Mycosis of the penis - symptoms: rash, itching, pain in the penis

Like other parts of the body, there are sebaceous glands called Tyson glands on the head of the penis and the inside of the foreskin.

They produce a thick secretion - spegma - the purpose of which is to protect the penis from friction against the foreskin or other damage. Normally, this lubricant has a milky color, but some physiological reasons or pathological processes can provoke a change in its consistency and the formation of a white coating on the head of the penis.

Attempting to cope with this problem on your own is dangerous and can lead to the development of serious complications. Therefore, if this symptom occurs, you should immediately seek the help of a urologist.

Mycosis of the penis

The content of the article

Mycosis of the penis, also called candidiasis or thrush, is an inflammatory disease of an infectious nature, most often caused by Candida albicans. This disease is often overlooked (due to the possible lack of symptoms, ignorance of the problem, or the shame that accompanies the disease), but you should know that if left untreated, it can lead to health problems in the long term, such as:

  • yeast inflammation of the glans and foreskin;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • infertility;
  • tumors.

What are the causes of mycosis of the penis? How to detect it? How to recognize the disease? Which doctor should you contact for help? What drugs should be used in therapy and how to dose them?

Deviations from the norm

In addition to physiological discharge, which is considered normal, there are deviations. They can be easily identified by the structure of the secretion, color or smell:

  1. Bloody manifestations from the urethra indicate hemorrhea, a non-inflammatory disease that often develops due to trauma, for example, during a medical examination using an instrument.
  2. Spermatorea – the appearance of sperm without intercourse indicates a decrease in the tone of the vas deferens. The disease develops due to constant inflammation.
  3. White discharge in men on the head with a purulent-mucous structure is a sign of urethritis, which appears with chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and other infections. The problem is not accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, itching or stinging.
  4. A white foamy secretion appears during inflammation, which develops against the background of trichomoniasis. In addition, patients experience pain and burning, discomfort in the pelvic area.
  5. Yellow, green or brown manifestations of a thick consistency are a sign of gonorrhea. In addition, the patient has a number of other symptoms that cause discomfort.
  6. White or yellow mucus appears with prostatitis, inflammatory processes and other diseases occurring in the acute phase.

In addition to the described deviations, the shape of the urethral opening may change in patients, and the intensity of the transformation depends on the severity of the course and type of disease. Often the tissues swell and the color of the head changes.

Where does penile mycosis occur?

Genital mycoses usually develop in the female genital tract. In men, infection most often occurs through sexual contact. You can also become infected with the yeast Candida albicans from a towel, toilet, swimming pool or sauna. In the male body, mycosis of the penis rarely develops independently, although such situations also occur.

Factors contributing to this include:

  • taking certain medications, especially antibiotics and steroids;
  • neglect of hygiene of intimate places - too infrequent or careless washing;
  • anatomical problems, especially phimosis, preventing free access to the glans penis;
  • inaccurate drying of the penis after swimming, before getting dressed;
  • use of wet towels;
  • wearing thick, windproof clothing and underwear made of synthetic materials.

Remember that the ideal conditions for yeast development are a combination of heat and moisture. It is also easier for people with weakened immune systems (such as HIV-infected people) and diabetics to develop infections.


The best prevention is hygiene. Men need to use personal products, take a shower every day, and increase the frequency in the summer, because bacteria and other infections develop more actively in the heat. In addition, to prevent white discharge you need:

  1. Increase immune system protection. To strengthen your diet, it should be balanced and include more plant foods. Give preference to white types of meat, exclude sweets and flour. Add more foods with vitamin C to the menu, stop smoking, alcohol and sugar.
  2. Use contraception during intimacy, and after it take a shower with hygiene products.
  3. Undergo timely examinations by a urologist and undergo general tests. It is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months.
  4. Eliminate or prevent mechanical damage to the genital organs.
  5. Wear only natural underwear and avoid tight clothing.

If white discharge begins to appear, consult a doctor immediately, which will be the best prevention.

Symptoms of mycosis of the penis

Candidiasis in men can be difficult to detect. It is estimated that there are no symptoms of penile mycosis in approximately 20% of cases. This results in the disease remaining undetected in the body, which leads to infection of other people, as well as the development of other infections in the partially connected urinary and reproductive tract. In the remaining 80% of cases, penile candidiasis has symptoms such as:

  • itching of the penis;
  • rash on the penis (red spots);
  • pain in the penis during urination and ejaculation;
  • white coating, sometimes with spots;
  • strong unpleasant odor;
  • bubbles from which blood and purulent contents come out;
  • redness of the penis;
  • difficulty retracting the foreskin that is stuck to the head of the penis.

Itching of the penis
Systemic and flu-like symptoms may occur, such as fever, chills, or pain in the joints and muscles.

Normal discharge

Normally, discharge from the male genital organ appears during an erection and is characterized by a clear secretion. In medicine, the condition is called physiological urethrorrhea, and appears due to the work of the urethral glands during arousal. Other manifestations may be normal:

  • A whitish odor of spermine with a viscous structure is a secretion of the prostate.
  • The gray-white secretion with a mucous texture is ejaculate.
  • Thick white lubricant, which after time changes to green or yellow - smegma from the preputial glands. It is constantly secreted and accumulates on the head of the penis, consists of bacteria and fats, the problem most often appears in young men of puberty. Accumulation occurs due to insufficient hygiene. A change in shade indicates the process of decay, after which an unpleasant odor appears. This phenomenon can cause inflammation and risks of tumor development.
  • A small amount of transparent mucus with grayish inclusions is prostatorrhea. Appears as a result of tension in the abdominal muscles.

If a secretion develops that is white, green, yellow or foamy, then a pathological process or inflammation is occurring in the body, and the color, smell and consistency will indicate an infection.

More often than not, an unusual secretion indicates sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections. After infection, the incubation period is about 4-15 days, and additional symptoms may include itching, burning or redness of the glans. If the infection moves to the urethra, pain begins, disruption of urine outflow occurs, and the frequency of urination increases.

Which doctor should I see if I have an itchy penis?

Itching of the penis, red spots on the penis and other symptoms of this type may indicate the development of candidiasis. However, it is also possible that these are symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection or one of the sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

In particularly difficult diagnostic cases, a smear from the foreskin or urethra may be required. However, for an experienced physician, careful questioning of the patient regarding the symptoms experienced and the circumstances under which they occur is usually sufficient.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system, including treatment of STDs, is the responsibility of urologists and andrologists. In case of an infectious lesion, therapy is prescribed by a venereologist. The cause of plaque on the penis is diagnosed based on the results:

  • visual medical examination;
  • studying the patient's premorbid background;
  • laboratory tests: OCA and blood biochemistry, urethral smear, urine test;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor chooses treatment tactics, determines medications, dosage and duration of the therapeutic course. For bacterial, prokaryotic, and parasitic infections, antibiotics are prescribed. Candidiasis is treated with antimycotics in tablets and ointments. For diabetes and psoriasis, basic treatment and diet therapy are adjusted.

Preventive measures help prevent unpleasant manifestations - careful genital hygiene, barrier contraception, strengthening the immune system and following the recommendations of the attending physician (for chronic diseases).
An important point is a timely visit to a urologist, both in the event of symptomatic complaints and for prevention. Make an appointment

How to treat red spots on the head of the penis?

How to treat red spots on the head of the penis and other symptoms of the disease? The first and most important rule is do not self-medicate. Incorrect therapy can spread and intensify the symptoms of the disease. It should be remembered that there are completely professional medications that can cure mycosis in a relatively short time and prevent its recurrence.

These include:

  • Clotrimazole is a drug that acts by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, a chemical compound involved in the construction of the cell membrane of the fungus;
  • Fluconazole is a synthetic drug, a triazole derivative, with a mechanism of action similar to clotrimazole, but taken systemically, in tablet form.

In addition, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to remember such recommendations as:

  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • If possible, avoid using toilets in public places;
  • using condoms during sexual activity;
  • supplementing the menu with a large portion of vegetables.

Transparent discharge in men

The transparent secretion released from the urethra due to sexual arousal is a type of non-pathological discharge - libidinal urethrorrhea. The source of discharge in this case is the urethral glands. The level of the amount of such discharge varies depending on the period of sexual abstinence and on the individual physiological characteristics of each man separately. Rarely, physiological urethrorrhea occurs at the time of defecation.

This type of discharge implies the secretion of spermatozoa capable of fertilizing an egg if they enter the woman’s genital organ during coitus. Sometimes, discharge that visually resembles physiological discharge is a symptom of a disease of the genitourinary system. If the quantity or nature of discharge deviates from the norm, the man should immediately consult a doctor.

How to use ointment for mycosis of the penis?

Ointment for mycosis of the penis is used for about 7 days. You need to rub the drug in several times a day, as recommended in the leaflet. Special hygiene should be observed, washing hands thoroughly before and after applying the ointment. If symptoms do not resolve within one week, systemic therapy may be required.

Especially in this case, it is important to read the dosage instructions carefully. Fluconazole is used for different types of mycoses in different doses and time intervals. To treat penile candidiasis, take only one tablet containing 150 mg of the active substance. Unlike vaginal yeast infections, maintenance doses are not used.


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How to treat

If the head is covered with a white coating, and a lot of cheesy lumps have accumulated under the foreskin, then the reason is poor hygiene. It's easy to get rid of excess smegma. To do this, just wash your penis with a delicate cleanser in the morning and evening. If the glans becomes red, you need to completely retract the foreskin 2-3 times a day and treat it with miramistine or chlorhexidine.


Table 1. Tablets to eliminate various causes of plaque on the head

PathologyName of the drug
CandidiasisAntifungal: Fluconazole, Flucostat. Polyene antibiotics: Nystatin, Pimafucin.
ChlamydiaDoxycycline, azithromycin.
SyphilisPenicillin preparations: “Retarpen”, “Extencillin”, “Bicillin-1”, combined “Bicillin-3”, “Bicillin-5”.
Gonorrhea"Ciprofloxacin", "Tsiprolet".

For reactive inflammation of the head caused by urethritis, tablets are prescribed according to the results of a smear analysis.


Ointments are prescribed in cases where plaque on the head is caused by an infection that has not yet penetrated the blood. External agents are also used as adjuvant therapy to relieve inflammation.

Table 2. Ointments prescribed to eliminate the causes of white plaque on the head

Candidiasis"Clotrimazole", "Itraconazole", "Pimafucin". Combined ointments: “Clomegel”, “Metrogil plus”.
Allergic dermatitis, inflammation“La-Cri”, “Zinc ointment”, “Advantan”, “Hydrocortisone”, “Dex-gentamicin”.
Erythroplasia KeiraCytostatics: 5% Imicvomide cream, 5% 5-fluorouracil cream, prospidine ointment. Combine with corticosteroid ointments: Lokoid, Advantan, Afloderm.
Lichen sclerosusSteroid drugs, ointments with 0.1% tacrolimus.
Ulcerative lesions, peeling"Solcoseryl"
Balanoposthitis"Levomekol", tetracycline ointment.
Herpes"Acyclovir", "Zovirax"

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is used in cases where conservative therapy does not produce positive dynamics.

Table 3. Surgical methods to eliminate the causes of plaque on the glans

PathologyType of intervention
Chronic candidiasis balanoposthitis against the background of diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases, phimosisCircumcision. The doctor excises the skin of the foreskin and stitches the remainder around the glans.
Penile cancer, Queyra's erythroplasiaExcision of the lesion with a laser (ablation) or burning out using the cryodestruction method + local therapy described above and intravenous infusion of bleomycin (chemotherapy).
Lichen sclerosusSurgical intervention in the form of urethroplasty is used in cases where the lesion prevents urination.

At home

Home recipes can only be used after visiting a doctor and with his permission.

For herpes, the head of the penis can be lubricated with aloe or Kalanchoe pinnate juice. It is applied to the head pre-treated with chlorhexidine 4-5 times a day.

For candidiasis, soda baths help get rid of the white film. The solution is prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of soda per liter of warm water. The procedure is carried out at night for a week. The penis is dipped for 2-3 minutes, then removed, dried and antifungal ointment is applied.

Preparation of soda solution

A good remedy for intermediate treatments, including for lichen, are baths with infusions of chamomile, oak bark, sage, and calendula. Recipe: pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave until the temperature drops to 30˚C. The penis should be kept in the bath for 10-15 minutes, while it is important to move the foreskin away from the head. Repeat the procedures 2-3 times a day.


For any type of inflammation of the head of the penis, spicy, smoked, salty foods, and alcohol should be excluded from the menu. Compliance with a diet is also required for candidiasis.

Diet for candidiasis


Syphilis can lead to tissue necrosis of the penis and amputation. Any advanced inflammation with erosive foci can provoke deformation of the genital organ, melting and fibrosis of the cavernous bodies.

A complication of Keir's erythroplasia is the degeneration of lesions into squamous cell carcinoma. In this case, the prognosis worsens significantly.

White plaque on the head is most often caused by candida. With timely, competent therapy, the prognosis is favorable, but in an advanced form, the infection spreads throughout the body. The fungus affects the prostate, testicles and other organs. Candidal balanoposthitis often provokes thinning of the foreskin and phimosis.

Urologist and dermatovenereologist Lenkin Sergey Gennadievich explains why candidiasis is dangerous for men

Hygiene procedures for white spots on the labia

If the appearance of white spots on the labia is associated with poor hygiene, then washing the genitals daily with baby soap will help get rid of the problem.

Treatment procedures using antiseptic agents are usually prescribed by a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.

In addition, some rules should be followed:

  • when choosing underwear, make sure that it is made from natural fabrics;
  • refuse to wear thong panties;
  • Avoid using pads that contain fragrances, as they can cause rashes;
  • use only a personal towel for hands, face and body;
  • exclusion of hair removal and means for its implementation on the labia majora;
  • When visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool, strictly observe hygiene rules.

Surgical methods for removing formations on the labia

In some cases, they resort to surgical removal of formations in an intimate place.

Indications for it are:

  • the presence of papillomas and genital warts;
  • fatty cysts;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;
  • presence of subcutaneous acne;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • furunculosis;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin gland.

Most often, minimally invasive removal techniques are used: cryodestruction, laser therapy and radio wave excision of elements.

In exceptional cases, surgery can be performed using a scalpel.

  1. Laser therapy - this method is based on the use of a laser beam that evaporates the contents of the tumor. The technique is used to remove papillomas, cystic formations, and elements of rash caused by molluscum contagiosum.
  2. Radio wave therapy – the effect of radio waves is similar to the effect of a laser beam. The technology is used for excision of tumors.
  3. The use of liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) is used to remove papillomas, molluscum contagiosum rashes, and condylomas. The method is rarely used due to the impossibility of controlling the depth of freezing of elements.
  4. Diathermocoagulation is a method that is very rarely used to excise tumors localized on the labia, since there is a high risk of burning surrounding tissues.
  5. Surgical intervention is used in case of a large size of the element or if its malignant nature is suspected.

After removal of the formation, a histological examination of the material is required, which is important to determine its benignity or malignancy.

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