Getting rid of comedones with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is well known to us since childhood. When there was not such a variety of special products for the care of problem skin as there is now, a dark brown pharmaceutical bottle often helped teenagers out in difficult situations. And although salicylic peeling has been used in cosmetology for quite a long time, today it has not lost its effectiveness and popularity. Doctors at our clinic recommend this procedure as a reliable remedy for treating oily and problematic skin.

How does salicylic peel work?

  • It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Gently cleanses the skin and tightens pores.
  • Smoothes the surface of the skin.
  • Treats acne and comedones, prevents the formation of new foci of inflammation.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen-elastin complex.
  • Prevents premature skin aging and wrinkle formation.
  • Makes the contour clearer and pigmentation (freckles and age spots) less noticeable.

Review of acne products with salicylic acid

Cosmetics with salicylic acid for acne are available in different formats: creams, gels, fluids, cleansers (skin washes), tonics, lotions, masks, peelings, scrubs, shampoos and hair conditioners. There are also Sanskrins for oily problem skin with this substance.

The basis of cosmetic formulas most often includes additional caring components. For example, the Effaclar pore tightening lotion contains, in addition to BHA acid, LHA acid (lipo-hydroxy acid) for effective and gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin and safe cleansing.


Facial lotion to tighten pores

Effectively cleanses pores, helps reduce pore size, mattifies

1512 rub. more details

Corrective emulsion for oily and combination skin Effaclar K(+) also contains a complex of acids (BHA acid + LHA acid) and an additional antioxidant complex (carnosine + vitamin E) to protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals.


Emulsion for oily skin

Prevents the formation of blackheads, evens out skin texture, mattifies the skin for 8 hours

1380 rub. more details

Concentrated serum Effaclar against imperfections of oily problem skin contains a complex of three acids (BHA acid + LHA acid + glycolic acid) for intensive skin renewal, smoothing skin microrelief, cleansing and narrowing pores.


Ultra concentrated serum

Reduces pronounced imperfections and visibly tightens pores, reduces post-acne marks, imperfections appear less frequently

2392 rub. more details

Exposure to sunlight often triggers increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which can lead to acne worsening and the appearance of residual marks on the skin. Corrective cream-gel Effaclar DUO+ SPF30 not only reduces the number of imperfections and clogged pores, but also protects the skin from UVA/UVB rays and aggressive environmental factors.


Corrective cream-gel for problematic facial skin

All the benefits of SPF30 protection combined with the comfort of a daily care product, leaving no white marks on the skin, reducing the number of imperfections and clogged pores

1284 rub. more details

When is this procedure needed?

We recommend booking a salicylic peel in the following cases:

  • You have very oily or breakout-prone skin, and regular products won't help.
  • You are tormented by acne and its consequences.
  • The skin has lost its former elasticity, become flabby, folds and wrinkles have formed.
  • You want to get rid of freckles or age spots.

The best time for peeling is autumn and winter. There is very little sun during this period, and your skin will be in less danger than in summer. In addition, peeling will be an excellent prevention of unwanted pigmentation.

Combination of salicylic acid with other ingredients in cosmetics

Dermatologists do not recommend using products with salicylic acid in combination with products based on retinol (vitamin A), or in combination with other BHA acids to avoid dryness, redness, burning, and peeling. Powerful keratolytic components, complementing each other, damage the hydrolipidic epidermal barrier and irritate the skin.

Also, do not use products based on a drying agent more than 2 times a day, morning and evening (follow the instructions on the product packaging) - this can also cause tissue dehydration. Supplement your beauty routine with moisturizing products to support the moisture balance of oily skin.

Preparation for the procedure

For 14 days before peeling, you should not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium or sauna, or use scrubs and gels for deep cleansing.

How does peeling work?

  • First, the doctor removes makeup and degreases the skin with a special lotion or tonic.
  • Then apply salicylic acid to the prepared skin. The exposure time is several minutes.
  • The doctor neutralizes the acid with alkali or simply washes it off with water.
  • A nourishing soothing mask or cream is applied to the skin.

How to remove blackheads* on the chin?

The cosmetologist decides whether salicylic peeling is right for you. The procedure can be performed exclusively in cases where acne is in remission and there are no inflammatory rashes on the skin. A dermatologist treats acne. He prescribes medications according to the severity of acne, the extent of the process, the patient’s age and other factors.

For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe azelaic acid, for example, Azelic®5,9 gel. The drug should be used 2 times a day after washing, applied to dry skin9.

*open comedones

How to use correctly

Those with fair and oily skin will get the maximum effect from the use of salicylic preparations. If black unattractive dots appear on the face, it means that the sebaceous secretion has become denser. Therefore, it does not move well through the channels of the sebaceous gland, thickens and clogs the pores. The situation is also aggravated by the use of foundation and care creams with an oily and dense texture. If we add here improper and insufficient cleansing of the skin from everyday impurities, then the result is an unaesthetic, sallow complexion.

In beauty salons, to remove pimples on the face, clients are often offered chemical peels made using salicylic products. The essence of the procedure is quite simple: the acid peeling composition is applied to problem areas of the skin. It dissolves the protein in the keratinized layer of the epidermis and removes it, and black comedones go away with it. Peeling is carried out in a course of 10 sessions. It cleanses pores, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, evens out complexion.

What else you need to know when purchasing and using:

  • The first thing you need to know when choosing a salicylic ointment, alcohol, or acid product to treat is that it must be acidic enough to break down oils and open pores. This means that the product must have a pH of about 4 or lower. It should be quite sour and you will most likely feel a burning sensation. High pH salicylic products won't burn, but they won't open pores either. And although acid does not kill bacteria that cause comedones, spots and acne, it does help clean out the pores that feed these bacteria.
  • The next thing to look for in a product is the right concentration. Too high can burn the epidermis, and low will not open the pores. Most effective products contain between 1% and 3% of this ingredient, perhaps as little as 0.5% but no more than 3%.
  • Salicylic acid when washing your face will not help you, since you immediately wash it off. The effect will only come from the drug that you apply to your face and leave for a while. For example, gels, masks and peelings. Try to avoid the area around the eyes.

Acid peeling to remove blackheads can be done at home. Take an aspirin tablet, honey, aloe juice and baking soda. Dissolve the tablet in warm water, add ½ tsp to it. honey, aloe juice and a pinch of soda. This mixture should be applied to problem areas. Avoid getting the mixture on the delicate area around the eyes. The mask should be kept on for 5-10 minutes. If tingling, tightness or burning occurs, it should be washed off immediately. To soothe irritated skin, apply a moisturizing night cream. It is better to apply the mask once a week, in the evening, so that the face can calm down and recover until the morning.

To get rid of blackheads at home, you can use laundry soap and a 2% solution of the drug. To do this, you must first steam your face, apply laundry soap to a cosmetic brush and thoroughly treat your face (no more than 1 minute). Then wash your face with warm water, soak a cotton pad in salicylic acid and wipe your face with it. To tighten pores, rinse your face with cold water.

Treatments at home:

  • Remove cosmetics and excess sebaceous secretions from your face every day before going to bed;
  • Avoid foundations and creams with thick and greasy texture;
  • carry out cleansing procedures using salicylic acid in courses so that its effect is systematic;
  • procedures should be started with a 1-2% solution of salicylic acid, which can then be increased;
  • if peeling and rashes appear on the face, it is better to stop treatment with the drug for a while in order to regenerate the skin;
  • to get rid of old blackheads and restore the protective functions of the skin, it is recommended to use salicylic ointment in a concentration of 1-5%;
  • products for the treatment of oily seborrhea, such as Skinoren, Zenerit, Baziron, cannot be combined with drugs based on salicylic acid - this dries out the face.

Properties of salicylic acid

The name salicylic compounds is borrowed from the Latin word salix, which means “willow”. The salicylic substance was first isolated from a complex carbohydrate found in the bark of this tree. Some manufacturers of comedones and acne products claim that these products contain salicylic acid extracted from willow bark, but it is not simply found in the bark. The bark must be specially processed to extract the acid.

To understand how salicylic ointment, alcohol or acid works, you should familiarize yourself with its properties, which distinguish this substance from other products for removing acne and blackheads on the face.

  • Using a mild solution of salicylic acid to cleanse the skin does not rupture tiny blood vessels, as with mechanical cleansing.
  • To get rid of comedones, the salicylic compound not only opens the pores, but accelerates intercellular exchange. This causes the skin to grow faster and open pores. At the same time, collagen production increases and age spots are whitened, although on dark skin this effect may be too noticeable.
  • The most commonly used acids in facial care products are lactic acid and glycolic alpha hydroxy acid. Salicylic acid is the only beta hydroxy acid used for this purpose, but in much lower concentrations (from 0.5 to 2%, while products with alpha hydroxy acids can have a 30% concentration). It is very effective when used in low concentrations, so it is much less likely to irritate the face than other products.
  • Due to its property of stimulating blood circulation, it accelerates the release of sebaceous secretions from clogged pores, relieves inflammation, and relieves redness.
  • If a salicylic product is used in the correct concentration, it can improve complexion. This effect will be especially noticeable on oily skin.
  • Due to its antibacterial properties, it is often used in the treatment of acne. For maximum effect, salicylic preparations should be used for a long time, in a course of up to 7 sessions per week for 2 months.

There are different concentrations of this product. To remove excess oil and blackheads, use a 2% salicylic solution. However, uncontrolled degreasing of the face can dry it out and cause the opposite effect - abundant secretion of fat. A 3% concentration is used on other parts of the body, and a salicylic solution of 10 to 30% dissolves warts.

Well-cleaned skin tolerates cosmetic procedures better, so you can first steam your face over a hot decoction of herbs - chamomile, mint, thyme (1-2 tablespoons of raw material per 1 liter of hot water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath). This steam bath should last from 5 to 15 minutes. depending on the condition and type of skin.

For those with sensitive skin, it is better to start with a 1% solution, gradually increasing the concentration to avoid burns. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the skin to the effects of the drug.

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