Spike on the leg. How to get rid of it, photos, treatment, removal with laser, liquid nitrogen

Photo: Spine on the foot (plantar wart)

The sensation of a foreign body in the skin of the foot, pain and burning may indicate that a person has a thorn. A thorn on the leg is nothing more than a wart. Most often, plantar warts appear in those areas of the leg that experience the most stress when walking. Much less often, this seal appears on the palms or fingers.

Externally, the spine on the foot is almost no different from a plantar wart. The seal may be slightly convex, which causes additional inconvenience to patients in the form of pain, discomfort, and problems when choosing shoes.

However, you cannot get rid of a spine like a wart. Conventional cosmetic procedures in the form of filing away dead skin or cutting it off will not have the desired effect. Getting rid of a plantar wart can be very difficult. Often, to solve this unpleasant problem, patients have to see a doctor.

Despite the specificity of the disease, the spine can also be removed by using traditional methods of therapy. The main thing is to choose the most effective and safe treatment option for health and first consult a doctor.

  • What is a thorn on the leg: symptoms, causes and signs How is it formed?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms and signs of the disease
  • Differences between a spine and a callus
  • How to remove a splint on a foot? Therapy methods
  • Laser removal of plantar warts
  • Cryotherapy
  • Spine on the leg: surgical treatment
  • How to deal with spine: medications
  • Treatments with traditional methods
  • What is a spine on the foot

    A spine on the leg is a tumor growth that has a round or oblong shape. Outwardly, it resembles a dry callus, inside of which there are many brown or black thread-like processes. A benign tumor rises above the general level of the foot by 1-2 mm.

    During walking and its contact with a hard surface, the patient feels acute pain. Spica is a common dermatological disease that is easy to diagnose, but difficult to treat surgically and conservatively.

    In most cases, the spine is caused by human papillomavirus genotypes 1, 4, 2, 57, 27. Warts of this type can be localized on the plantar part of the toes, between them and on the heels. In areas where a benign tumor is located, excessive dryness of the skin is observed, cracks form, and the color shade of the epithelium may change.

    In 27% of cases, if the patient has a strong immune system, then recovery occurs on its own within 15 weeks from the moment the first spine forms.

    The lack of adequate therapy leads to the transition of a dermatological disease to a chronic form with periodic manifestations of the inflammatory process. This disease most often occurs in children under 10 years of age and is much less commonly diagnosed in adults.


    After the papilloma virus enters the human body, the infection may not manifest itself for a long time, up to a severe decrease in immunity. It is at this moment that the patient first learns what a spine is from his own experience. As soon as this happens, the concentration of viral particles in the body increases sharply, and epidermal cells begin to grow randomly. Initially, patients develop a dense white nodule that rises slightly above the skin. As it grows, it takes on the appearance of a corn or callus, but unlike them, it does not consist of a large number of keratinized cells. At the base of the spine there are thread-like processes that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and affect the nerve plexuses, resulting in discomfort for the patient. Spines rarely grow singly. As a rule, there are whole groups of them on the sole. In this case, there is one largest spine (maternal), while the others are smaller (daughter). These clusters, unlike single growths, are much more difficult to treat.

    Types of spines on the leg

    A splint on the leg is not a dangerous disease, which can be eliminated by taking immunostimulating agents and externally acting on the tumor. The table below shows the main types of plantar warts that are encountered in dermatological practice.

    Type of spineCharacteristics of the pathology
    FlatThe most common type of plantar wart, it is often confused with a dry callus. To distinguish a benign tumor of this type from an ordinary corn, you need to steam the affected leg in hot water, and then look at the surface of the tumor. The dry callus will become limp and slightly increase in size, and multiple dark dots will be visible on the surface of the spine, which, like threads, pierce its body from the surface to the root system.
    Cone-shapedThis type of spine has a distinctive feature, which is determined visually. The body of the wart is elongated and resembles a nipple. It rises significantly above the general level of the skin surface of the foot. May be covered with multiple epithelial processes. The cone-shaped spine is also caused by the human papillomavirus, but the tumor itself is more painful. The tumor significantly limits the patient's movement and causes acute pain at the moment the plantar part of the leg comes into contact with the hard floor.

    The type of spine is determined by a dermatologist during an external examination of the diseased area of ​​the epidermis. The type of tumor does not affect the organization of the therapeutic course and duration of treatment. Only the clinical picture of the disease and the current symptoms differ.

    Stages and degrees of spine on the leg

    A bunion on the leg, which can be removed using the cryodestruction method, develops gradually, increasing in size and growing deeper into the foot.

    The following stages of dermatological disease are distinguished:

    • Stage 1 – a small pea-shaped elevation forms on the surface of the skin, which does not cause pain or any other discomfort;

    • Stage 2 - a foreign neoplasm begins to grow deep into the epithelial cells, and the epidermal tissues located in the circle become drier, change their flesh color to a rich yellow tint (while walking, an aching feeling of pain is felt, which immediately goes away when the person is at rest, and there is no static pressure on the foot);
    • Stage 3 - a powerful and branched root system is formed in the structure of the spine, the wart doubles in diameter, and the epithelial cells of which it consists become rough and gray in color (a person cannot stand on the affected area of ​​the foot, as he experiences acute pain);
    • Stage 4 - multiple warts form on the surface of the plantar part of the foot, as well as between the toes, which are the result of tumor growth not only deep into the epithelium, but also to the sides (signs of drying out of the skin and the formation of multiple cracks may appear).

    The spine, which is at the 1st or 2nd stage of its development, responds well to conservative treatment with the help of medications that remove the surface and root part of the tumor. The presence of stages 3 and 4 of the disease requires radical treatment methods using laser therapy, cryodestruction and surgery.

    How to treat

    A wide range of means and methods are used to destroy the spine. It is believed that at the initial stage of wart development, it is easy to remove it yourself using pharmaceutical drugs or traditional medicine methods. In such situations, resort to the following means:

    • Correcting the position of the foot in shoes using orthopedic insoles and arch supports. Replacing shoes with more comfortable ones;
    • Use of drugs: “Clandestine”, “Supercelandine” (not allowed during pregnancy), silver ion concentrate, lapis pencil, Feresol, Verucacid. The action of these substances is based on the destruction of tissue through cauterization. Usually, before use, it is recommended to steam the foot, dry it and apply the product strictly to the wart, so as not to cause a chemical burn to the healthy epithelium;
    • Taking vitamin complexes and immunomodulators that increase the body's resistance to infections.

    Symptoms of a spine on the foot

    A spike on the leg, which you can get rid of yourself at home, manifests itself with characteristic signs of a painful condition of the epithelium.

    The first symptoms of a spine on the leg are as follows:

    • the appearance of a round or elongated neoplasm on the plantar part of the lower limb or between the toes;
    • a benign tumor is slightly different in appearance, it has a grayer tint against the general physical background of the foot;
    • the skin surface in the area of ​​the affected limb is drier and rough to the touch;

    • When you press on the wart with your fingers, or when walking, you feel a sharp or aching pain that goes away within 1-2 minutes. after a person is at rest;
    • in places where the dermatological disease is localized, small cracks may form, from which sanguineous fluid is released;
    • after steaming the legs in hot water, it is visually visible that the epithelial structure of the spine consists of many small black threads, which are the root system of the tumor neoplasm.

    Blackening of the spine, its inflammation, the formation of purulent abscesses, abscesses, and the release of exudate with an unpleasant odor are atypical signs of this disease. Such symptoms may indicate the degeneration of a benign tumor into skin cancer.

    Features of the disease

    A person begins to worry about his health only when a disease occurs. However, a few factors are enough to seriously think about the body. Swelling, redness of the skin, as well as severe pain directly indicate the presence of problems. A growth in the sole area is almost guaranteed to confirm the diagnosis of fasciitis. But if you do not take into account external manifestations, alarm bells arise in advance. Often the patient unknowingly changes his gait due to discomfort. Here you need to be more attentive to the patient’s loved ones, because the patient himself rarely notices this.

    Unpleasant sensations in the sole area are the main symptom. Pain can be of different types: constant and periodic. It depends on what stage the inflammatory process is currently developing. The pain syndrome is localized not on the spur itself, but inside it. There are two main types of it: starting (when the patient feels discomfort immediately after waking up) and dynamic (unpleasant feelings occur with any more or less serious load on the sole).

    Analgesics can alleviate the patient's condition. It is worth noting that without getting rid of the inflammatory process, you cannot stop taking these medications. The result in most such cases is negative; severe stress is created on the patient’s internal organs and systems. Spikes on the feet have a peculiarity - they can form over several months. Throughout this period, the person suffers when walking, feeling severe pain. Sometimes the inflammatory process continues for several days, you need to be prepared for this.

    Causes of the appearance of a spine on the leg

    A bunion on the leg, which can be removed by surgical removal, appears as a result of infection of the skin with viable human papillomavirus virions. In order for pathogenic microorganisms to overcome the immune barrier and lead to the formation of a benign tumor, the following factors must influence the human body:

    • daily stress, psycho-emotional stress;
    • the presence of concomitant skin diseases in the form of tinea pedis;
    • wearing low-quality shoes made of synthetic materials, under conditions of which excessive sweating of the feet occurs;
    • disease of the vascular system of the lower extremities (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins);
    • bowed feet or incorrect gait;
    • non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene, which are expressed in a prolonged absence of water procedures, wearing dirty socks;

    • uncomfortable shoes with hard insoles;
    • excess body weight, which creates additional pressure on the surface of the feet;
    • visiting public places with high levels of humidity in the form of swimming pools, baths, steam rooms, showers, if the bare surface of the foot touched the floor, rugs;
    • weakening of the protective functions of the immune system, which is caused by long-term viral or infectious diseases.

    The spine, which is often damaged as a result of mechanical or chemical influences, can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Eliminating the main causes of plantar warts can prevent re-infection of the skin of the foot with human papillomavirus.

    Shock wave therapy

    How to soften a thorn on your foot? This method is considered the most effective in this regard, because it eliminates salt deposits. After a few sessions, you can notice a colossal difference: the leg will look absolutely healthy. The essence of the procedure is as follows: using shock wave force, the impulse penetrates deep inside the body and loosens calcifications.

    The main difference between the method and laser and ultrasound is that there are practically no contraindications. The only thing is that this treatment is not suitable for people with skin diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic pathologies. How to determine the required number of sessions? You do not need to count anything, your doctor will do this.

    Diagnosis of a spine on the leg

    A bunion on the foot, which can be eliminated through complex treatment of an extraneous neoplasm, is easily identified by a dermatologist during an external examination of the surface of the foot.

    In addition, the doctor may prescribe the following types of diagnostic examination:

    • collection of venous blood for biochemical analysis and isolation of the HPV strain;
    • biopsy of a piece of tumor neoplasm with further histological examination to exclude the factor of wart degeneration into skin cancer;
    • donation of capillary blood from the ring finger for its clinical analysis;

    • collecting morning urine to perform a general analysis and obtain information about the patient’s overall health status;
    • examination of the deeper layers of the epidermis in the area where the spine is located, as well as studying its cellular structure using a special device - a dermatoscope (the diagnostic process is carried out by a specialized specialist, a dermatologist or oncologist).

    The final stage of the examination is the collection of swabs from the surface of the foot in the area where the wart is located, as well as between the toes. This is necessary in order to exclude the possible presence of a fungal infection, as well as its pathogenic effect on the health of the skin. Diagnostics in a private clinic will cost on average 2000-2500 rubles. In a public hospital, external examination services, as well as the above tests, are provided free of charge.

    When to see a doctor

    Contacting a specialized specialist should take place as early as possible. The thorn responds well to external medicinal treatment with complete removal of its surface part and subcutaneous root system.

    Delay in visiting a specialized specialist risks the tumor progressing to later stages of development. As a result, it may require surgical excision, which will take longer, require greater material costs and lengthy rehabilitation.

    Prevention of splints on the foot

    To prevent the appearance of thorns on the surface of the skin of the foot, as well as between the toes, it is necessary to follow simple rules of prevention daily, which include the following:

    • follow the basic rules of foot hygiene, wash them every evening with warm water and soap, dry them with a clean, dry towel, and wash your socks;

    • avoid visiting public baths, swimming pools, showers, saunas, or protect the skin of your feet with rubber slippers, which will limit contact of the epidermis with the infected floor;
    • in the summer, do not walk barefoot;
    • wear only your own shoes, not allowing others to put them on;
    • promptly treat diseases of internal organs with a chronic course, which systematically reduce the protective function of the immune system;
    • at least once every 12 months. take a course of taking vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen the body and increase resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

    In order to minimize the likelihood of infection of the skin surface of the feet with the papilloma virus, it is recommended to limit communication with people who have flat or hanging warts on other parts of the body (fingers, mammary glands, armpits, neck, back, intimate area).

    Is it contagious?

    Spica is of viral origin and is transmitted by contact when the carrier comes into contact with another person. Infection often occurs in childhood, when children in kindergarten use the same towels and play with shared toys. Outside the body, the virus can remain viable for 3 hours. An adult can become infected through a handshake, touching the wound surface to the papilloma. There is a possibility of transmission through hosiery and gloves.

    Infection is difficult to track; it often occurs in crowded places: bathhouse, locker room, sauna, swimming pool, gym. The pathogen penetrates the skin. Many people are unaware of the disease until an infectious growth begins to grow on the surface.

    Whether papillomatosis will progress or not depends directly on the state of the immune system.

    Treatment methods for splints on the foot

    Getting rid of a thorn on the leg is possible with the help of external medications, folk remedies, as well as other methods that involve the radical removal of a foreign tumor.


    Unlike ordinary warts, spiny warts are much more difficult to cure. Longer therapy and regular application of aggressive solutions to the surface of a benign tumor will be required. To achieve a positive therapeutic result, the following drugs are used:

    Salicylic acid

    Every evening before going to bed, you need to steam your sore leg in hot water. The average duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

    After this, the softened spine is treated with penza to soften the tumor body.

    Salicylic acid is applied to the surface of a sterile bandage and then fixed to the spine using a medical plaster.

    The treatment process continues for 7-10 weeks. The average cost of a 1% solution of Salicylic acid in a 40 ml bottle is 20 rubles.

    Trichloroacetic acid

    Can be applied to the surface of the spine without pre-treatment or preparation of the skin.

    The treatment procedure is performed in the evening, when the patient is resting or is about to go to bed. Apply 1-2 drops of trichloroacetic acid to the surface of the wart.

    After this, a sterile gauze bandage is applied to it. It is very important that the acid solution does not come into contact with healthy tissue. Otherwise there will be a chemical burn. The duration of therapy ranges from 7 to 20 days depending on the stage of the spine. The cost of 50 ml of trichloroacetic acid solution of 10% concentration is 800 rubles.

    Salipod patch

    Apply directly to the surface of the plantar wart.

    Before performing the treatment procedure, it is recommended to wash the sore leg in hot water and soap.

    The patch is changed daily and a new one is applied before bedtime. The average duration of therapy is 1 month. The price of the drug is 180 rubles.

    Super celandine

    This is a medicine for external use, which contains sodium hydroxide.

    Treatment of the spine is performed once every 3 days until the wart completely disappears.

    It is necessary to strictly follow safety rules, preventing the alkali solution from coming into contact with healthy skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and eyes.

    The prescription of the above drugs should be carried out exclusively by the attending dermatologist. Unauthorized therapy is dangerous, can lead to chemical burns and stimulate the degeneration of the spine into a malignant tumor.

    Traditional methods

    In addition to traditional pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of spine, there are folk remedies that involve the use of the following recipes.


    During the period of active flowering of celandine, it is necessary to tear off the stems of the plant and lubricate the plantar wart with its yellow juice.

    Skin treatment is performed 2 times a day until the tumor completely disappears.

    Garlic pulp

    To prepare this home remedy, you will need to take 1 clove of garlic and then grind it to a paste. The resulting mass is laid out on a sterile gauze bandage and fixed on the surface of the spine with a plaster. The procedure is done at night before going to bed, and in the morning the garlic mass is removed.

    Burning with vinegar

    To carry out the treatment, kitchen vinegar, which is used in canning vegetables and preparing marinades, is sufficient. In a solution of 9% acetic acid, cotton wool is wetted and attached directly to the spine for 30 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, it is deleted.

    Traditional methods of treating benign neoplasms of this type should be agreed upon with the attending dermatologist. It may take 1 to 3 months to obtain a positive therapeutic effect. daily therapy.

    Other methods

    To remove a spine that is at stages 3-4 of development, more radical therapeutic methods may be required.

    If external medicinal solutions do not bring the expected effect, then the following treatment methods can be used:

    • cryodestruction – burning the spine with a solution of liquid nitrogen;

      You can get rid of a thorn on the foot with the help of nitrogen, however, if the thorn is caused by the HPV virus, there is a chance that a new one will grow

    • laser coagulation – exposure of the tumor body using a laser;
    • surgical removal - the spine is cut out with a scalpel, and the patient receives local anesthesia;
    • coagulation with electric current – ​​the neoplasm is burned out using electrical impulses.

    Spine therapy using cryodestruction, laser and electrical coagulation are the least traumatic methods. The average recovery time for damaged skin tissue is 5-7 days.

    The required number of sessions is determined by a dermatologist. On average, 2 to 5 procedures may be required. Complete healing of the wound after surgical removal lasts about 10 days.

    Surgical intervention

    One of the most common methods is surgery. There are four types of surgical removal of spines on the feet:

    1. Electrocoagulation. The wart is burned off using high frequency current. During the operation, living tissue is often destroyed. In this way, disinfection is carried out and the infectious process is stopped.
    2. Laser removal of spines on feet. At present, a method has not yet been invented that would be considered better than a laser. The operation is easy and the patient usually does not feel any pain. Plus, unnecessary areas of skin are not affected.
    3. A liquid nitrogen. This method has also proven itself to be effective. However, there is a serious drawback: it is very difficult to regulate the depth of penetration during the process, and this poses a danger to healthy tissue.
    4. Scalpel. This is an older method that almost no one uses today. First, there is a high probability of relapse. Secondly, after a scalpel, scars remain on the skin that are almost impossible to remove.

    Possible complications

    The prognosis for complete recovery and removal of spines without the risk of relapse of the disease is positive, but provided that complex therapy is carried out.

    Lack of adequate treatment, or complete ignorance of a dermatological disease, can lead to the following complications:

    • severe drying of the skin surface in the area where the benign tumor is located, peeling, necrosis and peeling of the surface layer of the epidermis;
    • cracking of dry epithelial tissues, secretion of ichor and the risk of bacterial infection of the feet;
    • the growth of plantar warts over the entire surface of the foot;
    • loss of the ability to move independently due to the fact that benign neoplasms have spread throughout the sole;
    • degeneration of the spine into a cancerous tumor with metastasis to bone tissue, which can lead to amputation of the fingers or foot, as well as a long course of chemotherapy.

    A thorn on the leg is a foreign tumor that is highly contagious. Contact of healthy areas of skin with the surface of a plantar wart can lead to secondary infection with HPV. It is possible to get rid of an epithelial tumor, but for this it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible.

    It is recommended to use drugs to strengthen the immune system, remove the wart with topical medications, use cryodestruction, laser coagulation, or surgical excision of the spine.

    Article design: Mila Friedan

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