Nezulin cream-gel for itching and irritation in urticaria 30 ml

Causes of itching in the intimate area in women

  • Infectious diseases

Irritation of the mucous membranes and the desire to scratch may occur against the background of infectious diseases. The infection can be picked up during unprotected sex with a non-regular partner, when visiting the gym, bathhouse, swimming pool, or when using other people's hygiene items. Burning and discomfort in the perineum can be a consequence of:

  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea, etc.

Itching may also indicate the development of more “serious” diseases - for example, leukoplakia, dysplasia. If a woman notes that the itching does not go away for a week or more, this is a reason not to postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

  • Menopause period

Atrophy of the mucous membrane in the period before and immediately during menopause leads to thinning of the tissue. The mucous membrane lacks moisture, the volume of natural secretions decreases, and irritation occurs in the intimate area. To solve the problem in this case, laser rejuvenation is recommended to tighten the mucous membrane in combination with biorevitalization of the vagina and external genitalia. By the way, atrophy causes changes in the appearance of the genital organs - and modern gynecology offers you contour plastic surgery with fillers based on hyaluronic acid to solve this aesthetic problem and restore the attractive appearance of the perineum.

  • Dysbacteriosis

Taking antibiotics affects not only the condition of the intestines, but also the microflora of the vagina. That is why long-term treatment often causes discomfort in the vaginal and external genitalia. In this case, therapy is prescribed to restore the population of beneficial microorganisms and generally strengthen the immune system. After completing a course of antibiotics, a visit to the gynecologist is very recommended!


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  • Various diseases (including non-intimate ones)

The problem of itching in the vagina and perineum can be caused by skin diseases: ringworm, dermatitis, psoriasis. The perineum can itch due to iron deficiency conditions, diabetes mellitus, and hepatitis. Changes in the nature of discharge due to gynecological diseases of the internal genital organs can also cause discomfort. Excreted from the vagina, they land on the delicate mucous membrane, irritating and injuring it. Itching in the intimate area may be one of the body's reactions to stress. In short, the approach to diagnosis should be comprehensive and scientific!

  • Poor hygiene, wearing tight underwear

If you choose uncomfortable underwear made from non-breathable fabrics, this encourages the growth of unwanted bacteria in the crotch area. And, as a result, an inflammatory process develops. And if unsuitable underwear is accompanied by insufficient hygiene or the use of inappropriate, aggressive products, then the situation will worsen.

  • Change of sexual partners

When we change our sexual partner, our body needs to get used to its microflora. Often the consequence of the first contacts is itching in the perineum. Sexual intercourse itself can also cause the desire to itch. This symptom is not always associated with the presence of an infection, but it is still worth seeing a gynecologist.


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Nezulin cream-gel for itching and irritation in urticaria 30 ml

Nezulin cream-gel helps relieve irritation, itching and redness after insect bites, soothes and cools, improves skin cell renewal processes, increases its protective functions, and gives the skin a healthy appearance. Contains a complex of biologically active substances with pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes skin regeneration Plant extracts and essential oils will help relieve urticaria, after insect bites and skin irritation when exposed to external factors. Active components help relieve irritation, itching, redness (including after insect bites); soothe, cool, improve skin cell renewal processes, increase its protective functions, and give the skin a healthy appearance. The cream-gel has a non-hormonal composition. Extracts of celandine, chamomile and plantain, due to their antibacterial effect, have a positive effect on inflammatory processes on the skin. They have antipruritic, epithelializing, wound healing, analgesic, antibacterial, soothing properties, relieve redness and swelling. Licorice extract has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and softening effects. Basil essential oil eliminates itching, burning, redness, swelling after insect bites, tones and refreshes the skin, has analgesic, bactericidal, antispasmodic effects. The aroma of the oil repels insects. Lavender essential oil has repellent properties, relieves itching and irritation of the skin, relieves pain from insect bites; has antihistamine, antiseptic, cleansing effects. Peppermint essential oil cools and refreshes the skin. It has antispasmodic and analgesic properties for skin itching and muscle pain. D-panthenol and provitamin B5 have epithelializing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for itchy and allergic dermatitis. Directions for use: the cream is applied to problem areas of the skin and adjacent areas in a thin layer, with gentle massaging movements 3-4 times a day. Ingredients: celandine extracts, chamomile and plantain extracts, licorice extract, basil essential oil, lavender essential oil, mint essential oil, D-panthenol. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

Treatment of itching in the intimate area in women

The priority is a comprehensive diagnosis. The gynecologist will talk with you, conduct an examination in a gynecological chair, and, if necessary, perform a colposcopy and/or vulvoscopy. During the examination, the doctor will make smears and scrapings for further laboratory diagnosis. Depending on the situation, you will be prescribed certain laboratory tests. You can get tested with us right on the day of your visit to the clinic if you come to us on an empty stomach. Also at your appointment, you will undergo a comprehensive ultrasound examination to obtain additional information about the condition of the genital organs, mammary glands, and thyroid gland.

Based on the research obtained, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen. If the itching is caused by a disease, drug therapy will be recommended. This could be suppositories, tablets, douching. Some diseases require antibiotics. If discomfort occurs due to an imbalance of hormones, vitamins, and microelements, you will be offered a regimen for taking the necessary medications. In our clinic you can purchase complexes of vitamins, acids, and microelements from the world's leading manufacturers (which means each capsule contains the most effective forms of substances!). If there are skin pathologies, a treatment plan will be drawn up. In each situation, getting rid of irritation of the mucous membrane will be different.



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