At what age may a woman need facial rejuvenation?

When does the need for facial rejuvenation ? Scientists have proven that the human body develops up to 25-30 years, then the time of gradual fading inevitably comes, and the first signs of aging are revealed. The skin loses its roundness and elasticity and becomes dry. The situation is aggravated if there is a burdened heredity, stress at work or at home, living in an environmentally unfavorable region (for example, in a large metropolis), unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle.

“Crow’s feet” around the eyes become noticeable, eyelids become heavier, nasolabial folds appear, and a double chin appears even with a thin physique.

A healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition come to the fore. And although there is an undoubted effect from home cosmetic procedures, for the first time we are talking about the possibility of using thread lifting (facelift). Women who want to look young take care of themselves in advance: from the age of 30-40, they regularly visit a cosmetologist. This is the time when it is easier to preserve beauty than to restore it later.

You can regain your beauty at any age

After 40 years, the time comes for an active struggle to preserve youth. The natural complexion is dull, the skin around the eyes is entwined with a wrinkled mesh, and the nasolabial triangle becomes pronounced. Expression wrinkles no longer smooth out even at rest. Home remedies become powerless. But a visit to a beauty clinic, where the cosmetology arsenal is wide (both care products and face lifting are offered), quickly leads to excellent results.

From 50 to 60 , those women who began to actively engage in their rejuvenation earlier look good. The rest have to work hard to look younger. Everything comes into play: diets, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, multi-component home care. But this is not enough. The skin is too thin, dull, with age spots. The face seems to be floating down: the force of gravity cannot be canceled. The doctor selects methods and means of rejuvenation individually. At this age, you can do a thread lift using thickened threads for lifting; plastic surgery helps a lot.

After sixty years, if no measures have been taken previously, the signs of aging are fully expressed. The skin is dry and thin, dull, pigmented, and deeply wrinkled. The corners of the eyelids and mouth are drooping. The double chin and sharply lowered cheek parts (bulldog cheeks) stand out. The cosmetologist uses the most suitable and gentle method of rejuvenation. Plastic surgery is mainly used.

Pros and cons of Galina Dubinina's facelift

Galina Dubinina's facelift is based on remarkable exercises for facial rejuvenation by American cosmetologist Carol Maggio and German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. Having studied and tested their methods, using her own experience as a fitness trainer, Galina Dubinina selected the most effective exercises and, adding yoga elements to the complex, created her own program.

Galina Dubinina presents her complex

In addition to exercises for the face and neck, the program includes:

  • acupressure and bioenergetic massage;
  • breathing exercises;
  • exercises for the eyes and eyelids;
  • express complex for preparing the face for a party;
  • gymnastic complex using Bodyflex breathing;
  • options for morning and evening exercises;
  • exercises for men.

Dubinina’s gymnastics are aimed at improving blood microcirculation, bone structure, hormonal levels, regulating the subcutaneous fat layer and, as a result, improving the health of the entire body. From all the complexes proposed in the program, everyone can choose exercises based on their own needs.

Daily fitness classes according to Galina Dubinina’s method have a number of advantages:

  • It’s not difficult to perform the complex and you don’t have to visit expensive salons and gyms;
  • The duration of the lesson is about 10 minutes - even the busiest women can allocate this time for themselves;
  • the visual effect of the exercises is not inferior to the results of plastic surgery to tighten the facial skin;
  • the complex includes breathing exercises that promote healing of the whole body.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the program is the need to constantly work. Although this can hardly be considered a serious drawback. There are no contraindications for performing the exercises - anyone can do them, regardless of age, gender and health status. But since young and mature skin have different care needs, the basic course is supplemented with sets of exercises for different age groups. People with dilated blood vessels are advised to perform exercises with caution and, preferably, after consulting a specialist.

Video: facial exercises (facelift) from Galina Dubinina

Lifting or tightening?

When thinking about preserving youth, women often wonder what is better: face lifting or lifting? In fact, they are the same thing. The word "lifting" means "rise". At their core, both terms refer to a procedure to improve facial contours. Often, lifting is called a more gentle intervention , and lifting is called a full-fledged surgical intervention, but this is at the level of perception. To do a facelift means to do a lift. For example, face contour lifting and facial contour lifting are different names for the same rejuvenation solution, for which you turn to professionals.

At what age is a circular facelift necessary?

A circular facelift is called a classic facelift. This operation is aimed at removing excess skin without affecting the muscles. It is performed along the contour of the face through thin incisions along the hairline, along the ears, and under the chin. Scars after this type of plastic surgery are practically invisible and are located in inconspicuous places. The effect lasts for a long time. If the intervention is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), the face changes dramatically and looks noticeably younger:

  • all wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • its outline becomes clear;
  • the double chin and sagging cheeks disappear;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

The result, the same lifting effect, depends on the time of the intervention. It is not difficult to determine it yourself, but it is better to trust a professional who specializes in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. Typically, a circular facelift is planned for the age of 45-55 years, but much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman and the condition of her skin tissue.

Selection of exercises

The complex of morning exercises should be selected carefully, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases and their characteristics. Because the main goal of exercise at sixty is to improve health, and not harm it. In addition, for women over 60, the load should be gentle. At home you can start with:

  • Breathing,
  • warming up the hands, knee joints,
  • vestibular exercises,
  • walking in place

Exercises with dumbbells for mature women or daily running at the stadium are possible and optional. Even the above simple exercises will be enough to feel an improvement in your well-being.

Although, if a woman has been involved in sports all her life, at retirement age you can add dumbbells to your daily routine. Exercises with dumbbells for women allow you to train your muscles more strongly, which will subsequently affect excellent posture, a toned figure, and the general tone of the muscles of the arms, chest, and back.

Along with general exercises, facial gymnastics is recommended after 55 years and later, which helps to train the facial muscles.

Prevention of aging or facial rejuvenation at 30 years old

Thirty years old: is it possible to think about old age? About serious procedures like lifting the face, neck, décolleté, for example? It is possible and even necessary. Don’t be afraid to see the first wrinkle, but know exactly what to do to prevent it from appearing for as long as possible.

The time has come: meet a good cosmetologist. It will determine your skin type and its condition. He will tell you how to care for her to avoid problems of aging and fading. He will recommend procedures that are suitable for you and that are as gentle as possible. By performing them with a certain frequency, you can maintain your appearance for several years, surprising your friends.

Nutrition, exercise, the habit of proper skin care for the face, neck and décolleté, and vitamins are wonderful ways to support health and help you look great. Targeted injections of Botox and fillers work well for certain problems. Gentle mesotherapy and thoughtful lifting with absorbable threads help the skin maintain its youthful appearance for a long time. At 30 you will look 20.

Reviews about Galina Dubinina's facelift

So, after going through a bunch of information, I decided for myself that Carol Maggio’s exercises would be too strenuous for me, and somehow scary, the reviews are different; I somehow didn’t like the other techniques either, but the exercises from Galina Dubinina attracted me because of their accessibility (the trainer shows and explains in a way that even a child can understand), in addition, the lessons can be downloaded from well-known resources. Yes, and the reviews were neutral and positive :) So, my impressions: doing all the exercises from Galina Dubinina’s complex, I spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour. Does it seem like a lot? But you probably spend even more time in the gym, and there are about 50 muscles on your face, I wouldn’t lie! When you have mastered all the exercises, you can perform them during the day in “snatches”: in the elevator, in the toilet/bathroom, on the way to work, before bed). I prefer to do the whole complex at once, but this is my choice. I do facial exercises about 2-3 times a week. I think that this is enough for me for now, but again, each person will find an optimal regime for themselves - most importantly, not every day, since the muscles should rest. Immediately after finishing, you will feel how your face seems to rise up)) These are subjective impressions, but that’s exactly what they are! Not a single cream/serum/mask gave the same effect, but this is understandable - they have a different function (care for the epidermis, that is, the “tip of the iceberg”). An important point: I (and not only me) recommend applying oil to a cleansed face before gymnastics. In principle, any cream, or even a rich cream, will do. In a word, I recommend trying this wonderful method of facial care - perhaps this is exactly what will help you correct or “maintain” something in your face without radical intervention!


I also especially liked the fact that you can do selective exercises, for example, for a beautiful lip shape, getting rid of a double chin, getting rid of nasolabial folds. There was a time when I was fixated on my lips (my corners are a little drooping), I can say with confidence that the shape of my lips became better, then I did gymnastics quite often and didn’t miss them, but now I’ve somehow given up completely. Will need to repeat!


I also encountered all of the above problems because... I’m approaching 30 years old and I like close-up photos less and less, and there is no money for salon procedures and there is no prospect of it, I started doing these exercises - each small lesson in the video course is dedicated to a specific problem and well describes a specific exercise - how to work muscles, where to put your fingers and so on... What I like is that it explains in detail how to avoid unnecessary wrinkles with such active facial expressions, there are elements of massage... after a week of classes (there are two seasons, I did the exercises according to the 1st, everything took 20-30 minutes , and when you already know how to do the exercise, everything is much faster) I felt the muscles of my face, they ached and my neck too. Unfortunately, mother’s laziness overcame me and in the end I chose only a few of the most relevant exercises and try to do them in the bathroom. It’s better, of course, to do it all in front of a mirror in order to control your actions and, first of all, it will be funny because of the grimaces. I’m sure it works, and I especially like Galina’s face—in the close-ups you can see that her face is fine despite her advanced age. I want to believe that this is not plastic.


Yes, I think the main thing here is consistency. It is necessary that this exercise becomes a habit. This is the hardest part))


Galina Dubinina’s facelift cannot be called a unique technique, because it is based on the developments of other specialists. But a successfully supplemented and modified program will help restore tone to the facial muscles, tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles and, possibly, avoid expensive and not always safe operations to rejuvenate and improve appearance.



Many residents of the country have known about the benefits of physical exercise since childhood, because I instilled this idea in my mother-in-law in kindergarten. To begin with, from an early age, addiction to physical activity begins to develop with the help of morning exercises. Later, you can add full-fledged daytime workouts. But you shouldn’t forget about morning exercises. On the contrary, many doctors emphasize that a person whose morning begins with a light workout is healthier and more resistant to various diseases. And the performance of an organism warmed up in the morning increases significantly.

How to rejuvenate your face at 40?

If by this time you have been friends with the cosmetologist for a long time and follow his advice, then you continue to come periodically and systematically work on maintaining your appearance.

But suddenly you realize that your face could look better. Dry, dull skin with wrinkles and “bruises” near the eyes, erupted nasolabial folds, an emerging double chin and an uneven oval of the face do not add optimism. It becomes difficult to build a professional career if the work involves close communication with people.

Don't worry. This is the most favorable time for a decisive attack on age. And one of the methods that will quickly help is classic thread lifting (it can also be called a lift of the lower third of the face). It will return the clarity of lines to contours, add radiance and elasticity to the skin - the main signs of youth. A cosmetologist can also recommend peelings, mesotherapy, and the use of hardware cosmetology. In some cases, doctors and patients decide to take such a step as partial facial plastic surgery.


I also encountered all of the above problems because... I’m approaching 30 years old and I like close-up photos less and less, and there is no money for salon procedures and no plans in sight, I started doing these exercises - each small lesson in the video course is dedicated to a specific problem and well describes a specific exercise - how to work muscles, where to put your fingers and so on... What I like is that it explains in detail how to avoid unnecessary wrinkles with such active facial expressions, there are elements of massage... after a week of classes (there are two seasons, I did the exercises according to the 1st, everything took 20-30 minutes , and when you already know how to do the exercise, everything is much faster) I felt the muscles of my face, they ached and my neck too. Unfortunately, mother’s laziness overcame me and in the end I chose only a few of the most relevant exercises and try to do them in the bathroom. It’s better, of course, to do this everything in front of the mirror to control your actions, and first of all it will be funny because of the grimaces. I’m sure it works, and I especially like the face of Galina herself - in close-ups you can see that everything is in order with her face despite her mature age. I want believe that it is not plastic.


So, after going through a bunch of information, I decided for myself that Carol Maggio’s exercises would be too strenuous for me, and somehow scary, the reviews are different; I somehow didn’t like the other techniques either, but the exercises from Galina Dubinina attracted me because of their accessibility (the trainer shows and explains in a way that even my child can understand), in addition, the lessons can be downloaded from well-known resources. Yes, and the reviews were neutral and positive :) So, my impressions: doing all the exercises from Galina Dubinina’s complex, I spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour. Does it seem like a lot? But you probably spend even more time in the gym, and there are about 50 muscles on your face, I wouldn’t lie! When you have mastered all the exercises, you can perform them during the day in “snatches”: in the elevator, in the toilet/bathroom, on the way to work, before bed). I prefer to do the whole complex at once, but this is my choice. I do facial exercises about 2-3 times a week. I think that this is enough for me for now, but again, each person will find an optimal regime for themselves - most importantly, not every day, since the muscles should rest. Immediately after finishing, you will feel how your face seems to rise up)) These are subjective impressions, but that’s exactly what they are! Not a single cream/serum/mask gave the same effect, but this is understandable - they have a different function (care for the epidermis, that is, the “tip of the iceberg”). An important point: I (and not only me) recommend applying oil to a cleansed face before gymnastics. In principle, any cream, or even a rich cream, will do. In a word, I recommend trying this wonderful method of facial care - perhaps this is exactly what will help you correct or “maintain” something in your face without radical intervention!


The advantages of Galina Dubinina’s method over other methods of rejuvenation, which involve the use of cosmetic products or the implementation of manipulations aggressive to the skin, explain the huge number of fans that it has won. Its simplicity, naturalness and safety attracted many women, who were subsequently not disappointed with the results achieved through simple exercises. Of course, the method also has disadvantages. So, if after some procedures, for example, Botox injections, you can literally look younger “before your eyes,” then facial gymnastics should be done regularly for a long time. This requires patience and determination. However, many women experience much greater pleasure from the results that were obtained through their own efforts.

Thread face lift after 50 years

Those lucky women who began professionally caring for their faces twenty years ago look 35 and continue to follow the advice of experts in the field of cosmetology. Women who looked closely at themselves in the mirror only when they turned fifty discovered weak, sagging, wrinkled skin, a double chin, drooping earlobes and cheeks, long nasolabial folds, pronounced furrows around the eyes, and drooping eyelids.

You can't put up with this! A healthy diet and physical activity are wonderful, but without the intervention of a cosmetologist, progress will not be noticeable. A facelift is required. Thread lifting remains very effective after 50 years. Threads for the face after more than 50 years are taken more durable, often non-absorbable.

Plastic surgeries are actively used. Mesotherapy, peelings, and hardware cosmetology can be used as auxiliary ones.

Plastic or threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 years

You will never say that a lady is sixty if she has been visiting a cosmetic clinic for thirty years, taking care of herself and maintaining her beauty and youth under the strict guidance of a doctor. If the idea of ​​rejuvenation after 60 arose for the first time, you need to work hard to look at least 10 years younger.

At this time, the skin is not only thinned, it is hypersensitive and has poor blood supply. This means that it almost does not regenerate. In addition, at this age there is already a whole “bouquet” of chronic somatic diseases. Therefore, the doctor has to very carefully develop a complex of rejuvenation after 60 years, adapting to the physiological characteristics and capabilities of the body.

Plastic surgery is most often used; it gives a lasting effect of rejuvenation of an aged face. Thread lifting is used carefully, because the skin has already lost its ability to recover on its own. Although, it is at this age that a lower face lift can be effective.

Facial rejuvenation is a long process. One-time measures give short-term results. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, it is quite possible to “attach” to a cosmetic clinic, find your own cosmetologist and, together with him, confidently preserve your youth until your old age.

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