How to treat foot fungus at home with folk remedies: recipes

Are you worried about itching or burning on the skin of your feet? Do you have an unpleasant foot odor, the skin between your toes is inflamed, and there are white spots on your nails? Most likely it is a fungus or the medical term is mycosis, which is a fairly common disease of an infectious nature and occurs in approximately 70% of the adult population. The causative agent of the infection is pathogenic fungi, which, after penetration into the layers of the skin, begin to actively multiply, causing severe symptoms. The insidiousness of a fungal infection lies in the fact that in the initial stages of its development, the symptoms are practically invisible.

Mycosis is a fairly common infectious disease and occurs in approximately 70% of the adult population.

Basically, when the skin of the legs is affected, the feet, soles, and skin between the toes are the first to be affected. If treatment is not carried out at this stage, there is a high probability that the nail plate will be damaged. Getting rid of foot fungus is not so easy, since the treatment for this disease is quite long.

Many people do not realize the complexity of the disease and are negligent about the appearance of fungus on their feet, and take up its treatment only when the symptoms are severe and prevent them from living a full life.

Fans of traditional medicine prefer to treat the fungus with folk remedies, but if the disease is advanced, such methods will not bring good results, but will only temporarily reduce the symptoms of the disease.

To obtain a lasting result, mycosis should be treated with both antifungal drugs and traditional medicine, which are a good adjuvant therapy to the main treatment.

Foot fungus needs to be treated comprehensively, especially when the skin between the toes or the nails of the big toe are affected. At the initial manifestations of the disease, treatment of foot fungus is not difficult, but when a person ignores the first manifestations of a fungal infection, the disease begins to actively develop, which leads to more severe stages of the disease.

An advanced form of foot fungus develops over a long period of time, but if left untreated, the disease becomes chronic and will be much more difficult to treat. In order to prevent the development of fungus on the skin of the feet, it must be treated at the first sign.

Foot fungus develops quite slowly. Initially it damages the feet, then spreads to the skin between the toes, soles, and then nails. In the treatment of fungus, it is very important to recognize the disease as early as possible, only then there is a chance of successful recovery. There are several ways to get rid of the fungus, but if the disease is advanced, treatment should be comprehensive and carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

What is mycosis of the feet

Mycosis of the foot is a group of fungal skin diseases, often with simultaneous damage to the nails. These infections cause similar clinical manifestations. They can only be distinguished after a microscopic examination of the skin and nails. Mycosis of the feet is a highly contagious disease. It is transmitted from person to person through household items: rugs in locker rooms, showers and swimming pools, footstools, basins and flooring in baths and saunas. Sharing shoes and socks is dangerous. The surface layer of the skin, which is constantly peeling off, contains a lot of fungi and their spores. Initially, the interdigital folds are affected and skin itching occurs. Subsequently, the infection takes over the entire foot and spreads to the nails. The course of the disease is long-term and requires constant treatment. To prevent mycosis of the foot, in our online store you can buy an effective prophylactic product - Mycospray.

Giving up bad habits is a significant contribution to the prevention of foot fungus

Bad habits (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug addiction), improper wakefulness-sleep, work-rest patterns, inappropriate behavior in stressful situations usually lead to a serious decrease in immunity and poor circulation.

Unreasonable unbalanced nutrition, excessive consumption of light carbohydrates, physical inactivity lead to obesity. Against the background of weakened immunity, poor circulation and obesity, a favorable climate is formed for infection and the development of infection into a generalized dangerous disease.

This indicates an urgent need to give up bad habits.

Causes of mycosis of the feet

The cause of the disease is microorganisms of the genus Trichophyton, less commonly mold fungi and Epidermophyton floccosum:

  • red trichophyton (Tr. Rubrum) causes up to 95% of all cases of the disease;
  • approximately a third of patients also have interdigital trichophyton (Tr. Interdigitale);
  • inguinal epidermophyton (E. floccosum) causes the disease in 1% of cases.

The likelihood of infection increases in unfavorable external conditions:

  • high humidity;
  • tight shoes;
  • frequent visits to swimming pools, saunas and other wet areas;
  • presence of a sick person in the family.

Some internal diseases also contribute to the development of fungal infections:

  • sweaty feet;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • taking corticosteroid hormones orally;
  • flat feet;
  • Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries, obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins;
  • diabetes.

Application of propolis

This product is actively used in folk medicine to treat many diseases, including fungal infections. There are several known recipes for using propolis:

  • Daily overnight compresses from alcoholic propolis tincture are made using a cotton pad generously soaked in it, which is covered with a dry cloth, bandaged and warm socks are put on.
  • Apply a piece of propolis to cleanly washed and steamed problem areas and leave for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day twice.

What happens during the disease

Mycosis of the feet rarely develops on healthy skin. Even if the fungus gets to the surface, it will not be able to penetrate the thick layer of intact epithelium. Under the influence of unfavorable external factors, the epidermis accumulates moisture and loosens. Fungi penetrate into the thickness of the skin and begin to actively multiply. This is further facilitated by vascular diseases and immune disorders, which are accompanied by impaired nutrition and local protective mechanisms on the feet. The proliferation of fungi causes damage to the interdigital areas, intense peeling and discomfort. The rejected epithelium ends up in socks and shoes, becoming a source of re-infection. Therefore, during the treatment of mycosis, it is necessary to treat the inner surface of the shoe with Mycospray.


The fungus is destroyed by an acidic environment, so vinegar is widely used for treatment; with its help, you can quickly get rid of the infection, relieve inflammation of the skin, and also restore the structure of the nail.

  1. For treatment, you need to prepare a vinegar solution in the proportion of 1 part vinegar to 8 water. In this case, the liquid should be at room temperature. Before treatment, feet should be steamed in hot water, and then the affected part of the nails should be removed. Then you should dip your feet in a basin with the prepared vinegar solution for 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out once every two days.
  2. Another way is to soak clean socks in a vinegar solution, put them on your feet, put woolen socks on top and go to bed like that. In the morning, feet should be rinsed with cool water and dried thoroughly. Clean the softened surface of the nail with a file and treat with an antiseptic solution.

If desired, you can add essential oils to the water, such as peppermint, rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus oil. They have a relaxing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and allow you to destroy fungal spores in a short time.


Conventionally, the following forms of mycosis of the feet are distinguished, which are presented in the photo:

  • Squamous: unilateral peeling and mild itching in the arch of the foot. This form often goes unrecognized.
  • Intertriginous: the folds between the toes are affected, then the process moves to the back of the foot. Weeping cracks appear, accompanied by itching. A bacterial infection may accompany the development of erysipelas.
  • Dyshidrotic: on the arch of the foot, vesicles with light and then cloudy contents form, merging with each other. They open with the formation of painful erosions. This type is accompanied by itching and pain.

Mycosis of the skin of the foot in the acute period can be accompanied by fever, poor health, headache, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. When infected with trichophyton, the nail of the 1st or 5th finger is affected, and subsequently the process spreads to all nail plates. First, yellow spots appear at the free edge of the nail, then it thickens, loosens and crumbles. Therefore, to treat foot fungus, you need to use complex action products, for example, Clotrimazole lotion for skin and nails.

Types of fungus

Fungal infection depends on many factors and causes, so it is difficult to cure the disease unless dangerous pathogens are eliminated from life. To quickly and easily cure foot fungus, you should first understand the form of mycosis.

Types of foot fungus:

  • Candida species - appears and multiplies due to reduced immunity, most often develops in females.
  • Athlete's foot - on the contrary, frequent victims of this fungus are men due to their increased sweating.
  • Trichophytosis species is the most common species, which is transmitted by contact with an infected person.

Treatment of mycosis of the feet

Therapy is carried out in 2 stages. First, it is necessary to eliminate acute inflammation and remove horny deposits on the feet. Warm foot baths with potassium permanganate and lotions with a solution of boric acid are shown. After removing the dense epithelium, creams containing anti-inflammatory hormones and antibiotics are used. After the inflammation subsides, these creams are replaced with similar ointments. At the second stage of treatment, antifungal ointments and creams (for example, Clotrimazole) are used. They should be applied to clean, dry skin 1 – 2 times a day, lightly rubbing. Not only the affected area is treated, but also the surrounding surface of the foot. The course of treatment takes about a month. Mycosis of the foot is successfully treated with the drug Clotrimazole lotion for skin and nails, which is offered in our online store for residents of Moscow and all regions. Its advantages:

  • high activity against the fungus that causes mycosis of the feet;
  • safety;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable price.

Clotrimazole lotion can be used to treat other skin diseases:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • erythrasma;
  • secondary bacterial infection against the background of mycosis.

The medicine is used 2 times a day, gently rubbing it into the affected areas. The skin must first be washed with soap and dried well, especially between the fingers. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms of the disease disappear and for another 2 weeks. The drug is well tolerated. Only occasionally does it cause skin irritation. It has the only contraindication – the first trimester of pregnancy. Of course, clotrimazole is not used if you are hypersensitive to it. One of the advantages of clotrimazole lotion is the excellent penetration of the drug into the nail plates, which distinguishes it from cream or ointment. Regular use of this drug provides excellent results for mycosis of the feet and nails without the use of additional agents. Nail damage requires oral antifungal medications:

  • itraconazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • griseofulvin;
  • terbinafine

At the same time, medicinal varnishes are used, which are applied to the nails 1 – 2 times a week until complete healing.

Tea tree oil

Choose quality essential oil. It doesn't have to be cheap. Only 100% oil will help. Usually there is a 10 ml bottle on sale. This amount will be enough for a whole year and there will be some left over.

Every night, use the pipette built into the bottle to place a drop on each nail. The liquid envelops the entire nail plate, the area around the nail and even the spaces between the fingers.

Dry your fingers in the open air. Wrap with gauze and put on cotton socks.

Preventive methods

Treatment of a fungal infection takes a long time. Mycosis of the feet requires the use of drugs, the cost of which is quite high. Prevention of the disease is especially important in people with risk factors for the disease. Athletes, swimmers, and hot shop workers are recommended to regularly use antifungal and antibacterial drugs, for example, Mycospray. This product is safe, does not damage the skin and does not cause irritation. With its regular use, the likelihood of becoming infected with foot fungus is sharply reduced. Mycospray is useful for preventing re-infection. To do this, the drug must be sprayed monthly on the inner surface of the shoes. Mycospray is safe even with long-term use. It should be applied to dry, clean skin of the feet before each visit to the pool and other similar places. There are no contraindications to the use of this drug. It should be used with caution only by pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is necessary to eliminate the external causes of the disease:

  • wear boots and shoes that fit;
  • use high-quality sports shoes made from natural materials;
  • wash your feet daily and treat your nails on time;
  • fight sweaty feet;
  • When visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, or beach, it is better to use lightweight silicone or rubber slippers.

General strengthening of the immune system, treatment of diabetes and vascular diseases are necessary.

Birch tar

You need to treat your nails with tar after steaming baths. This should be done 2 times weekly. A drop of pharmaceutical birch tar should be placed on the dry surface of each plate. Wait until the product dries, put on cotton socks and do not wet your feet for two days. Then repeat the procedure until improvement occurs.

You can also prepare an ointment. For one part of tar, take 4 parts of interior fat or baby cream, mix everything and apply it to your nails every day before bed. The fingers are wrapped in polyethylene, the bandage is secured, and socks are put on. In the morning, you can wash your feet with warm water and laundry soap.

You can also use tar soap, but there is not enough tar there, only 10%.

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