How to treat nail fungus with baking soda at home

  1. How does baking soda act on fungus?
  2. Instructions for use (recipes)
  3. Recommendations
  4. Use in children, pregnant and lactating women
  5. Contraindications and side effects
  6. Cautions
  7. Reviews

Among the antifungal drugs of traditional medicine, for nail fungus, soda is most often used. It is used both independently and with auxiliary means. Sodium bicarbonate relieves burning and itching, inflammatory processes, effectively soothing the skin and nail plates affected by infection.

How does baking soda act on fungus?

Baking soda is an affordable remedy with therapeutic and prophylactic properties. It can maintain the acid-base balance in the body and create unfavorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora. It is not without reason that popular therapy methods, such as the Neumyvakin treatment, were created on its basis.

We suggest you find out how baking soda affects nail fungus from the table.

Healing propertiesDescription
ANTI-MICROBIALDisinfects infected areas.
SOFTENINGSoftens the skin and nails, allowing active medicinal components, including medications, to penetrate deeper into the site of the disease.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORYIt dries problem areas, preventing the spread of fungal spores, stopping their division and inhibiting subsequent development.
ANTIMYCOTICReduces the level of acidity at the site of infection, creating unfavorable conditions for the life of mycosis pathogens.

Let's consider what methods of treating fungus exist.

Cure the disease with a solution of water and soda

When used correctly, soda can provide great benefits, for this reason it is used in many situations. Treatment of nail fungus with soda consists of foot baths. How to do everything right?

  1. To cure a fungal disease, take a container of the required volume. First you need to thoroughly moisten and treat the areas of the feet where the fungus is present. Sometimes it is even necessary to buy in completely.
  2. Water is the main liquid. Its temperature should be no more than 40 degrees, but not less than 35.
  3. You will need baking soda.
  4. It would be a good idea to stock up on liquid or laundry soap. Whatever it is, the soap you use should contain beneficial elements.

Instructions for use (recipes)

In the fight against onychomycosis, baking soda can be used in dry form, in the form of a paste and solution. In addition, the substance is added to baths, lotions and compresses are made on its basis, and the product is combined with other equally useful ingredients, for example, vinegar and laundry soap.

BATH WITH SODA. To prepare a medicinal solution, dilute 50 g of sodium bicarbonate in 2 liters of hot water or calendula decoction. Immerse your feet in liquid at a temperature of 40 degrees and wait until it cools down. After this, rinse your feet under running water, dry and apply powder.

SODA OINTMENT WITH MINT. Grind freshly picked peppermint leaves to a puree and combine with 1 teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. The resulting mass is applied to the spaces between the fingers and affected nails for 30 minutes. The ointment is used once a day, the course of treatment is continued until complete recovery.

The combination of mint, salt and sodium bicarbonate quickly eliminates the symptoms of fungal infections, including candidiasis, by soothing and disinfecting problem parts of the body.

PASTE WITH ALOE AND SODA. 3 tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of soda with a small amount of water until it becomes pasty. Add 15 ml of aloe juice to the thick mass. Treat the affected nail plates with the finished paste 30 minutes before bedtime. As soon as the product dries and is absorbed, go to bed without disturbing the areas of infection until the morning. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months, procedures are practiced daily.

SODA AND LAUNDRY SOAP. An excellent softening agent with high alkaline properties. To prepare it, dissolve 2 tbsp in 3 liters of water heated to 40 degrees. spoons of grated laundry soap and 30 g of baking soda. Soak your feet in the bath for at least 10 minutes. After this, cut off the softened nail plates affected by the infection and additionally treat them with iodine or brilliant green. Continue the course of therapy until a healthy nail grows.

POTIONS WITH SODA, VINEGAR AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. There is an opinion that treating nail fungus with vinegar and soda in combination with peroxide helps get rid of the infection in an advanced stage. Of course, the method is effective, but it can kill onychomycosis only at the beginning of the disease.

100 g of sodium bicarbonate, previously quenched with vinegar essence, is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Add 200 ml of peroxide and 150 ml of table vinegar. Cotton swabs are generously moistened in the prepared liquid and applied to the sites of infection, carefully securing with a bandage or other available means. The dressings are changed every 8 hours. The course of treatment is 20 days.

SODA AND IODINE. Prepare a bath using 3 liters of water, 50 g of sodium bicarbonate and 7 drops of iodine. The components are thoroughly mixed and the feet are kept in the liquid for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, the foci of the disease are cleaned of dead horn cells, treated with hydrogen peroxide and allowed to dry on their own.

This method allows you to recover from a fungal infection within 30 days.

HERBAL BATHS WITH SODA AND SALT. They help soften the stratum corneum, disinfect affected areas, and eliminate inflammation.

The method is based on decoctions of medicinal plants, such as chamomile, oak bark and string - any ingredient is taken in proportions of 30 g per 2 liters of water. Add 3 tbsp to the bath. spoons of soda and the same amount of sea salt. The feet are kept in the liquid for at least 30 minutes. Then the foci of infection are treated with vinegar - apple or table vinegar, iodine or peroxide. The combination of these folk remedies with soda baths makes it possible to recover from mycosis.

SODA SOCKS. Quite an original method. To implement it, ordinary cotton socks are moistened in a solution of baking soda prepared from 1 glass of water and 1 tbsp. spoons of sodium bicarbonate. They are put on the legs, covered with polyethylene on top and go to bed. This procedure helps soften dead tissue and help fight fungal infections.

SODA AND AMONGIA. Helps cure various mycoses not only on the nail plates, but also on the skin, for example, on the hands. The method is based on the use of baths consisting of the following components: 1.5 liters of heated water, 2 tbsp. spoons of any liquid soap, 15 g of soda and 30 g of ammonia. The procedure is practiced once a day, the course is 10 days.

SODA AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. This method is suitable for people with sensitive skin, as it eliminates the use of aggressive substances such as vinegar and ammonia. In 2 liters of warm water dilute 3 tbsp. spoons of sodium bicarbonate and 80 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The feet are kept in the bath for 15 minutes, after which they are dried without washing off the remaining medicinal composition.

SODA COMPRESS. To prepare the product you will need a concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate. To do this, dilute 4 tbsp in 2 glasses of water. spoons of soda. Gauze, folded in several layers, is moistened with the resulting composition and applied to areas of the skin and nails affected by mycosis. The compress is covered with cellophane on top and insulated with a layer of cotton wool. The bandage is kept for at least 2 hours every day. After the time has come to remove the composition, the feet are washed with running water and laundry soap.

SODA AND LEMON. Another home method for treating nail fungus is using lemon juice and baking soda. To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare a paste of 10 drops of citrus juice and 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. The resulting product is thoroughly rubbed into the nail plate for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water.


To ensure that the treatment of fungus with soda is as successful as possible, you must follow the tips listed below:

  • treatment of nails and skin with preparations based on sodium bicarbonate is carried out every day until complete recovery occurs, otherwise the infectious process may return;
  • recipes can be alternated with each other, for example, with an interval of 7 days, to obtain a greater effect;
  • Before each procedure, the feet must be washed and the keratinized layer of cells removed;
  • after using soda preparations, it is advisable to treat the skin of the feet and nails with an antifungal medication - in this case, getting rid of the mycotic infection will be guaranteed;
  • Treatment with traditional methods should be done after the doctor’s permission.

An integrated approach to the problem will give the desired results, which is why sodium bicarbonate is recommended to be used in combination with other unconventional and conservative methods.

Traditional treatment

After confirmation of the diagnosis, therapy for onychomycosis is prescribed, the approach to which should be comprehensive, including systemic and local effects on the fungus, especially in advanced cases.

Local exposure as monotherapy is prescribed at the first signs of the disease in mild cases. The most commonly used antifungal drugs are in the form of ointments, sprays and varnishes: Batrafen, Candide, Terbix, Lamisil and others.

In advanced cases, it is necessary to influence from the inside, by prescribing oral antimycotics: Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Terbinafine, etc.

Many medications are available both in tablet form and as topical substances.

Currently, in severe situations, laser therapy is also used to treat fungus on the legs and arms, based on the destruction of the affected epidermis and the deactivation of microorganisms.

Use in children, pregnant and lactating women

Treatment of onychomycosis in expectant and nursing mothers should be mandatory, and this should be practiced under the supervision of a doctor. The same rule applies to children. This category of patients is allowed external use of sodium bicarbonate, as a safe and effective component in the fight against fungal infection.

The use of traditional medicine, in particular soda-based recipes, is much safer than the use of medications. But sometimes you simply cannot do without the latter.

In any case, if nail fungus is suspected, patients at risk - children and women during pregnancy and lactation - should be examined by a doctor. And only after that give recommendations for treatment

Contraindications to the use of baking soda in the treatment of viral infections

Currently, soda is considered an excellent way to treat many diseases and a popular remedy for weight loss. The effect of this method has indeed been confirmed.

But many doctors say that eating this way can cause serious problems in the future. Stomach acid digests food and also allows a huge number of microorganisms into the human body.

That is why when using baking soda, the human body is at risk of developing a variety of infectious diseases of the intestines and stomach. Long-term use of soda can cause negative consequences, since soda easily converts stomach acid into alkaline acid, causing disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to ulcers and also cancer.

For those who have stomach ulcers, soda is strictly prohibited.

The use of soda is undesirable for people who suffer from kidney failure. It’s a shame, but now not many people pay attention to serious contraindications, but in vain.

There are many contraindications to the use of soda

If you repeatedly use a soda solution, you can get an “acid reaction”, during which carbon dioxide is formed, the stomach swells and a huge amount of acid is produced in the stomach. There are a lot of ways to treat with baking soda, but the most important thing is to find a reliable method, since you need to protect your own health.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that soda is a completely harmless product that can even be taken orally in certain situations, it is important to limit its use in the following cases:

  • cuts and wounds on the skin;
  • individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate;
  • serious dermatological problems that exclude alkalization and drying of the epithelium.

Undesirable reactions include allergies, excessive dry skin, and symptoms of discomfort - burning and itching. Typically, the problems listed above arise with prolonged use of the product or non-compliance with the dosage of the medication.


As mentioned above, allergic reactions do occur when using sodium bicarbonate. To make sure that they are absent, you should conduct a small test before conducting a treatment course. To do this, a powder or paste consisting of the product is applied to sensitive skin, for example, behind the ear area on the scalp or on the elbow. If after 5 minutes there is no negative reaction in the form of redness and burning on the treated area, you can safely use soda for medicinal purposes.

Even with good tolerance to sodium bicarbonate, it is possible to develop unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and rashes on the skin. In this case, you should urgently say goodbye to soda-based recipes. The fact is that individual hypersensitivity to a product may not appear immediately, as with a behind-the-ear test, but later with prolonged use of the product. In such a situation, it is recommended to replace sodium bicarbonate with other traditional methods.

Non-traditional therapy is extremely popular because it requires a minimum of financial investment and often helps to achieve the desired result. But it is important to take into account that self-medication of a fungal infection may well be ineffective if not properly organized and even cause harm. That is why it is important to follow the instructions for use of each recipe and consult a specialist if necessary.


To prevent infection and the development of the disease, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Maintain skin hygiene, wash your hands and feet with soap twice a day.
  2. Wear shoes made from natural materials and of suitable size.
  3. If you already have a fungal infection, you should avoid overheating or hypothermia of your feet.
  4. You should increase your immunity by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
  5. Follow a work-rest schedule and eat right.

To receive correct, effective treatment, you need to consult with a specialist and follow all his instructions.

Important. It is not possible to completely cure the fungus with soda; a complex effect using traditional drugs is required.


Svetlana, 34 years old. “Using baths of soda and soap solution really helped get rid of a fungal disease on the thumb. At first I was skeptical about the reviews about the healing capabilities of this product, but it really reduces inflammation and itching. A month later, a new nail began to grow.”

Tatyana, 26 years old. “I suffered from an advanced form of fungus. Soda lotions, perhydrol and iodine helped me cope with the infection and eliminate discomfort. I used traditional treatment in combination with Clotrimazole ointment, and I can say that even if the disease starts, the chances of getting rid of it are high.”

Anna, 46 years old. “My granddaughter was diagnosed with nail fungus and prescribed medication that had a bad effect on the small child’s intestines. At a family council, we decided to try traditional treatment with soda baths and 3% peroxide. After just 7 days, positive results appeared. The method helped."

Sodium bicarbonate is an additional remedy in the fight against nail fungus. Recipes based on it can be combined and alternated with each other, be sure to coordinate all treatment options with your doctor. Its use allows one to achieve excellent results in the treatment of onychomycosis and prevent relapse of the pathology in the future.

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