Types of calluses and causes of their occurrence

There are five main types of calluses, which form when there is pressure or rubbing on the bone area. They can be extremely painful if they put pressure on a nerve ending.

What to do with hard calluses?

A hard callus is essentially a dry callus.
Naturally, you need to get rid of it.

Let's take a closer look at some official pharmaceutical products for the treatment of calluses.

Treated with Anticorn Super cream.

It is used to moisturize and gradually soften.

It contains many natural plant components with bactericidal and softening properties.

They are also treated with the oily liquid “Feresol” with a cauterizing effect due to the content of phenol and tricresol.

It also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and softening effects.

They are also treated with a very effective remedy - Roacutane gel.

This gel has a keratolytic effect.

Due to the content of salicylic, lactic, boric, benzoic and citric acids in its composition.

And finally, a few words about the Salipoda patch.

This convenient patch has long proven its effectiveness.

It has a pronounced softening antimicrobial effect.

But before using these products, you must carefully re-read all contraindications and strictly adhere to them.

Interdigital calluses

Sometimes calluses appear in the spaces between the toes on the feet, less often on the hands.

They cause a feeling of great discomfort.

People around them practically do not see them, but they are very painful.

Interdigital calluses are wet calluses.

The interdigital spaces (thumb and second finger, as well as the ring and little fingers) are favorite places for calluses to localize.

Interdigital calluses are common at any age, for both men and women.

Essentially, callus is an adaptive response of the epidermis to prolonged friction or compression.

In which layers of keratinized epidermis are actively built up at the site of mechanical action.

The causes of calluses between the toes are:

  • uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • high heels;
  • presence - flat feet;
  • finger deformities;
  • overweight;
  • joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis or gout);
  • swelling of the legs.

Suppuration of calluses

If calluses are treated untimely and incorrectly, they can become inflamed and fester.

In fact, the appearance of purulent exudate also indicates that the immune system is working fully and is trying to cope with various infections that appear in the outbreak .

Pus threatens to enter the bloodstream, which can result in sepsis, blockage of blood vessels or embolism.

Chamomile baths and hydrogen peroxide are the first means to treat festering calluses, after which you need to consult a doctor or a medical facility.

To prevent the infection from spreading, it is necessary to treat the callus with gel or ointment with an antiseptic.

Then secure this product with a sterile bandage.

Treatment is carried out by applying the drug to the area of ​​the leg affected by the pathological process.

Then it is all covered with a sterile bandage.

And this procedure should be done at least twice during the day, and preferably three.

Purulent forms must be washed with solutions of potassium permanganate, furatsilin or three percent hydrogen peroxide.

With advanced purulent calluses, seeking help from qualified specialists is simply a must.

To remove pus from a callus, it must be drained.

Based on individual characteristics and the degree of complexity of the purulent process, the specialist prescribes therapeutic measures.

Calluses on the feet

  • The nail hurts
  • Calluses
  • Nail deformities
  • Corns
  • Ingrown nail
  • Crack on the foot
  • Nail fungus
  • Diabetic foot
  • The nail has turned yellow
  • SMART pedicure

  • Calluses
  • On my feet
  • Callosity
  • Treatment
  • Removal

Calluses on the feet occur due to wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes or due to the excessive tendency of the skin to become keratinized.
These small lumps can cause pain, making it difficult to walk. A callus is a dense, circumscribed formation of the stratum corneum of the skin that occurs in areas of the most constant friction or pressure. Over time, its color acquires a yellowish tint. They can be of different sizes. They can sometimes cause pain, especially if they are located in the deeper layers of the skin and affect nerve endings.


  • dry calluses (differ in that they have a deeper localization and dense structure, and also most often form a “root” or “rod”);
  • wet calluses (characterized by the accumulation of fluid and the formation of blisters, which must be treated with antibacterial agents and treated with healing ointments).

If this defect occurs, you should pay attention to your health, since there are some diseases of human organs and systems that are accompanied by the formation of calluses on the feet. For example, a hard callus on the edges of the heels confirms the presence of unfavorable changes in the joints. A callus that appears on the outer edge of the foot may indicate problems with the spine. If an unpleasant cosmetic defect spreads from the heel to the inside of the sole, this indicates a disruption of the intestines. A callus under the little toe of the left foot indicates a deterioration in heart function.

If the callus exists under the little toe of the right foot, this indicates a violation of the liver. If rough skin appears on the outer edges of the big toes, a malfunction of the thyroid gland can be suspected. If a person is overweight, this defect indicates a slowdown in metabolism, and if the person is underweight, it indicates that the patient has hyperthyroidism (excessive production of thyroid hormones). Violation of the function of the appendages in women, and in men the presence of the first signs of prostatitis, can provoke the formation of a callus on the convex joint of the big toe.

Photos "before" and "after"

In differential diagnosis in podology, calluses are distinguished from corns.

The formation of calluses on the feet can be avoided by wearing comfortable, quality shoes and preventing feet from getting wet by wearing dry, suitable socks. To prevent the formation of a cosmetic defect, it is recommended to use special adhesive plasters or silicone pads to reduce the pressure of shoes on the foot.

The prognosis for this process is favorable, subject to proper treatment of calluses and timely prevention.

Old calluses and calluses

Old calluses are dry formations that are not immediately removed.

If irritation on the surface of the skin is long-term and chronic, then the callus turns into a lump, which is very painful and annoying.

First you need to steam it and minimize the load on it, remove friction.

Wear only comfortable, “trodden on” shoes.

Most often, such “old” calluses and calluses-bumps form on the soles of the feet.

If you remove the cause of the callus rubbing, it may go away on its own.

Conversely, if the shoes continue to rub, then calluses will appear again and again.

Dry old calluses are removed using a laser beam.

In this case, local anesthesia is used.

There are certain criteria, when met, it is clear that the callus needs to be removed:

  • pain when pressing on the callus (on the legs when walking, on the hands when working);
  • if the callus is infected and inflamed;
  • if the callus is core.

Calluses form on the skin as a result of a viral or fungal infection.

Or a foreign body is discovered in the thickness - a grain of sand or a splinter.

Types of calluses and treatment methods


A rare type of callus.

Does not have a hole or black spot in the middle.

Outwardly it resembles a nail, the head of which is on top.

It has a small round shape.


A distinctive feature of this callus is its structure.

The surface of the skin acquires a slight compaction, and under it there is a base.

The main inconvenience is severe pain due to the root located in the tissues.

Such a deep callus can be removed by contacting a medical center for hardware or surgical intervention.

There are several ways to get rid of a callus, for example drilling.

Cryotherapy, as a result of which the callus is frozen, and it dies off on its own.

Laser action that evaporates the liquid contained in the callus, which leads to drying of the rod and the formation itself.


A similar callus can be observed when wearing uncomfortable shoes.

A blister appears that is filled with blood or lymph fluid. The outer skin is thin and easily torn from external influences.

A watery callus should not be pierced or picked off on its own. The treatment procedure is aimed at eliminating mechanical effects at the site of injury.

As a result, the neoplasm will heal on its own, and the contained lymphatic fluid will dissolve and help restore the skin.

IMPORTANT: If the bubble is destroyed, you should disinfect it and then take care of the injury site as if it were a regular wound. Regular treatment should be carried out with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution or iodine.


Occurs in various parts of the body. It is a small keratinized part of the skin. It feels hard and unpleasant to the touch.

Treatment should be carried out even in the absence of painful symptoms.

To do this, steam your feet in warm water with various additives such as soda, soap, potassium permanganate or tea tree oil.


This callus is similar to the one described above.

However, it only appears on the soles of the feet.

It has no definite boundary and varies in size.

The cause of the appearance is general dry skin, frequent walking and wearing hard shoes.


REFERENCE: Like any disease, it is easiest to cure a callus at an early stage by regularly lubricating it with an emollient cream before bed.

It appears as thickenings on the big toes. Sometimes it causes discomfort when walking.

The cause may be heredity.

Development occurs for no apparent reason.

Bumps also occur when wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time.

If the callus is exposed to regular mechanical stress, it can turn into a bunion. This type of callus occurs on the big toes near the joints and contains fluid inside.

The result is severe pain when walking.

Treatment for a bump or bunion should begin by changing your shoes to more comfortable ones. If the callus does not cause pain and does not grow, then there is no reason to worry. But when it becomes a hindrance, you should visit a surgeon.


Without timely action, the rubbed parts of the skin turn from new calluses into old ones, the skin on which is keratinized. Such formations are most uncomfortable on the toes. The treatment is long and difficult. Modern pharmacology provides many means to get rid of rough skin. Their action is based on softening and then removing the growth.

The most well-known method for removing calluses on the feet is cutting. To do this, you need the following: a bath with hot water, soap and soda.

  • Keep your feet in it for 15 minutes.
  • As a result, the old skin will become softer and the top layer can be removed.
  • Then apply a patch or lubricate the area with salicylic acid.

The procedure is carried out carefully. The drug should be kept away from healthy skin to avoid damage.

The medicine lasts for several hours. The patch or bandage is then removed and the softened skin is removed as much as possible. The process can be repeated several times, depending on the degree of neglect of the callus.


Black or black-spotted callus. This formation indicates the location of the root under the skin. The blackhead has a round, keratinized surface. The cause may be fungal diseases or unsuitable shoes. When a black dot is clearly visible on the callus, you should turn to laser treatment or cryotherapy.

Soft callus

In this case, the soft formation could have originally been a water callus that was damaged. It looks like a small wound with peeling skin. It needs to be given serious attention, since the damaged area of ​​the skin can easily become infected.

If such a formation is detected, immediately disinfect and do not tear off the skin, as it serves as protection against microorganisms. After disinfection, cover the injury site with a bandage.

Which doctor should I contact for a callus?

The treatment and removal of calluses, in particular on the feet, is carried out by different doctors - dermatologists, cosmetologists, dermatocosmetologists and podologists.

But it is best to be treated by a podiatrist, because he is a specialized specialist on these issues.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes mellitus threaten the appearance of purulent calluses.

Therefore, in this category of patients, it is especially important to properly and promptly treat emerging calluses and preventively remove the reasons why they appear.

Experienced podiatrists successfully combat purulent inflammation and lymph flow.

Sometimes antibiotic therapy is indispensable.

If the infection is very serious, then it is necessary to take pills and apply local treatment.

Special ointments and compresses.

And understand that if self-medication at home is ineffective, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible for effective treatment.

What is a callus?

A callus is a thickening on any part of the human body. It is caused by the regular process of friction of the skin with any object.
It often appears on the feet due to improperly selected shoes, hosiery, or due to the special structure of one or both feet. Callus has two main types.

Depending on the structure, it can be skin or bone.

  1. The first type is the most common and appears to be a thickened part of the skin. The reason for the appearance is the body’s reaction to close contact with the surface of something.
  2. Callus differs in its structure. It can appear after a fracture in the form of a new growth from bone tissue.

REFERENCE: Patients with psoriasis, flat feet, diabetes and people with a lack of vitamins in the body, especially vitamin A, are predisposed to the appearance of calluses.

Complications of calluses

Failure to pay attention to calluses can lead to dangerous and unpleasant consequences.

Especially wet, rod and water ones.

But the presence of rod formations causes severe pain and discomfort, and the presence of wet and rod formations often leads to infection.

Which threatens with an abscess, abscess, and in advanced cases even gangrene.

Corns lead to cracks on the plantar surface of the feet.

At the same time, walking is very painful.

Secondary infection - bacteria and fungi - easily penetrates through these cracks.

The appearance of calluses is often caused by a viral infection.

You definitely need to get rid of it; just removing the calluses will not be enough.

General treatment with antiviral drugs is mandatory.

You need to remember that calluses are not such a harmless thing, and take them seriously.

Callus hurts: how to remove and where to remove

Today, there are various ways to get rid of calluses and corns.

They use special tools and devices.

Various techniques are used:

  • surgical excision;
  • removal using a special device with grinding attachments (cutters);
  • cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen);
  • using a laser beam.

The most effective, reliable and safe method is considered to be using laser technology.

Using a carbon dioxide laser beam, the keratinized epithelial layer is evaporated layer by layer without damaging healthy skin.

The main advantages of using a laser to remove calluses are:

  • the presence of bloodlessness and complete sterility, since the laser beam causes a bactericidal effect;
  • when removing calluses (at one time), scars and other defects do not form;
  • rapid rehabilitation (after surgical interventions you can immediately “be in service”).

Such removal can be carried out in specialized offices and clinics where there is the necessary equipment and specialists.

List of good ointments for calluses

Remedies for calluses are produced in the form of ointments, pastes and creams, packaged in tubes or jars. The amount of the drug varies from 25 to 100 g.

Super Antimozolin (cream)

The product is made on the basis of lactic acid and carbonic acid diamide (urea). Additionally contains eucalyptus extract. Has a moisturizing, softening and antibactericidal effect. Designed to remove dry calluses and corns.

Mode of application:

  • squeeze 2-3 cm of cream onto a medical napkin;
  • apply to the keratinized area of ​​skin;
  • secure on top with wax paper or cling film;
  • put on cotton socks;
  • after 2-3 hours, cut off the softened epidermis, wash your feet with warm water.

Treatment requires care. If the cream gets on healthy skin, a burn may occur.

You can buy it at the pharmacy for 110 rubles.

Necallus cream

The composition is represented by sulfur and salicylic acid. Strengthens desquamation, has antifungal and antiseptic properties. Sold in the form of a cosmetic cream to eliminate corns and keratinized calluses on the feet.

Method of use:

  • soften dry skin by steaming and dry;
  • Apply a sterile napkin with a thick layer of cream to the callus;
  • cover tightly with a plaster or bandage.
  • stand for 24-36 hours.

After removing the bandage, gently scrub away dead skin.

Apart from individual allergies to salicylic acid, no contraindications have been identified.

Cosmetic cream costs about 60 to 180 rubles.

Salicylic ointment

One of the best ointments against skin problems. Based on the acid of the same name (2% or 10% concentration), with the addition of medical petroleum jelly. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. 10% ointment effectively softens and exfoliates dry formations, 2% remedy heals wet calluses. Apply 1-2 times a day under an occlusive (sealed) dressing.

Not recommended for liver and kidney diseases in the decompensation stage.

Pharmacy price for a 25 g tube is from 30 to 40 rubles.

Callus 911

The cosmetic cream contains urea, salicylic acid, tea tree oil. Active components accelerate the desquamation process while simultaneously disinfecting the affected area of ​​the body. Practiced to eliminate keratinized callous formations and corns. Apply 2 times a day, secure with an occlusive bandage on top.

Contraindicated in children. With caution in chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Produced in 100 ml tubes at a price of 85 rubles.


A good keratolytic drug with an antiseptic effect. The active ingredients are salicylic acid and a monobasic carboxylic substance (benzoic acid). Recommended for the treatment of rough, old keratinization of the skin.

Mechanism of use:

  • soften the affected area of ​​the body in hot water;
  • remove keratinized epidermis with pumice;
  • apply a thick layer of cream;
  • cover with a plaster.

The course of therapy lasts 10 days, with daily dressings 2 times a day.

Do not use in the presence of open wound surfaces, scratches, abrasions. Contraindicated in patients with renal and hepatic decompensation.

The cost varies around 100 rubles.


The drug contains the antibacterial agent chloramphenicol and the immunostimulant methyluracil. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial effects. Effective for the rapid healing of wet calluses and the prevention of infection of wound surfaces under a burst callus. Apply pointwise, before use treat the painful area of ​​skin with a water-based antiseptic (Chlorhexidine 0.05% solution or Miramistin).

Do not use for the development of mycosis and psoriasis in the area of ​​calluses.

40 g of the drug costs 120 rubles.

Anti-callus paste “5 days”

The active ingredient is salicylic acid, the ointment base is made up of medical petroleum jelly and animal wax (lanolin). Accelerates desquamation, helps soften hardened growths.

The treatment procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • generously anoint the callus;
  • secure with an occlusive bandage or several layers of adhesive tape;
  • After 12 hours, make a foot bath and clean the exfoliated skin with pumice.

Contraindicated in severe chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Pharmacy cost - within 100 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment

They are produced in jars in the form of an ointment and in tubes under the name “Balsamic Liniment according to Vishnevsky”.


  • natural birch tar – a product of distillation of tree resin;
  • antiseptic powder xeroform;
  • castor seed oil (castor).

It has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation, and stimulates blood microcirculation in the damaged area. It is a universal remedy for softening dry growths, disinfecting and healing burst calluses. Apply a thick layer to a medical gauze napkin, cover it with polyethylene on top, and fix it with a dressing. The compress is kept for 12 hours.

Do not use if you are allergic to the components of the ointment.

The price of the drug is 45 rubles.

Zinc ointment

Made from zinc oxide. It has anti-inflammatory antiseptic properties and effectively dries weeping calluses. You can smear destructive areas of the epidermis several times a day.

Absolutely contraindicated in the presence of purulent processes in the area of ​​calluses. A relative contraindication is the perinatal period in women.

25 g of the product can be purchased for 40 rubles.

Heparin ointment

The composition includes the anticoagulant heparin and the local anesthetic benzocaine. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, thins the blood. Recommended for the treatment of shallow core calluses.

Correct Application:

  • steam rough skin;
  • clean the exfoliated layer of the epidermis with pumice;
  • apply the product to a sterile napkin;
  • apply to the callus;
  • secure with an occlusive bandage or tape.

Change dressings every 6-8 hours.

Do not use if there are wounds, scratches, ulcerative skin lesions, or if there is a blood clotting disorder.

The cost of a 25 g tube is 85 rubles.


Local reparative cream based on dexpanthenol. Quickly restores epidermal tissue, relieves inflammation and pain. Apply 2-4 times a day for chafing and open calluses. Approved for the treatment of calluses in children of any age.

Apart from individual intolerance to dexpanthenol, there are no contraindications.

Pharmacy cost of 100 ml of cream is 760 rubles.

Ichthyol ointment

The drug is made on the basis of shale oil (ichthammol) and medical petroleum jelly. The use of ointment eliminates inflammation, relieves pain on the damaged surface, regenerates skin tissue, and prevents infection. Recommended for wet and dry calluses. Use twice a day under an occlusive dressing.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to ichthammol.

25 g of ointment costs about 100 rubles.


Sold in the form of ointment and gel. The basis of the drug is hemoderivat - an extract prepared from the blood of calves. Accelerates regenerative processes, increases collagen production, heals damage. The gel is used in the initial stage of a burst callus to form a protective film. When the wound heals, use ointment. You can treat the skin 2-4 times a day.

Not recommended for allergic reactions.

Depending on the amount of product, the cost ranges from 500 to 800 rubles.

Tetracycline ointment

A local antibiotic has an antimicrobial effect. Practiced for calluses complicated by bacterial infection. It is recommended to smear the affected area and cover with a bactericidal plaster. Frequency of application – 2 times a day, for 1-2 weeks.

Do not use in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with chronic liver pathologies.

Pharmacy price – 90-100 rubles.

Cream-balm Mozolka

Cream based on tea tree essential oil, papaya and amaranth extracts. Effectively copes with small cracks and corns. Moisturizes and softens the skin. Recommended for the skin of the legs and arms, as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Apply 2-4 times a day.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to plant components.

Price – 145 rub.

Keratolytic creams

Therapeutic and cosmetic products designed to exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis and soften callous formations.

The list of effective creams includes:

  • Doctor;
  • Mozolin;
  • Keratolan;
  • Green planet.

You can purchase it in pharmacies and specialized cosmetics stores.

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