What do popular beliefs say about triangle-shaped nevi and their connection with medical indications?

Moles (nevi) are small pigmented spots on the human body. They can hide alone on the skin or gather in groups in bizarre patterns. One of the most unique and interesting cluster shapes is the mole triangle. Few people know that an entire educational practice called morphoscopy is devoted to the location of body prints. It connects the astrological chart and the location of natural marks on the human body. According to teaching, moles are kisses from the universe, which are given to a person at birth and remain with him for life.

Morphoscopy: the influence of celestial bodies

The body is divided into two vertical halves: left and right. For men, the right side is considered favorable; the marks on it are positive and portend a successful fate. For women, this vertical is the left. Lucky sides in morphoscopy are identified with the Sun. On the other side of the Sun in the astrological cycle there is always the Moon. For women this is the right half, and for men, accordingly, the left. The moon does not act in the best way, exposing negative qualities. Moles located on one side or another carry the energy of the accompanying celestial body.

Determination of exposure time

During morphoscopic interpretation, only permanent signs are usually read and taken into account - moles and birthmarks. Other skin marks are indicators of minor short-term events.

Attention is paid only to moles that appeared before the age of seven. If they persist, then such moles will be considered permanent marks, but if they disappear after seven years, they will not be taken into account. When a sign disappears, another may appear in its place. If this is a pale spot, then we can assume that some events, good or unfavorable, may not yet happen to this person in life.

To determine the time of an event indicated by a particular sign, you need to know how each part of the human body is divided by life time.

The entire human body is divided into three parts: arms, legs, torso. Then each of these parts must be divided horizontally into 8 equal parts. The time of the event that foreshadows a particular sign is determined from top to bottom (from birth to death). The age at which the event of interest to us will occur can usually be determined with an accuracy of ten years.

For example, if there is a mole in the middle of the forearm, then the event will occur at the age of 40-50 years.

Nevus color

In medicine there are several varieties:

  • Black, brown. They are formed by the accumulation of pigment on an area of ​​the skin and can become lighter or darker throughout life. Such nevi correspond to Saturn. This is the planet of stability, duty, discipline.
  • Reddish. Their color ranges from light brown to burgundy. Their appearance is caused by a disruption in the functioning of blood vessels, and their representative is Mars. Planet of passion, desire and drive.
  • Blue, light blue. The accumulation of pigment is hidden deep in the epidermal layer and is under the influence of Venus. Symbol of sensuality and relationships.

Triangle of moles

A triangle of moles appearing on the face is a powerful positive vector.
A person with this mark is capable of amazing things. When the top of the figure looks up, you will gain a unique experience. But it depends on the location whether this knowledge will be obtained simply or will have to go through pain and suffering. An inverted triangle indicates hardship and failure. Even when it is on a favorable part. Deviation of the peak to the right or left indicates dependence on circumstances, other people, and one’s own rules.

Value, depending on body part

It is important to consider location during the interpretation process.
Three moles forming a triangle on the “good” side of the abdomen bring a person material well-being, joy from the profession, and career advancement. But those on the opposite side indicate the wrong choice of work and exhausting work, the likelihood of injury or illness. A similar sign on the back is found among lovers of life’s pleasures. These followers of Epicurus were accustomed to enjoying simple things and not thinking about lofty things. But with some effort and pulling themselves together, they are capable of a feat. But to achieve results, it is important to develop self-control.

A triangle on the chest indicates a talent for entrepreneurship. From the outside, it seems that fate is pushing you to the right decision and helping you overcome obstacles. But this is when it is located on the favorable side. Otherwise, it is better to put off the business idea and improve in another profession.

Such a geometric figure on the leg indicates a suspicious, fastidious person, always dissatisfied with his place in life. But it manifests itself in restless, lively natures who love to achieve everything on their own. It all depends on the positive or negative interpretation. A triangle of nevi on the arm indicates vulnerability. But such people are patient, diligent, and love to do painstaking work.

Triangles on the head are rare. They are a sign of talent and future glory, with due diligence. And the figure that is located on the top of the head is a symbol of connection with the subtle world. Such a person is a new spiritual leader or a brilliant politician.

Remember, a person has separate zones, the meaning of which does not depend on the positive or negative part of the body. So accumulation in the navel area leads to serious illnesses.

Nevus in the shape of a triangle

Single moles do not carry as much meaning as clusters (three or more). It is by grouping that universal imprints tell about the fate and personality of their owner. There are various combinations: zigzag, diamond-shaped and even in the form of the constellation Ursa Major. But one of the most interesting shapes of the cluster is triangular.

There is an opinion that a triangle of moles increases the influence on the fate of the place in which it is located.

Some adherents of morphoscopy believe that such a sign is a mark of the higher mind, and the direction of the apex characterizes personal qualities:

  • If the top of the figure is directed upward, it always means curiosity.
  • The top pointing down means the presence of potential.
  • The top of the head going to the side is indecision.
  • Three nevi in ​​a row is a path destined from above that is difficult to change.

Triangle of moles and the influence of location

It is worth noting that all three moles should be the same in size and relief.

  • Spots on the left or right hand mean unsociability and efficiency.
  • On the stomach - hard work.
  • On the chest - a predisposition to business, sales and negotiations.
  • On the neck - spirituality.
  • Position on the legs directly relates to a person’s personal qualities.
  • Nevi adorning the face mean the presence of the gift of an orator and manipulating people.

However, the morbidity also depends on the location. If the moles are located in an area that is frequently exposed to shaving or rubbing by clothing, this can be dangerous. Therefore, a large or protruding formation from such a place should be removed, despite all the magic of stars and numbers.

Elements and their zones on the body

As stated above, there are five zones corresponding to the five elements. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Fire element zone – head, upper back, buttocks.

Moles located on these areas of the human body indicate that this person is bright, active, with high intelligence and a developed sense of beauty. He can be a scientist, a teacher, a politician, an artist and an artist, and if the signs are located on the negative side (on the left for men and on the right for women), then a person who has the excellent qualities listed above is, at the same time, obstinate, uncontrollable , selfish.

Earth element zone – neck, stomach, knees.

A person who has moles on these parts of the body has a down-to-earth character, all his aspirations are aimed at solving material problems, he cannot give up material well-being.

At the same time, these are practical, proactive, respectable people. Such a person will be a good father of a family, but will never be able to achieve heights in the spiritual field.

These people may have special talents that can be easily developed, since their owners are endowed with a “divine spark” from birth. They are prone to philosophy and music playing.

Air element zone – arms, lower back, shins.

If moles are located on the arms, legs or lower back, this indicates a light character. This person is sociable, a good conversationalist, and easily absorbs information. Despite his flexibility and adaptability, such a person is practically not susceptible to the influence of others, he is stubborn and can himself influence the world around him.

He will be a good manager and journalist. But if the signs are located on the negative side, then the person is unreliable, dependent on other people’s opinions, and can easily betray.

Water element zone – chest, sacred triangle, feet.

Moles in the Water element zone indicate that the spiritual world and subjective concepts such as family, home, and homeland are most important to a person. Moles, especially in the area of ​​the sacred triangle, indicate the ability of such a person to solve mystical problems.

Such a person will make a good medium, a predictor. Moreover, if the mole is on the favorable side, the person will become famous and popular.

Zones of the Ether element - all parts of the body contain the same number of signs.

These are absolutely harmonious people, both physically and spiritually.

They use their abilities with equal success in any field of activity, achieving recognition and fame.

Folk signs

Our ancestors paid great attention to marks on the body. The ancient Slavs had many signs associated with their location. They believed that moles brought great luck. However, large birthmarks were regarded as an unfavorable sign.

The most common of Old Russian signs:

  • A large mole above the lip was considered a sign of coquettes and people of easy character.
  • Congestion on the chest - to polygamy.
  • A birthmark on a child is a sign that the mother sinned on a church holiday during pregnancy.
  • A mole on the right hand means good luck, and on the left hand means financial well-being.

Popular beliefs are always interesting; in some ways our ancestors were really right. The presence of large formations is not always a good sign.

About birthmarks

Unlike moles, which are like personal signs, birthmarks are indicators of immutable events associated with other people. They remind us that a person should not be selfish or a loner, that he lives surrounded by other people and should be ready to help. These marks are larger than moles, more convex, and are not dark.

Red birthmarks are associated with the planet Mars. And due to the fact that Mars is a symbol of war, all aggressive acts are associated with it - this is both a struggle for power and a test of will, such signs warn that a person “does not face an easy fate” in life, he will have to fight and defend himself , concentrate your efforts to solve problems. But losing your own energy is inevitable.

Considering the above, we can confidently say that these permanent morphoscopic signs (moles and birthmarks) indicate the inevitability of some problems in a person’s life, since they are karmic.

When medical intervention is necessary

Despite the mystery of age spots, some of them are dangerous to health. Scientific medicine has long proven that congenital small moles do not pose any threat. However, large and growing birthmarks throughout life, protruding above the surface of the dermis, can develop into malignant formations.

Signs of dangerous nevi

Experts recommend removing such warts to avoid injury. It is important to remember that treatment involves only laser or scalpel removal. No traditional methods will help cope with large warts or suppuration.

Certain changes are a reason to consult a doctor: if the nevi become inflamed, begin to itch, bleed, fester or crack. These symptoms can become early warning signs of cancer. The appearance of a large number of new moles should also prompt diagnostics in order to establish the cause of the sharp surge in pigmentation.

Dangerous moles on the palms

Moles, like ordinary skin cells, have a simple structure, they only differ from them in color, because they are very pigmented and become melanocytes. The problem is not that new pigment spots appear, but the presence of harmful (dangerous) nevi. Researchers consider the following moles unsafe:

  • melanoma-hazardous;
  • convex shape;
  • susceptible to injury.

Nevi that ripen are considered injured. Such areas of the skin must be treated very carefully; they are easily damaged. Any adverse effect on a mole can cause a malignant neoplasm on the skin.

The most dangerous changes in nevus:

  • the mole has an unusual appearance (swelling, abscess), blood is flowing;
  • nevus grows quickly;
  • the formation has become asymmetrical and this is noticeable;
  • the color of the mole has changed;
  • the edges are damaged.

If there is at least one sign, you should find out what to do with the mole. Only timely removal of the nevus will help to avoid the development of a dangerous disease.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Often, birthmarks do not cause inconvenience, they can cause aesthetic discomfort; if a person wants to remove it, a person consults a doctor. There are a number of signs and indications for immediate medical help:

  • change in size, rapid growth;
  • asymmetry of shape, the appearance of uneven edges of the nevus;
  • surface convexity, roughness, excessive softness, peeling, tubercles, grooves, cracks;
  • changes in nevus color: redness, blueness, lightened spots;
  • abnormal sensations: pain, itching, tingling;
  • the appearance of bleeding, injury from clothing, foreign objects;
  • the appearance of discharge: clear liquid, purulent discharge, blood; normally, a mole cannot be the cause of discharge; when pathological changes occur, these phenomena may be observed.

For any changes in birthmarks, you should seek qualified help. Do not self-medicate, the risk of malignancy is extremely high, and you can do even more harm. Especially when localized on the temple and close to the brain.

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