What skin type cream contains antibacterial components, extemporaneous vitamin composition, online description

Face cream is a simple and affordable caring cosmetic product.
Its popularity is explained by its complex effect on the skin. The cream moisturizes, nourishes and enriches cells with vitamins. In addition, it slows down the aging process and enhances regeneration, eliminating minor defects. The spectrum of action is extensive, but directly depends on the composition. When choosing a cosmetic product, you should carefully look at the ingredients on the packaging, since the declared beneficial qualities may not always have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. From the article you will learn what should be included in a quality face cream, and what should be avoided.

Ingredients in face cream

All modern skin care creams have a similar composition, which sometimes differs in just a few elements. To create this tool, the following components are used:

  • Biologically active substances . They directly affect the skin, due to which the effect declared by the manufacturer is achieved (toning, moisturizing, nutrition and others);
  • Emulsifiers . Necessary for stabilizing a cream base or emulsion so that it does not break down into water with substances dissolved in it and oil;
  • Preservatives . Prolong the shelf life of the product, reduce the risk of fungi or bacteria developing in it;
  • Flavors . They can be artificial (fragrances) or natural, giving cosmetics a pleasant smell.

Currently, the use of preservatives in cosmetics is subject to legislative regulation. According to the laws of many countries and regions, only those ingredients that are on the list of approved preservatives are considered a preservative.

The proportions and qualitative composition of all the main elements can be different and directly determine the quality and level of the cream. Premium products usually use natural ingredients, which is largely due to this increasing the price.

What is special about cleansing creams is described here.

The oil in the emulsion in a good cream should be natural, for example, olive, linseed or almond. However, to reduce the cost of the production process, some brands replace it with a mineral one, which is produced on the basis of petroleum-containing products.

Cooking tool

To prepare the cream, you do not need complex equipment; as a rule, any housewife has everything she needs.

  • Small metal saucepan (for steam bath)
  • Syringe or measuring cup
  • Plastic/glass spatula
  • Kitchen scales
  • Mini mixer (you can beat the mass with a regular mixer or fork, but this is less convenient)
  • Plastic containers for storing mixture
  • Thermometer

To prevent the cream from spoiling itself and ruining your mood, make sure that your utensils and tools are sterile!

The difference between creams in composition depending on their purpose

All face creams are usually divided according to the main effect they have on the skin. As a rule, similar products have approximately the same composition. Below are the components found in popular types of creams:

  • Day and night . They practically do not differ in chemical composition, but there is a difference in texture. Night cream is always lighter and quickly absorbed, thanks to a balanced emulsifier; it often contains arbutin, AHA acids and retinoids, which disintegrate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The day cream may contain waterproof filters;
  • Anti-aging (anti-wrinkle) . Almost always, such products contain an active component - coenzyme Q10, which reduces the rate of cell aging. Vitamins A and E, as well as retinol, act as auxiliary elements;
  • Moisturizing and nourishing . Products similar in composition contain glycerin and water, a large number of protein elements - collagen, elastin and lactic acid. Good creams should contain vitamins A, E and C;
  • For problem skin . Aimed at drying or restoring water balance. Contains salicylic or azelaic acid, retinoids, copper, zinc and sulfur, which help fight pimples and acne. There are often antibacterial components, for example, triclosan;

Features of problematic facial skin

  • Massage cream . Contains natural ingredients such as beech buds or propolis. Cosmetic oils are required to ensure comfortable application. The following are used as excipients: hyaluronic acid, matrixyl, elastin, peptides;
  • and CC creams . A new product on the cosmetology market, it is popular precisely due to its wide range of functions. The composition may be different, depending on the properties declared by the manufacturer;
  • Restorative . Contains both natural and synthetic components. A high-quality restorative cream contains: pantalon, ceramides, glycolic acid, lecithin.

Since cosmetics are a branch of chemical production, they may contain carcinogenic substances and harmful elements. They are usually contained in trace concentrations in stabilizers and UV filters; the content of such components is always strictly regulated.

Read about the best creams with hyaluronic acid here.

If the composition contains phthalates or dioxane, such a cream should be discarded, since they are poisons.

How to find the golden mean

Which face cream to choose so that it is truly beneficial for the skin, is highly effective and is not full of chemical impurities? The secret lies in the composition of the product. The closer to the beginning of the list a component is, the greater its share in the emulsion. Universal rules for choosing face cream:

  • natural ingredients should be in the first half of the list;
  • the composition should contain 3-5 components of natural origin;
  • the number of chemical names in the list should be minimal;
  • the cream must be suitable for your skin type;
  • Do not buy a cream that does not have ingredients on the label.

Remember that professional cream acts quickly due to the high content of chemical components that enhance its effect. To do this, you need to choose the right manufacturer and type of cream that suits your skin. The effect of the natural remedy appears only a month or two after the start of regular use. Do not judge the cream after the first application (except for the feeling of obvious discomfort, an allergic reaction or rash) - the ingredients must work from the inside. The products have virtually no effect on already formed skin cells, and it takes time for the skin to renew itself.

This thematic video will help you make the right choice:

Ingredients breakdown

On the packaging of most cosmetic products, the ingredients are indicated in English or Latin. This is done for the convenience of international trade, but this factor complicates the process of choosing a product. The table shows the common components of face creams, their interpretation and description.

Cetyl, Stearyl, Cetearyl AlcoholCetyl, stearyl and cetearyl alcoholAllow the active substances of the cream to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Dry the skin.
TriclosanTriclosanAntibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance.
Triethanolamine (TEA)TriethanolamineStabilizer, preserves the structure and consistency of the cream.
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)Butylhydroxyanisole and ButylhydroxytolueneAntioxidants in the cream additionally serve as a preservative.
Phthalates (DBP, DEP)PhthalatesStabilizers maintain the softness of the composition. Toxic to humans.
Preservatives and ParabensPreservatives and parabensThey increase shelf life and reduce the risk of bacteria developing in the cream.
FragranceFlavorsGives the cream the necessary scent. These are usually artificial additives.
GlycerinGlycerolMoisturizing element for the skin, strengthens the upper layer of the epidermis.
Mineral oilMineral oilReduces moisture loss, forms a film on the surface after application.
Urea UreaA powerful cell moisturizer that, thanks to its small molecule size, reaches the deep layers of the skin.
Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acidProduced naturally by cells. Improves appearance, acid injections moisturize and make the skin softer.
CeramideCeramidesRestores damage in the intercellular structure.
CollagenCollagenThe most important protein compound. Improves the condition of the skin, smoothes and rejuvenates contours.
LecithinLecithinNourishes skin cells, enhances metabolic processes and the rate of penetration of the active substances of the cream.
RetinolRetinolVitamin A. Slows down skin aging and promotes regeneration. May cause redness.
Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10Antioxidant. Accelerates collagen synthesis, prevents premature aging.
ElastinElastinA substance similar to collagen. Responsible for cell elasticity, increases elasticity.
NicotinamideNiacinamideVitamin B3. Improves skin tone, helps eliminate pigmentation.
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)DimethylaminoethanolFound in anti-aging creams. The action has not been fully studied.
Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA)Beta hydroxy acidsA class of organic acids, these include salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation and tightens pores.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)Alpha hydroxy acidsA group of acids obtained from food and natural ingredients. Promote collagen synthesis and moisturize the skin. May lead to redness of the epidermis.

Find out what is special about spermaceti cream in this material.

Meaning of special markers

International markers can be found on some cosmetic product packaging. The most common of them:

  • Not tested on animals . Means that the product has not undergone clinical trials on laboratory animals;

Emblem variants Not tested on animals

  • Non - comedogenic . The marking shows that the product does not form a dense film on the surface of the epidermis when applied. This cream does not provoke the formation of comedones that appear due to deterioration of fluid outflow;
  • Dermatologically tested . It means that the cosmetic product has been clinically tested and approved by dermatologists, which guarantees the quality and effectiveness of the composition.

As a rule, such notes are found only on premium cosmetics or products from a foreign manufacturer produced for export. In Russia, products that are marketed on their own market may have markers in Russian.

Find out why you should give preference to natural creams by following the link.

Inscriptions on labels and packaging

No testing was carried out on animals : it is customary to first carry out all tests on animals in order to protect people from allergies. This note on the packaging material is very important for those who protect animals, but warns that allergies may exist.

Non-comedogenic : a dense film is not formed, there is no obstacle to the appearance of sebum. When using this product, comedones (blackheads) are not formed.

Dermatologists approve : the product was experimented on a small category of clients, and professionals in the field of problem skin rated this cosmetic product and its positive effects highly.

Interesting: Interesting facts about cosmetology: from ancient times to the present day

Vitamins in creams

Caring cosmetic products contain vitamins or beneficial complexes. They are not universal and interchangeable; the health and beauty of the skin requires the entire spectrum of elements in different concentrations. The following vitamins are found in the face cream:

  • WITH . It is found in pure form or as a composition of fruit acids. Helps strengthen the immune system, enhances the body's defenses and is an antioxidant;
  • F. _ It has a calming effect and improves microcirculation in the deep layers of the epidermis. Participates in the process of removing toxins;

It is especially important to use vitamin F for cosmetic purposes after 35 years. It is during this period that age-related changes occur in the female body, which accelerate the aging process.

  • E. _ Often found in natural ingredients, for example, plant extracts, essential oils. Provides skin protection, enhances regeneration processes and slows down cell aging;
  • A. _ An important nutrient found in cosmetics under the name retinol, or carotene. Promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, thereby achieving firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. Participates in the process of cleaning pores, slows down cell death;
  • B. _ Accelerates the recovery process and slows down the breakdown of protein (elastin and collagen) to amino acids. Participates in the process, maintains freshness and naturalness of color; nutrition
  • D. _ One of the important elements for the process of normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Controls exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • K. _ Takes part in the functioning of the vascular system of the skin. Regulates oxygen supply to cells and reduces the risk of bleeding. It is due to a lack of vitamin K that puffiness and swelling appear;
  • P. _ This element cannot be absorbed by the body from food, so it is often added to creams. Responsible for redox processes and is a powerful antioxidant. Increases the elasticity of capillaries and reduces permeability.

Vitamin supplements in face cream are contained in minimal quantities; they are not able to cover the body’s daily needs. That is why a balanced diet is an important part of caring for your appearance and health.

Find out how collagen cream works in this article.

Some elements and vitamins are not fully absorbed by the body on their own; they require an auxiliary substance to function. Well-known pairs in this group are vitamin B12 and folate, as well as vitamin D and calcium.

TOP - 5 brands according to dermatologists

This is just a guide in the world of skincare cosmetics. Selecting a cream is an individual procedure taking into account your skin type, age and physiological characteristics:

  • for normal dermis, we recommend Elizavecca Korean cosmetics with excellent moisturizing properties and texture (an unusual aroma can be considered a minus) due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid and marine collagen.

Photo taken from open sources
Organic cosmetics Natura Siberica with extracts of Siberian plants are considered to be an affordable analogue in price;

Photo taken from open sources

  • Dry skin needs nourishment and hydration. From this point of view, the most effective is the “Luxury Nutrition” series from L'Oréal Paris, which contains calcium, meadowfoam seed oil, manuka honey, vitamin B5, minerals, a cocktail of vegetable oils, and nourishing waxes. A distinctive feature of the cream is its light texture and pleasant aroma.

Photo taken from open sources
A budget alternative can be spermaceti face cream from Nevskaya Cosmetics with lanolin and olive oil;

Photo taken from open sources

  • For oily and combination skin, Israeli cosmetics are suitable in the form of face cream Ahava, Time to hydrate based on a vitamin-mineral complex that corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, panthenol and aloe juice, with a light texture and complex effect.

Photo taken from open sources
A cheap alternative is Belarusian moisturizing aloe cream from Vitex, mattifying and tightening pores;

Photo taken from open sources

  • for problematic dermis with blackheads, acne, whiteheads, areas of inflammation - pharmacy (medicinal) cosmetics with a doctor's prescription are best suited, but if we are talking about skincare products, then a combination of organic shea butter and coconut oil copes better than others with such skin - from Thai Traditions.

Photo taken from open sources
A cheaper analogue is the anti-acne cream from Clean Line based on salicylic acid, tea tree oil and grape seed with a drying and mattifying effect (contains parabens!);

Photo taken from open sources

  • for sensitive skin - a very good soothing fluid is Toleriane Ultra Fluide, La Roche-Posay with neurosensin, squalane and shea butter, which strengthens the water-lipid mantle and soothes the dermis.

Photo taken from open sources
Budget analogue - cream with aloe juice and grapes based on castor oil from One Hundred Beauty Recipes.

Photo taken from open sources

However, let us emphasize once again: without an in-person consultation with a dermatocosmetologist, choosing a cream is a fool’s errand. This is the very case when you need to spend your precious time visiting a doctor. The skin will be able to thank you for this.


  1. The composition of the cream affects its qualities and properties. Most modern care products contain: biologically active substances, emulsifiers, preservatives and flavors.
  2. Products that contain mineral oil, phthalates and dioxane should be avoided. You need to be careful when using cosmetics that contain BHA and retinol.
  3. There are international markers on the packaging that confirm certain properties of the product. These include: not tested on animals, dermatologist approved and non-comedogenic.
  4. Face creams may contain vitamins or entire complexes. Each of them performs unique functions for the body. Vitamins A, E, D, F are considered important for skin health.

Useful video

Check out an expert's opinion on the ingredients in modern face creams.

Carefully read the composition of the cream before purchasing it to make sure that it meets all your requirements. Try to avoid aggressive and comedogenic components, and also be sure to pay attention to the ratio of nutrients. Don't forget how to properly store your face cream. And then your skin will delight you for many years to come!

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