A popular winter hand treatment is cold paraffin therapy.

In cosmetology, a procedure such as paraffin therapy has been used for many years. It helps maintain the health and beauty of hand skin. Usually this procedure is carried out using different methods and materials: cold and hot. With the cold method, cream paraffin is used. It can also be used at home . The hot method is more complex and involves visiting a salon.

Paraffin therapy promotes:

  • Nourishes the skin.
  • Smoothing and moisturizing.
  • Vitaminization of the skin.
  • Eliminate peeling.
  • Healing of microtraumas.

Arabia paraffin cream is created on the basis of natural ingredients : plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins and essential oils. All products are subject to mandatory certification and meet international quality standards.

What is cold paraffin

The procedure for cold and hot paraffin therapy looks the same. The only difference is the need to heat the hot paraffin to a certain temperature. In its consistency, the cold analogue resembles a regular cream.

Hand cream with paraffin contains additional additives: wax, vitamins, lanolin and biologically active substances . Depending on the manufacturer, the cream may contain dyes, fragrances and essential oils. Its consistency is quite dense. After application to the warm skin of the hands, it softens significantly and resembles the consistency of a regular cream .

What is paraffin therapy

This procedure represents several options for using paraffin. This material is mainly used for making candles. But, unlike wax, medicinal paraffin is a clean and safe product.

Paraffin therapy

To achieve a better result, a few drops of oil are sometimes added to the paraffin mixture: apricot oil, macadamia oil, black currant oil, borage oil, grape seed oil, almond oil. They are quickly absorbed into the skin. People predisposed to allergies are advised to add peach oil. Tea rose and tea tree oils are excellent for healing wounds.

Efficiency of the procedure

In terms of effectiveness of application, there is no particular difference between cold and hot substances. Using a cold analogue is much easier. It is not recommended to use it on the face. This product can only be used on the feet or hands.

Paraffin hand cream helps:

  • Moisturizes and softens the skin of the hands and feet.
  • The appearance of firmness and elasticity.
  • Elimination of small wrinkles and cracks.
  • Strengthening the nail plate.
  • Preventing brittle nails.
  • Softening the cuticle.
  • Elimination of hangnails.
  • Elimination of calluses and roughness on the skin of the feet.
  • Relieving fatigue and joint pain.
  • Healing of small cracks and wounds.
  • Protect your hands from harmful environmental influences.


The packaging of the hand paraffin therapy cream must contain a description of the restrictions on use. The following conditions are contraindications to the use of a cosmetic product:

  • Pustular lesions;
  • Oncological formations;
  • Recent depilation;
  • Deep damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • Ulcerative lesions of the skin;
  • Fungal, viral, bacterial skin pathologies;
  • Allergic reaction to the components of paraffin cream.

On a note. The cream is not used on the face. It is applied only to the skin of the hands. It is also permissible to treat the feet, heels, knees, and elbows.

Indications for use

Cold paraffin cream is used:

  • To restore dry skin.
  • To eliminate flaking of the skin of the hands.
  • To normalize skin firmness and elasticity.
  • As a softener for rough skin.
  • To stimulate blood circulation and relieve tired legs.
  • As a nail strengthener.

Paraffin therapy sessions help relieve fatigue and irritation. They are often recommended as relaxation procedures. Such procedures can be performed on people suffering from varicose veins.

Application of cold paraffin is suitable for people suffering from dermatological complications due to heat exposure of the skin.

How much does it cost and where to buy?

Cream paraffin can be purchased at pharmacies, beauty salons, and cosmetic stores (regular and virtual). The cost depends on the volume of the jar, the number of useful additives, the manufacturer and place of sale. Professional products (for example, ARAVIA Professional brand) will cost 400-600 rubles per 250 ml. The mass market is a little cheaper: the popular paraffin cream from the Belarusian manufacturer Markell (100 ml) costs less than 200 rubles.

In terms of composition and effectiveness, professional products are significantly superior to “mass market” ones. It is recommended to give preference to the first. The most famous manufacturers of professional paraffin cream are ARAVIA Professional and Beauty Image.

Features of using paraffin cream

A paraffin therapy session is carried out in several stages:

  • Cleansing the skin using scrub-peeling. Before the procedure, hands or feet are washed with soap and dried. Then a scrub is applied to remove dead skin particles.
  • Paraffin therapy. Paraffin is applied to the hands using a spatula, distributing it evenly over the skin. When application is complete, put on plastic or cosmetology gloves. Put thermal mittens on top of them or wrap your hands in a terry towel. The duration of the session usually does not exceed 20 minutes.
  • Removal of paraffin residues. After completing the procedure, remove any remaining paraffin with a soft cloth.
  • Applying moisturizer. At the final stage of the procedure, a protective or moisturizing cream is applied to the hands. As a result of this effect, the skin becomes elastic, soft and elastic.

In order to get the maximum effect from such procedures, it is recommended to apply paraffin before bedtime. To obtain maximum effect, at least 16 procedures should be performed. Nail polish should be applied after completing the paraffin therapy session. To increase the therapeutic effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the cream.

It is recommended to conduct paraffin therapy sessions at least once a week. To maintain the effect of paraffin, you should apply a nourishing cream to the skin of your hands and feet between procedures.

The cold method of applying paraffin has proven itself to be an excellent addition to the manicure or pedicure procedure. The procedure does not require special training or skills. Paraffin therapy allows you to get excellent results without extra costs.

How is it different from hot?

Paraffin therapy for hands and feet is an affordable method to cope with dry skin during the cold season. Previously, masters offered only the hot look, but now they strongly recommend the cold look, and they even sell products for it. What's the catch? Let's compare them!


The peculiarity of hot paraffin therapy is to dip the limbs in a container of melted paraffin. It carefully envelops the skin, solidifying on it. This shell allows you to create a greenhouse effect and enhance the absorption of nutritional components. ⠀

To carry out the procedure, the master needs the following set of tools:

  • Special bath for heating paraffin;
  • Cosmetic paraffin, which is a small dense mass;
  • You can choose any brand of cleansing toner;
  • Any hand scrub is also suitable;
  • Nourishing and moisturizing oil, for example: coconut, argan, almond;
  • Polyethylene gloves;
  • A terry towel or special warm mittens for this service.


The cold procedure is performed according to a similar principle. The main difference is in the paraffin. It looks like a cream and is completely absorbed into the skin. True, you don’t need to skip the steps with insulation with cellophane gloves and a towel, after all, this is not an ordinary cream. give it time to fill all the cracks and perform its main function - to create a protective shell on the surface of the limbs.

Conclusion: both options are good, but the second one saves time and money, since you don’t have to wait for the paraffin to melt. Accordingly, a device is not needed for this either.

Aravia Professional, Cosmetic Paraffin

Along with paraffin cream, which is used without a paraffin bath, Aravia also produces melting paraffin for hands in briquette format. Paraffin from the Arabia brand helps eliminate dryness, as well as restore elasticity and firmness. Increases skin resistance to external factors.


  • Flower nectar;
  • Lavender;
  • Green tea;
  • Chocolate;
  • Tropical cocktail;
  • Natural.

All paraffins are intended for dry skin and have the same base of oils and vitamins, but differ slightly in the additional components added. So, for example, chocolate paraffin contains cocoa butter, and lime oil is added to a tropical cocktail.


  • Economical consumption - 50 grams of paraffin is enough for one procedure;
  • The effect of firmness and softness of the skin is visible after the first use;
  • Large selection of scents, including natural ones with minimal odor.


  • The composition, rich in plant components, can cause allergies.

Technique of use

Paraffin hand baths

The cream is applied to the hands and distributed evenly along them. The brushes are kept in this way for an hour, the minimum duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Within an hour, the paraffin cream should be almost completely absorbed.

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the remaining parts of the hand paraffin cream from the hands. They are removed with a dry cloth or napkins. It is not recommended to wash off the cream with water, as this will negatively affect the effectiveness of the treatment. At the final stage, the brushes must be treated with a cream that provides additional moisture.

Review of the best paraffin therapy products, prices

The following brands are included in the ranking of the best products:

Also popular are the brands Markell, Depileve and Start Epil. Their cost varies between 700-1200 rubles. In addition to cream wax, the sets include cuticle and nail creams, paraffin and collagen masks, and disinfectant gels.

Cold cream wax for hands, feet and other areas of the body does not remove excess hair. It is not used during depilation. Cosmetics in this category provide hydration and nutrition. With regular paraffin therapy sessions, you can achieve a lasting rejuvenating effect.

Necessary materials

When performing cold paraffin therapy at home, you can use your imagination. Some tools and materials are replaced with alternatives that are at hand. The use of various cosmetics is allowed. The main condition is the presence of paraffin cream.

During paraffin therapy you will need:

  • moisturizing and nourishing cream (applied to the skin at the final stage);

  • light serum that is applied under wax;
  • scrubbing agents (rolling scrubs or products containing small abrasive particles are suitable);
  • mittens, socks or terry towel (the fabric can be fleece);
  • dry, wet wipes, paper towels;
  • plastic bags, disposable gloves;
  • plastic spatulas or spoons necessary for collecting material from the jar (provided that the procedure is carried out in the salon);
  • spatulas for single use;
  • disinfectant solutions, sprays, gels.

During cold paraffin therapy, you need to have a timer with you. This will allow you to keep track of time.

How to cook it yourself?

You can make cold cream wax yourself at home.

To do this, you need to purchase separate dishes in advance:

  • mortar;
  • mixer;
  • ceramic, wooden spoons and cups.

Porcelain, glass and enamel dishes must be abandoned. You will also need electronic scales, thanks to which you can maintain the proportions. The ingredients must be completely natural. The finished wax cream is stored in a clean, hermetically sealed container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Experts recommend preparing cold cream wax in small portions.

Required components:

  • beeswax;

  • turpentine or lanolin;
  • olive oil.

In addition to the nourishing, rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, this product is characterized by an antibacterial effect. Resin, for example, is considered a natural antibiotic.

Cooking algorithm:

  • propolis is placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, then it is ground in a mortar and 100 ml of olive oil is poured in;
  • cedar resin (5 g) or beeswax (75-100 g) is added to the resulting mixture.

The finished mixture must be melted in a water bath. To do this, line the bottom of the container with a towel and pour 2-3 glasses of water into it. It is important that the bottom of the container with the mixture does not touch the water. Place the pan on low heat.

The mass must be heated to 80-90° C. Most often, this process takes 1.5-2 hours. All components must completely melt. To prevent lumps from forming during heating, the mixture is regularly stirred with a wooden stick or spoon. After the allotted time, the container with cream-wax is removed from the heat, filtered and transferred to a glass container, preferably pre-sterilized.

Composition and beneficial properties

The cosmetic product simply called “paraffin” is not so simple. In its composition you can find the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, they are the ones that are able to transform solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter – makes paraffin plastic and pliable, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E – skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts – necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals - responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold-pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, and dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit; it is better to avoid them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out paraffin therapy sessions has the following positive effects:

  1. skin nutrition. Even after the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, giving it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of the heat that paraffin gives off, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, thoroughly moisturizing them;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology it is also used for relaxing purposes. When the warm mass comes into contact with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

Paraffin for body

Using paraffin for the body, you can overcome cellulite and fat deposits, remove toxins and waste from the body.

Paraffin massage

Paraffin masks on the body strengthen and have a relaxing effect. Their effect is similar to a massage. 5-6 layers of paraffin are applied to problem skin areas, after which a plastic film and thick fabric are placed on top of it. A person remains in this state for 20-30 minutes.

After this procedure, it is useful to do a healing massage to eliminate fat deposits.

Paraffin wrap

For paraffin wrapping you will need gauze, melted paraffin, polyethylene film and thick fabric. This wrap is often recommended for cellulite.

The gauze is soaked in paraffin, applied to the required area, covered with film, then with a warm cloth, and left for half an hour. Instead of gauze, paraffin can be applied with a brush, the effect will be better, since several layers can be applied.

Before applying the wrap, you need to take a shower and cleanse your body with a scrub, then apply a nourishing cream.

Expert advice

To maximize the effect of paraffin therapy, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening to allow nutrients to penetrate deeper into the skin. This way the cream will have a more powerful effect.

Although paraffin wax can be reused at home, not everyone likes to use a used compound. When carrying out a salon procedure, fresh paraffin or used paraffin is usually used, but heated to 110°C for cleansing.

On a note. By adding a little of your favorite essential oil to the mixture, you can turn the procedure into an at-home aromatherapy session.

Knowing how to use paraffin hand cream, you can achieve impressive results. This product will help not only tidy up your delicate skin, but also enjoy self-care.


Cosmetic paraffin Depilflax for hot application. The brand specializes in waxes for hair removal and paraffins for hot processing. Solid paraffin is packaged in briquettes of 500 g in plastic packaging. Country of origin: Spain.

You can choose from the following additive options:

  • Orange and peach - intense hydration, recommended for dry, flaky skin;
  • Shea white - recommended for very sensitive skin, anti-aging;
  • Menthol and monoi tahiti - relieves heaviness, increases tone, protects against dehydration;
  • Rose - deep nutrition and hydration, recommended for inter-season chapping;
  • Cocoa - tones, intensively nourishes and moisturizes, acts as an antioxidant, relieves inflammation.


  • Natural additives included;
  • Wide selection of fragrances and different options for the effects of the cosmetic formula;
  • Convenient packaging of 500g.


  • Individual intolerance to additives is possible.
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