Spine on the foot - causes and treatment

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

A thorn is popularly called a wart that appears on the sole of the foot and is the most unpleasant and painful manifestation of a viral disease - papilloma. A thorn on the leg causes pain when walking; patients often compare this pain to a splinter or a thorn prick. The difference between a thorn and warts on various parts of the body is the unpleasant sensations and discomfort that become constant companions when walking.

What is a thorn

Plantar wart, gossa or in Latin Verruca plantaris is the name experienced doctors give to a neoplasm that resembles a callus in appearance, but causes painful tingling sensations when walking. Spine is considered a type of wart with a radicular attachment method in the deep layers of the skin. A small growth can be cured using traditional methods, and only deep freezing methods, laser removal and electrocoagulation can help completely remove the spine on the foot.

The gum, which has grown deep into the skin, touches and injures the nerve endings and can cause cracks on the surface of the foot and inflammation. Skin growths are localized mainly on the skin of the feet, heels, toes or hands, but sometimes delicate areas of the body are also susceptible to infection with the virus: face, neck, ankles. Like any other wart, a wart on the foot is a benign tumor, but if left untreated it can develop into a malignant tumor.

Features of education

As a rule, the diameter of a plantar wart varies between 1-2 centimeters, but sometimes the size of the neoplasm can reach 4-5 cm. In the photo, the spine on the foot looks like a round or oval dry callus, with clear boundaries. The formation is very dense and painful to the touch. Under a microscope, black-brown dots may be visible in the center of the spine. If you carefully examine the growth after steaming your legs, you will notice threads on the surface of the spines that have grown in all layers of the skin.

First signs of appearance

At the beginning of development, the spine on the foot looks like a dry callus with a rough crust. However, if it is not treated correctly, the tumor increases in size, changes color, becomes lumpy, and a small hole forms in the middle through which the rod is clearly visible. When pressing on the foot, a sharp pain occurs, as if needles or thorns are piercing the leg. If the tumor is not removed immediately, new growths may appear nearby over time.

Shipiga: features

Skin growths or nodules most often appear on the big toes or heels, and are occasionally found on the hands - the pads of the fingers, near the nail plate, or on the back of the hand.

A bunion on the foot causes pain, discomfort and a burning sensation, especially if you often take long walks, climb mountains or wear uncomfortable, closed shoes. The main causative agent of pimples is papillomavirus.

With a weakened immune system, or microtraumas (ruptures, skin damage, bruises), the virus “wakes up” and begins to actively multiply.

If you look at the compaction, inside the skin layers you can see thread-like black dots, papillary growths that are lost deep in the muscle tissue (they take root inside and touch the nerve endings, provoking attacks of pain).

The keratinized skin has a yellowish tint, and if you press on the spine, a sharp pain will pierce the leg, as if a thorn or needle has pierced through it.

Some people cut the callus with scissors, which is strictly prohibited (unlike corns, there are blood vessels inside the callus).

If you cut off the top, after some time, the skin is layered again - due to the papillae nesting in the tissue.

The growth stage of newly appeared nodules is very fast - after 1-2 weeks the skin begins to harden and causes discomfort.

If you do not pay attention to the problem, the thorn will grow, forming around itself a whole family of keratinized cells, which can merge into a single formation.

How is the papilloma virus transmitted?

Any cold, depression, or nervous condition can serve as an impetus for the activation of the papillomavirus, which always lives in the body and “sleeps” until it is awakened. In combination with inflamed abrasions, increased sweating or calluses, due to wearing low-quality shoes, the risk of getting a splint is huge.

Additional factors include:

  • Increased body weight (obesity);
  • lack of vitamins (vitaminosis);
  • flat feet;
  • sleep problems.

In rare cases, a callus can develop into a malignant tumor. It is very important to maintain hygiene - change your socks daily, wash your feet and dry yourself thoroughly with a towel (the towel should be a separate one, intended only for feet).

The virus is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. Try to avoid crowded beaches and places with high humidity such as steam baths and saunas. The first symptoms of spikega appear after 30-60 days.

If you hold your feet in a bowl of soapy water, or steam them with herbs, the callus will “fluff” and there will be a noticeable darkening in its center.

If you cut off the top, purulent mucus will come out. Treatment with traditional methods is not always effective, so it is better to consult an experienced dermatologist or immunologist.

It is much easier to remove thorn in the early stages. If it has grown to a huge size, only surgery can save it.

But, even after surgical intervention, there is a possibility that the growths will form again after some time.

The disease can go away without a trace if the person’s immune system recovers and fights the virus on its own. But such situations are rare exceptions.

Thorn on the foot: treatment

Surgical excision of the skin and removal of root vessels does not pass without a trace. After healing, scars or particles of papilloma roots remain, which will hatch again under favorable conditions.

One of the effective methods of control is electrocoagulation. Applying electric current to problem areas of the skin freezes and kills the virus.

Neoplasms resolve within just a few procedures, blood circulation is normalized, and metabolic processes in tissues are restored. A brown crust forms at the site of the current exposure, which dries and falls off after complete healing.

Treatment with liquid nitrogen (deep freezing) is a rather painful procedure that does not guarantee complete elimination of the virus and can leave scars.

Laser irradiation is the most optimal and painless option - the laser eliminates the spine, completely burning out its roots. There are no scars or scars left after treatment.

You can burn out the spikega yourself using the reagents “Solcoderm”, “Kolomak”, “Cryopharma”, “Ferezol” or “Cantharidin”.

The Salipod patch is very popular.

"Solcoderm" contains acetic, lactic, nitric, and oxalic acid. Before application, wipe the growths with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol and lubricate the area with ointment using an applicator.

The first reaction is visible after 3-4 minutes - calloused skin turns gray or colorless.

The thorn should dry out after about 4 months; you cannot pick off the crust yourself. Cryopharma freezes the growth, killing the internal cells. The principle of operation is the same as that of liquid nitrogen. Gently distribute the liquid with the applicator and press the napkin onto the sore spot for 10-15 seconds.

Burning and pain mean that the medicine has penetrated inside. A light pinkish halo that appears around the affected area after a couple of days indicates that the effect of freezing is ending. To use Kolomak, you need to steam your feet in the bath beforehand. Morning and evening, apply 1-2 drops to damaged areas. Salicylic and lactic acid in the composition will remove the sore in a short time, the main thing is not to affect healthy areas.

It is worth considering that all chemical reagents cause pain. The products should be used only after consulting a specialist.

How to remove calluses at home

Traditional medicine methods are suitable for treating the initial stage of the spine, when it has not yet taken root in the tissue.

Onions and vinegar for calluses

Grate 1 medium onion on a fine grater, add 1 tbsp. vinegar. Spread the viscous slurry evenly on gauze, roll it up in several layers and attach it to your toe or heel with a bandage. Leave the paste for 4-5 hours.

Check for allergies before use. To prevent burns, instead of a gauze lotion, make a double plaster: cut a hole in the first, fill the compress with onion pulp, and cover the top with a second plaster. This lotion can be left on all night.

Garlic and horseradish paste

Place 1 tbsp in the patch. garlic and 2 tbsp. chopped horseradish. If you are afraid of burns, horseradish can be replaced with raw potato pulp. The potato lotion should be done at night for two weeks.

Wrap the damaged areas with food foil and put on a sock. You need to walk around like this for several days until the foil wears out. According to reviews from many readers, the result will not take long to arrive.

Cucumber pickle has proven itself quite well. Soak a sock properly in the juice, pull it over your sore leg, wrap it in cling film, put another sock on top for warmth, and go to bed.

You need to repeat the procedure for at least 7 days, steaming your feet in the bath before going to bed.

Iodine for calluses

One of the simplest methods of treatment. In the morning and evening, draw an iodine mesh on the growths or use a pharmaceutical extract of celandine.

How does infection occur?

Plantar wart is a viral disease that can be contracted through open wounds on the sole, through contact with a sick person, or through shared objects. Bacteria feel especially comfortable in a humid environment, so people with excessive sweating of the feet are prone to the appearance of horns. Very often, infection occurs after visiting swimming pools, showers, and gyms. To prevent the appearance of plantar warts, doctors recommend always having personal hygiene products and swimming shoes with you.

Contraindications and possible complications

Along with the positive effects, traditional methods contain a number of contraindications:

  1. During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful when treating with folk remedies. Toxic substances can harm the mother and the unborn baby.
  2. Psoriasis, eczema.
  3. Diseases of the skin and internal organs.
  4. Sensitivity to components.

If the spine is not removed promptly, the filamentous extensions lead to further damage to the feet. The formation of several foci leads to their unification, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

To avoid such nuances, you should adhere to a clear concentration of funds and follow the recommendations of your herbalist.
For prevention purposes, do not wear someone else’s shoes, avoid contact with the carrier of the virus, maintain immunity, and lead a healthy lifestyle. The article has been verified by the editors

Causes of plantar warts

The spine on the foot is caused by the human papilloma virus, which is present even in a healthy body. However, when certain conditions are created, bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing skin lesions. The risk is especially high in people with reduced immunity, pregnant women and children. A bunion on the foot appears as a result of regular friction of the foot inside tight shoes, due to congenital or acquired deviations in the structure of the skeleton, for example, from clubfoot. Factors that provoke the development of the virus in the body also include:

  • excessive sweating of the palms, interdigital spaces, and feet;
  • constant stress, overexertion, lack of sleep;
  • injuries, wounds or burns to the skin of the legs or arms;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious viral diseases - influenza, ARVI, sore throat;
  • wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes;
  • flat feet;
  • avitaminosis;
  • excess weight.

Reasons for appearance

In most cases, the spine appears on the foot, heel or toe. The cause is human papillomavirus. It can be contracted in any public place where there is a constant source of moisture and the ability to walk without shoes (shower, sauna, bathhouse, locker room). Very often you can become infected from a person who has never suffered from warts.

This is due to the fact that the body with a strong immune system is able to resist the virus and maintain it in a passive state.

The main reasons for the appearance of a spine:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes. In most cases, growths appear in people who use shoes that do not fit properly. In addition, the problem occurs among women who often wear high-heeled shoes.
  2. Severe sweating of the feet. To grow and develop, the spine needs a constant source of moisture, which is why it appears in people who suffer from excessive sweating. Another reason for this peculiarity of the body is the use of poorly breathable shoes (for example, rubber).
  3. Abrupt climate change. The human body takes a long time to get used to new conditions, so a sudden move from a cold region to a hot one can cause the appearance of warts and spines.
  4. Decreased immunity after an infectious disease. This is the most common cause of benign formations. After an illness, the human body is weakened and therefore practically defenseless against various harmful microorganisms.
  5. Nail fungus. This unpleasant disease affects the skin of the finger. Because of this, she becomes more vulnerable and at risk of developing various neoplasms.

How to get rid of a spine

If a suspicious formation appears on the soles of your feet, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the lower the risk of wart processes growing deep into the soft tissues. There are several methods for treating papilloma: physical impact on the wart, surgery, removal of growths with chemicals, complex therapy to increase immunity. Minimally invasive methods are especially popular.

Physical effect on the wart

Removing papillomas with a scalpel is used extremely rarely today, since this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the problem. The remaining processes in the skin layers can provoke relapse and even greater growth of tumors. This treatment method is acceptable if all other options are unavailable. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, followed by a long rehabilitation period.

Chemical methods

This option is considered one of the best for conservative treatment of spine. Aggressive substances included in some drugs, when they come into contact with affected areas of the skin, cause cell necrosis, after which the keratinized particles are easily removed mechanically. It is worth noting that this option is painful and can cause the appearance of scars on the body. There are several types of drugs with chemical composition:

  • With a necrotizing effect - due to very aggressive components they provoke mummification of the skin surface. Such medications are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and for treating a child. These are the drugs Solkovagin, Solcoderm.
  • Keratolytics are products that gently exfoliate dead skin cells and help soften rough skin. In combination with other medications, they enhance their effect, promoting deep penetration of the active ingredients. Keratolic preparations include: Arievich ointment, Collomak, urea-based patches.
  • With a cryogenic effect - they act similar to the “cryodestruction” procedure, freezing and stopping the growth of papilloma. Products: Cryopharma, MaxiVart, Wartner.
  • How to treat warts on fingers
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For a speedy recovery, along with local agents, doctors recommend using drugs that stimulate the immune system. For this purpose, immunostimulants are prescribed: Interferon, Kipferon, Imudon, Amiksin. At home, immunotherapy consists of normalizing nutrition. The menu should include more fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices. Additionally, you can engage in light sports - swimming, running, cycling.

Cosmetic removal methods

You can remove a callus on a toe in different ways, it all depends on the stage of development and on the depth to which the root of the callus has grown. As a rule, dermatologists recommend removing the growth using cosmetic procedures. Clinics can offer the following services:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser destruction;
  • freezing using liquid nitrogen;
  • radio wave surgery.

These methods are even used to treat a thorn on a child’s foot, as the procedures are safe and painless.

But all these methods do not give 100% results. This is due to the fact that when the root is not completely removed, relapses occur, and there are often cases when neoplasms appear in whole groups, which are much more difficult to cure.

If the callus is in a neglected state, then it is almost impossible to get rid of it using cosmetic procedures. This is due to the fact that the root of the wart is very deep and can only be removed surgically. During the operation, the doctor removes the growth along with the root with a scalpel, and then stitches the wound.

How to remove a thorn on your foot at home

It can be problematic to cure a spine with simple means. The whole difficulty is to remove the roots of the benign neoplasm, otherwise the problem will arise again in the future. If a spike on the foot bothers you, special medications will help remove it:

  • Salicylic ointment is a product for external use. Has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. The ointment should be applied to pre-steamed and dried skin in a thin layer. To enhance the effect, an occlusive dressing can be applied on top. The procedure must be carried out once a day until the papilloma completely disappears. If desired, salicylic ointment can be replaced with special patches (Mozolny, Compid, Salipod) or the drug Collomak.
  • Viferon ointment is a medicine that has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The ointment is applied in a thin layer 3-4 times a day to the affected areas. The duration of treatment is 4-7 days. Contraindications include: individual intolerance to the components and children under one year of age.
  • Lapis pencil is a silver-containing drug with an antiseptic effect. The surface of the pencil is moistened with water, after which the product is applied to damaged skin, while avoiding touching the healthy epidermis. Lapis pencil should not be used during pregnancy, for treating children, or if papilloma appears on the neck or face.
  • Supercleaner is a liquid developed on the basis of a mixture of strong alkalis. Before use, healthy skin around the papilloma must be lubricated with a rich cream, after which one drop of the solution is applied strictly in the center of the growth. Treatment is carried out until the plantar wart is completely burned out. It is worth noting that the procedure is very painful, causing itching and burning.
  • Roaccutane gel is a topical agent based on isotretinoin. Belongs to the group of keratolytic drugs, available in the form of tablets. Capsules are taken orally with meals at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg for up to four months. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. You can take the tablets with caution if you have diabetes, obesity, or renal and hepatic failure.
  • Asgiape is a keratolytic ointment that helps treat plantar warts in an advanced stage of development. When applied to the skin, the active components of the product destroy the neuroconnection between dead cells. The product is produced on the basis of urea, salicylic, citric, and lactic acid. Sometimes it can provoke adverse reactions in the form of burning, itching and redness of the skin at the site of application.
  • Feresol is a liquid with a mummifying effect. The method of using Feresol is the same as for treatment with Supercleaner. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of moles near the papilloma, in case of hypersensitivity and in children under 7 years of age.

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional medicine

The successful use of folk remedies is justified by positive results. You will need to consult your doctor and recommend using a specific recipe to remove warts at home without surgery.

They have antiviral, antifungal, cauterizing effects.Allergic reactions.
The use of recipes from 10 to 15 procedures helps reduce the size of the formation and prevents further growth of papillomas.Long lasting impact.
Cauterization prevents the development of pathology.Individual intolerance to components.
Sometimes it is allowed to be used by pregnant women and children.The period of influence is limited.
Helps to get rid of it painlessly in the absence of itching or burning.If used incorrectly, it can cause skin burns.
Availability of funds.Patients do not have enough patience to independently collect and prepare.

Traditional methods - additional therapy, complex treatment after the doctor’s approval.

How to remove a spine on a foot

If the plantar wart has grown deep into the skin, there is a chance that ordinary local creams, solutions and ointments will not help. In such situations, doctors recommend resorting to minimally invasive methods of wart removal: electrocoagulation, laser removal using liquid nitrogen freezing - cryodestruction. These methods help not only remove the bunion on the foot, but also prevent its reappearance in the future.


Burning out the wart and its rhizomes using liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of cold, the body of the papilloma is destroyed, the area of ​​inflammation is reduced and a greater number of viruses and bacteria are killed. A small bubble remains at the site of the procedure, which goes away on its own in one and a half to two weeks. The procedure takes place without anesthesia and does not cause pain. The disadvantages of surgery include a long recovery period and the possibility of injury to the skin next to the wart. You cannot undergo cryodestruction for cancer.


This method shows good results only in the initial stages of the appearance of spines, when the filamentous roots have not yet affected most of the foot. Removal of papilloma occurs when the skin is exposed to high-frequency current pulses, due to which the spine on the foot and its rhizome are burned out. The disadvantages of such an operation are pain: after the procedure, a bleeding wound remains on the body. Sometimes scarring may appear after electrocution.

Pulsed laser treatment

One of the most popular and sought after methods for treating plantar warts. Removal occurs under the influence of a laser beam, which simultaneously cauterizes the papilloma and disinfects the surface of the skin at the site of the operation. The laser treatment method does not cause any complications; after the procedure, patients are quickly rehabilitated, and the possibility of re-growth of spines on the foot is completely eliminated. The only drawback of this method is the high cost of the operation.

Unusual techniques

There are quite unusual ways to eliminate spines. Despite their originality, they are quite effective.

Fresh meat compresses

Only fresh meat that has not been frozen or heat treated is suitable for the procedure. You should cut a small flat slice from the piece and apply it to the new growth, cover the top with plastic wrap or cellophane. Fix with a bandage or adhesive plaster.

After five hours, the bandage should be removed and the spine carefully removed. To do this, you can use tweezers or thin forceps.

Match sulfur

You need to take a match and wet its head in water. When the sulfur softens a little, you should well lubricate the areas affected by growths on your hands with it. This method can be painful, but it is quite effective, since the spines disappear in 1-3 procedures.


Before carrying out the procedure, you should thoroughly steam the affected areas and carefully remove the rough shoots of the warts.

Spine on the leg - treatment with folk remedies

Together with comprehensive drug treatment at home, plantar warts can be removed using traditional medicine. There are several effective recipes for eliminating spines on the feet, palms and toes:

  1. The spike on the heel will go away if you regularly apply a nettle compress to the sore spot. To prepare it, finely chop the nettle leaves, wrap them in a clean burdock leaf, and secure with a band-aid. Put a sock on your foot and leave the compress on overnight. The duration of such therapy is 3-4 sessions. Using the same principle, you can make compresses from Kalanchoe, potatoes and garlic.
  2. Vinegar lotions help a lot. To prepare them, use fresh garlic and 9% table vinegar. Mix the ingredients until mushy and apply, after protecting healthy skin with a band-aid. The mixture is kept for about one and a half to two hours, after which it is washed off with warm water. To enhance the effect after lotions, it is recommended to treat the surface of the foot with salicylic ointment.
  3. An equally effective remedy for human papillomas is iodine. It dries the skin well, disinfects, and helps relieve inflammation. To cure a thorn on the foot with iodine, you need to regularly lubricate the affected areas of the body.
  4. A folk remedy like Superclean can be prepared at home. To do this, celandine leaves are collected, ground or finely chopped, and then filled with 90% medical alcohol. The mixture is infused in a dark, cool place for 1.5-2 weeks, after which it is filtered. The solution should be applied pointwise, by sealing the skin around the spine with a band-aid or lubricating it with a rich cream. The duration of treatment with celandine juice depends on the growth of tumors, but should not exceed 30 days.
  5. Painful growths can be cauterized using brine from canned cucumbers or tomatoes. To do this, take thick woolen socks, soak them in brine and put them on. Wrap your feet with cling film or a bag on top. To create a greenhouse effect, secure the compress with a clean, dry pair of socks. Apply a compress in the evening and wash your feet with cool water in the morning. The procedures must be carried out until all the tubercles have resolved.

Prevention of the problem

To avoid having to spend money on treatment, you can try to prevent the problem from occurring. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules.

They will help avoid infection with papillomavirus and strengthen the immune system.

Preventive measures:

  1. Regular foot care. Doctors recommend washing your feet daily with soap or any similar hygiene product. Otherwise, the accumulated dirt will not allow the skin to breathe freely, which will lead to the appearance of various growths, including spines.
  2. Wearing comfortable shoes. In order to reduce the likelihood of benign tumors, it is necessary to select shoes that fit. In addition, you should minimize the period of time your feet are in boots, shoes or sneakers.
  3. Use only your own shoes. You can become infected with papillomavirus even in the safest situations. One of them is trying on shoes in a store. If a sick person wears it, there is a high risk of transmitting harmful microorganisms. Because of this, you should treat shoes with special compounds and only then start trying them on. In addition, it is forbidden to put on other people's shoes or sneakers, as they may be infected with papillomavirus.
  4. Treatment of wounds. In case of injuries or cuts to the legs, you should immediately treat the wound with any antiseptic solution (medicinal alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and others). The percentage of probability of a thorn appearing depends on the speed of first aid.
  5. Compliance with personal hygiene rules. After each visit to public places, you should thoroughly wash your hands and feet. This simple action will help avoid infection and all its unpleasant consequences.
  6. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In order to avoid the appearance of spines, you need to stop smoking and reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink. In addition, you should completely abstain from drugs.
  7. Strengthening the immune system. Most benign formations appear due to a decrease in the body's defenses. In this case, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins and also exercise regularly.

Removing a spine is a difficult undertaking that requires high qualifications or knowledge of the secrets of traditional medicine. With the right approach to treatment, you can quickly get rid of the growth and forget about its existence forever.


Traditional and folk medicine offer their own options for how to remove thorns on the heels. For treatment to be effective, it must be aimed directly at the source of the disease - the virus.

Treatment with medical methods

The use of medications is the main method of treatment, the purpose of which is to destroy the papilloma virus.

Systemic medications

They act for a long time, fight pathology, and prevent the spread of infection. Of the drugs in this group, the following are prescribed for plantar warts:

  • Verrucacid, Ferezol. They have necrotizing properties. They are dangerous if they come into contact with open skin or mucous membranes and can cause tissue burns.
  • Cryopharma, Wartner. They have a freezing effect: under their influence, pathological cells freeze and die.
  • Lapis pencil. Disinfects and cauterizes, but requires a long period of use. Causes burns. Not suitable for eliminating warts in children; contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • Cycloferon.
  • Isoprinosine.

Systemic therapy has a detrimental effect on the virus and restores the normal functioning of the systems of the human body.

Plasters for bunions on feet

Patches are used to soften skin growths and reduce pain. The most popular are:

  • Salipod.
  • Salicylic Acid and Phenol Plasters: disinfect, relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate fungus.
  • Ugro: dries, softens skin tumors, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
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