Which cream to choose for dry and cracked heels: list of the most effective

Dry and cracked heels are a common skin defect. Occurs more often during hot periods, less often in winter. Diseases are also causes. Cracks not only worsen the appearance, but also provoke unpleasant pain. Creams will help to cope with this problem; they perfectly nourish, moisturize the skin and promote its regeneration.

When to use

It is necessary to use cosmetics and medications against dry and cracked heels if the following symptoms are observed:

  1. ​Severe dry skin. With this type of dermis, the heels are more susceptible to the development of corns, cracks and infection.
  2. ​Thickening of the epidermis. Hyperkeratosis is most often accompanied by skin wounds.
  3. ​Pain in the feet when walking.
  4. ​Burning and severe itching.
  5. ​Unpleasant smell.
  6. ​Bleeding.

If you have one or more of the above signs, you should use anti-crack cream.

Stiffness in the legs

As people age, they find that their legs become stiff after a day of work or long walks. At first there are no external manifestations - just the lower limbs become heavy and immobile.

Gradually, even minimal physical activity in the form of swimming or jogging increases symptoms, which indicates the development of pathological processes.

Blood circulation in the body is a complex process involving the heart, arteries, valves, etc. Blood passes through gravity, which is helped by valves. If failures occur in the system, then it can no longer return at optimal speed. This leads to stagnation, which causes stiffness in the legs. Visual symptoms gradually appear in the form of swelling, dilated veins and changes in the color of the epidermis.

What causes decreased mobility?

  • Excess weight.
  • Lack or excess load on the legs.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Joint problems.
  • Diabetes.
  • Taking strong drugs.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Increased blood clotting.

The main cause is diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. Stiffness in the legs occurs due to thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins. At the same time, at the initial stage it is impossible to see external manifestations in the form of blue or pale skin, swelling, decreased temperature, dilated veins or spider veins.

High physical activity

Physical education has never harmed anyone. Even intense cycling or swimming in the pool cannot negatively affect your health. On the contrary, adequate physical activity accelerates the blood and improves circulation, which is very beneficial for health.

Lack of exercise leads to blood stagnation. Moreover, some people cannot avoid negative impacts because they are associated with professional activities. Drivers, programmers, hairdressers, salespeople, security guards or surgeons are susceptible to varicose veins. Stiffness in the legs appears under static and dynamic loads (all day at the computer or standing at the cash register).

Heavy sports can have a negative impact on the health of your veins and valves. This includes weightlifting and powerlifting. Athletes work with huge weights, so they must periodically visit a phlebologist. Read more about consultation with a phlebologist

Pregnancy and contraceptives

According to statistics, stiffness in the legs is much more common in women. This is not always due to genetics and is associated with lifestyle.

Problems arise from wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. But the main reason is a shift in hormonal balance. This occurs both during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. Changes in hormonal balance can be affected by taking contraceptives. If you fall into a risk group, then periodically get tested, perform an ultrasound and visit a phlebologist.

Adaptation to the environment

Stiffness in the legs may appear during vacation in southern countries.

Many people like to go to Egypt or Thailand during severe frosts and take a vacation in January or February. A sharp change in climate shocks the body, so metabolism changes and fluid retention or burning accelerates. All this leads to temporary pathological processes in the veins of the lower extremities.

This affects not only travel lovers, but all people. The body is rebuilt during the summer season. This can be noticed by the lack of hunger and increased thirst (lack of water). Circulatory disorders are reversible and taking blood thinning drugs is not advisable (it is enough to consult a phlebologist).

Excess weight

Being overweight increases the load on your legs, but this is not the main factor. Stiffness in the legs appears due to an increase in interstitial fluid and blood volume in general. In addition, the movement of blood becomes difficult due to the layer of fat, which creates extra stress on the veins. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to get rid of bad habits, balance your diet and exercise.

To exclude cardiovascular and venous diseases, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Otherwise, you will be fighting the symptoms and not the root of the problem.

Heart diseases

Cardiomyopathy can lead to swelling and decreased mobility. There are restrictive, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Each type of disease has its own symptoms:

  • Hypertrophic leads to fainting, shortness of breath, pain and accelerated heartbeat. Over time it causes stiffness in the legs.
  • Restrictive causes shortness of breath and severe swelling of the lower extremities. In the initial stages it occurs without pronounced symptoms.
  • Dilation leads to increased fatigue, swelling, blueness and paleness of the epidermis.

Chronic heart failure can also lead to decreased mobility. It has a whole range of symptoms:

  1. Fast fatiguability.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Change in skin color.
  4. Hair loss and changes in the shape of nails.
  5. Dyspnea.
  6. Dry cough.
  7. Stiffness in the legs.

Diseases of the veins and arteries

Bad habits and an unhealthy diet lead to increased bad cholesterol and the formation of plaque inside the arteries. Due to the increase in the hardness and thickness of the vascular walls, a person begins to feel pain in the calves. They appear even with minimal physical activity (while walking). The main symptom is a decrease in the temperature of the extremities for no apparent reason (even in summer).

Endarteritis, which leads to inflammatory processes in the tissues, can cause stiffness in the legs. The person feels stiffness and pain. The main symptom of the disease is instability. A person can walk 50 meters, but after that there is itching, pain, stiffness, etc. After rest, he can again walk a similar distance, but the symptoms return.

The most common venous disease is varicose veins

which women most often encounter. The expansion of the veins is not immediately visible to the naked eye, but the person begins to feel:

  • Swelling, pain and stiffness in the legs.
  • Burning.
  • Night cramps.
  • Decreased physical activity (weakness in the lower extremities).

The stage of varicose veins can only be accurately identified using duplex scanning or ultrasound. The disease may not manifest itself in any way for many years. Its development can be accelerated by genetic predisposition, excess weight, hormonal changes, lack or excess of physical activity and other factors.

Stiffness in the legs is a dangerous sign

To protect your health and find out the cause of the problem, visit a specialist. Performs a comprehensive medical examination. The condition of veins, vessels and valves is checked. We will select the optimal treatment regimen for you, which will certainly give a positive result. Make an appointment by phone right now.

What must be present in the cream

Important components of care products for eliminating severe dryness and cracked heels are:

  1. ​Essential oils of shea, jojoba, coconut and lavender. Nourish and moisturize the skin.
  2. Salicylic acid and urea. Prevents the development of corns, calluses and cracks.
  3. ​Propolis. Forms a protective film, preventing moisture loss and exposure to adverse environmental factors.
  4. ​Aloe, keratin, calendula extract. Accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis.
  5. ​Betaine. Moisturizes and softens the skin, eliminating hyperemia and other signs of irritation.
  6. ​Vitamin complexes.
  7. ​Panthenol. Deeply nourishes all layers of the dermis, increases the degree of its regeneration.
  8. ​Glycerin. Restores water balance, heals cuts, cracks and effectively moisturizes the skin.

Forms and symptoms of ichthyosis

The most common is the simple (vulgar) form of ichthyosis . Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children a few months after birth. Ichthyosis vulgaris is characterized by dry skin, covered with small white or gray scales tightly adjacent to each other, the skin on the palms and soles becomes folded, and floury peeling appears. With this form of the disease, the skin of the armpits, elbows and knees, groin and buttocks is not affected.

Ichthyosis vulgaris has its own classification. Highlight:

  • mild ichthyosis - xeroderma, characterized by dryness and slight flaking of the skin;
  • brilliant ichthyosis, in which the skin scales look like a mosaic. This variety affects the arms and legs;
  • white ichthyosis, which is characterized by the appearance of small white, mealy scales;
  • bullous ichthyosis, in which blisters form on the skin;
  • serpentine ichthyosis, characterized by the formation of dense horny scutes separated from each other by grooves;
  • horny ichthyosis, in which dense scales rise above the skin;
  • lichenoid ichthyosis, resembling lichen. This variety is characterized by small rashes scattered throughout the body.

X-linked ichthyosis appears only in newborn boys and consists of large brown scales that fit tightly to the skin. In winter, an exacerbation occurs; with age, the patient’s condition worsens.

With linear circumflex ichthyosis, redness appears on the skin, surrounded by pink, scaly swellings; with spiny ichthyosis , large spiky layers form.

Epidermolytic ichthyosis and fetal ichthyosis are the two most severe forms of the disease, which can be fatal.

Fetal ichthyosis , also called Harlequin fetus , appears in the embryo at 4-5 months of development. At birth, the baby’s skin is very dry, covered with a “shell” of keratinized scales, the ears, nose and mouth are deformed, the eyelids are inverted, and the limbs have an irregular structure. Such children are either stillborn or die in the first weeks of life.

With epidermolytic ichthyosis, the skin becomes bright red, its top layer peels off, and blisters and wounds form. The skin of the palms and feet, on the contrary, is dense and white. By the age of 3-4 years, concentric ridges form on the skin of the joints.

How to choose the right cream

When purchasing a medicinal or cosmetic product to combat wounds and dry skin on the heels, you must take into account some criteria:

  1. ​Therapeutic property. Preference should be given to creams that have regenerative, softening, protective and nourishing effects.
  2. ​Hypoallergenic and natural composition. It is advisable to buy products based on natural ingredients.
  3. ​Expiration date.
  4. ​Method of application. You should read the attached instructions for the product. The application of certain types of creams requires some processing of the skin for the best therapeutic effect.

How to care for your heels

Lack of necessary care for the heels of the feet can lead not only to calluses and corns, but also to the formation of cracks - this problem is very painful and requires a lot of time for the skin of the heels to return to normal. To soften your heels and prevent problems, try the following heel care:

  • Place your feet in a bath of warm water and bath salts for 5-15 minutes;
  • Soak a pumice stone in warm soapy water and gently rub it over your heels and dry areas of your feet;
  • Dry your feet with a towel using gentle blotting movements. Do not forget that after steaming in warm water and rubbing with a pumice stone, the skin on your feet becomes sensitive, so avoid rubbing your feet with a hard towel after the procedure;
  • To complete your skincare routine, use a moisturizer. Choose a foot care cream that suits you and use it regularly before bed.

The most effective remedies against dry and cracked heels

Among cosmetic and medicinal products, there is a huge selection of products to combat increased heel dryness and cracking. The best are:

  1. ​Vaseline.
  2. ​Ciel Parfum.
  3. ​Gehwol Med.
  4. ​Dexeryl.
  5. ​TianDe.
  6. ​Calendula ointment.

These products have a unique composition and effectively treat cracked heels, softening and moisturizing the skin of the feet.

Preventive measures

To avoid the problem of cracks in your feet, just follow a few simple rules:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that fit your size. It must be made from natural materials.
  2. Watch your diet - your diet should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene - do not neglect the care of the skin of your feet and apply for a pedicure only to specialized institutions. Do not wear (or even try on) someone else's shoes.
  4. Seek qualified help if you experience any, even the most minor, problems with the skin of your feet.


An excellent remedy for treating dermatological problems. Made in France. Sold in small tubes, cost about 600 rubles.

The basis of the cream is glyceryl and other useful components. Due to this, deep nutrition and hydration of the heels and regeneration of skin cells are observed.

Apply the cream 1-2 times a day, thoroughly rubbing into the damaged area. The duration of the course is determined until the wounds are completely healed.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of the product. The only thing is that the cream is not used for individual intolerance to substances.

How are cracked feet treated?

The goal of the upcoming treatment is to determine the cause of the crack and eliminate it. The situation is easiest in cases where cracks have arisen due to incorrectly selected shoes or improper skin care - it is enough to eliminate the factor that provokes their appearance.

If cracks occur due to a fungal infection or vitamin deficiency, the patient may be prescribed antifungal therapy or a complex of vitamins and microelements. Only a specialist can prescribe both!

The patient may also require antibacterial therapy if an infection has entered the wound and an inflammatory process has begun.

A professional pedicure will help remove the stratum corneum of the skin; a hardware pedicure does an excellent job of this task. With its help, you can remove only dead cells without affecting healthy ones. And to eliminate dry skin, the specialist selects moisturizing ointments and creams for the patient.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to use some home remedies for treating cracked feet. Podologists do not deny the beneficial effects of some of these methods - baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions, etc. However, experts recommend using any of these methods only under the supervision of a podiatrist. Traditional methods of treatment by themselves are ineffective - they can only be an auxiliary part of complex therapy.

Main reasons

The causes of dry skin on the feet are quite varied and can be associated with various factors. This:

1. Impaired blood flow, insufficient functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

2. Insufficient levels of lipids or moisture.

3. Disruption of the cell renewal process.

4. Cosmetics chosen without taking into account the characteristics of the skin, and hygiene products containing many alkaline components, cause great harm to the skin.

5. Lack of proper care for the skin of the legs, which requires no less attention than the face and other parts of the body.

6. The presence of diseases such as eczema, fungal infections, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.

7. Lack of the required amount of vitamins in the body.

8. Age-related features that lead to increased dryness of the entire skin and require maximum attention to its condition.

This is not a complete list of reasons that can cause dry skin on your feet.

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