How to properly use a Vidal loop to cleanse your face and pores

Many girls face the problem of skin contamination, which results in the appearance of comedones, pimples and other rashes. All this greatly spoils the aesthetic appearance, because in some cases even foundations do not save. There are two ways out of the situation: contact a cosmetologist in a salon and have it cleaned for a considerable amount, or do it yourself at home using a cosmetology loop. It is inexpensive, but the results are amazing. To get rid of rashes for a long time, it is enough to know when to use the loop, how to clean and care for the skin after the session.

What is a Cleaning Loop?

A cosmetic loop is a device made of a material that is absolutely safe for humans – medical steel. It is a stick with a loop at the end, or less often a circle.

In some cases, the tool contains two loops - a larger one and a smaller one. The smaller one can be used on the cheeks and other areas where the pores are usually not too large. The wide ear tool is suitable for cleansing the nose, forehead and chin.

You can purchase a cosmetic loop at a pharmacy or specialty store for a reasonable price. Its price varies from 200 to 500 rubles. depending on the variety. The material used everywhere is the same - medical steel.

Important! Some girls use hairpins based on the loop principle for mechanical cleaning. This method is dangerous because The hairpin does not have a smooth surface, unlike the eyelet.

Pros and cons of the tool

A facial cleansing loop, like other cosmetology tools, has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of using this device include:

  • the ability to get rid of large local contaminants that cause a person discomfort or pain when in contact with clothing (if the formation is located on the body) or hands (if the formation is located on the face);
  • simplicity, high speed and painlessness of the process of squeezing out purulent contents from acne;
  • Possibility of use when cleaning deep comedones of a closed type;

  • positive change in the quality of the skin in the shortest possible time (in 1-5 procedures, depending on the initial data);
  • ease of use and care (sterilization) of the instrument;
  • availability and low cost (considering that the loop’s lifespan is unlimited);
  • Possibility of use not only in a professional cosmetology salon, but also at home.

Among the objective disadvantages of the skin cleaning device in question are:

  • the risk of aggravating existing skin problems with systematic incorrect use of the Vidal loop;
  • the need to purchase additional means for disinfection and sterilization of instruments, regardless of the conditions in which they are used (at home or in a beauty salon);
  • increasing the risk of additional complications of existing skin problems with unjustified use of a needle located at one end of the structure in question.

What is it for?

The device is used for cleaning the face and pores at home. For girls who are accustomed to squeezing out pimples, the loop is a real godsend: its use allows you to remove them in two seconds, without leaving any traces. If all the rules of the procedure are followed, post-acne, unlike finger squeezing, does not appear.

The use of a loop is relevant if:

  • pimples, comedones, blackheads and acne often appear, the skin is prone to problematic rashes;
  • enlarged pores are observed where dirt accumulates, and cleansing with foams, masks and gels does not bring results.

It is important to consider that any rash can be a consequence and symptom of health problems, therefore, in addition to cleansing, it is recommended to eliminate the root cause. There are several factors that provoke rashes:

  • Poor nutrition. Fatty foods contribute to the formation of subcutaneous sebum, as a result of which there is a constant oily sheen on the face and clogged pores. High-carbohydrate foods (sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.) have an equally negative effect - they often cause acne;
  • Changes in hormonal levels. Having pimples and acne during adolescence is not a cause for concern. In adults, they can signal hormonal imbalances;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Frequent severe stress and chronic fatigue negatively affect the condition of the skin;
  • Wearing synthetic clothing. In this case, rashes appear on the back, chest, and shoulders;
  • Frequently perform cleaning with scrubs and peelings. This irritates the skin, inflammatory processes begin, and pimples form.

Note! Mechanical cleaning alone will not eliminate the problem; its solution must be approached in a comprehensive manner. If there are too many rashes, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist - they will prescribe tests that will help find the root cause of the rash.

How can you replace a spoon of Uno at home?

When cleansing your face yourself, a replacement for the Uno spoon can be:

  1. Cosmetology brushes. The use of these devices allows you to eliminate dead layers of the epidermis and prevent the occurrence of ulcers and pimples. There are several models of brushes designed for different skin types and different problems.
  2. A special loop built into one of the tips of the tool rod.
  3. Vidal's needle. Sold as a stand-alone device or included in the kit with a spoon.

The use of each of the listed options is possible only after consultation with a cosmetologist.

How to clean

If you want to get rid of blackheads, it is important to know not only the specifics of the procedure, but also the rules for choosing a loop:

  • Before purchasing, you should ask what material the tool is made of. If it is not made of medical steel, it is better to find a more suitable option;
  • Not only the loop, but also the handle should be steel. If the handle is made of plastic or other material, it is not recommended to buy the tool;
  • The loop should not wobble. To avoid this, just check its durability by lightly pressing on your palm. When purchasing, the instrument must be packaged, but a low-quality loop can be seen with the naked eye. If the ear wobbles during the procedure, the risk of skin injury increases markedly.

It is also very important to properly prepare for the session - its effectiveness depends on this:

  • The procedure is performed on completely cleansed skin. The presence of cosmetic residues is not allowed - this can cause infection;
  • The skin must first be steamed. This can be done using a herbal decoction of chamomile: take 3 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences, pour in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Steaming is carried out over a saucepan. To ensure that the steam only hits your face, just cover yourself with a thick towel.

The loop cleaning itself looks like this:

  1. We disinfect the skin. An alcohol solution or alcohol lotion is suitable for this;
  2. We treat the loop with a disinfectant;
  3. We apply the loop to the skin so that the blackhead or pimple is in the middle of the ear;
  4. Apply light pressure and wait for the pimple to come out. If pressure alone is not enough, repeat again;
  5. We disinfect the instrument again and repeat the same on other problem areas.

Important! During the session, dirt, subcutaneous sebum and removed pimples accumulate inside the ear, so the device must be constantly treated with a disinfectant. If you neglect this rule, you can introduce infection and aggravate the problem.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the Vidal loop on human skin is based on squeezing out the contents of the pores.

Getting rid of contaminants goes like this:

  1. The cosmetic instrument in question is applied to the contaminated area on previously cleansed skin.
  2. By pressing on the loop and its effect on the pore, impurities come out, leaving the inner layers of the skin.
  3. If the loop is used to clean closed comedones, then before mechanical extrusion, a puncture is made in the middle of the local contamination (bump on the skin) with a needle located at one end of the device. Next, using the steps described above, the dirt comes out through the recess.

Despite the visual similarity of the mechanisms of action on the skin of the Vidal loop and the process of manually squeezing out pimples, blackheads and comedones, there is a colossal difference between them.

The main difference is that when using special cosmetic instruments, there is no damage to blood vessels and capillaries (especially important for people with blood vessels and capillaries located as close as possible to the skin).

After manual cleaning, there is not only a greater chance of infecting the skin, thereby increasing the number of rashes, but also leaving bruises, hematomas and bruises after the procedure.

Post-procedure care

Caring for the dermis after the procedure is of great importance. At this time, many bacteria can accumulate on it, so it is very important to disinfect. This can be done using a compress:

  • We take gauze, fold it in several layers, cut out slits for the eyes, lips and nose;
  • We wet the material in a weak alcohol solution, apply it to the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Here it is recommended to take precautions and not allow alcohol to come into contact with mucous membranes. This procedure allows you to speed up the restoration of the skin, heal microcracks and dry out oily sheen.

In addition to the alcohol solution, you can use Chlorhexidine - just wipe your face with a cotton pad.

If the skin is prone to dryness, it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile or calendula instead of alcohol-containing preparations. They have disinfectant and soothing properties and easily relieve irritation.


The Uno spoon is a fairly common tool. According to numerous reviews, this popularity is due to the effective results from use, the relative painlessness of the procedure, simplicity and ease of use. However, in order to make facial cleansing as effective as possible and completely eliminate negative consequences, absolute sterility and a responsible approach to choosing an instrument are necessary:

  • the surface should be smooth and prevent even the slightest damage to the skin;
  • The rod is equipped with raised notches that provide a comfortable position in the hand and prevent slipping.

Also, when choosing, you should give preference to models placed in cases, which significantly extend their service life.

Precautionary measures

Before using the loop, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following precautions:

  • Do not press the ear too hard on the skin - this can cause injury;
  • The loop should be treated with an alcohol solution before each session to avoid infection;
  • The tool can only be used by one person, like other personal hygiene items.

The use of the loop is prohibited in case of exacerbation of allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, burn lesions, rosacea, severe dryness and flaking. The list of contraindications also includes impaired regenerative function of the skin.

What are the types of cosmetic devices?

In addition to the loop, there are other types of cosmetic cleaning devices: regular and electric cleansing brushes, Vidal needle, Uno spoon. The principle of use for each of them is different, but the result is the same - clean skin without problematic rashes.

Cleansing brush

Brushes are divided into electric, ultrasonic and conventional. In addition to removing impurities, they are used to cleanse the skin of flaking and have an anti-aging effect.

Which brushes are considered the most effective and popular:

  • Clinique Sonic System. Battery operated. The set includes several attachments and three speeds. The brush does not rotate, so there is no risk of skin injury. Suitable for all types except very dry;
  • LUNA go by FOREO. Powered by charging. Guarantees deep cleansing, gentle care, and anti-aging effect. A separate device is purchased for each skin type;
  • CO. Accessories Cleansing Brush. The simplest brush for mechanical cleansing, consisting of several tens of thousands of soft microhairs. Designed to remove dirt and dead particles. It is recommended to use no more than twice a week.

Vidal's needle

The Vidal needle tool is a handle with a sharp steel tip. Designed to remove acne. It is recommended to use it instead of regular squeezing - thanks to it, no wounds remain on the skin.

How to use the needle:

  1. We clean and disinfect the treatment area, steam the face over a herbal decoction;
  2. We treat the instrument with alcohol;
  3. Carefully apply the needle to the middle of the pimple or blackhead and press lightly;
  4. Squeeze out the pimple with a loop;
  5. We disinfect the skin.

To learn how to get rid of blackheads using a loop, watch the video:

Spoon Uno

Another tool for cleaning dirt is the Uno spoon. It looks like a rod with a tip in the form of a metal hemisphere. The kit may include additional attachments:

  • Skimmer. Used to remove subcutaneous fat;
  • A spear. Application is similar to a needle;
  • A loop.

Using the Uno spoon is very easy: just place it so that the center of the pimple is strictly under the hole and lightly press on the skin.

How to use a cosmetic loop

The first thing that needs to be done before cleaning the skin is to treat the instrument and face. Wipe the cosmetic loop with a disinfectant, such as Biolong, and then treat your facial skin with any antibacterial toner.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure itself, you need to steam the skin and thereby open the pores. You can hold your face over a water bath, cleanse immediately after a hot bath or shower, or use a special warming mask.

Now bring the loop to the comedone, grab it inside and gently press on the skin. If the pore is not cleared and a small white “worm” of sebum does not come to the surface, then move the loop to the side and repeat the procedure in this place.

To improve the effect and prepare the skin for cleansing, you can do a small peeling, but you should not choose products with large abrasive particles, hard brushes or aggressive acids for this purpose.

If you want to squeeze out a pimple, then remember that this can only be done with mature pimples with a white “head”. Initially, they need to be pierced with a sterile needle, or a syringe, and then carefully squeezed out with a cosmetic loop. Treat this area with tea tree oil, which disinfects and dries well.

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