irritation. Has a tonic effect.
  • Margosa . Fights pimples and acne. Prevents the appearance.
  • Ginger lily . Is a natural antibiotic. Helps cope with pimples, acne, dermatitis. Prevents inflammation.

Talc, water, lanolin, and paraffin are used as auxiliary components.

Reviews from women about green Boro plus


“I really liked the cream for its light structure, pleasant smell, and effect. The first time I encountered it was when the child began to experience irritation from diapers. The pharmacy initially offered expensive products in the form of Bepanten and the like, then they offered this cream. I read the composition. I liked the natural ingredients. Just what a baby needs. The irritation went away quickly and practically did not occur when using the cream. Used it three times a day. I am satisfied with the effect, I have already recommended it to many mothers. An inexpensive natural drug with a quick effect. However, I think that it is not entirely advisable to use it for cracked nipples. Since the strong floral scent lingers for a long time, it can scare a child away.”


“Dad bought us the cream when the baby was bitten by mosquitoes in the summer. I won’t say that the spots go away immediately, but it eliminates the itching instantly. Then I checked it on myself. Then I began to read the instructions and discovered its wide spectrum of action. As a result, now he is always in our house. It helps me with sunburn, cracked lips, dry hands, rough skin on elbows and knees. I smear any abrasions or cuts on the child. My husband uses it periodically after shaving. I really like the product. For all occasions. It's inexpensive. You can find it in any pharmacy.”


“I bought a cream for mosquito bites in the summer, then I found another use for it. Strengthening my nails. After removing the polish, I apply the cream to the nail plate. I make face masks for the problem area. I cleanse my face of dirt, blot it with a napkin, distribute the product onto my nose, cheeks, forehead, and leave for 20 minutes. Then I remove the residue with warm water. As a result, there are no blackheads, the skin is smooth, even, without visible pores, no acne, the tone is even. My skin is normal, the only problem is enlarged pores on my nose, periodic pimples before my period. The cream copes with these problems no worse than expensive cosmetics.”

What is the difference between the tube: green, purple

The cream is available in 2 forms. A striking distinctive feature is the color of the tube - purple, green.

  1. The structural difference lies in consistency. In green packaging, the cream has a lighter structure, is applied in a thin layer, is absorbed very quickly, and does not leave a greasy sheen. More suitable for those with dry, sensitive skin, young children, and diapers for babies.
  2. The cream in the purple tube has a denser structure. Absorbs somewhat slower and leaves a protective film. It is very effective to use to eliminate cracked nipples, lips, roughness on the hands, severe frostbite, burns. More suitable for adult skin, dry or combination.

The principle of action of green and purple creams is no different. Both are excellent antiseptics.

Instructions for use

The treatment is applied to clean skin in a thin layer several times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the problem that needs to be solved. It is necessary to use until the effect follows. However, if there is no noticeable improvement within a week of use, you should seek help from specialists. When applied to nipples, the composition must be washed off with warm water before the next feeding. Then process again. For insect bites, especially mosquitoes, lubricate the affected areas three times a day. The skin is restored the very next day.

A contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components, which happens extremely rarely and manifests itself in the form of skin irritation and itching. The cream smells good, does not cause side effects, and is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

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