Why might redness around the eye occur in an adult or child and how to treat it?

And this is not at all difficult, because our skin is a litmus test for the chemical reactions occurring in the body. For example, with a cold, pimples or boils may appear on the skin, with liver disease in women, a certain pigmentation appears on the face, etc. In general, highly experienced diagnosticians who are able to tell almost everything about the patient’s state of health by looking at the iris of the eye and the skin around it.

Actually, it’s worth talking about the skin around the eyes. Usually, it is of a uniform color, one tone darker or lighter than the base color of the complexion. However, sometimes it can become thinner and red spots appear, which do not at all add a good mood to its owner.

Let's look at the most common causes of red spots around the eyes.

  1. Kidneys. Existing stones, kidney failure or any other problems with this organ can be reflected on the skin in the form of swelling, bags, redness or darkening (the skin around the eyes darkens).
  2. Lack of sleep, nervous breakdowns, stress. A simple example: a couple of days without sleep, active brain activity, tension, a lot of coffee and redness of the eyes, as well as the skin around them, is guaranteed.
  3. Dermatological problems. Of course, the skin around the eyes is less susceptible to skin diseases, but the occurrence of dermatitis or eczema cannot be completely ruled out. In this case, not only redness occurs, the skin may begin to peel, flake, and become crusty.
  4. Acute inflammation (abscess or phlegmon). The intervention of a doctor in this case is vital.
  5. Allergic manifestations. They are often accompanied by skin rashes, which is a reaction to exposure to an allergen: pollen, household dust, animal hair, etc.
  6. Congenital skin abnormalities. For example, age spots. They are often localized on the face in close proximity to the eyes.
  7. Unhealthy Lifestyle. Little physical activity, lack of air, poor nutrition, bad habits, etc.


Of course, it is simply impossible to note all the symptoms in order to make a diagnosis yourself. However, some pronounced diseases have quite memorable manifestations. So.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis. It is accompanied by peeling and redness in the area under the lower eyelid, as well as under the eyebrows.
  • Allergy. Its characteristic manifestation is itching, which quickly disappears after taking antihistamines.
  • Sensitive skin. True, this is not a symptom, but rather a statement. It is with sensitive skin that redness around the eyes may occur due to the scorching sun, etc.
  • In case of renal failure, the resulting spot does not hurt, but is slightly swollen. Moreover, such a problem is necessarily accompanied by at least a small amount of swelling.

However, this is not a complete list of symptoms that are expressed in redness of the area around the eyes.


The main symptom of the condition is redness under the eyes. But in some cases, additional signs of various diseases may occur:

  • pain, itching, itching, burning, discomfort;
  • general malaise, manifested in the form of fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased appetite, irritability;
  • pain in muscles and joints, indicating intoxication of the body with viruses or infections;
  • addition of an allergic reaction to a rash, redness of the cornea, increased lacrimation, rhinitis;
  • small wounds, bleeding, bruises;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37-37.5 degrees) or high (from 38 degrees and above).

Based on the symptoms that appear, the doctor can suggest a diagnosis; it can only be confirmed using diagnostic methods.


It is worth remembering that eliminating the cause that caused the redness will automatically eliminate the effect. Therefore, it is very important to find out the essence of the issue.

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by itching, peeling and focal redness of the skin. When it is caused by an allergy, the basis of therapy will be the use of antihistamines, as well as the use of corticosteroid ointments - Flucenar or Lorinden.

Abscess A very serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. In this case, you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible. An abscess is a pathological process accompanied by tissue death. Therefore, it is simply necessary to support the skin. However, the decision on adequate treatment can only be made by a doctor.

Features of the skin When red spots are a physiological feature inherent in your skin, there is nothing to worry about. Today there are many different cosmetics that will eliminate such a defect.

Possible consequences and complications

Ignoring redness under the eyes of a child leads to the development of complications of existing diseases:

  • worsening of inflammatory processes with conjunctivitis, uveitis, the consequences of which are blurred vision and blindness;
  • spread of helminthic infestations, which leads to extensive damage to internal organs;
  • deterioration of the child’s general condition – fatigue, irritability, weakness, nervousness increase, brain activity decreases, and developmental delays appear.

Incorrect treatment or neglect of the appearance of red spots under the eyes leads to worsening pathological changes in a small body - anemia, heart disorders, allergies, decreased immunity.

Red circles under the eyes of a child occur due to lack of sleep or fatigue, and are also a consequence of tonsillitis, helminthiasis, conjunctivitis, respiratory infections, adenoiditis, injuries, insect bites or allergies. A thorough diagnosis, including laboratory and instrumental research methods, will help determine the cause.

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamine, antiviral medications, herbal decoctions, lotions and compresses are used in treatment. Timely treatment helps to avoid serious complications and undesirable consequences.

Folk remedies

In the fight for beauty, all means are good. In addition, there are a number of products that can improve the condition of the skin that are always at hand. One way that always works is masks. They make them from literally everything.

1. Potatoes. For masks, it is rubbed on a fine grater and the resulting paste is applied to the eye area using cotton swabs for 2 or 3 minutes. The healing properties of potatoes have not yet been fully studied, but the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the skin is undeniable. 2. Dill seeds. For the mask, these seeds are poured into a small fabric bag and placed in fairly hot water. Take out the bag after a few minutes, squeeze it out and apply it to your eyes for 5 minutes. 3. Herbs. Decoctions of cornflower and string are considered especially effective.

Treatment of redness under the eyes in children

It is possible to remove redness under the eyes of a child when the cause of such a condition is found. The basis of treatment is medications, and traditional medicine methods are used as adjuvant therapy.


Several groups of drugs help get rid of redness under the eyes of a child:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs
    - Ibuprofen, Nise, Sulindac;
  • anthelmintics
    – Piperazine, Pyrantel;
  • antiviral
    - Kagocel, Anaferon, Isoprinosine;
  • antibiotics
    – Augmentin, Flemoxin, Pancef, Sumamed;
  • antihistamines
    - Suprastin, Fenistil (drops inside and external gel), Loratadine, Alomid drops, Okumetin.

Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the age of the child, and the pathology that caused redness of the skin.

Folk remedies

Is the skin under your child's eyes swollen and red? Traditional medicine will help.

Parsley for irritation around the eyes

Chop a medium bunch of parsley, wrap it in gauze and place it over your eyes, leave for 10 minutes. Perform 3 procedures per day.

Curd lotions

To 1 tbsp. sour cream add 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, mix until smooth. Place the pulp on cotton pads or pieces of gauze and apply to the areas of greatest redness, leave for 15 minutes. The number of procedures per day is 2 times.

Chamomile decoction

Brew 10 g of chamomile in 1 glass of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes, leave and strain. Wash your eyes with the decoction and wipe your face 3-5 times a day.

Compresses with potato juice

Grate peeled potatoes (1 pc.) on a fine grater, place on pieces of gauze and place around the eyes. Keep the compresses for 20 minutes, then wash the child with warm boiled water and lubricate the skin with baby cream.

Lotions with black tea

Brew 2 tsp in a mug of boiling water. loose tea without aromatic additives and preservatives, leave for 20 minutes. Soak cotton pads in strong drink and apply to eyes for 5-10 minutes. Manipulations should be carried out up to 4 times a day.

Cucumber lotions

Cut the cucumber into thin rings and apply to the eyes and skin around the eyes, leave for 20 minutes. The product soothes irritated tissues.

Herbal mixture for compresses

Mix 1 tsp. chamomile flowers and sage leaves, add 10 g of St. John's wort herb. Pour the herbal mixture into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Strain the broth, moisten a towel in it and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes.

Important! Traditional recipes help reduce local inflammation, soothe skin irritation, and alleviate the baby’s condition.


As a rule, treatment is not required when adequate disease prevention has been established. To prevent red spots from appearing in the eye area, it is necessary to act comprehensively: make it a rule to lead a healthy lifestyle, organize yourself proper rest, as well as sleep.

It is also necessary to strengthen the body’s immune system, for which it is worth taking the necessary vitamins and minerals. Reduce mental and visual stress, walk more often. Which will lead to the disappearance of symptoms and red spots will no longer be a serious problem for you.


Often the cause of pinpoint hemorrhages on the face is difficult to identify. Therefore, the doctor prescribes several diagnostic tests:

  • Interview of the patient or his close relatives. The doctor determines systemic diseases, the presence or absence of stress, pathologies of various organs and systems.
  • General inspection. Often the patient's appearance can suggest a disease. If a person is hypertensive, he will have a red face and capillary network in his eyes. In case of skin pathologies, eczema or dermatitis can be detected.
  • Lab tests. These include general clinical analysis of blood and urine, blood biochemistry. You can determine the amount of vitamins and nutrients in the blood. Based on the results, the doctor will determine a decrease in the number of platelets, the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys and other diseases.
  • Measurement of intracranial and blood pressure.
  • Visit to a dermatologist.

After receiving all the data from the studies, the doctor begins treatment.

Our advantages

"Moscow Eye Clinic" offers comprehensive diagnostics and effective treatment of eye diseases. The use of the most modern equipment and the high professional level of specialists working in the clinic eliminate the possibility of diagnostic errors.

Based on the results of the examination, each visitor will be given recommendations on choosing the most effective methods of treating the eye pathologies identified in them. By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you can be sure of quick and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

All questions you are interested in can be asked to specialists by calling 8 (800) 777-38-81 and 8 (499) 322-36-36 or online using the appropriate form on the website.
Mironova Irina Sergeevna

Diagnosis and treatment of red spots

Most often, spots around the eyes appear suddenly - at first they may be pink, but then they actively progress and become redder. You should consult a doctor immediately if you notice pale spots - do not wait until they become pronounced.

Typically, for this symptom, doctors prescribe a general blood test, an ultrasound of internal organs, an allergic reaction test, and a skin scraping to assess the condition of the epidermis. If necessary, examinations by a dermatologist, endocrinologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist can be prescribed.

At Dr. Belikova's Eye Clinic you will receive high-quality, fast and effective medical care. We employ ophthalmologists with extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the visual organs of varying degrees of complexity.

The most common reason for the appearance

The most common cause of hemorrhage is trauma to the skin and soft tissues.

Petechiae appear due to:

  • soft tissue damage;
  • pressing on clothing and its elements (straps, belts);
  • rubbing the surface of the skin.

This creates high pressure, and the walls of the capillaries burst, releasing blood, which then spreads under the skin. This condition can also be caused by emotional stress, during crying or screaming. With age, all tissues of the body become less durable, so the occurrence of petechiae becomes more frequent.

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