Mesoscooter for the body against cellulite: how to use, contraindications, review of drugs for mesotherapy

“Orange peel” on the thighs, stomach, and buttocks spoils the mood of most women. If you start eliminating the defect in the early stages of its development, it is quite possible to restore a beautiful figure and smooth skin. There are many ways to deal with violations. Mesoscooter for cellulite has long proven its effectiveness. It can be used both independently and in a specialized salon.

What is a mesoscooter?

A mesoscooter (or dermaroller) belongs to the category of auxiliary cosmetic devices. It is a rubber or plastic rotating roller mounted on a holder, completely covered with needles. The spikes are made from an alloy of gold and silver, medical steel or titanium. The material does not affect the effectiveness of the procedure in any way, but the durability of the device itself depends on it.

The number of needles varies from 200 to 1080. A mesoscooter with a minimum number of spines is suitable for working on the face and head. Universal devices are equipped with approximately 500-600 spikes. In salons, to combat cellulite in the later stages of development, they use mesoscooters with 900-1100 needles; using them on your own is not recommended.

The characteristics of mesoscooters also vary depending on the length of the spikes:

  • less than 0.25 mm - affect only the stratum corneum;
  • from 0.3 to 1 mm – reach the epidermis;
  • from 1 to 2 mm – the basal layer is pierced;
  • from 2 to 3 mm - penetrate to the dermis.

Since cellulite affects the deep layers of the skin, needles 1-3 mm long will be required to eliminate it.

Attention: at home you should not use a mesoscooter with spikes larger than 1.5 mm. Using long needles, a person who does not have special skills can damage the integument.

When purchasing a mesoscooter, you should pay attention to the method of sharpening metal structural elements. It is advisable to give preference to devices with needles treated with diamond or laser. Forged spikes quickly become dull, making the mesoscooter unusable.

In order for cosmetic mesotherapy procedures to be effective and safe, you need to purchase the instrument only in specialized stores that sell professional equipment or in pharmacies. Before purchasing, you should make sure that you have the necessary product quality certificates. Products purchased from dubious sellers at reduced prices can cause serious harm to health.

How to use a mesoscooter at home

It is important to remember the steps of the procedure with a microroller:

1. Makeup removal and skin cleansing. 2. Pat the skin with a napkin and let it dry thoroughly.

Important! The procedure is not carried out using a serum or mask, but only on clean, dry skin.

3. Roll the microroller over the skin of the face in 3 directions (see photo)

4. Complete the treatment by applying a mask or serum/cream based on the problem, so the active ingredients enter the formed microchannels in the skin.

It has been proven that including a microroller in your care increases its effectiveness by 85!

The principle of operation of the mesoscooter

The main cause of cellulite is a violation of local blood circulation and metabolism. As a result, subcutaneous tissue loses its structure, its cells grow and cluster into uneven groups. Due to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen, the skin becomes rough, loses elasticity, sags, becomes lumpy, and changes color. If treatment is not started in the early stages of cellulite, foci of necrosis develop on the body.

The effectiveness of the mesoscooter against cellulite is explained by the fact that the device directly affects the root cause of cellulite.

The needles, piercing the integument, create mechanical microtraumas, which provokes a powerful rush of blood to problem areas. Metabolic processes are activated, complex positive changes occur in the layers of the skin:

  • the synthesis of elastin and collagen is activated;
  • cellular regeneration accelerates;
  • the capillary network is restored;
  • the required amount of oxygen, nutritional components, and moisture enters the tissues;
  • the dermis is freed from waste, toxins, and stagnant fluid;
  • elasticity and firmness of the integument increases;
  • the relief and color of the epidermis are evened out;
  • stretch marks and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Don't expect a miracle. The skin does not recover after one mesotherapy session, but the first results can be noticed. To enhance the effect, the body is pre-treated with special compounds enriched with bioactive components that accelerate the normalization of the skin structure. According to research, a body mesoscooter with the help of punctures increases tissue permeability up to 400 times. Thanks to this, the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and affect its structure.

Appearance improvement method

You can turn to the services of cosmetologists to speed up weight loss, achieve body rejuvenation, and get rid of cellulite.

If mesotherapy is carried out correctly, then lymph congestion will be eliminated, blood vessels will be strengthened, swelling, waste, toxins will go away, the metabolic processes of skin tissue will be activated, as a result - getting rid of cellulite, and the effect of weight loss will become noticeable. Therefore, it is important to find specialists who are licensed to perform mesotherapy.

What drugs do cosmetologists use? The most commonly used cocktails include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, eutrophics, cocktails from seaweed extracts, arnica extracts, hyaluronic acid or L-carnitine.

Cocktails are used to eliminate several problems at once:

  • alignment of the epidermis relief
  • Moisturizing the dermis
  • Smoothing out wrinkles
  • For weight loss
  • Getting rid of cellulite.

Types of mesoscooter

In addition to the standard mechanical roller with needles, the cosmetology industry offers electric versions of mesoscooters. They have a similar design, but have additional functions:

  • vibration - to improve metabolism, relieve swelling;
  • microcurrents - activating collagen synthesis;
  • radiation of different wavelengths - destroying pathogenic microorganisms.

According to cosmetologists, the simplest mechanical option best copes with its main task. Models of mesoscooters also differ in their area of ​​application.


Mesoscooters for independent use are equipped with the shortest spikes (up to 0.5 mm).

They are usually used to tighten the skin on the face, eliminate wrinkles, and correct minor defects on the body. The devices are safe because they do not affect the deeper layers of the skin.

Cosmetic rollers

This group includes rollers with needles with a length of 0.5 to 1 mm. Suitable for smoothing scars and lightening hyperpigmented areas. Effective against the initial stage of cellulite.

Women use these rollers at home, but it is better if they are used by a specialist in a beauty salon. Inept use of a cosmetic mesoscooter can severely damage the basal layer of the skin.

About the choice of serums for mesoscooters -

Any mesopreparations designed specifically for fractional mesotherapy are made only from low molecular weight components so that they can penetrate the skin. Those. in fact, these products differ little in the composition of active ingredients from conventional cosmetics for rejuvenation. Low-molecular components are significantly inferior to high-molecular components (for example, high-molecular hyaluronic acid, DNA-RNA complexes) in terms of the strength of their rejuvenating effect on the skin.

High molecular weight active substances can only be injected into the dermis. High molecular weight HA is able to saturate the dermis with moisture as much as possible and improve the condition of the skin. In addition, it remains in tissues longer (up to 3-4 weeks, if it is partially stabilized, i.e. “cross-linked”), and low molecular weight is destroyed in just about 24 hours. At the same time, low molecular weight HA is not particularly capable of retaining moisture in the dermis - due to too short chains of molecules, and basically it stimulates only angiogenesis and the healing of skin damage.

As for the most effective anti-aging components, they are all predominantly high-molecular (with the exception of some peptides). High molecular weight HA and DNA-RNA complexes are most often used in rejuvenation procedures. It is these products that are used in skin biorevitalization procedures, i.e. in injection mesotherapy. A good but short-term lifting effect can be provided by a component such as DMAE (dimethylethanolamine). Effective concentrations of this component are 2.5-3.0%, but again, at such concentrations, DMAE is present only in preparations for injection.

Considering all this, you should not count on a special anti-aging effect from serums for mesorollers based on low-molecular components, and therefore you should not buy too expensive drugs. But if you make a choice between drugs, then it is better to choose mesopreparations produced by professional companies specializing in this, and not random Russian temporary companies in this market who take on something only when they sense a demand. We will probably surprise you, but there are products much stronger than serums and meso-cocktails for use with mesoscooters, but to know about them, you need to study independent clinical studies.

What drugs work best in combination with mesoscooters?

There are many clinical studies that confirm that the maximum effect from mesoscooters is achieved when using either products with a stabilized L-form of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or with retinoids. Retinoids refer to various forms of vitamin A, of which there are a very large number. But we immediately warn you that it is pointless to use such forms of vitamin A as retinol acetate or retinol palmitate. The latter are practically not converted in the skin into the active form of vitamin A.

Active forms of vitamin A (in descending order of effectiveness) –

  • retinoic acid (Tretinoin),
  • 13 cis-retinoic acid (Isotretinoin),
  • retinaldehyde,
  • pure retinol.

The best option would be to use the indicated forms of vitamins A or C - at least 1 month before the first procedure of using the mesoscooter. Moreover, if you do procedures in the spring or summer, it is better to use products containing 10-15% pure stabilized L-ascorbic acid (this can be a cream or serum), and if in the fall or winter - creams with retinoids. These products should be used as a course, and not applied before the procedure. In the article above, we have already provided links to reviews of similar products on the Russian market.

Below I will give you an example of highly effective preparations with vitamin C and vitamin A (pure retinol), which I, as the author of the article, usually recommend to my patients. This is the American brand “SkinCeuticals”, which, unfortunately, does not have an affordable price. For example, the most budget serum “Serum 10”, containing 10% L-ascorbic acid, will cost about 6,500 rubles (for 30 ml). But these products really work on aging skin.

At the same time, if you use cosmetics with retinol and vitamin C at the stage of preparation for fractional mesotherapy (duration of at least a month), then directly during the procedure you can use a solution of the L-form of vitamin C, which is used for injection mesotherapy. For example, this could be the drug VitaLine® from Mesopharm, which contains 20% L-ascorbic acid (a 5 ml bottle costs only 200 rubles) or similar drugs from other companies.

Just keep in mind that the serum cannot be mixed with anything else, plus every 1-2 procedures it is better to use a new bottle, because the entry of air into it leads to the gradual inactivation of vitamin C. In addition, pharmacy versions of L-ascorbic acid will not suit you; here you need drugs that are produced specifically for mesotherapy.


Mesoscooters are used to solve problems such as:

  • enlarged pores;
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin;
  • mimic or age wrinkles;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • dark spots;
  • stretch marks;
  • atrophic scars, scars;
  • cellulite stages 1-3;
  • post-acne;
  • hypermelanosis;
  • striae.

Mesoscooters are effective in the treatment of alopecia. Mechanical irritation of the scalp normalizes the supply of hair follicles with nutrients and promotes their restoration.

What problems does the roller solve?

It will help get rid of such dermal defects as:

  • Flabbiness. It lifts the oval of the face, removes the double chin, and narrows the pores.
  • Removes wrinkles, including around the eyes.
  • Smoothes scars, scars, including acne.
  • Effective against stretch marks on any part of the body.
  • Lightens age spots.
  • Effectively fights cellulite.
  • Restores the structure and thickness of hair, promotes hair growth, and fights focal baldness.


Mesotherapy is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications to the procedure are divided into two groups: absolute and temporary.

The first category includes:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • epilepsy;
  • protruding moles or papillomas in the treatment area;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of oncological tumors of any etiology;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of meso-cocktails.

Attention: it is forbidden to use a mesoscooter on the nipple areola or genital area.

Girls with conditions such as:

  • microdamage to the integument;
  • inflammation;
  • acne;
  • ARVI, influenza;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • elevated body temperature.

Pregnant, nursing mothers, and girls taking anticoagulants or corticosteroids will have to refuse the procedures. Women with rosacea should use a needle roller with extreme caution.

Mesoscooter: reviews, before and after photos

Below you can see photos before and after using a mesoscooter to rejuvenate facial skin. As we can see, after a course of procedures, fine lines actually smooth out, the number of age spots decreases, and skin texture and color improve (Fig. 8-10). Remember that it is very important not to unnecessarily injure the skin when using mesoscooters with needles longer than 1.0 mm on the face, as well as applying excessive pressure to them during procedures. Mesoscooters with needles 1.5 mm long can only be used on the face (for example, in areas with atrophic scars after acne), and only if your skin is not too thin.

Reviews of mesoscooter for scars, stretch marks, acne –

In the photo below you can see photos of patients with atrophic scars after acne, taken before after 4 sessions of using the mesoscooter (Fig. 12). The photos are taken from the clinical study above and are therefore absolutely trustworthy. You can also achieve good results when correcting burn and post-traumatic scars, and chickenpox scars. In Fig. 13 you can see the condition of the burn scar after three procedures with a mesoscooter and 1 procedure with a Fraxel fractional laser.

Scars after chickenpox respond a little worse to treatment with a mesoscooter (than atrophic scars after acne), but nevertheless the result will also be noticeable. A mesoscooter with 2.0-2.5 mm needles also gives a visible result for stretch marks (Fig. 14). Thus, mesoscooters are especially effective when there is “minus tissue”, i.e. atrophic scars and stretch marks (striae). But the maximum effect for these pathologies can be obtained only by combining a mesoscooter with injection mesotherapy. In this case, at the first stage, injections of mesopreparations with nucleotides are made, at the second - drugs with matrikin peptides, and only at the third stage - 6-8 procedures are performed with a mesoscooter.

Mesoscooter for acne - on many websites selling mesorollers it is written that they also help reduce sebum production in patients with acne. Of course, there will be an effect from such therapy, but it will be much weaker than, for example, when using some other fractional techniques. The most effective way to reduce sebum production and reduce the thickness of the dead skin layer is a hardware technique in which fractional exposure to microneedles is combined with radiofrequency exposure - fractional RF therapy (RF means “radio frequency”).

This technique can also be used for skin lifting. Studies have shown that after such therapy, the amount of sebaceous gland secretion decreases in different patients from 40 to 80%. Another interesting effect is that the use of mesoscooters on the scalp leads to an increase in transfollicular absorption of melanin, i.e. transport of melanin into the hair follicle. For example, this may be useful for increasing the effectiveness of laser hair removal treatments in patients with blond hair.

Mesoscooter for hair: reviews

Patient reviews of the hair roller will be especially good if you simultaneously use the drug Minoxidil. This is due to the fact that in 90% of cases in men and in 50% of cases in women, hair loss is associated with male sex hormones (androgens) and is called “androgenetic alopecia.” Therefore, monotherapy with mesoscooters without parallel use of minoxidil will be significantly less effective in most patients. For many other causes of alopecia, a combination of a mesoscooter and the drug Perfectil will be effective.

Mono use of a mesoscooter can only improve blood circulation in the scalp, increase the penetration of mesotherapy products, strengthen hair follicles, prolong the anagen phase, and all this prevents telogen hair loss. But all this does not affect the very cause of the development of androgenetic alopecia. Therefore, almost 100% of the photographs (confirming the effectiveness of mesoscooters for alopecia) were taken from patients simultaneously using minoxidil, which is probably not entirely fair. Using the link above you can read an article on the use of mesotherapy in patients with alopecia.

If you have noticed, with androgenetic alopecia, hair in areas of the scalp that are especially sensitive to androgens gradually becomes thinner and lose color. If you use a dermaroller without minoxidil, you can still expect the following effects: reduction of hair loss, increase in hair thickness, prolongation of the anagen phase, restoration of hair color. This process will be more pronounced when special hair meso-cocktails with peptides, vitamins, and amino acids are used during procedures.

Mesoscooter for the body against cellulite: reviews

Patients are very fond of inexpensive home remedies, but below we will explain to you why a body roller for cellulite will not help you. Cellulite treatment takes place in 3 stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to restore venous outflow, lymphatic drainage, reduce intercellular edema, and this can only be done by injection (using drugs for lymphatic drainage vascular injection). Using these drugs with a mesoroller, rather than by injection, will not bring any effect.

At the second stage, you need to use drugs that activate lipolysis and inhibit lipogenesis (lipolytics). These drugs are injected only into the subcutaneous fat, for example, deoxycholate, L-carnitine, phosphatidylcholine, etc., and they absolutely cannot be used with mesoscooters.

The third stage is restoration of skin tone, skin lifting, strengthening of the dermal framework. At this stage, injections of mesopreparations with DMAE and organic silicon are usually used. And only at this stage can the mesoscooter have an additional effect in the form of lifting. But again, in this case it is better to use it in combination therapy, and not as a mono-procedure.

→ Mesotherapy for correction of fat deposits

Rules for using the mesoscooter

A mesotherapy session consists of three equivalent stages: preparatory, main and final. None of them can be neglected. How effective and safe the manipulation will be depends on this.

Preparatory stage

First you need to prepare the device itself. To prevent infection, the mesoscooter should be treated with an antiseptic. Suitable for this:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Miramistin;
  • medical alcohol (75°).

The mesoscooter must be placed in the solution so that it completely covers the roller and needles. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then dry thoroughly, avoiding contact of the spikes with other surfaces.

To prepare your body for the session, you need to take a shower or bath with soap and gel. Use a scrub to open pores. Softened skin will significantly increase the effectiveness of the entire manipulation.

Skin treatment with a mesoscooter

Apply the selected meso cocktail to the cleaned surfaces. Typically, such products are equipped with a special sprayer. The drug should not be distributed over the entire body at once, but into small areas of problem areas, since it is recommended to use a roller on a slightly damp epidermis.

After treatment, the mesoscooter should be gently pressed to the body and glide over problem areas. Movements should be smooth, with light pressure (do not press too hard). The device must be moved strictly in straight lines:

  • horizontal;
  • verticals;
  • diagonals.

Attention: it is prohibited to perform circular, wave, or return movements. Such actions easily damage the skin.

During the first three sessions, five repetitions are allowed in each direction. Then the number of approaches is gradually increased to ten. It is permissible to carry out manipulations twice a week.

Some discomfort felt during mesotherapy is normal. When using a mesoscooter with spikes larger than 2 mm, you can pre-treat the skin with an anesthetic spray. It is good to work on different parts of the body with separate devices with needles of different lengths.

The final stage

The mesotherapy session must be completed by applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream. You can hold a soothing fabric or alginate mask on your body for half an hour.

When you need to leave the house after mesotherapy, exposed skin must be treated with a 40SPF+ sunscreen.

The microtubules left from the needles remain open for another couple of hours. Therefore, it is permissible to reuse the meso cocktail. Through punctures, the active components of the mixtures will penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. When the holes close, the healing substances will remain inside the tissues. The injection marks will disappear after a few hours. The anti-cellulite effect will become visually noticeable after about the third session.

Stages of using the Roller

So, we learned how to use the device and prepared the dermis for manipulation. What to do next?

For greater effect, you can use active substances according to your skin type. The best product is considered to be hyaluronic acid. But there are other equally effective means, for example, collagen, vitamins, meso cocktail.

Let's look at how to do a massage with a meso cocktail.

  • Apply the meso cocktail to the treated area.
  • Work it in different directions. To achieve a greater effect, treat a small area, for example, only the forehead or just the cheeks.
  • Then apply another layer of cocktail.
  • Cocktails can also be applied after treating the skin with a roller, that is, first massage, then apply the product.
  • After the procedure, it is best to apply a soothing cream.
  • Do not forget to disinfect the device again and put it in the case.

Each zone must be treated this way.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon

A visit to a cosmetologist begins with a detailed interview with the patient, during which the specialist will clarify the presence of chronic diseases and make sure there are no contraindications. Mesotherapy does not require special training. The only recommendation is to avoid alcohol, fatty and fried foods on the day of the procedure.

The procedure in the salon follows the following scheme:

  1. The cosmetologist cleanses and disinfects the skin.
  2. The body is treated with an anesthetic drug.
  3. When the medicine takes effect, a meso cocktail is distributed over the problem area.
  4. The specialist works on the bumpy areas with a roller.
  5. The meso cocktail is reapplied.
  6. A healing, soothing composition is applied.

Attention: the mesoscooter is an item for individual use. The cosmetologist must print it in the presence of the patient!

The manipulation lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the degree of cellulite development and the affected area.

The period after mesotherapy

In the first days after injections, a woman should follow the following recommendations:

  • during the day, prevent water from entering the treated areas;
  • do not visit the pool, sauna, solarium, or beach areas for two to three days;
  • avoid direct exposure of the skin to sunlight;
  • exclude sports and intense physical activity;
  • do not use various skin care cosmetics in the area where injections were given;
  • If necessary, apply antiseptic agents to skin areas.

Paying attention to your own health and avoiding increased stress during the recovery period allows the mesotherapy session to end without negative consequences for the body.

In some cases, additional treatment of skin areas with healing agents may be necessary. If swelling is present, use cold compresses or diuretic teas. All medications used during this period must be prescribed by a doctor. The use of folk remedies is undesirable. After a week, you can undergo an anti-cellulite massage session.

Course duration

A course of mesotherapy consists of 5-15 sessions, depending on the severity of cellulite. Then you need to take a break for 7-15 days. The duration of the interval depends on the individual ability of the dermis to regenerate and the woman’s age. The older the patient, the slower the tissue is restored, therefore, the pause should be longer.

After a break, treatment can be repeated. To eliminate cellulite in the initial stage, one course is enough. In advanced cases, two or three cycles of manipulation are required.

Mechanism of action

When massaging problem areas with a mesoscooter, micropunctures are formed on the skin, which do not leave scars or scars. Due to the formation of artificial pores:

  • Accelerates skin cell division and restoration;
  • A new network of small vessels (capillaries) is formed and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues is enhanced;
  • The work of fibroblasts responsible for collagen synthesis is activated;
  • Moisture is retained in the intercellular space.


Micro-injections with mesoscooter needles have a reflex effect - they stimulate the work of the central nervous system (CNS) and internal organs.

The device increases the absorption (absorption) of anti-cellulite cosmetics up to 10 times. Therefore, for the mesotherapy procedure the following is used:

  • Anti-cellulite gels, creams, meso-cocktails, serums, vitamin complexes, extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • Natural oils (olive, corn, flaxseed) combined with essential oils.

Expert opinion!

For home mesotherapy, it is better to purchase a ready-made sterile solution. Mixtures for meso-cocktails are prepared only by a qualified cosmetologist, taking into account the condition and type of skin, the stage of cellulite, and whether the client has allergies to medications.

A comparative analysis of photos before and after using the mesoscooter shows that:

  • The skin texture is evened out;
  • External manifestations of cellulite disappear;
  • Increases skin tone and elasticity;
  • Stretch marks become less pronounced.

The final result depends on the stage of cellulite. To get rid of the initial stage of the defect, one course of procedures is enough; in advanced forms, you will need to undergo 2-3 courses of mesotherapy.

Efficiency of using a mesoscooter

Preparations for mesotherapy

For procedures with a mesoscooter, formulations are produced for home or professional use. They differ from each other in the percentage of active ingredients. You can purchase concentrates aimed at solving a specific problem, and cocktails - complex products. For mesotherapy, the latter are preferable.

Manufacturers include the following in the composition of effective drugs:

  • micro-macroelements;
  • caffeine;
  • organic acids;
  • anesthetics;
  • fat burners;
  • vitamins of different groups;
  • L-carnitine;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • plant extracts and other components.

Attention: only drugs designed for this manipulation are allowed to be used with the mesoscooter.

Ordinary ointments, creams, gels can provoke an unpredictable reaction in the body. For example, fats in high concentrations lead to clogging of punctures and the development of inflammatory processes.

Mesococktails are included in the product lines of many major cosmetics manufacturers. Let us examine in more detail the main characteristics of some mixtures.

HIKARI Laboratories serum anti-cellulite cocktail for mesoscooter, Cellulite Meso-cocktail

The drug has a complex effect on the body due to its unique composition. It includes:

  • glaucine - stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, restores elasticity to the epidermis;
  • spirulina algae extract - activates intercellular metabolism, replenishes the lack of omega-3, 6, 9, 12 acids, tones the integument;
  • l-cartine - accelerates metabolism;
  • genistein - an ingredient produced from soybeans has a general rejuvenating effect, increases tissue permeability, allows medicinal substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis;
  • longan extract is a natural source of vitamins, acids, and minerals. Revitalizes, significantly tightens the skin.

All of these components accelerate the breakdown of fat cells and their removal from the body. This allows you to significantly reduce body volume in problem areas after several mesoprocedures with a cocktail.


The serum is based on one of the most powerful natural fat burners - caffeine - acts as an indirect lipolytic. Effectively smoothes the epidermis, eliminates local fat deposits, including the fold under the chin. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.

The drug should not be used by girls suffering from hypertension or prone to allergic reactions.

MESODERM serum for reducing body volume with a tightening effect

The cocktail is designed for use with a mesoscooter and is enriched with wheat protein hydrolyzate and vitamin E.

Its main active components are plant extracts that have a fat-burning, skin-tightening effect:

  • algae Euglena Gracillis;
  • ivy;
  • coffee;
  • mate leaves;
  • macrocystis piriformis.

The complex of ingredients helps:

  • model the figure;
  • relieve swelling;
  • increase the tone and turgor of the epidermis;
  • reduce body volume;
  • moisturize tissues;
  • level the terrain;
  • remove stagnant fluid;
  • break down fat deposits.

After mesotherapy with serum, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and toned. Flabbiness and sagging characteristic of the weight loss process disappears. The drug does not cause allergies and is suitable for ladies with sensitive skin.

Expert advice

  1. Roll the roller near the eyes, nose, and neck only along the massage lines, without pressure, slowly, carefully.
  2. When changing the direction of movement of the roller, it is necessary to tear it off the skin, then place it at the desired angle.
  3. You cannot turn the roller without lifting it from the epidermis.
  4. Be careful when treating the eyelids and area around the lips!
  5. The duration of the manipulation should not exceed 15-20 minutes. For thin epidermis with red mesh – 10 minutes. A course of 10-20 procedures.
  6. After the course, a break of 30 days is required, that is, you can treat another area. For example, after manipulations on the abdomen, you can treat the head.
  7. During the procedure, blood may appear; treat the area with Octenisept spray.
  8. Do not wash off medicated serums or other medications. It is better to apply a moisturizing mask to the skin for 20 minutes to enhance the absorption of nutrients (a mask made from plant collagen).
  9. Apply sunscreen.

Possible complications

When carried out correctly, mesotherapy sessions rarely cause side effects. Negative consequences are often caused by illiterate use of the mesoscooter or violation of process technology.

Among the most common complications:

  • infections;
  • itching;
  • persistent redness;
  • burning;
  • drying out of the epidermis;
  • hematomas;
  • scarring;
  • post-traumatic hyperpigmentation.

The active ingredients in cocktails can provoke a powerful allergic reaction, including Quincke's edema.

Negative reactions

Adverse reactions of the body after mesotherapy are in most cases insignificant and disappear completely within two to three days without special treatment.

A woman may experience:

  • redness of the skin;
  • discomfort and pain during injections;
  • minor swelling;
  • feeling of numbness in areas of the skin;
  • injection marks and bruises disappear within two to three days;
  • dizziness and nausea - occur very rarely and are an individual reaction of the patient.

Negative consequences may be an allergic reaction to “cocktails”. Before starting the procedure, you must undergo allergy tests.

A positive attitude before the procedure and confidence in the qualifications of the cosmetologist who administers the injections reduces the risk of negative consequences to a minimum. The higher the qualifications of the doctor, the lower the risk of vessel damage or infection. Adverse reactions pass without a trace, without causing any health hazard.


Most girls who have used a mesoscooter at home note that the device is effective against cellulite, postpartum stretch marks, and “breeches” on the hips. The skin in problem areas becomes smooth, elastic, pigment spots and small blemishes disappear. Body contours are modeled.

Ladies with a pronounced defect admit that independent procedures with a mesoscooter are less effective than salon procedures. They are good to carry out as auxiliary, preparatory ones before going to a specialized medical institution. Women with a low pain threshold or overly sensitive dermis experienced severe pain during manipulation. Sometimes even painkiller sprays did not help. If you endure the discomfort, over time the skin gets used to the effects, and the pain decreases.

Mesoscooters have many advantages. They provide excellent results, significantly reducing the visual signs of cellulite. If the technique is followed, the manipulations are safe and do not require a long rehabilitation period. However, the list of contraindications for mesotherapy is quite large, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment. This will help prevent dangerous complications. It is important to remember that a long-term effect can be achieved only when the sessions are combined with nutritional correction, dosed physical exercise, and giving up bad habits.

Mesorolik at the Platinental clinic

Review from Natalia, 39 years old:

“Mezorolik is an amazing thing! All my life I was terribly afraid of injections - therefore I believed that any mesotherapy was excluded for me, and that I was destined to only resignedly watch the appearance of wrinkles. But I didn’t want that!

And thanks to Anna Nikolaevna’s recommendation, the mesoscooter created a real miracle. I look young and vibrant like I did ten years ago. And I feel ten years younger! Any cost of the procedure will seem low when there is such a result, because beauty and youth have no price!

Taking Precautions

The mesoscooter is a device intended only for individual use.

The needles of the roller come into contact with the skin and blood vessels, so theoretically they can be infected with pathogenic microorganisms.

When using dermarollers, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Store the disinfected and dried device only in an individual tube;
  • Do not use rollers with needles larger than 2 mm at home;
  • Handle the device with care. Impacts and falls of the device lead to deformation of the needles, which makes its further use impossible.

Cosmetologists strongly advise using only solutions purchased in pharmacies for mesotherapy.

Non-sterile products can cause infection of the subcutaneous layers. When choosing medications, you need to take into account the main skin defects.

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