Top 16 best creams with retinol for facial skin: pros, cons, methods of use, reviews

Retinol is vitamin A. It was discovered in 1913. It is a fat-soluble substance and therefore accumulates in the body. In uncontrolled doses it causes toxic reactions and overdose. Participates in more than 30 biological processes: from sperm maturation to regulation of skin renewal processes. Neither man nor animal can live and develop without this substance. A deficiency or excess of the vitamin threatens a huge number of pathologies. Retinol is called a hormone-like substance because it acts on human cell receptors. Of course, in its pure form it is not capable of this. To act on cells, Vitamin A must enter the body and be converted into its active form - retinoic acid.

Retinol in cosmetics

Vitamin A has an unstable compound that oxidizes in air and loses its functionality. Therefore, using it in cosmetics is problematic. Manufacturers are trying in different ways to preserve the beneficial properties of the substance and make it more stable:

  • embedded in microcapsules;
  • connect with additional molecules.

One of the most popular forms of retinol used in cosmetics is retinol palmitate. The substance is not capricious, but not very active either. To work on the skin, it must be converted into vitamin A, then into retinoic acid.

There is a noticeable pattern: the more stabilizing molecules are added to vitamin A, the better it is preserved in air, in cream, but at the same time it becomes less active. Pharmacology does not stand still. Recently, a new hybrid of the molecule was developed that behaves more stably and does not lose much activity. It's called retinyl retinoate. The substance is actively used in cosmetics.

In addition to vitamin A and its derivatives, there are preparations with retinoic acid. The active form of retinol acts directly on cells. Retinoic acid is a pharmaceutical substance. Unlike retinol, which is used in anti-aging cosmetics, acid is used to treat diseases. Often found in medications designed to relieve acne. Diferin, Retinoic ointment and other similar products are medicinal drugs and should not be used for skin rejuvenation.

Read also: Why B vitamins help with problems with the nervous system and memory impairment

Night peeling cream A-Oxitive, Eau Thermale Avene

The product contains retinaldehyde - this is the most atraumatic form of retinol. It has virtually no irritating effect (but still do not forget about sun protection after using the product), so it is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Retinol for facial skin

The stratum corneum of the epidermis becomes thinner over time, and the number of fatty layers increases. Retinol enhances the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Due to biological processes, the skin becomes fresher, more hydrated, smoother, and fine wrinkles disappear.

It is recommended for people to use retinol:

  • over 30–35 years old;
  • with photodamage to tissues.

The symptom complex of early aging is manifested by thinning tissues, a large number of wrinkles and pigmentation disorders.

Indications for use

The use of a cream based on vitamin A or its derivatives is advisable for:

  1. hyperpigmentation;
  2. deep and fine wrinkles;
  3. increased oily skin;
  4. pore expansion;
  5. blackheads.


Cosmetics containing retinoids should be used only for their intended purpose. To prevent skin problems, it is better to look for alternative products based on tocopherol, hyaluronic acid or collagen.

Rules for using retinol

Most retinol molecules are unstable in the sun. For this reason, the substances are used in the evening. Fat-soluble vitamins can be accumulated by the body, so preparations with retinol are used in a course. The duration of treatment is usually from one to three months, repeated every other year.

  1. Can be applied to the area around the eyes.
  2. They have an irritating effect, the higher the activity and concentration, the stronger the side effects.
  3. The skin gets used to vitamin A.
  4. Begin therapy with mild forms with a lower concentration of the active form.
  5. When using strong drugs, there is a possibility of side effects: allergies, irritations.

The use of external medications should not be combined with internal ones. To avoid an overdose, it is not recommended to drink even fish oil.

Amount of vitamin A per 100 g of product

Possible side effects

If the exact amount of retinol or its derivatives is not indicated on the packaging of the cream, then their concentration in the composition is low. This product can be used safely even for a long period of time.

When using the cream for the first time, it is recommended to first conduct an allergy test. But even if it did not show the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the product, the risk of side effects cannot be completely excluded. They can be recognized by their appearance:

  1. irritation, itching, hyperemia, swelling and burning in the treated area;
  2. atypical forms of an allergic reaction with uncharacteristic symptoms;
  3. dryness of the epidermis;
  4. in the absence of protection from UV radiation - hyperpigmentation or sunburn;
  5. peeling.

In especially severe cases, with systematic abuse of creams with retinoids during pregnancy, irreversible mutations in the fetus can occur.

Scheme for using retinol creams for beginners

Retinol cream is applied in the evening to dry, cleansed skin. The procedure is carried out 20–30 minutes after washing:

  • the first two weeks - once;
  • the third and fourth - twice each;
  • fifth week - three times.

Further on the feelings. If there are no side effects, the number of applications is increased to every night. Sometimes at the adaptation stage, after retinol, dryness and tightness of the tissues are felt. In this case, after 15 minutes you can apply moisturizer, but it is not advisable.

Indications and contraindications

Creams with retinol are distributed by age category: 35+, 45+, 55+, 60+. A certain amount of the substance is prescribed for each age; it is very important not to exaggerate with the dosage.

Indications for use of retinol cream:

  • Eczema and dermatitis, including the atopic variant;
  • Superficial abrasions and skin cracks;
  • Cheilitis;
  • Age-related skin changes;
  • Skin diseases associated with disruption of the processes of keratinization and protein formation;
  • In order to activate reparative processes in dermatoses after therapy based on glucocorticoids.

Despite all its beneficial properties, the cream has a number of contraindications. Vitamin A is essential, but it has a very strong effect on the body and if you take too much of it, it will contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Before buying a retinol cream, apply a little of it to the skin of your hands. If within a couple of days you continue to feel well and the skin where you applied the cream does not change in any way, then buy the product.

Contraindications to the use of retinol cream:

  • Presence of cholelithiasis;
  • Increased sensitivity of the epidermis to the ingredients of the drug, leading to irritation;
  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Individual intolerance to vitamin A, causing allergies;
  • Pregnancy.

Often, at first, products with retinol cause drowsiness, mild headache, and lethargy. These side effects go away quickly once your body gets used to the composition. One of the basic rules: small dosage. To begin with, purchase a cream with a small concentrate of retinol; if your skin reacts painlessly, then you can gradually increase the dose.

How to store vitamin A cream

Retinol must be stored correctly. The bottle with the substance should be kept in a dark, cool room. A refrigerator is suitable for this purpose. Once the package is opened, retinol in its pure form evaporates within two to three months. To increase shelf life, containers are of great importance. It is not recommended to store retinol in a jar. Give preference to products in a vacuum dispenser. In such bottles, contact with oxygen is minimal. The chances increase that beneficial substances will remain active longer.

Creams with retinol: ranking of the best

The list of the best creams includes 16 products that, according to user reviews, deserve special attention:

  1. Redermic R Anti-Aging (La Roche-Posay)
  2. Liftactiv Advanced Filler (Vichy)
  3. Anti–Age Ystheal + (Avene)
  4. Retino–A Tretinoin
  5. Christina Retinol E Active Cream
  6. Librederm Aevit nutritional
  7. Holy Land Alpha–Beta Restoring Cream
  8. Retinol Real White Cream
  9. SesDerma Retises 0.25%
  10. CAVIALE Vitamin A
  11. Sefite anti-aging
  13. Natura Siberica Anti-Age
  14. Milky Piggy Egf Elastic (Elizavecca)
  15. Bielita Vitex Retinol+Mg
  16. Tolk Retinol (Spring)

Vitamin A supplements are really effective. The usefulness is confirmed by various clinical trials and time.

Top 16 creams with vitamin A

Vitamin A comes in various molecular forms, which differ in their stability and severity of action. In cosmetics, derivatives are used to improve appearance: retinyl retinoate, retinol palmitate. Retinoic acid is used to treat acne, which is prescribed by a doctor. Retinol cream is not intended for permanent use and is used in courses. Initially, they use cosmetics with a lower concentration, and then move on to high doses.

La Roche–Posay Redermic R Anti–Aging

The composition of anti-aging cosmetics contains a sequential release retinol molecule. This allows you to gradually achieve the maximum concentration of nutrients. The drug has a positive effect on tissue relief, evens out, smoothes, and reduces pigmentation. Recommended for use from 35 to 55 years. It is advisable to use the product in the evening.

PurposeWrinkle correction, hydration
What else does it help with?For rashes
VolumeTube, 30ml
ProductionLa Roche-Posay, France

Prices in pharmacies are 1,800 – 2,500 rubles.


  1. A special form of Retinyl Linoleate + Adenosine.
  2. Suitable for problem skin.
  3. Reduces pigmentation.


  1. High price.
  2. One tube is enough for 2-3 months.

“I use cosmetics once a year. The tube lasts for 2.5 months. The cream moisturizes and evens out. Easily copes with pigmentation. Every spring I get freckles and the ointment lightens them well. The product helps against subcutaneous acne. A smeared, swollen tubercle that disappears in the morning. I recommend it for problem fabrics and lightening age spots.”

Vichy Liftactiv Advanced Filler

The wrinkle filler is suitable for preventive use. Pure retinol, combined with hyaluronic acid, adenosine and the LR 2412 molecule, not only visually corrects wrinkles, but actually smoothes them out. Anti-aging components help effectively combat pronounced and even vertical folds.

Usage diagramOnce a day, on creases or the whole face
EffectSmoothes vertical wrinkles
VolumeTube, 30ml
ManufacturerL'Oreal, France

Price at the pharmacy is 2,000 rubles.


  1. It is used economically.
  2. Aligns.
  3. Reduces the depth of wrinkles.


  1. Expensive.
  2. Pure retinol evaporates quickly.

“I’m 35 years old and wrinkles are already showing up. There are interglabellar and nasolabial ones. I purchased the retinoid at a nearby pharmacy after an advertisement in a magazine that promised to get rid of wrinkles in a month. I used cosmetics from March 10 to April 18. During this time I noticed a real smoothing of wrinkles. The skin has become healthier and smoother. This was my first time using a product with vitamin A, but I didn’t notice any side effects. More than two weeks have passed since the cancellation, and the creases have not returned. I had positive impressions from using the product and have a desire to repeat the course.”

Avene Anti–Age Ystheal +

Contains retinaldehyde. The substance is considered identical to retinol retinoate. Used in cosmetics for problematic and sensitive skin prone to rosacea. Retinaldehyde easily penetrates tissues, but its effect occurs slowly. Anti-aging cream is approved for use from 25 years of age and has a rejuvenating effect.

Type of containerBottle with a convenient pump dispenser
Volume30 ml
PeculiarityVitamin A derivative - retinaldehyde
ManufacturerAvene, France

The price tag in pharmacies is 2,000 – 2,500 rubles.


  1. Evens out the color.
  2. Moisturizes, nourishes.
  3. The vacuum dispenser increases the shelf life of useful substances.


  1. Expensive.
  2. Side effect in the form of tingling.

“I have combination skin with emerging wrinkles in the nasolabial fold. After a month of use, I noticed: my face looks rested, the wrinkles in the nasolabial folds have disappeared. In the first days of use, a slight tingling sensation was felt. I did not experience any other side effects. After a course of use, the pores breathe, wrinkles disappear. There was a desire to repeat a successful purchase.”

Retin-A Tretinoin

Tretinoin is the first retinoid developed specifically for the treatment of acne and photoaging. Removes wrinkles and slows down tissue aging. It has a powerful rejuvenating effect and fights acne. Contains tretinoin 0.05%. Possible side effects such as redness, peeling, burning. The drug requires getting used to. Tretinoin reduces cell adhesion, so it can easily treat acne vulgaris. When treating open comedones, it evens out the surface of tissues. Closed acne turns into open acne and it heals quickly without scarring.

special instructionsApply after consultation with a specialist According to a special scheme Apply to the entire face or locally
Application areaRejuvenation, acne
VolumeTube 20g
ManufacturerJanssen, India

Price 500 – 600 rub.


  1. The medicinal drug is used in a course.
  2. Works great on acne.


  1. Adaptation to the drug is required.
  2. Order via the Internet.

“I have problem skin and it responds to improper care with clogged pores. I ordered the cream online. I used it according to the instructions once at night. All the delights of an overdose began after one week. The skin became inflamed, the corners of the lips became painful, the face took on an exhausted appearance. I had to stop using it without achieving a rejuvenating effect. But the ointment was useful to me to eliminate acne. I apply the drug precisely to the inflammations, and they quickly disappear. It might be worth repeating the course for a rejuvenating effect using a gentle scheme, but I don’t have time for experiments.”

Christina Retinol E Active Cream

The retinoid is approved for use from the age of 25. Refers to corrective drugs. Suitable for any skin type. Solves the problems of hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, and fights signs of aging. 2–4 months after the start of use, the microrelief improves, wrinkles smooth out, and tone increases. At the adaptation stage, slight flaking and dryness are possible.

How to useIn the first months, 1–2 times a week, in the absence of side effects, the frequency is increased and brought to nightly
Active substanceRetinyl Palmitate 0.15%
PeculiaritiesCan be applied to the eye area leaving 2-3 mm to the eyelash edge
ManufacturerChristina, Israel
Volume30 ml

Price 2,800 – 3,500 rub.


  1. Suitable for face and eye area.
  2. Replaces whey.
  3. Can be used for rosacea.
  4. Contains vitamins C and E
  5. Contains herbal ingredients


  1. Expensive.
  2. One bottle lasts for 30 days.
  3. Side effects: dryness and irritation.

“Very happy with my purchase. After use, the skin is even and smooth, like after Photoshop. I used other ointments with retinol before, but the effect of this drug exceeded all my expectations.”

Librederm Aevit nutritional

Cream with vitamins A and E has an anti-aging, smoothing effect. Tones, refreshes, stops the aging process of cells. After application, it helps tissues produce their own collagen and rejuvenate from the inside.

How to use1–2 months, then take a break. Can be used morning and evening.
Best before dateAfter opening 6 months
PeculiaritiesHas a photoprotective effect
ManufacturerLibrederm, Russia

Cost: 280 – 400 rub.


  1. Natural ingredients.
  2. Additional vitamins.


Contains a tiny amount of Retinyl Palmitate.

“This is the first nourishing cream that didn’t make my face break out in spots. After using it I feel comfortable, there is no feeling of tightness or burning. Quite satisfied with the drug. I got a good effect for my sensitive skin at a low cost.”

Holy Land Alpha–Beta Restoring Cream

A retinoid with alpha-beta acids lightens age spots, evens out the texture, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to its unique composition, Holi Land has a wide spectrum of action. Active ingredients include: pure retinol, salicylic acid, vitamin C.

Shelf life after opening the package6 months
PeculiaritiesContains herbal ingredients
ManufacturerHoly Land, Israel
How to useOnce or twice a day On a previously cleansed face Do not use on the periorbital area and neck
Volume50 ml

Price 3,000 – 3,500 rub.


  1. With UV filter.
  2. Can be used during the daytime.
  3. Has healing properties.
  4. It contains a large complex of useful substances.


  1. Expensive.
  2. In the bank.
  3. There is no cumulative effect.
  4. Retinol in combination with salicylic acid and AHA provokes redness and flaking.

“Before purchasing the cream, I used various medications to eliminate acne and red spots. I am 28 years old, but no treatment helped clear my skin of acne. Used: 3 months twice a day, the rest of the time at night. At first, a slight tingling sensation was felt, then the symptoms of addiction disappeared. After some time, the red spots appeared and the black dots disappeared. Six months after stopping the drug, my face became covered in acne again. I had to buy a second jar. Expensive, but worth the money."

Retinol Real White Cream

The cream belongs to luxury cosmetics. Designed for the periorbital and nasolabial areas. The composition is rich in vitamins, Shea butter and herbal elixirs of youth. Reduces pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes, smoothes wrinkles. Its main function is deep hydration and nutrition.

Mode of applicationApply a thin layer with a tapping motion Every day before bed
Volume40 ml
How does it workPenetrates into the deep layers of tissue Triggers the production of elastin and collagen
ManufacturerDeoproce, South Korea
IncludedPure retinol

Cost: 800 – 1,000 rub.


  1. Maintains a long-lasting effect after use.
  2. Moisturizes.
  3. Tightens pores.
  4. Economical consumption.


  1. Retinol is not in the first place in the composition.
  2. It stings the eyes if it gets on the mucous membrane.

“I’m already over 30. My skin is sensitive and prone to dryness. I used the ointment daily, as recommended by the manufacturer, twice a day. The drug is comfortably distributed and absorbed well. After a course of use, wrinkles in the nasolabial folds are less noticeable.”

SesDerma Retises 0.25%

Cream with retinol stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. Suitable for those who have prepared the skin for higher doses of the vitamin. The active ingredients are placed in special lipid containers that easily penetrate into tissues. This technology helps to quickly reduce wrinkles and restore tone. Recommended for use in autumn and winter, in the evening. Should be used with caution. On unprepared skin, peeling, redness, and irritation are possible. Use the diagram proposed at the beginning of the article. If you have previously applied preparations with vitamin A, but at a lower concentration, then use Sesderma 0.25% every other day for the first 2–3 months. Next, look at the condition of the skin. If there are no side effects, it is possible to switch to nightly use.

What is it for?Anti-aging care after 40 years
Active IngredientPure retinol 0.25%
Volume30 ml
ManufacturerSesDerma, Spain

Price 3,000 – 4,500 rub.


  1. NANOTECH™ technology was used in the development.
  2. Retinol is the main active component.
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles.


  1. Expensive.
  2. Adaptation to the drug is required.

“I purchased a retinoid on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. Which assured me that the non-comedogenic drug tightens pores, removes blemishes, reduces tone, and eliminates fine wrinkles. During the consultation, they explained to me that the cream should be used first once a week, and then monitor the skin’s reaction and gradually switch to nightly use. During the day, UV protection is required. I used it according to the regimen suggested by a specialist, so I didn’t notice any special side effects. I saw the first positive results a month after starting use. The skin noticeably tightened and became smooth. After sleep I look rested. The tube of cream is small, but the consumption is small, so it lasted me for 2 months.”

Caviale Vitamin A

The cream, from a Russian manufacturer of parapharmaceuticals, is designed to reduce the depth of wrinkles and improve appearance. Contains: herbal ingredients, Shea butter, Ceramide II. Vitamin A, which proudly appears in the name, is at the end of the list. According to the developer, the ointment is classified as a cosmetic product.

PeculiarityWith UV protection
IncludedMinimum dosage of Retinyl palmitate
Volume50 ml
ManufacturerTwins Tech, Russia

Price 80 – 90 rub.


  1. Budget price.
  2. Well moisturizes.
  3. Suitable as a base for cosmetics.
  4. Preventative to prepare for higher dosage products.


  1. There is no pronounced effect of retinol.
  2. Oily.

“At forty years old, I take a comprehensive approach to caring for my appearance. I never use expensive cosmetics, but there are no obvious age-related changes on my face. I purchased this ointment at Fix Price at a budget price. I use it daily in the evening. 10-15 minutes after washing, I apply the toner, then the preparation. You feel good hydration and comfort after nine to ten hours spent wearing makeup. I use this product constantly and with pleasure.”

Sefite anti-aging cream with retinol

The American brand's cream is produced in China. The balanced composition is intended for mature skin that requires intensive nutrition and restoration. Contains: vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and herbal ingredients. Working together, the ingredients transform tissues in a few weeks. Wrinkles become less noticeable. Signs of aging, which appear especially quickly on dry skin, disappear.

Active IngredientRetinol acetate 2.5%
Who is it for?35 years and older
Volume50 ml
ManufacturerSefite, China

Price 700 – 900 rub.


  1. Easily absorbed.
  2. Doesn't leave the feeling of a mask.
  3. Protects from the sun.
  4. The first results are visible after a few days.
  5. The jar is protected by a pump dispenser.



“The product does not leave a sticky film and does not clog pores. I apply it every evening after washing my face. One small pea is enough for the entire face. After a month of use I noticed an improvement in tone. Unevenness disappeared, elasticity appeared, small wrinkles disappeared. After using the product, the skin becomes soft and velvety.”

L'oreal Paris Revitalift

Cream for women 40+ years old. Contains: pro retina A nanosomes, minerals, vitamins, plant components that quickly fight the first signs of wilting. The product renews the skin at the cellular level. Results are visible immediately after use. The next morning the face looks fresh and young.

Active IngredientPro-retinol A
Application timeNight
ManufacturerL'Oreal Paris, France
For whom40 – 50 – 60 years

Price tag 500 – 700 rub.


  1. Skin hydration by 29% immediately after the first use.
  2. Hypoallergenic.
  3. Affordable.
  4. A good replacement for luxury brands.


Strong smell.

“The thick consistency of the product does not leave marks on the pillow and is quickly absorbed. After a week of use, the first results are noticeable. The face looks toned and rested. Of course, it cannot be compared with the effect of salon procedures. You shouldn’t expect miracles, but a fresh, well-groomed face is guaranteed.”

Natura Siberica Anti-Age

Hypoallergenic cream designed for aging skin. It has a pronounced lifting effect and regenerating ability. Natura Siberica is the only company in the world that creates products based on Siberian cedar oil components. An amazing plant - a source of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins E and F. Usnic acid and oligopeptides in the cream slow down the aging process of the skin.

PeculiarityThe drug is based on the Siberian plant Cladonia Snezhnaya, which contains a high level of usnic acid
PackageVacuum dispenser
ManufacturerNatura Siberica, Russia
How to useApply a small amount of cream in the evening after cleansing

Cost 300 – 800 rub.


  1. The rashes disappear quickly.
  2. Contains anti-aging components.
  3. Convenient packaging.
  4. Skin tone increases.


  1. Pungent smell of cedar.
  2. Minimal amount of retinol.

“I’ve been using the cream for 4 months, 3-5 times a week. After the first thirty days, I noticed a fresher complexion, small inflammatory elements disappeared, and the skin stopped flaking. I saw the main effect after the second month of use: skin tone increased, unevenness smoothed out, peeling and the feeling of tightness completely disappeared. After three months of use, I began to look five years younger.”

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Egf Elastic Retinol Cream

Anti-aging cream has a rejuvenating effect, tightens the oval, increases skin tone. The ointment has a rich composition: niacinamide, oligopeptide, adenosine, arginine. EGF protein stimulates cell growth, which promotes rapid restoration of aging skin. The cream contains a large number of additional components designed to improve the appearance of tissues.

PeculiaritiesContains gold particles
Amount of important substancesRetinol - 0.075% EGF - 0.001%
ManufacturerElizavecca, Korea
Volume100 ml
ApplicationIn the evening on prepared skin

Cost from 1,100 to 1,800 rubles.


  1. Contains EGF protein.
  2. Most components are aimed at restoring aging skin.
  3. Tightening effect.


Minimal amount of retinol.

“I was surprised by the incredibly rich composition aimed at rejuvenation. Hoping that it all worked, I decided to buy it. The result is felt immediately, and after 10 minutes you can see it, irregularities disappear. I have been using the cream for more than a month, the skin seems toned, fine wrinkles have decreased. I decided to conduct an experiment and applied the cream on one side of the face to the folds near the corner of the eye. Surprisingly, they disappeared. The skin became soft, moisturized, and tightened.”

Vitex Retinol+Mg

The cream is intended to correct age-related changes. Retinol - renews tissue cells. Magnesium - relaxes the muscles on the face. The composition affects the deep layers of the skin, smoothes wrinkles from the inside. The anti-aging product is applied before bed to cleansed skin along massage lines.

PurposeNight care Wrinkle correction
IncludedRetinyl palmitate
Volume45 ml
ManufacturerVitex, Belarus

Price 170 – 250 rub.


  1. Does not contain dyes.
  2. Smoothes out wrinkles.
  3. Pleasant floral honey aroma.


Small volume, enough for 2 months.

“Retinol plus Magnesium, dense consistency. In the first week of use, it leaves a slight tingling sensation that goes away after a few minutes. After applying the product, the skin breathes, and in the morning you feel moisturized. Two weeks later: the face looks fresh and rested. At the end of the two-month test, wrinkles are less noticeable. A friend of mine also used it, but for the décolleté area. I was surprised by the results obtained; the tissue in this area smoothed out. I’m happy with the cream, I didn’t expect this from a budget product.”

Serum Retinol+, Don't Touch My Skin

This product with a high content of retinol not only improves the condition of problematic skin and rejuvenates, but also increases collagen production and lightens age spots. In addition, the serum contains niacinamide, which is also effective in combating wrinkles, as well as moisturizing lactic acid, which allows the ingredients of the product to better penetrate the skin.

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