Is it possible to remove eyebrow tattoos at home?

Permanent makeup is now on the wave of popularity. A successful eyebrow tattoo can advantageously emphasize the advantages of one’s appearance, make the eyes more expressive and correct the shape of the face. Sometimes the result obtained does not meet expectations and you have to think about removing the tattoo. Is it possible to do this at home?

When should a tattoo be removed?

The procedure for applying permanent makeup should only be carried out by an experienced professional who has completed a special training course. However, no one is immune from mistakes. Even after visiting an expensive beauty salon, the client may remain dissatisfied with the tattoo done. Most often, removal is resorted to in the following cases:

  1. Asymmetrical eyebrows. This type of tattoo does not look aesthetically pleasing. Eyebrows may vary in shape and thickness, which often happens when the coloring is applied while lying down.
  2. Uneven pigment. An unprofessionally applied tattoo looks unnatural. Color may have different saturation.
  3. Not the right shade. Not every master is able to choose an eyebrow dye to match the color type of the client’s face. Permanent makeup may look too vulgar or inappropriate.
  4. Change of image. Fashion is changing: a few years ago eyebrows were thin, today thicker ones are preferable. With a change in hairstyle, you may also need a new eyebrow tattoo.
  5. Modern application methods. The beauty industry is developing, more advanced technologies are appearing. And to try something new, you need to remove the old.

Cosmetology offers various hardware methods for removing paint from under the skin: laser, remover. Such procedures are not cheap, so sometimes the idea comes to try to get rid of unwanted tattoos at home. There are many methods, but their safety is questionable.

Features of care at different times of the year

The restoration of the epidermis after permanent makeup is influenced by the period of its implementation. During the warm season, cells secrete more sebum, which makes the dermis oily. At the same time, in the summer there is a lot of dust and dirt in the air, which means the risk of infection increases. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the pigment, discoloring it. Therefore, when carrying out tattooing in the summer, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Be sure to use a cream with 30-50 SPF protection.
  • For the first 10 days, you should not stay in the sun for a long time, sunbathe or sunbathe. If you are planning a trip to the south, plan to get a tattoo a month before your trip.
  • After the crusts come off, use a cream with vitamins A, C, B to moisturize. This will protect against swelling and dry skin.

In winter, when the cold wind dries out the skin and the immune system weakens, healing of the dermis takes longer. The skin is constantly exposed to sudden changes in temperature, which has a detrimental effect on its condition; the following tips will help change the situation:

  • A week before the planned procedure, take vitamin complexes and immunostimulants to strengthen the body.
  • After 4 days, use Vaseline-based ointment to improve skin regeneration and healing.
  • Apply a moisturizer with vitamins 3-5 hours before going outside.

It is important that after permanent eyebrow tattooing, you know how to properly treat the skin in the areas where it is applied, this will help avoid complications.

In the end, we note that permanent eyebrow makeup will be an excellent solution for all modern women who, due to lack of time, do not have time to apply makeup in the morning. At the same time, eyebrow tattooing allows you to improve the color and adjust the shape of the arches, which cannot be done as naturally as possible with regular paint or pencil.

Bleaching liquid for removal

You can buy a remover in every tattoo and beauty salon. This is a drug for removing pigment from under the skin. The remover interacts with paint particles and gradually pushes them to the surface of the dermis. The master performs the procedure of introducing the remover using a tattoo machine under the skin to the depth of the paint. At home, the following procedure is suggested:

  • lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with Vaseline;
  • soak a cotton swab in remover;
  • Carefully apply the drug to the pigment on the eyebrows.

The procedure must be carried out 3 times a day for a month.

Under the influence of the remover, a crust forms on the eyebrows, which is strictly prohibited from being peeled off. Otherwise, scars and scars cannot be avoided.

The method is not ideal: you can only lighten the pigment by a couple of tones, and you won’t be able to predict what shades will appear after the procedure. The advantage of the remover is that it selectively affects the pigment without affecting the blood vessels and inner layers of the epidermis.

The remover should not be used by persons with chronic blood diseases, skin diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology. Pregnant and lactating women should use this method of lightening with caution.

Eyebrow care after 7-10 days

At the end of the first week after the procedure, the crusts, pain, and swelling go away, but discomfort in the arch area remains, associated with peeling and dry skin. This is due to several reasons:

  • Excessive drying of the skin.
  • Allergic reaction to pigment.
  • Removal of crusts.

To avoid flaking and itching, use moisturizing ointments based on herbal products.

At the end of the first week, the resulting crusts completely disappear, but treatment with an antiseptic and moisturizer must be continued. Now you can see the shade of the injected dye, the updated shape and volume of the eyebrows. The color has not yet fully set. It will be brighter than planned, but every day its intensity will decrease, the shade will become more natural.

During this period, active restoration of a new layer of the epidermis begins, the wounds heal, and the recovery process is almost complete on days 10-14.

Removing tattoos using hydrogen peroxide

A solution of hydrogen peroxide is used to remove pigment, but it must be handled very carefully. Concentrations of the active ingredient greater than 3% may cause serious burns. This method is effective only in case of fresh tattoo removal. The procedure goes like this:

  • the area around the eyebrows is lubricated with a rich cream;
  • Using a cotton swab, apply peroxide with three touches to the painted areas;
  • After treatment with peroxide, cream is applied to the eyebrows.

Manipulations are carried out 3-5 times a day. If the skin is sensitive, then peroxide is mixed with milk. The first results will become noticeable in a few weeks.

If redness appears on the eyebrows, you must stop the procedure immediately!

It is worth knowing that the drug can cause allergic reactions not only at the site of use, but a rash appears throughout the body. Peroxide is for external use only; when injected under the skin, atomic oxygen is released, which can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Rehabilitation period

After laser tattoo removal, eyebrows must be treated carefully and with care. It is important to prevent infection, mechanical damage and exposure to ultraviolet rays. For two to three weeks after each session, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You cannot go to baths, saunas, swimming pools, or swim in the bathroom. You can only take a shower.
  2. Try to avoid exposure to sunlight during this time, or at least keep it to a minimum. You should also not visit the solarium.
  3. Never cover your eyebrows with adhesive tape, as this will slow down healing.
  4. During the first two days you should not wash your face. The skin of the face can be cleansed using cotton pads soaked in micellar water or an alcohol-free toner.
  5. You should not touch the resulting crust with your hands, much less try to tear it off, as this can lead to the formation of scars. In a few days it will fall off on its own.
  6. For three weeks, it is not recommended to use hormonal ointments and antibacterial agents, or do peelings.
  7. Until the crust completely disappears, you should not apply decorative cosmetics to the eyebrows and the area around them.
  8. Also, during the rehabilitation period, products containing acids and alcohol should be excluded from care.

Read material on the topic: Laser removal of stretch marks in a beauty salon: pros and cons of the procedure

Lightening with iodine

This method is considered more gentle compared to the aggressive effects of remover or hydrogen peroxide. Method of application: a cotton swab is moistened with iodine, the colored skin is wiped 2-4 times a day. Areas that do not need to be treated are lubricated with cream or Vaseline. Lightening a tattoo using this method will take more than one month. It all depends on the shade, depth and chemical composition of the dye.

When using iodine as a bleach, there are several important points to consider:

  • iodine is taken only in 5% concentration;
  • do not touch skin that has not been treated with pigment, so as not to increase the area of ​​the burn;
  • peeling will appear on the eyebrows, which cannot be peeled off.

Peeling is a sign of the process of death of the upper layers of the skin. The treated area is lubricated with Bepanten or Actovegin.

Any skin rashes in the tattoo area are a contraindication to the use of iodine as a method of pigment lightening. If you are allergic to iodine, use this method is also prohibited.

What to choose?

So what is more effective – laser or “chemistry”? As with many cosmetic procedures, opinions are divided. If one method was 100% effective, he would already survive the second. Moreover, in cost they are not very different from each other. Using a laser, it is good to remove fresh tattoos of dark shades, as well as work with very sensitive areas - the skin of the eyelids or lips. Remover usually removes old eyebrow tattoos that have faded into light shades. In some cases, the best result is obtained by a combination of both methods - laser and chemical.

Removing pigment with celandine

Celandine is known for its beneficial properties and is often used to treat skin diseases. There is an opinion that using celandine tincture you can remove pigment. The tattoo is cauterized with a cotton swab; celandine should be applied 3-4 times a day only to the pigmented area, avoiding clean skin. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face and apply a sterile bandage.

Manipulations should be carried out with caution, because celandine damages the upper layer of the epidermis. You should know the following about medicinal tincture:

  • celandine is very poisonous;
  • may cause skin burns;
  • after frequent skin treatments, scars remain;
  • removal efficiency is quite low.

The removal process will take at least two months, and the scars may remain visible for a long time. It is recommended to use Contractubex during the recovery period.

Celandine contains many bioactive substances, many of which can be strong allergens. Therefore, people prone to such reactions should use this method of tattoo removal with caution. The same applies to pregnant women and those with skin diseases.

Types of laser systems: which one is better?

Cosmetology clinics can use different types of laser machines, including outdated models. It is important to remember that not every type of laser can ensure the safety and effectiveness of the process. The most commonly used lasers in this area are ablative and non-ablative lasers. In the first case, we are talking about the technology of exposure to a laser beam (grinding), during which the pigment evaporates.

Non-ablative lasers destroy the pigment, and its further removal from the tissues is ensured by the body itself. Minimally invasive non-ablative lasers are more often used to remove tattoos: they have a less traumatic effect. Non-ablative laser systems differ in pulse length (the shorter the wave pulse, the safer the laser is for the skin).

The minimum pulse length level for lasers in modern expert-level clinics is calculated in nanoseconds. However, there is also more modern equipment - picosecond laser systems with ultrashort pulses lasting only 1 trillionth of a second. An example of such a setup is PicoCare.

This picolaser is one of the most expensive types of equipment in laser hardware cosmetology (average price - 18-20 million rubles). Thanks to the ultra-short pulse duration, it has a more gentle effect on the skin, which reduces pain to a minimum. The PicoCare picosecond laser is used not only for tattoo removal: it is used to remove stretch marks, scars and other skin defects, it is also actively used in anti-aging therapy.

A mixture of celandine and iodine for tattoo removal

Celandine and iodine affect the upper layers of the skin, actually burning them along with the pigment. There is a technique where these two substances are used simultaneously, aggressively affecting the epidermis. For the removing mixture, take 1 teaspoon of iodine and 3 drops of celandine tincture. The lightening composition is applied to the tattoo several times a day.

This method can get rid of unwanted coloring, but the results may be as follows:

  • chemical skin burns;
  • scars;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • the appearance of an undesirable tint on the eyebrows.

Do not forget that experimenting on your face is dangerous. It is better to leave permanent makeup removal to specialists.

Removing pigment using sea salt

A salt scrub can get rid of permanent makeup, but this process requires several months, and the procedure is quite painful. The effect will be noticeable after the first manipulations. The brightening composition is prepared as follows:

  1. Take fine table salt and sea salt and mix it in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  2. Eyebrows are treated with tar or laundry soap to completely degrease, and wiped dry.
  3. You need to take a little product on a sponge or just with your fingers and start rubbing it into your eyebrows. The procedure is carried out for 20 minutes, contact with mucous membranes should be avoided.
  4. Remains of salt are removed with a napkin, after 10 minutes you need to wash your face.

The treated skin becomes rougher, it must be lubricated with a healing cream (Bepanten, Panthenol, Actovegin).

The procedure may cause abrasions and wrinkles, and sometimes scars. The consequences can be different, they cannot always be predicted.

Do not use the scrub on damaged skin, dermatitis, blood clotting disorders and problems with blood vessels. The skin on the face is thin and easily damaged, so you should handle the salt composition with care.

Care for the eyebrow tattoo area for 3-5 days

On the 5th day after the procedure, the crust begins to disappear, which confirms the correctness of the skin care and restoration process. From now on, it is allowed to use healing ointments or creams. The treatment course lasts 7 days.

After removing the crusts, there is a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, which is especially noticeable in the morning. You can solve the problem with Vaseline or baby cream. It should be applied after washing for 20 minutes, then removed. You are still not allowed to use cosmetics.

The following are used as healing ointments that can be applied:

  • beponten;
  • depanthenol;
  • oxolinic ointment with antiviral properties;
  • contractubex;
  • solcoseryl;
  • Vasiline.

Do not use alcohol-based ointments. Choose those that contain natural, natural ingredients. They will help not only with the rapid healing of wounds, but also soften and moisturize damaged areas of the skin.

Chemical peeling for tattoo removal

Chemical peels are usually done in salons, but are sometimes used at home. The principle of this method is similar to the previous one. The active components are rubbed into the skin, gradually removing the upper layers of the epidermis along with the pigment.

Calcium chloride is considered suitable for the procedure. As a rule, a 5% solution is used. The manipulation is carried out as follows:

  • For precise application, use a brush;
  • the preparation is applied in 5 layers, each after the previous one has dried;
  • gradually the number of layers is increased to 10;
  • To remove the product, lubricate your fingers with baby cream and roll the product in a circular motion.

The removal process takes several months. At least 5 days must pass between the two procedures.

Despite the high effectiveness of the method, it can cause irreparable damage to the upper layers of the epidermis.

Chemical peeling is contraindicated in case of rashes and skin damage, during an exacerbation of herpes, as well as in case of skin hypersensitivity and a tendency to the appearance of keloids. It is also worth checking whether there are any allergies to the components of the drug.

The dangers of tattoo removal at home

Before you decide to remove pigment at home, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Any type of folk methods that are not used in beauty salons can have unpredictable consequences and cause more harm than good.

There are many disadvantages to home methods:

  • low efficiency;
  • the shade obtained after the procedure can be any;
  • scars may appear;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the occurrence of infectious inflammation.

Visits to a cosmetologist are quite expensive. However, is the imaginary savings worth the consequences that women who dare to undergo home procedures can expect? If scars and cicatrices appear, you still cannot do without the services of a professional.

Medical research confirms that burning the upper layers of the epidermis using various methods can trigger the development of cancer cells.

Manipulations to remove tattoos are prohibited for women who have dermatitis, infectious diseases of the skin and circulatory system. Serious pathologies in the body - diabetes mellitus, HIV-positive status, autoimmune diseases - are also reasons for refusing the procedure. It is necessary to be attentive to your health so that in your pursuit of beauty you do not get serious complications.

A master with many years of experience will express his opinion on cosmetological and alternative methods of tattoo removal in the following video:

Non-standard situations

Each body reacts to the administration of the drug in its own way. Sometimes allergic reactions to the pigment may occur. If after the procedure the swelling and redness do not go away within 24 hours and spread to the eyelids, you should take antihistamines:

  • suprastin;
  • lorantandine;
  • tavigil;
  • Zyrtec or other anti-allergy drugs.

Observation of the body's reaction takes place within 4-8 hours. If the allergy does not go away, the pigment will have to be removed and the pattern removed.

In cases of infection of the eyebrow arches, a doctor's examination and medical intervention will be required. Be sure to take blood tests to determine the causes of skin inflammation.

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