Can a pimple appear on a mole? How should such a problem be treated?

It is impossible to find at least one person who does not have a single unique spot - a mole. The appearance of these marks can be due to many reasons, including hormonal changes and heredity. Moles sometimes occur due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, most often on areas of the skin that have been injured. Since moles are a common phenomenon, many people see no reason to worry if their appearance does not change, does not increase, and does not hurt or itch. But not everyone understands what to do if a pimple forms on a mole. Not everyone knows what is the best thing to do in this case: visit a doctor or wait until the pimple goes away on its own. It is necessary to understand what causes the occurrence of foci of inflammation around the mole.


The occurrence of acne on a mole is associated with certain circumstances. Pimples are concentrated on that part of the skin where there are sebaceous glands, which serve to secrete subcutaneous sebum.

The appearance of a pimple on a mole is an indication for urgent consultation with a dermatologist. Causes: hormonal imbalance, insect bite, malignancy of a mole.

Symptoms: change in color, shape, size of the mole, rash on it, burning, itching.

Diagnosis based on examination, biopsy. Treatment: local antiseptics; surgical removal of a mole.

Excessive clogging of pores becomes a favorable factor for the formation of acne. Moles can be located in problem areas and are also subject to the appearance of an unpleasant rash. The formation of acne on nevi is due to a number of reasons.

When a pimple appears on a mole, you need to treat it the same way as an abscess in any other place: do not squeeze it out yourself, treat it with antiseptics.
But you should avoid overdrying this area of ​​the skin. If inflammation recurs in the area of ​​the same nevus, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist-oncologist and decide on the removal of such a formation.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

Hormonal imbalance

One of the provoking factors for the appearance of acne on a mole is hormonal changes. These include:

  • menstrual period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • puberty or, conversely, menopause;
  • side effects from taking medications;
  • use of hormonal contraception.

Such changes in hormonal levels often cause the formation of a rash on nevi.

Changes in the skin

Moles are components of human skin. Any internal ailments will reflect the general condition of the skin. The biggest difficulty is supposed to be the increased production of a special secretion by the sebaceous glands.

As a result, red acne forms on the surface of the nevus. When such a neoplasm turns into a white pimple, then after squeezing it out, intense pain, suppuration, and swelling of the damaged areas occur.


Many people have a certain hereditary predisposition to diseases. Moles will not be an exception in this case. When there is a significant number of birthmarks on the patient’s body, the risk that red pimples will appear in this area will increase by 2 times.

Insect bites

A pimple on a nevus, popped up as a result of an insect bite, mainly provokes intense itching. It goes away after a certain period of time.

It must be remembered that these representatives of the fauna spread the infection, so you cannot scratch the bite area. At the moment, a large number of ointments and gels are known to immediately relieve itching of the skin.

If a pimple appears under or on a nevus, and this is not the first time this has happened, then you need to seek advice from a specialist in order to determine the root cause and nature of the growth.

Injuries to the skin on the nevus

Damage to the skin next to the nevus and on it itself can cause subsequent infection, inflammation of the surface and, as a result, the formation of acne. Damage to the growth can occur in various ways: by accidentally catching it with your hand while sleeping, while getting dressed, while applying makeup (when a mole is on the face), while swimming, etc.

Traumatism of the skin gives access to pathogenic microorganisms that provoke suppuration and swelling. It is forbidden to crush purulent contents.

An incorrect action can aggravate the situation on the upper layer of the dermis and cause extensive inflammation.


One of the provoking factors for the occurrence of acne on a mole is the transformation of the growth from a benign state to a malignant one (melanoma).

Laser mole removal

In most cases, moles do not cause inconvenience, and therefore do not need to be removed.

The formation of cancer on this basis is common. When a pimple appears on a nevus, this does not portend any danger.

However, if this phenomenon begins to recur regularly, you should consult a dermatologist. Afterwards, an examination is carried out that confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis.

What to do if you jump up to pass?

Under no circumstances should a pimple in the area of ​​the nevus or under it be squeezed out, as this can lead to the spread of inflammation, damage to the mole and a number of unpleasant consequences. If the pimple does not cause any particular discomfort, it is better not to touch it again - let it go away on its own. In this case, you can simply periodically treat the skin with a safe antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin) and adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. If the pimple hurts, grows and becomes inflamed, you can:

  • Treat it with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. Such remedies will give an excellent effect in the treatment of subcutaneous abscesses; they will help relieve inflammation and remove pus out.
  • Lubricate the problem area with antibacterial ointment, for example, Levomekol or Baneocin.
  • Use a pharmaceutical acne medicine, for example, Zinerit.

You should not experiment with traditional medicine, as well as aggressive cauterizing agents (alcohol, alcohol tinctures of iodine, calendula, etc.). It is better not to use such medications in the area of ​​moles.

If you squeezed out the white rod

Sometimes, accidentally touching an inflamed and mature pimple in the area of ​​a mole, you can squeeze out a certain amount of pus. It may well look like a white rod. If such a problem occurs, you need to carefully clean the wound from any remaining pus and wipe the skin with an antiseptic. Afterwards, it is advisable to apply an antibacterial ointment (Levomekol or Baneocin, already mentioned above) to the problem area.


The appearance of a pimple on a nevus also indicates some changes. It is necessary to take this phenomenon with due seriousness, since it is probably not an inflamed pimple, but a mole that has changed shape. The danger is posed by the following changes that occur with a neoplasm:

  • Change in coloration . Takes on a rich red, dark hue.
  • Asymmetrical shape, with uneven contours. Benign growths have a regular round shape.
  • The appearance of bleeding without objective factors, which does not go away within months.
  • The occurrence of pain, burning, itching.
  • dynamics , which is characteristic of malignant growths.

In such situations, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for recommendations in order to promptly carry out proper diagnosis and begin therapy.

If such symptoms occur, you should seek the opinion of a dermatologist. When a pimple has formed next to a mole and has a standard appearance, then there is no reason for alarm.

However, if it was discovered that the rash appears on nevi quite often, then there is a possibility of developing melanoma - skin cancer. But only a doctor can diagnose such a disease by personally examining and histologically diagnosing the area of ​​concern.

What does it look like

Acne can occur on any part of the body where there are pores. When the sebaceous canal passes through a mole, it is possible that it may become blocked on the surface of the nevus. This phenomenon occurs quite often, since pigmented skin has a denser structure, which can contribute to blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

All pimples that form on a mole are conventionally divided into four types.


This process is inflammatory in nature and is accompanied by the formation of a small tubercle with a white head. Such neoplasms are called milia. The main reason for the appearance of such a pimple is the fatty contents accumulated in the sebaceous ducts.

When dirt and particles of the epidermis penetrate inside, pathogenic bacteria multiply. Since the fluid in the pores can be seen through the skin, you can see a white formation in the form of a pimple.


It is one of the varieties of milia, but occurs in a more serious form. This tumor forms as a result of infection through the skin.

Such a pimple is dangerous because if nearby tissues are affected by inflammation, it can begin to spread further. The risk of developing a more serious process especially increases when you try to squeeze out such formations on your own.


If the pimple that appears on the nevus is inflamed, then this is even more dangerous for health, since it may indicate the malignancy of the mole.

With severe irritation, the condition of the skin changes. As a result, the structure of the mole is damaged and begins to swell and increase in size.

Painful pimple

If the area of ​​the mole has become irritated and red, then there is no need to worry ahead of time. However, when this condition is accompanied by pain and inflammation, it is better to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Only a specialist will be able to determine the nature of such a manifestation, since an erroneous reaction may be mistaken for the source. So, if the pimple itself is itchy, then this only indicates its inflammation; when a nevus is affected, then perhaps there are more serious problems in the body.

How to distinguish a mole from a pimple

In many situations, a single pimple popping up on a mole is a normal condition. If they occur regularly, this may indicate symptoms of melanoma. Diagnosis of acne and pimples for malignancy is carried out by an oncologist.

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The combination of nevi and rash should not be taken as a danger when it does not pose a threat to life or cause discomfort.

In a situation where there is a risk of violating the integrity of the nevus, you should think about its surgical removal. This helps prevent infection and the possible transformation of the growth into a malignant formation.

Acne development stages

Clinical symptoms of acne formation inside and on the surface of a birthmark are varied. They are common on areas of the skin such as the face, chest and back of a person.

When acne increases, a painful infiltrate occurs inside the mole. The initial appearance of the compaction resembles a cone-shaped nodule called a papule. The neoplasm has a red tint. After some time, inflammation occurs and the papule increases. In its middle, a pustule is found - a white abscess. Then, when the acne opens and the pus drains from the wound, a rough crust forms on the surface. After falling off, a scar may remain, but it is difficult to notice to the human eye. The process of appearance and gradual development of acne takes approximately a week.


If a patient who suffers from acne on a nevus seeks medical help, the doctor performs an examination and determines whether a pathological process exists. When the specialist sees no reason for alarm, usually no further procedures are performed.

In a situation where a nevus is suspicious, a biopsy is prescribed. Such manipulation is carried out through several methods. The choice of technique varies depending on the location of the suspicious nevus.

After performing a biopsy, information will be obtained indicating whether the mole is malignant or not. When the diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed, the specialist prescribes other tests, the purpose of which is to clarify the characteristics of the tumors and select the optimal therapeutic regimen.

An instrumental examination includes the diagnosis of smears taken by a doctor from the upper layer of the nevus. Using a microscope, a specialist determines the composition and nature of cells. It is also permissible to use fluorescent microscopy, dermatoscopy and blood tests for tumor markers.

Is it dangerous to have pus in a mole?

The danger of pus in a mole is low. Indicates an infectious skin infection. A sign that the body is struggling with a problem. Harmful cells are removed with pus.

It is dangerous to ignore the alarm signal and squeeze out the white abscess on your own. If the outcome is favorable, it will lead to the formation of a new purulent growth, otherwise it will lead to severe inflammation, thickening of the skin and pain.

The appearance of white liquid near or in the formation itself is not a reason to consult a doctor. An abscess on a mole may turn out to be an ordinary pimple.

A cause for concern is the long-term presence of pus and its increase. Especially if redness, tingling, or pain appears at the site of the birthmark.


The basic principle to remember when a rash appears on a nevus: under any circumstances, it is forbidden to press on it. First of all, such an action aggravates the inflammatory process and provokes its further spread deep into the tissues. Also, various violations of the integrity of the mole tissue increase the likelihood of malignancy of the growth.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

What to do if a pimple forms on a nevus:

  • do not press or cauterize it;
  • wait until the inflammatory node begins to resolve on its own;
  • contact a specialist for diagnosis and choice of therapy.

All therapeutic measures are aimed at preventing infection of the inflamed area and speeding up recovery.

Surgical treatment

Surgical therapy is acceptable for any moles that pose a threat and are close to turning into cancer. It is also recommended to eliminate all nevi that have a diameter of more than 6 mm.

How to care for a removed mole

Thanks to modern medicine, today there are many safe ways to get rid of moles.

Removal can be done using various methods:

  • surgical intervention;
  • laser therapy;
  • cryodestruction (using liquid nitrogen);
  • electrocoagulation (cauterization with high-frequency current);
  • radio wave therapy.

The need and choice of elimination method is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the nevus: its size, location, etc.

Is medical intervention necessary?

If there are a large number of nevi on the human body, the risk of acne developing underneath them increases. There are those that go away on their own, and there are those that signal the development of cancer. In the latter case, a visit to a specialist is required, who, after a thorough examination, can prescribe removal.

Modern medicine has several safe and painless methods of removal, which have many positive reviews. These methods include:

  1. Electrocoagulation.
  2. Radio wave exposure.
  3. Laser surgery.
  4. Cryodestruction.

The use of one of the procedures will help quickly and, in most cases, without scars or scars, remove the nevus.

Why is it dangerous?

Any mole or age spot on the skin can become dangerous, since there is an increased likelihood of their transformation. In any situation where a neoplasm on the dermis raises any doubts, it is necessary to establish the root cause of its formation, then contact a specialist and carry out a diagnostic study. The obtained test data gives an accurate picture: it dispels doubts or prevents complications.

In principle, it is forbidden to squeeze pimples, regardless of their location. In particular, it is not recommended to squeeze out the rash that is located on the nevus. During pressure, inflammation can spread along the periphery and deep into the tissue.

When the process spreads into the subcutaneous fat layer, an abscess is formed, often increasing to significant purulent foci. Necrosis can form in the depths.

What is dermatoscopy

Dermatoscopy is one of the modern methods for diagnosing neoplasms formed on the surface of the skin.

The above adverse consequences can also negatively affect the nevus itself. Severe inflammation can damage the tissue of the mole, which will increase in size, begin to swell, and become painful. In this regard, the likelihood of malignant transformation will increase significantly.

Doubts regarding malignancy may arise if:

  • nevus has changed color;
  • a rim of a dark or light shade has formed near the mole
  • the nevus has become asymmetrical;
  • pimples began to appear on the nevus regularly and in large numbers.

If such signs appear, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor.

Histology of the mole

A biopsy with histological examination of the material allows a more accurate and correct diagnosis to be made.

First, the mole is removed, and then the removed tissue is carefully examined under a microscope.

In this case, a number of conditions must be met:

  • If a mole becomes inflamed like a pimple, first eliminate the active process.
  • Pre-conduct dermatoscopy to determine the extent of removal.
  • Use only a traditional scalpel to maximize the preservation of the original mole tissue.
  • The procedure is carried out in a specialized medical institution in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Doctors themselves know how to properly prepare and send the sample for histological examination.

Results are usually ready after 5-8 days.

If the conclusion states that no signs of malignancy or atypia were found, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

A pimple and a mole just turned out to be a harmless combination.

Otherwise, if a suspicion of a tumor process is detected, a consultation with an oncologist is required.


It is easier to prevent any disease than to eliminate it. Preventive measures for the formation of acne on nevi and birthmarks suggest:

  • Following the rules of hygiene. It is extremely important to keep the skin clean and properly care for it, using cosmetic preparations suitable for the type. At the same time, it is optimal not to touch nevi.
  • Monitoring your own health. It is necessary to avoid various provoking factors that can affect the hormonal balance in the body. When hormonal therapy has been prescribed, it is necessary to select the most gentle means and, if possible, shorten the therapeutic course.
  • Reviewing your diet and getting rid of bad habits.
  • Protecting the surface of the face and areas with nevi.
  • The use of various drugs that repel insects (sprays, lotions, aerosols, essential oils).

Such recommendations help maintain healthy skin, preventing the occurrence of acne on moles.

If acne occurs on a mole, you should not fall into despair, but you should not treat this phenomenon superficially. The prognosis for common acne on a nevus is mostly favorable in many situations.

When healing has not occurred, the inflammation has not stopped, and the pain has increased, you should immediately contact a dermatologist in order to prevent adverse consequences.

What to do with an abscess on a mole

It is worth starting to treat any neoplasms only after a set of high-quality medical diagnostics. Without visiting a doctor, it is impossible to get an answer to the question of why birthmarks appeared and why a pimple popped up. If experts have confirmed an unfavorable prognosis, it is necessary to act taking into account the situation.

Attention! Squeezing a purulent pimple under a mole is strictly prohibited. Most people squeeze out acne on their own.

If a normal rash occurs, this is not dangerous, but on birthmarks, inflammation should not be touched, because the damage may result in the development of a malignant formation.

You should wait until the pimple matures on its own. To prevent the spread of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to treat the skin with disinfectants. The most inexpensive are alcohol and iodine, they can be bought at any pharmacy. You should carefully lubricate the area of ​​inflammation with a cotton pad; this should be done at least 4 times a day. You cannot use scrubs and other cosmetics. They can damage the birthmark.

Before turning to specialists, you should familiarize yourself with effective and efficient measures of independent methods of getting rid of inflammation.


The use of antiseptics will help maintain cleanliness in the area of ​​inflammation, kill harmful microorganisms, thereby preventing the development of complications. For these purposes, you can use boric alcohol, iodine, and alcohol tinctures from plant components. All such products have almost the same effect: they disinfect the birthmark, thereby preventing the problem from developing. Such drugs are used to maintain local immunity and relieve inflammation.

It is necessary to gently wipe the pimple with a cotton pad at least 5 times a day. There is no need to treat the entire surface of the stain, just the inflammation itself. After a couple of days, the pimple will dry out and then quickly disappear.

Folk recipes

Most people believe that folk remedies are not effective enough compared to medications. However, you should not have a negative attitude towards them, because sometimes the experience that our ancestors accumulated is no less effective than modern medicines. Folk recipes have long proven themselves and are therefore worth relying on.

Plantain juice, chamomile decoction and regular baking soda will help eliminate acne on moles. It is necessary to apply the above-mentioned decoctions to the area of ​​inflammation every day.

Attention! When using folk remedies, you should not count on a quick effect. You need to be patient and try to prevent the onset of complications. Otherwise, you will have to use more radical methods of influence.

Before applying garlic to your skin, it is very important to protect the area around the moles with Vaseline or tape. Apply the squeezed garlic to the mole, secure with a bandage and leave to act for 4 hours. To get better results, you must repeat this procedure every day.

Elecampane leaves (1 tbsp) should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left to infuse. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and treat the problem area.

Pour one spoonful of mint into 300 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add a spoonful of boric acid, a spoonful of calendula and the same amount of lemon juice to the mixture. The resulting decoction should be used to treat the comedones on the mole; this should be done several times a day.

The above measures can be taken before visiting a specialist. The doctor will prescribe further treatment. You should not delay contacting a dermatologist so that a negative process does not begin to develop.

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