Solidol ointment: instructions for use, side effects. Ointment for psoriasis

Solidol ointment is the first assistant in the treatment of a rather unpleasant disease called psoriasis. This drug has been tested over many years of use and has proven itself to be the best. Despite the fact that the disease cannot be cured completely, solid oil helps to forget about its manifestations for a long time. And although the treatment lasts a long time, and the use of grease-based products itself does not bring much joy, nevertheless, you can completely get rid of all external symptoms for quite a long time. All this will be discussed in this article. First, let's get acquainted with the disease itself.

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Solidol ointment

You can look at questions about the drug, as well as ask your question to a specialist, using a free consultation with a pharmacist or pharmacist.
The information provided is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals. The most accurate information about the drug is contained in the instructions supplied with the packaging by the manufacturer. No information posted on this or any other page of our website can serve as a substitute for personal contact with a specialist.

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What is this

Solid oil is a product of oil refining with a plastic consistency without foreign impurities and a characteristic odor. Color varies from light yellow, almost white, to dark brown.

Solid oil is produced by thickening industrial oils and adding calcium soaps of higher fatty acids to them. Its special property is that it is difficult to wash off with water.

The composition of the substance, in addition to industrial oils, includes:

  • soap - 11-18%;
  • water -2-3%;
  • free alkali - 0.2%.

Medicines based on solidol are divided into three groups, depending on additional ingredients. Almost 90% of the product is an oil product, and the remaining 10% is:

  • extracts of plant and animal origin;
  • minerals;
  • combinations of these components.

Depending on the type of fatty acids used for thickening, solid oil is distinguished:

  • Synthetic - produced on the basis of synthetic components. It is used in industry and everyday life, its main purpose is to lubricate mechanical parts and impregnate wood to protect it from moisture.
  • Fatty (medicinal) - contains acids from mineral and vegetable oils. On its basis, medications are created for the treatment of skin lesions and pathologies.

Attention! Folk recipes for fighting psoriasis often include solid oil, but only the medical grade of the product can be used. The use of synthetic lubricants can lead not only to a lack of effect from therapy, but also to an exacerbation of pathology and the development of complications. Therefore, when purchasing a product for making ointments yourself, you should pay attention to its GOST: for technical it is designated 4366-76, for fat - 1033-79.

The medicinal properties of the substance have not been fully studied, but long-term experience with use confirms its ability to:

  • reduce peeling of psoriatic plaques;
  • eliminate itching, burning and swelling of the skin;
  • gradually reduce the size of the rash;
  • accelerate regeneration processes.

External products with solid oil are successfully used to treat psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, neurodermatitis and other skin pathologies, including those of a chronic nature. They can treat shallow wounds, treat ulcers and abscesses, severe forms of furunculosis, ulcers and erosions. The period of remission of psoriasis after therapy reaches 6 months, and in a third of patients it is extended to 1 year.

Preparations based on solidol are non-hormonal agents for topical use.


Artur_jannnn: “I have tried a lot of grease-based ointments, both expensive and cheap. He resorted to homemade remedies based on folk recipes. The first results appear 1–1.5 months after the start of use. All this time you have to endure terrible inconveniences - an unpleasant smell, dirty clothes and soiled bed linen. I couldn’t wait for the symptoms to subside and switched to other drugs.”

Mister_Grey123: “Over the 10 years that I have had psoriasis, I have tried many medications. About 2 years ago I tried Magnispor. Solidol ointment began to work after a month of regular use. After another two months, the plaques on my head, elbows, palms and legs (my weak points) disappeared. He is still in remission. In addition, I adhere to proper nutrition, sleep patterns and try to avoid stress.”

Andrue: “I don’t know about homemade ointments and their effects. I used it for pharmaceutical products based on solid oil. Ugvetol and Rybakov's ointment are in no way inferior to expensive drugs. There is an effect if you use it wisely, and not just just cover yourself from head to toe whenever you want.”


Psoriasis is usually called scaly lichen; its peculiarity lies in the fact that a person suffering from the disease is completely harmless to others, since it is not an infectious disease. Psoriasis spreads to the skin, nails and hair.

This disease is periodic. There are moments of exacerbation, but there are periods when symptoms practically do not appear. At the time of relapse, the person feels very tired, drowsy and depressed. Solidol ointment helps to get rid of symptoms for a long period of time.

People with pale skin are susceptible to this disease. There is the following statistics - every twenty-fifth person on our planet suffers from scaly lichen. This is up to approximately four percent of the inhabitants of developed countries.

This disease is the most studied; it is now officially accepted that psoriasis is an incurable disease. But it has not been fully studied, and many questions remain about this. It is now known that lichen planus is not an acquired disease, it is provoked by one’s own immune cells.

Psoriasis can be visually detected due to the presence of red spots on the skin (commonly called plaques). When palpated, they are dry and covered with plaque. It is also important to clarify that psoriasis affects:

  • joints;
  • tendons;
  • spine;
  • immune, nervous, endocrine systems;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • thyroid.


Solidol ointment for psoriasis cannot be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

To identify a negative reaction, apply a small amount of ointment to the back of your hand. If there is an allergy to a component, it will manifest itself after a few minutes.


Ointment for psoriasis is used only as prescribed by a doctor. This group of ointments has only one indication - psoriasis. Before use, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions. Do not forget to test for individual intolerance to components so as not to aggravate the situation. Even if the test does not give a result, you should not distribute the ointment over your entire body. Start gradually: legs, after a while connect the body, arms and so on. It is better not to use grease ointments for the face.

How to treat

The method of use of each drug is individual, but it is recommended to adhere to the general rules of treatment with solid oil ointments.

Before the first application, an allergy test should be performed. A pea-sized amount of ointment is applied to the wrist and left for 4-6 hours. If there are no adverse reactions, you can begin treatment.

Apply the product 1-3 times a day in a thin layer. For severe lesions (erosion, ulcers), bandages or compresses can be applied. The average duration of therapy is 1-3 months, the first improvements are observed after 7-10 days of using the product: plaques decrease in size, and pigmented or white spots form in their places.

Important! In one application, it is allowed to cover no more than 20% of the body with ointments; if the affected area is larger, some areas are treated first (only the upper or lower limbs, torso or back), and after achieving a clinical effect, they move on to others.

When applying the product to the head, the hair should be parted with a comb and rubbed directly into the skin. It’s better to do this when your hair is dirty, so it will be easier to wash off the greasy mixture.

The drug should be on the body for at least 8-12 hours; when using some ointments, it is not recommended to wash for 2-3 days. Such treatment requires some household “sacrifices”: you should choose pajamas and bed linen that you won’t mind disposing of, since the base of the preparations is difficult to wash off, and the smell of oil often persists even after boiling and using aggressive detergents.

Solidol ointment does not cause addiction or develop tolerance, and has virtually no contraindications or adverse reactions. It combines well with other medications, but they should be applied 2-3 hours after using a drug with a fatty base - petroleum lubricant forms a film that slows down the absorption of the components of other medications by the epidermis. Tar or laundry soap will help to completely wash off the solid oil; body and hair masks made from fermented milk products can improve the condition of the skin after treatment procedures.

While using petroleum preparations, you should completely stop drinking alcohol, smoking and follow a strict diet. A repeated course may be prescribed by a doctor if a relapse of the disease occurs.


Substitutes for therapeutic effects include non-hormonal ointments based on naphthalan, another petroleum derivative.


Active ingredients: deresined naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid, dexpanthenol, Japanese Sophora extract, almond oil.
Available in the form of cream and shampoo. Losterin relieves inflammatory processes, eliminates itching, exfoliates, has an antimicrobial effect, enhances skin regeneration and its barrier functions, softens the epidermis.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Apply shampoo to damp hair, foam and rinse with water. Repeat the procedure and leave the product on the scalp for 2-3 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly. The duration of therapy is individual.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications : intolerance to the components of the product.

Naftalan ointment

The active ingredient is naphthalan oil.
Release form: ointment for external use. It has an analgesic effect, dilates blood vessels, and relieves spasm of smooth muscles. The ointment promotes skin regeneration, relieves inflammation, reduces the size and number of psoriatic plaques, and eliminates the main manifestations of skin diseases. It also improves rheological blood readings and enhances blood microcirculation in joint tissues.

The product is applied to the skin 2 times a day, the duration of therapy is 15-20 days. Used in conjunction with ultraviolet irradiation and the Solux lamp.

Side effects: manifestations of allergies.

Contraindications : moderate to severe cardiovascular failure, chronic renal or liver failure, malignant neoplasms, blood diseases, intolerance to the components of the drug.

Beneficial features

Solidol ointment is a fairly popular and effective remedy for psoriasis. It has already been tested by several generations of patients, all reviews are positive. And all thanks to the beneficial properties of medical solid oil. Let's list them.

  • reduces peeling;
  • resists the formation of wounds;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • relieves itching and burning in affected areas;
  • reduces the affected surface;
  • promotes healing and keratinization of the skin;
  • increases the rate of formation of a healthy layer of the epidermis.

The combination of properties helps to get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis for a fairly long period. With the disappearance of symptoms, a general improvement in the patient’s condition is noted.


Akrustal (Chernyshev ointment)

Active ingredients: cedar, eucalyptus and yarrow oils, oil extracts of rose hips and chamomile, calendula, wheat germ, licorice root, aloe and juniper, beeswax and honey, grease.
Release form: cream. Intended for the treatment of psoriasis, atopic and allergic dermatitis, limited neurodermatitis. It has a keratolytic effect, relieves itching, relieves inflammation, and enhances regeneration processes.

You can start treatment with Akrustal no earlier than 3 weeks after stopping the use of corticosteroid drugs. The cream is applied first to one part of the body (legs or arms), in the absence of undesirable reactions, after 2-3 days it is transferred to other areas and so on until all affected tissues are completely covered. The course of therapy ranges from 3 weeks to 4 months; after the disappearance of clinical symptoms, treatment is continued for another 15-20 days to prevent relapse.

Antipsor or ointment by A. Ivanov (Magnipsor, Psorium)

Active ingredients: grease, crab chitin, extracts of ocean mollusks, extracts from Far Eastern plants.
Available in the form of a balm for external use. The ointment has exfoliating, antimicrobial and analgesic effects, promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation, and relieves itching.

Before use, the skin is steamed (taking a hot bath, visiting a sauna), wiped dry and a balm is applied. Use the product 2 times a day without washing off the previous layer, that is, water procedures can be carried out once every 3 days. Then a 1-day break and the next three-day course of treatment are indicated. The duration of therapy ranges from 10 to 50 days; 2-5 days after the first use, a rejection reaction begins (increased existing symptoms, increased temperature), which is a sign of a positive course of the fight against the disease.

Gum-solidol balm for psoriasis

Active ingredients: grease, cedar resin, mink fat, beeswax.
Available in balm form. The product has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skin, and reduces flaking. Recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, including psoriasis.

Apply the product evenly to the skin 2 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.


Active ingredients: lysozyme, string, chamomile and calendula extracts, vitamins A and D, lavender and eucalyptus oils, bee honey, salicylic acid, solid oil.
Dosage form: ointment. It has a keratolytic effect, relieves itching, inflammation, and enhances regeneration. Indicated to combat psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and allergic dermatoses.

Kartalin is applied to the body once a day for the first 10 days, then 2 times a day until external symptoms disappear. The ointment should not be washed off for 12 hours. The course of therapy is 2-4 months, improvements are observed after 1-2 days.


Active ingredients: birch tar, celandine and fir extracts, natural fats, grease, lanolin, water. Produced in the form of a cream.

Has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, promotes regeneration.

Apply the product 2-3 times a day with gentle movements until completely absorbed. The course of treatment is 3 months, manifestations of psoriasis disappear after 1.5-2 weeks.


Active ingredients: petroleum jelly, lanolin, grease, salicylic and boric acids, zinc pyrithioneate, vitamin A. Dosage form - cream-balm.
Psorilam has a drying and antiseptic effect, softens and relieves flaking, and soothes the skin.

The cream is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day until a lasting clinical effect is achieved.

Super Psori cream

Active ingredients: petroleum jelly, lanolin, grease, birch tar, naphthalan, sulfur, sea buckthorn oil, string extracts, sage, eucalyptus and licorice.
Release form: cream. Intended for the treatment of various forms of psoriasis as part of complex therapy.

Super psori is applied to previously cleansed dry skin 1-3 times a day. For severe damage, it is recommended to apply a bandage for 12 hours. After the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, they switch to a single use; the course of therapy is individual.

Rybakova ointment

Active ingredients: emulsion grease, petroleum jelly, boric acid, menthol.
Release form: ointment. The drug is intended for the treatment of psoriasis.

The drug is rubbed into the skin in the direction of hair growth 1-2 times a day, water procedures are recommended to be carried out once every 3 days. The course of treatment is individual, the ointment can be used for several months.


Active ingredients: grease, mineral oils, peppermint, purified sea salt, calendula.
It has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammatory processes, and has a keratolytic effect. Intended for the treatment of all stages of psoriasis.

The cream should be applied 1-2 times a day in a thin layer, and when distributed on the scalp, gently rub in, moving the hair to the side. Therapy lasts until pigmented or white spots appear. Showers are taken every other day; steaming the skin is prohibited.

Solid oil

Solid oil ointment, as you might guess, is made on the basis of the component of the same name. Do not confuse the substance, which is used to lubricate spare parts on equipment, with its medical analogue. The latter is thoroughly cleaned before use for medical purposes. The result of treatment with technical grease may have the opposite effect. In this section you will learn what medical solid oil is.

This is a homogeneous lubricant made on the basis of fatty acids and technical oils. To be more precise, oil thickens with the help of acids. Medicinal solid oil may have a brownish color. In medical raw materials we can find:

  • soap;
  • water;
  • alkali.

It was said earlier that treatment with solid oil ointments does not bring pleasure. This is primarily due to the specific smell. Secondly, because such an ointment is quite difficult to wash off from the surface of the skin.

Which one to use - technical or medical solid oil?

If the task is to cure a skin disease that significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life, then, of course, it is necessary to use medical solidol, available without a prescription in retail pharmacy chains.

Technical solid oil is similar in its therapeutic properties to medical products of the same type, but still it is not sufficiently purified and contains a large number of chemical impurities, alkali, calcium salts, caustic soda and other substances not needed by the human body. The main purpose of technical grease is to lubricate mechanical structures and parts subject to active friction in order to reduce metal wear and continue the service of the mechanism.

Medical solid oil is produced for only one purpose - to provide assistance to a person suffering from a dermatological disease.

In folk medicine

You can prepare ointments with grease at home yourself.

Recipe 1

A simple way to use petroleum lubricant is to use it in its pure form. To do this, the substance is applied in a thick layer to the affected skin and washed off after 15 minutes. The next day, the grease is left for 20 minutes, gradually increasing the exposure time to 1 hour. Treatment is continued until the symptoms of psoriasis disappear.

Recipe 2

Combine 250 grams of the fatty form of solid oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of baby cream (can be with plant extracts: calendula, chamomile, and so on). Lubricate the body with the resulting mass 1-2 times a day. 0.5 teaspoon of sulfur, chicken protein or 1.5 tablespoons of dried celandine will help enhance the effectiveness of the ointment.

Recipe 3

Brew 4 tablespoons of crushed elecampane root with 100 milliliters of boiling water, simmer in a steam bath for 15 minutes. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, add 400-500 grams of solid oil to form a thick mass. Apply it once a day for 1 hour, then wash off with laundry or tar soap.

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