The meaning of moles on the left and right breasts, under, above, between them, on the nipples - what such a sign can say about a woman

What can tell about a person and what does a mole located on the chest mean? This is a question many people ask. A nevus on this part of the body, depending on its location, can reveal the characteristics of a woman’s character traits. And also predict her future. According to esotericists, a nevus is not just a decoration, but also a keeper of karmic information, a sign of fate that can provide more information about a person than he thinks. Their influence on character depends not only on shape, color and size, but also on location.


The main characteristics of a nevus, depending on its shape:

  • cross-shaped: such a person has a special mission on earth;
  • in the shape of a heart: knows how to love strongly and unselfishly;
  • the triangular shape promises its owner material well-being;
  • A mole in the shape of a circle speaks of temperament and emotionality.

But a cluster of marks in the shape of a zigzag speaks of a fickle person who is often led by emotions and can make momentary decisions, obeying feelings. Pigments that stand in pairs next to each other foresee a happy marriage.

As for color, dark nevi appear in decisive people, and red nevi appear in intellectuals.

Scary pages from the history of the study of moles

In the Middle Ages, marks on the body were given special significance. The priests believed that any mole was a mark of evil spirits, which means that such people should be treated with suspicion. Large moles with a convex shape were especially feared. The worst thing is if such a “sign” was found on a woman’s body.

During the witch hunt, inquisitors even wrote a special treatise proposing to identify witches by looking at the skin of “three witches or Three witches to scan” any person.

The inquisitors were especially afraid of women with a mole of an even, round shape located on the inside of the knee, just above the bend. In the Middle Ages, this mark was called moon-shaped, and it was the most compelling evidence of a connection with evil spirits. Moleosophy confirms that such a mole indicates serious paranormal abilities of its owner. A woman with these abilities has a close connection with the world of the dead, can receive information from them and ask for favors. Deceased relatives always care about the well-being and success of a woman with a moon-shaped mole; they are her guardians.

A mole above the upper lip indicates the ability to hypnosis. Such a woman can damage and bless with just one word; she has a huge gift of persuasion. Men are especially susceptible to her charms; they simply cannot resist her magnetic charm and charisma.

I would like to add that only large moles that are clearly visible on the body are important. The appearance or disappearance of such a sign promises big changes in a woman’s life.

What does it mean on the nipple?

Pigments located on the nipple are considered very rare, regardless of gender. If such age spots do not cause discomfort and do not increase, they do not need to be removed; they give a person uniqueness. Formations on this part of the body are dangerous only for nursing mothers, because during feeding, cracks and wounds can form, so mammologists advise removing them, and the sooner this is done, the better.

According to folk wisdom, the appearance of a nevus on a woman’s nipple is a sign of motherhood. Since ancient times, such marks promise a new addition to the family, and soon the born child will grow up rich and famous.

Several formations on the left side of the nipple indicate that the main purpose of a woman is to become a mother. Representatives of the fair sex with such pigment spots have been playing with dolls and baby dolls since childhood, and when they grow up, they give birth to children and become wonderful mothers.

If a girl with spots on the left side of her nipple fails to become a mother, she will direct all her love to her loved ones. Such people are best at working with children: they make excellent teachers in kindergartens.

A mole on the nipple is not a good karmic sign. The location of the mark on the girl’s right side indicates joint disease.

Such people should pay attention to their health, as they usually have brittle bones, which can cause disability after injury. A mole on the left nipple indicates diseases of the cardiovascular system. According to Russian signs, a birthmark on the right papilla is a sign of wealth, and on the left it promises problems in your personal life.

Men are also often interested in what a mole on the chest means. It’s worth making them happy: they have a powerful temperament and are in demand among the opposite sex. Such gentlemen marry only for love and remain faithful to their partner in marriage.

Doctors' opinion

A mole, or nevus, is a benign formation on the skin. Histologically, it is a cluster of melanocyte cells. Provoking factors for the development of nevi can be :

  • action of ultraviolet radiation;
  • hormonal changes (often observed during adolescence);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition.

If a mole does not manifest itself in any way and does not cause concern, you can ignore it. However, if it begins to itch, hurt and quickly increase in size, this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous if the spot begins to grow in a child. Any such formation can be called benign only conditionally. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, it can degenerate into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

Only a doctor can determine the exact nature of the tumor based on histological examination of the tissue. Based on the test results, the specialist will recommend the most suitable treatment method. Under no circumstances should you try to remove a mole at home yourself.

The most effective methods of combating nevi are:

  1. Surgical is the most traumatic and is used extremely rarely.
  2. Laser.
  3. Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen.
  4. Radio wave - using the Surgitron apparatus.

If the birthmark is small in size and the treatment was carried out correctly, there will be no scars left on the body.

Mark under the chest on the right

A mole under the right breast means that such a girl is persistent and assertive.
Her career comes first and she often achieves success in this area. In everyday life, such girls are wonderful mothers and spouses, but in work matters they are capable of going over their heads for the sake of career growth. This quality helps to achieve special success and become financially independent. In matters of competition, such people are unprincipled; they are ready to do anything for the sake of prestige, honor and the highest position. But in everyday life they become wonderful wives and mothers, as they know how to separate personal issues from work issues.

How to Avoid a Negative Prediction

Regardless of the decoding of the sign, it is important to remember that it cannot become predetermining in life if a person knows exactly what he wants.

The key is optimism, self-development, skillful use of your best qualities, and careful thinking through decisions that may turn out to be fateful.

Moles and birthmarks in the chest area act as pointers that help one navigate a series of events, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and choose the right direction of movement.

Pay attention not only to predictions based on moles, but also to the condition of your breasts. For example, if you experience itching in this area, it is worth finding out why the girl’s right breast itches. Why did a pimple suddenly appear on her and so on. These are important signs along the way that help you understand any situation.

Nevus under the bust on the left side

A mole on the left breast means: for the weaker sex it is a sign of love and deceit.
Such girls are ready to do anything for love. They can easily take a man away from the family for the sake of sport. They often become mistresses; it is much more interesting for them to win a man than to enter into a relationship with an unmarried man. Often loving people have not one, but several lovers. Their dexterity is simply surprising, since they can skillfully hide their relationships on the side for years. You won’t envy the friends of such ladies, since often their friends’ husbands become their lovers.

The ability to interest and attract any male does not benefit those with a mark under the left bust. Often, deception and intrigue are revealed, and the lady is left alone, and the lover finds an honest and faithful life partner.

The mark on the left side of the chest of the stronger sex also indicates that this person is not used to monotonous relationships, he is often changeable and attracts attention from the fair half of humanity.

Removal method

After the decision to remove is made, a treatment method is selected. It will depend on the result obtained and the clinic’s equipment.

  1. The most accessible method is surgical removal with a scalpel. A large amount of tissue is affected. The operation is painful and local or general anesthesia is used. Rough scars remain. Therefore, the method is usually used for large formations.
  2. Cryodestruction is based on freezing a part of the body. Cooled liquid nitrogen or carbonic acid kills the cells of the spot to form a crust. Healthy young tissue grows underneath. The technique is less traumatic than using a scalpel. Does not leave scars and does not cause pain. But there is a risk of incomplete removal, after which the procedure has to be repeated. Cryodestruction is used to treat small flat spots.
  3. Electrocoagulation, on the contrary, is based on tissue cauterization. There is virtually no bleeding, the volume of excision is minimal. But the pain is higher, the affected tissue may also remain.
  4. Laser removal is used in beauty salons to remove small lesions. The radiation penetrates deeply, but does not leave defects on the surface of the skin. The patient does not feel pain. Disadvantage of the procedure: the likelihood of leaving part of the nevus. White spots often remain.
  5. Radiosurgical techniques have gained popularity in recent years. A special knife emits radiation that destroys the affected area and does not affect the healthy one.

When can I delete

If there are no medical indications for urgent excision, choose a good time for the procedure and follow the advice:

  1. If you are afraid of rough scars and stains, it is best not to remove them in the summer. Protect your body from ultraviolet radiation for about 2 months; if this is not possible, use products with SPF 50 protection.
  2. Do not visit the solarium.
  3. Address chronic illness issues early.

After a woman has removed a mole, she should not apply foreign agents to the gland. For the first day, avoid water treatments. You can cover the wound with a band-aid until a crust forms. Antibiotics are generally not required. Alcohol is not prohibited.

It is better to postpone surgery in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • If you have a pacemaker, electrocoagulation cannot be used.

Birthmark in the middle of the chest

A mole between the breasts, regardless of gender, means stability in all areas throughout life. Such people do not know the gifts of fate or troubles; they always manage to adhere to the golden mean in everything. Stable relationships, long-time, proven friends and constant work are the companions of such people. The owners of the mark will not win the lottery or get a promotion, but they will not have to suffer either.

Ladies with a nevus in the middle of the left bust often suffer from unhappy love. A serious love or family drama may happen in their life. Such a mark is a karmic sign and may be a symbol that she did something bad in a past life and now must pay for it.

A mole under the breast means that the girl will make a wonderful mother and protector of the family hearth. Often, if she finds a companion, she goes through life with him until death, so one love for life is about them. They do not need adventures in their personal lives; stability and family are important to them.

Prevention of the appearance and transformation of moles

It is believed that even a large number of formations on the body, in particular on the human chest, does not indicate the risk of developing skin cancer. But how to protect yourself from the appearance of new, and most importantly, the transformation of previously appeared moles? You should:

  • Limit exposure to the sun;
  • Use sun protection products with an SPF factor of at least 50.
  • Avoid solariums;
  • Protect the skin from various damages and injuries;
  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • Monitor your health, especially hormonal changes;
  • Be periodically observed by specialized doctors.

Here are the top recommendations for healthy and beautiful skin, especially for such exposed and prominent areas as the chest, arms, neck and face.

The meaning of nevi on the chest of the stronger sex

Hidden character traits of a representative of the stronger sex will be revealed by a birthmark on the chest, depending on where exactly it is located. Let's look at the most common options:

  1. A cluster of nevi (more than 6) under the papilla. This sign means that its owner should not be trusted. He is weak in spirit, cannot be relied upon and is inclined to deceive, which is a bad quality in family life. If there are 1-2 pigment spots, such a sign is the opposite of the first and means that such a man will be a reliable and honest husband.
  2. A mole on the left chest in men means that its bearer is a romantic. Such people love to travel and constantly discover new horizons.
  3. A nevus on the right papilla characterizes the gentleman as a knight, capable of feats for the sake of his lady. He is noble, loves children and will be a wonderful husband and family man.
  4. It has been noticed that birthmarks on the chest often occur in monogamous widowers, who, after the death of their significant other, remain faithful to them all their lives. They are destined to fall in love once in their life and carry this love until their death.

Moles on the chest are an interesting symbol that, depending on their location, can tell a lot about a person. To believe or not to believe ancient knowledge is a personal matter for everyone, but reflecting on the meaning of moles on the chest is very interesting and informative.

What formations need to be removed

The decision is made by the woman after visiting a dermatologist or oncologist. Excision must occur in a medical facility.

Traditional medicine methods are dangerous and can accelerate the growth of spots or lead to malignancy. First, a study of the material is carried out.

Nevi to be removed:

  1. Subject to constant injury, for example from a bra.
  2. Causing aesthetic discomfort.
  3. If degeneration is suspected.
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