Lip tattoo - photo of step-by-step healing of permanent makeup

Cons of lip tattoo:

  • a protracted healing period, sometimes complications are possible - swelling that does not go away for a long time, herpetic rashes and others;
  • a crust always appears on the lips, which itches and interferes; over time, the shade begins to fade, you have to make adjustments;
  • the procedure is quite painful.


  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • reduced immunity, including as a result of HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do this with caution if you have allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, closely spaced moles, or papillomas.

Reasons for poor results:

  • non-compliance with post-procedure care rules;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • poor-quality or inappropriate pigment shade;
  • master's incompetence.

Possible negative consequences in the future:

  • Medical. The most common problem is herpes, although it is not tolerated, but is already in the body. To avoid this, it is recommended to use Acyclovir and Valovir ointment after the procedure for several days. Can be replaced with tablets. If hygiene is not observed during the procedure, infections may enter the body, which will increase the healing time of the lips. Infections can cause wounds and inflammation. To avoid such consequences, it is important to choose trusted professionals from good clinics. Allergy is possible. Scarring of the thin tissue of the lips often occurs, which is difficult to correct. To prevent problems from arising, it is necessary to apply wound-healing ointments or creams immediately after the procedure.

Herpes is the most common problem after tattooing

  • Cosmetological. The most common is the wrong color. This could be the artist’s fault, or the body’s individual reaction to the pigment. You can adjust it later. The second most common problem is incorrect and unsightly lip contour. Sometimes the procedure results in asymmetry or blurred outline. The color begins to “spread”, going beyond the natural contour. Such a defect can only be corrected with cosmetics. And before it disappears completely, you need to wait for the pigment to resolve.

What a bad lip tattoo looks like:

  • too sharp a lip contour that does not match the overall tone;
  • the pigment is present only along the perimeter, due to which it stands out strongly;
  • when the lip contour was enlarged, the color remained only on the skin around them;
  • the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • curve and blurry outline.

Read more in our article about the consequences of lip tattooing.

How long does it take to heal after tattooing?

Lips after permanent tattooing experience stress due to the fact that they are damaged by the needle and dye is injected under the skin. They need to be given time to heal, but this must be facilitated according to the photo - instructions from the cosmetologist.

The entire healing period of the tattoo takes a month, but rehabilitation is divided into two unequal parts:

  1. Days when a woman should take care of the result. This period is limited to seven or eight days; with frequent care and a fast metabolism, the days can be shortened and the tattoo will heal faster.
  2. For the remaining three weeks, the skin continues to regenerate on its own; for support, do not violate the prohibitions indicated in the photo instructions.

Both parts of the recovery process are important, so during this important time for the skin you cannot be careless with it. The skin is located next to the oral mucosa, which is why this working surface is thin and takes a long time to heal.

If care is not provided correctly, there is a possibility of negative consequences that will affect the result of the tattoo and partly the girl’s health.

What are we dealing with?

Just like decorative body designs, permanent makeup (micropigmentation) is a type of tattoo. However, there are significant differences in these two techniques.

Firstly, to create color-rich, eye-catching decorative images, pigment must be introduced under the skin to a significant depth (up to 2 mm). The main task of permanent makeup is to create a natural lip shade, so the depth of punctures with this method is half as much.

Secondly, bright synthetic pigments introduced under the skin during a tattoo, unfortunately, remain there forever. They can only be removed together with the fabrics into which the paint was injected. With the permanent method, only natural dyes are used. Over time (most often it takes 3-5 years) they can completely dissolve.

Permanent lip makeup: before and after photos

The stability of such pigments directly depends on the type of pigments used and the rate of metabolic processes in the body. The sun's rays also have a significant impact on the durability of dyes: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they fade much faster.

Advice! If you decide that the tattoo is too dark, there is no need to panic. After all, the color of permanent lip makeup changes and brightens after healing. You will be able to see the final result only in a few weeks.

What healing ointment to use and how to smear your lips

During tattooing, a pigment in the design chosen before the session is injected under the girl’s skin using a special device. This drawing is selected together with the client. To do this, he is given a photo with available job options.

In other words, tattooing can be described as follows: the blade damages the upper layer of the epidermis, and a foreign substance is introduced into it. Due to tissue damage, it is necessary for it to undergo regeneration and recover.

A healing ointment will help with skin regeneration, which the cosmetologist must prescribe in the photo - instructions issued at the end of the tattoo procedure. Therefore, the question of what to smear your lips for healing should not arise.

Panthenol is usually used as a healing ointment. It has strong regenerating properties. But before it you need to apply an antiseptic. A standard antiseptic or miramistin is suitable for this.

Lips should be smeared depending on the days that have elapsed since tattooing:

  1. From the first to the third day inclusive, it is worth lubricating your eyebrows with a thick layer of ointment every hour so that severely damaged skin heals faster.
  2. On the remaining days after the crust appears on the lips, they should be smeared 5 times a day. These days, this amount of ointment will be enough.
  3. If one day you damage the crust, you need to generously lubricate the area with an antiseptic, and after a while - with ointment. This must be repeated until a new protective layer appears.

It’s worth keeping track of when you need to smear the crust on a daily basis. In this case, you can compare the state of the effect from the photo, since the photo in this case shows the difference between their condition and the degree of healing. Cosmetologists also recommend using the photo.

Modern methods

There comes a time when, when looking in the mirror, you begin to notice that the smile has become less bright and seductive, that the outline has completely blurred. Constant touching up with pencil and lipstick no longer hides existing defects. After this, thoughts about injection medicine or surgery using silicone creep into my head. However, there are less expensive and equally effective methods. We are talking about permanent make-up.

The technology of its implementation consists of applying pigment microparticles under the upper layers of the skin in order to imitate natural makeup. The duration of the result lasts from 3 months to a year, but sometimes the effect is noticeable even after a couple of years. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia. As a result, if the work was done by a professional, the lips become brighter, richer and more beautiful.

Interesting! In the early 2000s, when tattooing was just beginning to penetrate everyday life, needles with dye penetrated into the deep layers of the dermis, the effect of the procedure did not disappear for many years in a row. Some shades became lighter, while others acquired implausible undertones. Even now, sometimes there are women with an unnaturally bright smile or uneven spots - these are all the consequences of a failed experiment with appearance.

The modern approach is completely different: all procedures are superficial, needles carry paint under the top layer of skin, which makes the process safer and eliminates the risk of scarring. In addition, a small depth allows you to obtain a uniform shade, which becomes lighter over time.

Possible forms

What water and how to wash for healing

Washing should be given special importance, since damaged skin has microscopic wounds through which infection can enter the body with blood.

Washing the entire face, including the tattooed area, is allowed by the middle of the first week after tattooing. At this time, a crust appears on the lips, protecting the wounds.

Regardless of the fact that the skin is protected, you need to pay attention to washing, since ordinary running tap water on such days will not be suitable for this purpose; this should be indicated in the photo instructions.

It is better to use micellar water for washing with a gentle composition. Bottled water, which is intended for internal consumption, is also suitable. In this case, you need to carefully wet your face, this can be done like this: either pour a little water on top, or moisten it with a cotton pad.

There is no need to rub your face with a towel. You should wet it slightly so that any remaining water on your face dries on its own. It is better to use a soft paper napkin than a towel, as it is softer.

You can wash your face this way in the standard way: morning and evening. This will also help keep the damaged area of ​​your face from drying out.

The first day of healing after tattooing

So that a woman can mentally prepare for the service provided to her, she needs to look at the photo of the healing day by day. Photos of these days will help you navigate the degree of wound healing.

After leaving the salon, the lip color will be bright because the pigment was recently introduced and has not been absorbed. Sometimes experts specifically select a dye a couple of shades darker so that the result lasts longer.

When you get home, take a photo of your face. At the end of the rehabilitation period, you will also need to take a photo to see the difference: how the face has changed, whether the skin has healed properly.

After the effect of the anesthetic wears off, the skin may experience tingling sensations, swelling, and redness. All these side effects disappear within two days; this healing can be accelerated with the help of a cold, dry compress.

You need to start smearing your lips with the products indicated in the photo instructions (antiseptic and healing ointment). This must be done every hour or hour and a half.

You can’t wash your face, just wipe the area around your lips with a cotton pad. You need to drink drinks through a straw, and eat only soft foods at room temperature to avoid re-damage to your lips.

Refrain from going outside, as any weather conditions can play a negative role on the healing of your lips - wind, rain, heat, snow, frost.

Second day after lip tattoo

On the second day of healing, swelling and redness begins to subside. If there is an allergic reaction, it usually appears on the second day, because the pigment begins to be absorbed.

To get rid of allergies, you need to take the medications indicated in the photo instructions. Usually, cosmetologists, to prevent this, do an allergy test before tattooing.

On the second day of healing, all instructions are preserved: washing, going outside, eating food.

You need to continue treatment based on the condition of the skin: if the first side effects remain - swelling and redness, you need to continue making compresses, smearing your lips with an antiseptic and ointment for healing.

Third day after tattoo

On the third day, the lips begin to take on a different appearance. The initial side effects after tattooing (swelling and redness of the damaged area) go away with proper care. The allergic reaction also subsides.

Usually on the third day a thin protective film appears on the lips, which protects the lips from external factors. She looks almost imperceptible, but her lips become stronger.

The remaining instructions regarding restrictions and prohibitions remain the same as on the first and second days of healing after lip tattooing. You need to continue to actively smear them every hour or hour and a half with an antiseptic and healing ointment from the photo instructions.

Fourth day after lip tattoo

On the fourth day of healing, the appearance of the lips completely changes. The film that appeared on the third day becomes stronger and darker. It can be seen from afar, so during this period it is better to stay at home both from a visual point of view and from a benefit point of view.

Now you can start washing your face a little. This must be done carefully, but running water cannot be used. Do not rub your lips with a towel, but lightly dampen them in a soft cloth to remove excess water; the remaining water will dry within 2 minutes.

You must continue to eat and drink carefully, as sharp edges of food can damage the crust. The temperature of the food should be average; do not eat too cold or hot food.

If you want to go outside, use a sunscreen with a gentle composition so as not to disrupt the connection between the dye and the epidermis of the face.

You need to use the healing products from the photo-instructions less often, since the crust causes the active beginning of this process. Five times a day is enough for healing to be complete by the end of the first week.

Benefits of permanent makeup

  • You don’t have to waste precious time on makeup, because the permanent lasts for about six months.
  • There is no “panda” effect if you forgot to take off your makeup the night before.
  • There is no need to wash off or adjust during the day, makeup is always fresh and bright.
  • There is no need to spend money on quality cosmetics.

Thus, we can safely say that modern cosmetology works real miracles, helps girls become more self-confident, become better and more beautiful. But, never forget that quality work can only be obtained from a highly qualified, competent and experienced specialist!

Fifth day after lip tattoo

On the fifth day the crust becomes even stronger. Since the area of ​​tattooing is the lips, the protective layer begins to tighten them, making it uncomfortable to talk. No other discomfort is felt during this healing time.

You won’t be able to go outside because the crust is obvious and there’s nothing you can do to cover it. At the same time, the use of sunscreen should not be regular, so protect yourself from going outside as much as possible during this time.

Continue to smear your lips with the products from the photo - instructions about five times a day; you can wash your face more confidently, but wiping it with a towel is not recommended.


Not every woman can change her image thanks to lip tattooing. There are contraindications, according to which some people are not recommended to do it. They are mainly associated with health problems:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • reduced immunity, including as a result of HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

Also, pregnant and lactating women should avoid lip tattooing. People with allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases are at risk. It is unknown how their body will perceive filling their lips with pigment.

If there are large moles or papillomas on the skin of the face, you should pay attention to where exactly they are located. If it is in close proximity to the lips, then tattooing can be done, but with extreme caution.

Contraindications for lip tattooing

Of course, a cosmetologist will not refer the client for a full medical examination. But he will definitely ask if he has any of these contraindications. Therefore, all responsibility will fall on the woman who decided to get a tattoo if she doesn’t say anything. In any case, it will definitely not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

End of the first week after lip tattoo

Usually on the sixth day itching begins in the tattoo area. This causes the healing process of the epidermis to begin. You have to endure the itching, but sometimes it is difficult.

You cannot peel off the crust; it must peel off on its own. On the sixth and seventh days, the crust begins to fall off in parts, do not help it with the help of improvised means, it should completely fly away from the epidermis on its own.

Continue to smear the skin with the products from the photo instructions. This helps the protective layer come off the skin faster.

For severe itching that is difficult to tolerate, place a damp cotton pad on your lips and press lightly on it. This will reduce the itching and prevent damage to the surface of the skin tissue.

On the seventh day, the itching intensifies, continue with the same actions. Usually by the end of the seventh day or the beginning of the eighth, the itching ends and the protective layer disappears.

When the skin is freed from the scab, take a photo to compare the lips with the photo that was taken on the first day of healing. This photo comparison will help you find out whether everything has healed correctly. If you have a controversial issue with a cosmetologist, this will help you sort it out. Experts often recommend taking photos.

This is where the girl’s help in healing her lips ends; they then undergo regeneration themselves, the main thing is to provide them with suitable conditions for this.

Duration of pain

After the anesthetic wears off, severe pain appears, making it difficult to eat and talk. You have to eat liquid foods. Food should not be hot or too cold. Compliance with this rule eliminates increased pain. Discomfort becomes less pronounced on the 3rd day. After 5 days, the pain gives way to itching, which is sometimes unbearable.

After the procedure, severe pain appears.

During the normal course of the healing process, the discomfort disappears after 7-10 days.

How to speed up the healing process

Regardless of the day, you must follow all the rules indicated in the photo instructions. Don't forget to take photos to compare the speed of skin healing.

Tips needed for quick healing:

  1. Set alarms so you don’t forget to apply the products from the photo instructions to the damaged area.
  2. Be careful with the crust, as its premature detachment will lead to negative consequences that will be reflected in the result.
  3. Do not wash your face with running water, as this may cause infection to penetrate the skin.
  4. To ensure quick healing, stay at home for the first week after tattooing. This way you will ensure proper care for the damaged area.

If you want to speed up skin regeneration after tattooing, which continues throughout the first month after tattooing, follow the following restrictions:

  1. Do not go to the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool. Overly moisturizing or drying the damaged area negatively affects its condition.
  2. In the first three days, you should not drink alcohol, energy drinks, or coffee, as if there is little bleeding, it will be difficult to stop.
  3. Before going outside, use a gentle sunscreen.
  4. Avoid physical activity, as it changes the connection between the pigment and the skin of the face for the worse. The sweat that appears on the damaged area of ​​the skin will wash away the pigment, since it is completely absorbed a month after the first correction by the specialist.

Tips for caring for your lips after shading

Shading is a permanent tattoo in which the contour and inside of the lips are painted over with pigment. Because of this, strong care must be provided.

Do not let your lips dry out during the first week; constantly lubricate them with some product. Vaseline ointment or fatty baby cream can also be used as this remedy.

Apply the products from the photo - instructions in a thick layer over the entire surface of the skin so that the ointment penetrates into all the desired areas of the epidermis.

Food should be consumed with greater caution. In the first days, it is better to eat soft foods: soups, purees, yoghurts; it is better to eat them through a straw, or with a small spoon, so as not to touch the damaged tissue.

Varieties of application techniques

The following methods of tattooing are considered the most common:

  1. Contour, in which makeup is applied in thin lines. After this procedure, the use of a pencil becomes optional, but you cannot refuse to use lipstick. Contour makeup helps to increase or decrease the volume of the lips and make the lines of the mouth more expressive.
  2. Filling, in which the entire skin of the lips is painted. The procedure helps you stop using lipstick. It is recommended to choose natural tones. When applying dark permanent makeup, the use of standard cosmetics becomes impossible. Natural tattooing is considered a popular variety. The dye tone is chosen taking into account the natural color of the skin.
  3. Contour with shading, in which the pigment is distributed from the borders of the lips, not completely affecting their surfaces. The makeup looks more natural than traditional contouring. Ombre and watercolor techniques are in demand, giving a glitter effect.

Effect of technique on healing time

The more complex the method of introducing the dye, the longer the healing process. The condition of the lips in the first days and weeks after injection is influenced by the individual characteristics of the skin and the experience of the specialist.

The condition of the lips is influenced by the characteristics of the skin.

The least and most traumatic methods of applying permanent

The contour technique is gentle. To inject the dye, a thin needle is used, leaving small punctures. Treated areas heal faster. In addition, when applying contour makeup, small areas are affected, and swelling after the procedure is insignificant. The contour technique with shading is considered more traumatic. In this case, healing takes longer. The pigment is also introduced to a minimum depth, but larger areas of the skin are subject to treatment.

Contour technique is the least traumatic way of applying permanent.

Filling tattoo is considered the most traumatic. A tool with a thick needle is used, which is used to process all surfaces of the lips. Deep wounds are formed that heal in 2-3 weeks.

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