Lavender oil for the face: ways to use the product for the beauty of different skin types

Lavender essential oil is used to solve cosmetic problems, in the treatment of diseases of the skin of the face, body and hair. It is also popular in home care.

Lavender oil can be used for facial skin, along with tea tree oil, in its pure form, as well as as part of masks. It has a pleasant aroma of fresh flowers mixed with wood, a yellow-green color and a bitter aftertaste. An oily substance is obtained from lavender inflorescences by steam distillation.

Lavender facial oil has an antiseptic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect on the skin; heals wounds and abrasions, burns; relieves irritation and itching.

general description

Lavender essential oil is considered one of the most popular products among fragrant concentrated extracts. The substance is obtained by steam distillation from the flowering tops and stems of the plant. The ether appears colorless, pale yellow, and less often has a dark green tint.

The liquid is viscous, medium density. The aroma is rich, soft, with sharp balsamic notes or sweetness. The smell of the pomace depends on the type of plant used. French oils are considered to be of the highest quality and most universal in scope of application, while the most advanced are high-mountain oils produced in the growing areas.

Lavender essential oil is actively used in home medicine and cosmetology. This option is often found in industrial products: cream, soap, masks. They like to add the concentrate to perfumed compositions. The oil is widely in demand around the world, making the product mass produced and often falsified.

Introduction to lavender and essential oils

Lavender has been known for a long time. This healing essential oil crop came to us from the Mediterranean. The name of such a unique plant comes from the Latin verb “lavāre”, which means “to wash, to wash”. In Ancient Egypt, lavender had the fancy name “Indian spikelet” and was an expensive commodity traveling along international trade routes.

As the borders of the great Roman Empire expanded, the culture entered Europe, and the ruling monarchs of those times discovered the miraculous properties of the flower. They took baths with lavender, used it in perfumes and in the production of cosmetics, some even seasoned their dishes with it. There was a belief that the aroma and dry inflorescences could scare away evil spirits, witches and even the devil himself.

Modern technologies have made great strides forward, and scientists have learned to isolate an exceptional substance, essential oil, from lavender flowers. To obtain it, only fresh plants are used. Both stems and inflorescences are used.

They undergo a special chemical process – steam distillation. During this process, the plant is heated in a water bath, causing its structure to split and the flower essence to turn into steam. Next, the cloud collects and cools, taking the form of water condensate and essential oil. Since water is lighter than oil, the two substances are easily separated.

Lavender oil is colorless in most cases, but can sometimes range in color from yellow to light green.

Attention! Real ether is afraid of sunlight, so it must be produced and stored in dark glass containers.

A little history

The history of human use of lavender goes back more than 3 thousand years. The fragrant plant was found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs; legends associate the flower with the Gardens of Paradise and the Virgin Mary. The mass passion for lavender for antiseptic, hygienic, and cosmetic purposes began in the times of ancient Rome. This is where the flower's conquest of Europe began. The plant was grown en masse, and active trade began.

In the 14th century, a perfume called “Hungarian Water” gained popularity. The main components of the enchanting aroma are rosemary and lavender. The perfume captivated us not only with its surprisingly delicate, consistent scent. Perfume was credited with magical properties: preserving youth and beauty.

Lavender is always associated with France. It is in this country that it is grown on an industrial scale. Mountain French lavender is considered the highest quality, most sought-after type of flower. The plant appeared on the territory of the country only in the 17th century.

Nowadays, large lavender plantations are located not only in France. The plant is grown in large quantities in Bulgaria. Less colossal amounts of culture are found in Australia, Argentina, England, Hungary, Japan, Morocco, Italy, Algeria, India, and Russia.

By the way. Our Crimean lavender is inferior in quality to French lavender, but is suitable for preparing esters and hydrosols that are used in cosmetology.

Composition and beneficial properties

Lavender essential oil contains about 250 beneficial components. These are mainly volatile alcohols, essential fatty acids, resins, tannins: lavandin, limonene, camphor, linalool.

Complex compounds have a beneficial effect on the functioning of cells, help to build the correct course of metabolic processes, and improve the regenerative abilities of tissues. The most valuable properties of a fragrant product are recognized as: cleansing, elimination of functional problems, effective rejuvenation.

The substance promotes:

  • smoothing out wrinkles;
  • activation of collagen and elastin synthesis;
  • catalyzing internal processes in cells;
  • cleansing pores, drying acne, eliminating inflammatory reactions;
  • activation of protective, regenerative abilities;
  • toning, skin health.

Cosmetologists call lavender oil indispensable for the care of different types of facial skin. The essential oil provides gentle care to the skin, normalizing, soothing, refreshing tissue, eliminating imperfections, tightening and strengthening the contours of the oval.

How does lavender oil affect skin cells?

In lavender oil you can find a number of substances that have an extremely positive effect on the appearance of the skin. Among them are tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, linalool acetate, ocimene, linalool, and phytosterols. By the way, it owes its pleasant smell to a substance known as linalool.

Coumarin, which is present in the composition, has anti-edematous properties and helps dilate blood vessels. In turn, tannins, phytosterols and flavonoids act on the skin as antioxidants, that is, they support the fight against free radicals, which negatively affect the rapid aging of the skin.

Lavender ether has a positive effect due to the presence of organic acids in it. It kills bacteria and microorganisms that cause profuse rashes on the epidermis. The skin healing process is also accelerated and wrinkles are removed.

Indications for use

All skin types will benefit from using lavender oil. Considering that the substance is not used in its pure form. In accordance with the quality and condition of the skin, the optimal ingredient composition of care products is selected. Flower squeezing does not have to be used continuously. The best effect for the skin is noticeable from the correct combination and alternation of suitable products.

Lavender essential oil will solve the following problems:

  • weakening of the tone of the integument, lethargy, the appearance of early signs of aging;
  • dryness, flaking of the surface;
  • acne, pimples, excessive oiliness of the epidermis, redness, irritation;
  • the need for protection from adverse influences (sun, cold, dry air, poor environment);
  • damage (burns, frostbite, damage to integrity);
  • rosacea, excessive pigmentation.

Regular use of lavender oil will deeply cleanse, refresh, even out the surface texture, and maintain a normal level of firmness and elasticity of tissues. Each skin type requires targeted action. Masks with fragrant flower ether are selected according to the beneficial effects of the component composition and complemented with other procedures.

Lavender oil will be a real godsend for those with sensitive, tired, problem skin. This option is ideal for those who experience stress and increased workload.

How beneficial is lavender oil for the face?

The numerous healing and nutritional properties of lavender oil make it indispensable for daily care and protection of any skin type, even the most delicate and sensitive. One of the most important functions of lavender oil is to help treat acne. Using it in daily care will completely eliminate skin problems. Lavender facial oil can also be used to cleanse the skin of toxins and deep impurities from the environment. When applying this oil (we repeat! using base oil!) the skin will be nourished and brightened.

Important! However, like any cosmetic product with a healing effect against acne, it should be used in moderation. Frequent application in high concentrations may cause the opposite of the desired effect.

Features of purchase and storage

Lavender essential oil is widely available on the market. Finding a copy will not be difficult. It is recommended to pay attention to the reputation of the seller and manufacturer. It is important to inquire about the type of product and raw materials used.

The highest quality is considered to be a high-mountain plant from France. Products based on it are used by cosmetologists and perfumers. The second most common is called Bulgarian lavender. The aroma of the flower is devoid of sweetness, the option is not inferior in cosmetic properties to the leader. Similar qualities of the substance are characteristic of products from Crimea.

The storage conditions for lavender essential oil are standard: a darkened glass container with a tight-fitting lid. The oil can be kept at room temperature, but away from sunlight. It is recommended to keep the product in a constant microclimate (without sudden changes in parameters).

Attention! A spoiled substance loses its attractive aroma. The consistency may become thicker and the color may change. If stored properly, this usually does not happen in the first five years. This period is called the real shelf life of the substance.

Wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles are something that every woman will see in the mirror sooner or later.
With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and this leads to the appearance of folds on the forehead, eyes and mouth. The EMC aesthetic clinic offers clients modern techniques that allow them to remove wrinkles on the face and neck . Our cosmetologists create a care program taking into account the patient’s skin type and condition. After a course of procedures, the skin becomes smooth, radiant and elastic, and the rejuvenating effect lasts for a long time.

Terms of use

Lavender essential oil is not used in its pure form for regular skin care. The substance can be applied locally without dilution: to active inflammation, tissue damage. The oil will have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.

The aromatic substance can be easily combined with other products to make masks. Cosmetologists recommend adding the following combinations of esters to lavender, taking into account your skin type and problem:

  • rose or tea tree for problematic epidermis, for burns;
  • geranium, ylang-ylang for mixed epidermis;
  • jasmine, tangerine are suitable for sensitive tissues;
  • immortelle will become a universal remedy for the skin;
  • St. John's wort base oil will help restore the texture of dehydrated skin,
  • Carrot seed oil will enhance the analgesic, regenerating, restorative effect.

Lavender ether is used to make compresses, massages, enrich finished cosmetics, base oils or mixtures, and create multi-component masks. Cosmetologists recommend using up to 5–7 drops of lavender essential oil for one-time use. This dose is harmless and will provide the most beneficial effect from the use of the substance.

Benefits and Impact

Let's look at the benefits of exposure to the skin.

Properties of decoctions and infusions

Lavender is a fairly strong antiseptic. The substance lanlool, which is contained in parts of the plant, can reduce inflammatory processes on the skin, reducing the appearance of acne .
Phytoncides fight the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, smoothing out skin imperfections. The dried flowering parts of lavender are used in the preparation of infusions, tonics and scrubs.

Homemade cosmetics made from lavender flowers soften and soothe inflamed skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Decoctions of dried plant stems are also useful for the scalp . Lavender rinses have a beneficial effect on oily skin, suppressing the growth of fungal microflora, reducing greasiness and dandruff.


Creams or masks with the addition of essential oil restore damaged tissues, help fight the first signs of aging, smoothing out fine wrinkles and making the skin more elastic.

Lavender oil is a powerful antiseptic that helps reduce inflammatory processes that often occur with oily skin. The ether is indispensable in the treatment of acne and pimples. It inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation and reduces the secretion of sebum.

Essential lavender oil helps with insect bites, relieving irritation, inflammation and reducing itching, and heals cracks.

Excellent results are obtained by using lavender oil for various skin diseases: dermatoses, eczema, psoriasis, viral and fungal infections of the skin, and herpes.

Methods of application

Lavender essential oil is universal for caring for the skin of the face, body, and hair. The substance can be added to products for delicate tissues around the eyes and lips. The product does not deny internal use.

Facial beauty recipes

Lavender ether is often enriched in cosmetics. It is permissible to do this yourself or find a ready-made option on sale. At home, it is popular to prepare various masks with the inclusion of this aromatic oil:

  1. An intensive course of masks with lavender ether will help increase tissue tone, eliminate fatigue, the beginning of sagging skin, and the first wrinkles For 2–4 weeks, instead of night cream, you can use a mixture of 1 tsp. base of jojoba, neroli or olives with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Make masks with egg, honey, cream up to 2-3 times a week. To 1 tsp. sour cream, add the same amount of honey, whipped egg white. Add 2-3 drops of aromatic flower oil to the homogeneous mass. The mixture is distributed over the skin. After 15–20 minutes, rinse your face with warm water. The skin is additionally nourished with cream.
  2. For severely dehydrated, sagging skin, it is useful to massage using a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. The base is applied along massage lines. It is recommended not just to rub in the mass, but to actually help speed up blood circulation. A classic facial massage will help with this. Cosmetologists advise mastering Asahi techniques. After the procedure, the fatty base is not washed off. It is permissible to blot your face with a paper napkin.
  3. A mask based on sour cream, lemon juice, and avocado will help eliminate dryness, tightness, and flaking Mix the ingredients 1 tsp each. each, add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. The mask is applied to the surface of the face, avoiding delicate areas (eyes, lips). After 10–15 minutes, the mass is removed with a contrast rinse (alternate washing with warm and cool water). The mask will additionally provide a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect. Lemon juice in the composition acts as a light peeling. The procedure is not performed before leaving home. It is advisable to do this mask before going to bed.
  4. to effectively cleanse tissues and eliminate inflammation . Beat the yolk until foam forms, add a couple of drops of fragrant concentrates. The mask is distributed evenly without rubbing into the skin. After 10 minutes, the mixture is washed off with cool water. It is not recommended to lubricate clean skin with anything additional.
  5. A clay mask will effectively cleanse tissues, eliminating blackheads, impurities, and toxins. They make a base that looks like sour cream. The clay is poured with plain or mineral water without gas; it is permissible to use a decoction of herbs. The mixture is supplemented with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Cover the face with the mixture, avoiding the eye area and lips. After 20 minutes, soak the mask with warm water, gradually removing it. The skin must be rinsed with cool liquid. You can additionally use a tonic or light moisturizer.

You can instantly soothe and moisturize the skin by wetting the surface with lavender water. Add 5-6 drops of ether to a glass of liquid. Enriched water is sprayed from a spray bottle or applied with a cotton pad. The procedure will help with sunburn, severe chapping, and dry skin.

Effect on eyelashes, eyebrows, lips

Lavender oil is used in the treatment of baldness. The substance helps get rid of dandruff, strengthens hair follicles and hair shafts.

The product in combination with a basic oily base can be used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes. The hairs are treated with the mixture. Such masks twice a week will accelerate hair growth and prevent premature hair loss.

The ether will be useful in lip care. The substance will eliminate cracks and peeling. The oil is added to a natural honey scrub or made into rich masks based on base oils. It is recommended to massage the treated sponges a little. Blood flow will have an additional beneficial effect on the skin.


Lavender ether can be taken orally in diluted form. The substance in the amount of 1-2 drops is added to a spoon of honey. The dose is washed down with liquid. It is permissible to dissolve a portion of ether in an alcohol-containing base.

Internal use of the substance will help with insomnia, depression, stress, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea. The heartbeat normalizes, blood pressure decreases, and the immune system is strengthened. Internal administration of the substance also has a diuretic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic effect.

How to make lavender essential oil at home?

In industry, lavender oil is extracted by steam distillation or extraction with an unstable solvent. You can buy it at the store or read a detailed description here on how to make lavender oil at home if you want to make your own at home. The easiest way is the following. To create a lavender essential oil you will need: a carrier oil such as sweet almond, jojoba, olive oil, fresh or dried lavender flowers, a small jar, pan, strainer or cheesecloth, spoons.

Execution: Fill the entire jar with lavender flowers. Pour the base oil into a saucepan, heat slightly and pour into a jar, closing tightly. Place the prepared mixture for a month in a dark and cool place. Don't forget to shake the jar well every day. After this time, strain the solution through a sieve or cheesecloth and squeeze out the infused oil. Pour the finished oil into a dark bottle and store in a place protected from light, i.e. Consider all the necessary requirements for storing essential oils.

Lavender essential oil is a natural and ideal alternative for the care and treatment of skin diseases. Regular use of this product will make your skin glowing and healthy.

Precautionary measures

You should stop using lavender oil in case of unfavorable individual reactions of the body. The product must be tested before external or internal use. Otherwise, the body can be harmed.

The substance is not used in the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, immediately after an abortion. Those with low blood pressure should use the product with caution. Patients with epilepsy and people with serious nervous disorders should not experiment with aromatic oil.

Regular, long-term use of the substance may result in allergies and irritation.

Attention! An overdose of essential oil can cause insomnia. The externally pure substance is contraindicated for those with dry, sensitive skin.

Indications and contraindications

Lavender oil, which has been used for the face for a long time, has a list of indications.

  1. Sensitive and dry skin - oil reduces inflammation, irritation, red spots, peeling.
  2. Problematic and oily skin - the extract disinfects, removes inflammation, dries out acne, eliminates shine and tightens pores.
  3. Numerous skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.
  4. Fading skin - oil tones and refreshes.
  5. Normal skin - the extract is used as an addition to basic care products.

Due to the content of terpene substances and bitterness in the composition, lavender oil is not allowed for use by everyone. These substances interact with iron ions, and this is prohibited in case of anemia.

The list of main contraindications includes:

  • low blood pressure - the calming property on the nervous system does not allow the oil to be used by hypotensive patients, especially during exacerbations;
  • individual intolerance - if you are allergic to strong aromas, you should avoid the oil extract;
  • pregnancy - women in this position should avoid this oil, as it often causes gestosis and toxicosis;
  • Neurological diseases and epilepsy - the calming properties of lavender oil are not suitable for people with epilepsy.

User reviews

Lavender essential oil gets mixed reviews. Some people refuse to use the substance, unable to come to terms with the bright, intrusive aroma. Alternatives are often sought. When using the product for cosmetic purposes, many are satisfied with the result of the product.

Positive opinion about use in face masks.

The consumer used the product to enrich cosmetics but stopped doing so.

The consumer uses the option, but sees more promising alternatives.

I like the anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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