How to properly use a Vidal loop to cleanse your face and pores

A tool for cleaning the face and pores is used in beauty salons : with its help, specialists cleanse your skin, get rid of acne, protect it from allergic reactions, and eliminate blackheads.
What to do if going to a cosmetologist is too expensive for you, and you need a whole course of “treatment”? We buy the necessary tool for cleaning the face and pores, and then start using it at home !

This way you will save money, time on trips to the cosmetologist, and nerves. The procedure itself will take place at your home, you will be able to choose a convenient time, you will be calm and relaxed.

Mechanical facial cleansing always involves a serious impact on the skin (there is a risk of damage).

We do not recommend that you carry out the procedure right before an important event: a photo shoot, a wedding, a speech at a conference, and others. Otherwise, all the imperfections in your skin “will be written right on your face.”

What do you need to know about tools for mechanical facial cleansing?

  1. Cosmetologists use the following types of equipment: Uno spoon, Vidal needle, pore cleaning loop, brush and others (we’ll talk about them below).
  2. Experts do not recommend using these tools to combat boils, carbuncles, pyoderma, herpes and herpetic elements, demodicosis (red rashes caused by the activity of the subcutaneous demodex mite), and a number of other inflammatory and infectious lesions.
  3. Antiseptic treatment BEFORE using any tool is mandatory. You should also prepare your skin and clean your fingers with an antiseptic (otherwise the risk of re-inflammation is too high).
  4. The mechanical cleaning procedure always ends with treating the skin surface with an antiseptic solution . To do this, use products containing alcohol (they not only disinfect, but also help narrow pores).

If your skin is not very problematic, then you should clean it twice a year ( more often it is not necessary : ​​it can be harmful).

If your facial skin is problematic, if it has acne, pimples, blackheads, or increased oiliness, then you can use mechanical cleansing more often: 3 times every 6 months.

Contraindications for cleaning

To properly use a spoon for cleaning leather, you need to study the theory and develop some skills. If you use the device incorrectly, you may not achieve the desired result and sometimes even worsen the situation and appearance.

Before using a spoon, you should make sure there are no contraindications:

  • sensitive and dry facial skin;
  • rosacea;
  • extensive rashes;
  • vascular diseases;
  • open wounds and injuries;
  • herpes;
  • purulent inflammation.


There are indications and contraindications for manual cleaning. But don’t worry - if there are contraindications, you can use some other form of cleansing. So, indications for carrying out:

  1. Externally contaminated skin
  2. Wide and deep pores
  3. Pimples, blackheads, acne, wen
  4. Black dots
  5. Low elasticity of the epidermis

The main imperfections of oily and combination skin are permanently eliminated by manual cleaning. Sometimes dry skin also needs such cleaning, unless the epidermal layer is too thin.

UNO “holey” spoon for facial cleansing: what is it?

The facial cleansing spoon (aka Uno spoon) is designed specifically for removing blackheads, as well as comedones and pimples .

Sometimes it helps fight acne and acne.

In appearance, the device resembles a “holey spoon” . At one end there is a “strainer”, a spatula covered with holes. At the other end there is a small depression intended for acne.

In Russia, they did not know about this device for a long time, but then they gradually began to use it in beauty and cosmetology salons. Now you can buy a Uno spoon in any online store or relevant store.

How does the Uno spoon work?

  1. "Strainer" . It should be used to cleanse the skin in the T-zone, as well as on the forehead and cheeks. Using a strainer will allow you to get rid of excess sebum, traces of sweat and dirt, and dead skin particles. This will be the key to getting rid of red and white pimples, as well as acne (clean skin does not create such problems).
  2. The side with one hole (“small spoon with one hole”). Essential for dealing with large pimples or blackheads. All you need to do is place the “spoon” so that the pimple is in the very center. After this, you need to press firmly on the problem area (pain may occur). The rod will “pop out”, the pus will come out, but the nearest areas of the skin will be safe.

The method of squeezing out pimples using a “spoon” is recognized as one of the safest, recommended by many cosmetologists and dermatologists.

When do you need a spoonful of Uno? What skin problems does it treat?

  • oily skin in girls and women,
  • blackheads in the T-zone (especially on the nose),
  • frequent inflammation, acne,
  • acne,
  • enlarged pores,
  • increased sebum secretion.

When is a spoon of Uno not suitable? Contraindications for use

The tool requires experience and dexterity, so at first you will not always succeed. Please remember that this equipment has contraindications for use:

  • dry skin of the face and body,
  • skin sensitive to damage and external influences,
  • damaged surface (wounds, cracks),
  • herpes rashes (do not try to “squeeze” them out with this tool!).

If you have at least 1 of the listed “illnesses”, do not risk it. Perhaps you should choose a scrub or regular peeling instead.

Cosmetologists recommend using a spoon no more than once a month (for oily skin prone to infections and inflammation).

Directions for use and precautions

  1. The Uno spoon must be of high quality , made of stainless steel.
  2. Equipment is disinfected and thoroughly washed before first use (at a minimum, you need to wipe the instrument with vodka/alcohol).
  3. Hands and facial skin must also be cleaned (alcohol tincture of calendula is suitable for this, you can wipe it with alcohol).
  4. Girls who have dry or sensitive skin should avoid this solution. It is better to choose something more effective and safe.
  5. Solarium is prohibited for 2-4 days after the procedure.
  6. A cosmetologist should consult you before using the spoon. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin.

How to use the facial cleanser?

The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. Remove decorative cosmetics using gels, foams or other compositions.
  2. Clean the surface using special products.
  3. “Steam” the skin so that all the pores open. To do this, you can use not just water, but with the addition of medicinal herbs and natural antiseptics: oak bark, chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. “Steam” for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Take a spoon of Uno and your hands, “rinse” them with alcohol, vodka or other disinfectant solution.
  5. Rinse your index fingers to reduce the risk of infection (and causing even more inflammation).
  6. Pass the strainer from the eyebrows to the hair, then from the cheeks to the nose, then from the wings of the nose to the back. In this case, you cannot press hard, you cannot stretch the skin . Duration: approximately 5 minutes.
  7. Turn the tool over. Take a small spoon. Use it to remove pimples , blackheads or blackheads. Each area where a pimple appears must be wiped with alcohol.
  8. Finish the procedure. Wipe the surface again with calendula tincture, alcohol or a weak solution of lemon juice.
  9. Boil a spoon in water for 5-7 minutes. After that, take it out and wipe it with alcohol.

For 10 hours after the procedure, you should not wash your face so as not to cause an inflammatory process.

The Uno spoon is suitable for teenage and hormonal acne , and effectively fights other types of acne. If you have problem skin, we recommend that you pay attention to other tools for cleaning your face at home.


A spoon of Uno in the wrong hands will do more harm than good. Frequent complications after using this tool are:

- skin irritation;

- inflammatory process;

— skin injuries (scratches and abrasions);

- spread of infection.

The Uno spoon is an indispensable tool for a cosmetologist, which helps the skin look healthy and beautiful, as evidenced by positive reviews of the results of the procedure.

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The Vidal loop is a convenient and effective tool for cleaning the face and pores

A loop is a cosmetology instrument that:

  • helps cleanse your pores of impurities,
  • suitable for protruding dense blackheads (if they are small, the device simply “will not pick up” them),
  • removes blackheads and pimples that seem to “rise” above your skin, making it rougher,
  • copes with deep-seated comedones ,
  • effective against shallow acne.

How to properly use a Vidal loop at home to treat acne and acne?

The sequence of actions and general rules are similar:

  1. Clean the surface of decorative cosmetics using tonics, lotions, and gels. If you don't have any of this, you can just use soap (but it shouldn't overdry).
  2. Expand pores using a steam bath or other procedures. DO NOT miss this studio!
  3. Only expansion guarantees complete release of the pore contents without additional trauma to the skin.

  4. Place the disinfected instrument so that the pimple or blackhead is directly in the center of the loop.
  5. Press the loop so that it does not hurt too much (but at the same time so that the contents of the pores “come out”).
  6. Repeat as many times as necessary to eliminate pimples and acne.
  7. Wipe the surface of the skin with calendula tincture or simple alcohol to reduce the risk of inflammatory and infectious processes .
  8. Boil the instrument for 5-8 minutes in water, then wipe everything with alcohol again.

What should you do if, after applying pressure, the pores are not cleared and the pimple does not come out?

In such a situation, you should either repeat steaming or try using another device .

It is known that the instrument is named after the creator of &mdash, the French bacteriologist Fernand Vidal. There is no exact information about when this specialist came up with the invention.

Scientists speculate that this happened around 1886 - 1888, the year Mr. Vidal was actively engaged in research at the university (at the faculty of pathological anatomy).

Originally invented by a French scientist, the needle was not considered a cosmetic instrument, but later began to be used to eliminate pimples, blackheads and acne .

Reasons for appearance

There are many factors that influence the formation of lipomas. Among the reasons are hereditary predisposition, impaired metabolism of fatty acids in the body, liver disease, pancreatic disease, non-compliance or violation of hygiene rules.

For a long time it was believed that soft tissue injury predisposes to the development of lipomas, but this fact was subsequently refuted in research. Thus, doctors agree that one reason that would explain all the processes has not yet been found. However, predisposition to gastrointestinal lipomas has a proven connection with a gene mutation on chromosome 12. In other cases, the reasons remain unknown.

Selection rules

A spoon for cleaning your face can be of several types. Some manufacturers make double-sided paddles or provide attachments included.

The main element is the spoon itself, and at the other end there may be:

  • loop – designed for squeezing out pimples, made from wire and a thin metal strip;
  • spear - used as a tool for piercing pustules, on the upper layers of the comedone, made in the form of a sharp trihedron;
  • Vidal needle - looks like a pointed tip, used in the same way as a spear.

If you are going to use the device at home, you need to choose a high-quality and reliable model.

When choosing a Uno spoon, pay special attention to the following points:

  1. Material. Well-known manufacturers use only stainless steel to make the Uno spoon. Choose just such a material, then the tool will last longer. In addition, stainless steel easily tolerates disinfection, does not undergo deformation and does not react with the skin.
  2. Comfortable grip. Give preference to devices with an anti-slip coating in the center. Usually the surface is distinguished by relief.
  3. Safety. Inspect the spoon for unevenness, sharp nicks and roughness. Otherwise, they will scratch your facial skin during the cleaning process.
  4. Storage case. It is not included with all models, but is a useful addition to the tool.

What are the types of cosmetic devices?

In addition to the loop, there are other types of cosmetic cleaning devices: regular and electric cleansing brushes, Vidal needle, Uno spoon. The principle of use for each of them is different, but the result is the same - clean skin without problematic rashes.

Cleansing brush

Brushes are divided into electric, ultrasonic and conventional. In addition to removing impurities, they are used to cleanse the skin of flaking and have an anti-aging effect.

Which brushes are considered the most effective and popular:

  • Clinique Sonic System. Battery operated. The set includes several attachments and three speeds. The brush does not rotate, so there is no risk of skin injury. Suitable for all types except very dry;
  • LUNA go by FOREO. Powered by charging. Guarantees deep cleansing, gentle care, and anti-aging effect. A separate device is purchased for each skin type;
  • CO. Accessories Cleansing Brush. The simplest brush for mechanical cleansing, consisting of several tens of thousands of soft microhairs. Designed to remove dirt and dead particles. It is recommended to use no more than twice a week.

Vidal's needle

The Vidal needle tool is a handle with a sharp steel tip. Designed to remove acne. It is recommended to use it instead of regular squeezing - thanks to it, no wounds remain on the skin.

How to use the needle:

  1. We clean and disinfect the treatment area, steam the face over a herbal decoction;
  2. We treat the instrument with alcohol;
  3. Carefully apply the needle to the middle of the pimple or blackhead and press lightly;
  4. Squeeze out the pimple with a loop;
  5. We disinfect the skin.

To learn how to get rid of blackheads using a loop, watch the video:

Spoon Uno

Another tool for cleaning dirt is the Uno spoon. It looks like a rod with a tip in the form of a metal hemisphere. The kit may include additional attachments:

  • Skimmer. Used to remove subcutaneous fat;
  • A spear. Application is similar to a needle;
  • A loop.

Using the Uno spoon is very easy: just place it so that the center of the pimple is strictly under the hole and lightly press on the skin.

The Vidal needle is a “formidable” but almost harmless solution

The Vidal needle in appearance resembles an instrument of the Inquisition. This is a device with a long thin needle at the end (sometimes there may be a “Vidal loop” at the other end, then you get 2 tools in one ).

Those who have used the tool report side effects. For example, if you have sensitive skin (or if the person performing the procedure is unprofessional), “smudges” and “bruises” may appear.

It is also important for you to come to terms with the fact that this cosmetic procedure is considered one of the most unpleasant and painful . We do not recommend it for pregnant women, children under 14 years of age, or people with nervous disorders or hypersensitivity. People who have overly sensitive skin should not “play around” with the needle.

For which types of acne can a Vidal needle be used?

  • pimples and blackheads that are deep in the skin ,
  • small white pimples that are difficult to squeeze out with your hands (or the risk of inflammation is too high).

The application is the same as for previous instruments: disinfection of both the surface of the skin and equipment is necessary, preliminary steaming is required using baths based on medicines and plants.

You can use a Vidal needle only if the pimples or blackheads are mature! Otherwise, the inflamed follicle does not leave the pore, the pimple is not “ripe”.

Pressing can cause noticeable damage to the skin. If you tried to use a needle, but the pimple did not come out, then simply disinfect the surface of the skin and the instrument, and repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

If you have profuse rashes or serious acne (for example, teenage acne or associated with hormonal imbalance), then this equipment will not be enough . Additionally, to combat acne, you will have to use drying wash gels, antibiotic tablets, and talkatives.

The needle should not be used more often than once every 2-3 days (for severe rashes).

Why should you pay attention to this particular cosmetic tool for removing pimples, blackheads, blackheads and comedones?

  1. It is less painful than manual cleaning.
  2. It does not cause severe trauma or damage when removing deep acne (it is one of the main means for combating such dermatological problems).
  3. Reduces the amount of time and effort required to cleanse the skin of the face, back, chest, décolleté, and neck.

Facial cleansing brush – a proven cosmetic solution for every day

If you have problematic skin with a lot of pimples or blackheads and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, then use this solution.

Basic rules for choosing and using a cosmetic brush:

  1. When purchasing, make sure that the bristles have delicate hair (especially important for those with sensitive skin).
  2. You should use a brush for mechanical cleaning of the skin when washing your face 1 or 2 times a day.
  3. To enhance the effect , do not forget gels, cleansing foams, and tonics.
  4. When using a cosmetic instrument, you must gently rub the skin with massage movements.

If you have normal skin, you can use the brush literally once a month (with frequent use there is a risk of damage and an allergic reaction).

What types of pimples and blackheads does the brush combat? In what cases is it effective?

  • prevention of clogging of pores and the formation of blackheads (as well as the appearance of pimples, blackheads, acne),
  • cleaning the surface from keratinized particles,
  • protection against flaky skin.

Regular use of a cosmetic brush will help you reduce the number of comedones and pimples, and restore your skin to a beautiful and radiant appearance.

And using this tool is much more pleasant than a needle, spoon or loop . You simply apply the required amount of cosmetic product to the device, and then enjoy the massage effect.

By the way, many manufacturers offer massage brushes that are battery- or battery-powered. Turn facial care into pleasure!

Symptoms and classification

Lipomas are distinguished by anatomical location into lipomas of the head, face and neck, lipomas of the trunk, extremities, chest (mediastinum), mammary gland, gastrointestinal tract, internal organs, retroperitoneal tissue, spermatic cord. There are also rare localizations in the myocardium, lungs, and meninges.

Another classification of adipose tissue tumors involves a clinical division:

  • Lipoma surrounding nerve structures is called perineural . Due to compression of the nerves it can cause severe pain. Removal of perineural lipomas differs from subcutaneous lipomas and requires a highly qualified surgeon;
  • A tumor growing in the spinal canal (usually in the lumbar region) is called lumbosacral lipoma; Mostly occurs in children and is combined with underdevelopment of spinal structures;
  • Lipoma of the joint and its structures (synovium, vagina, tendons);
  • Intermuscular lipomas are formed from areas of adipose tissue between muscle fibers;
  • Angiomyolipoma is a tumor of fatty and muscle tissue, which in most cases grows in the kidneys and pancreas. Middle-aged and mature men are more predisposed to its formation;
  • Subcutaneous lipoma is a formation of varying sizes in the subcutaneous fat tissue. In everyday life it is usually called wen.

Lipomas usually occur alone. However, some patients discover several tumors at once. Such cases are most often associated with hereditary diseases and require careful study by specialists. The most common places for lipomas to form are the neck, back and limbs.

A subcutaneous lipoma is a mobile, elastic seal in the form of a lump or ball, which does not cause pain when pressed. A neoplasm can cause pain if it grows beyond its capsule into healthy tissue or due to compression of adjacent nerves.

For example, a wen located on the head can cause headaches, and the same formation on the neck can cause hoarseness and difficulty swallowing.

Gastrointestinal lipomas differ from their subcutaneous counterparts. Small formations in the intestine do not cause symptoms and are often discovered incidentally during an instrumental examination of the gastrointestinal tract. However, if it increases in size, this happens when the tumor reaches 2 or more centimeters in diameter, the lipoma can block part of the intestinal lumen and cause intestinal obstruction, intussusception, stool problems, abdominal pain and even bleeding.

Reviews about using the Uno spoon

If you are still in doubt about whether it is worth purchasing a spoon for cleansing your face, we suggest that you read the reviews of women who have already tried the action of the tool.

Albina, 25 years old: I went to a professional salon for cleansing treatments and the result was great. I didn’t even know that you could use the tool yourself, at home. I will definitely buy it and carry out the procedure itself to prevent blackheads.

Tatyana, 28 years old: I purchased it several years ago and am pleased with the effect. I have oily skin and have to take extra care of it. When a rash appears, I immediately clean it and have a wonderful appearance.

Ekaterina, 23 years old: I have suffered from acne since adolescence. I tried a lot of cosmetics, there was an effect, but not as much as I would like. Honestly, I was afraid to use such a device, because it looks scary to me. I made up my mind, but only in the salon, cleaning helped and now I do the procedure regularly.

Precautionary measures

Before using the loop, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following precautions:

  • Do not press the ear too hard on the skin - this can cause injury;
  • The loop should be treated with an alcohol solution before each session to avoid infection;
  • The tool can only be used by one person, like other personal hygiene items.

The use of the loop is prohibited in case of exacerbation of allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, burn lesions, rosacea, severe dryness and flaking. The list of contraindications also includes impaired regenerative function of the skin.

How to prepare the instrument

You should pay attention to the preparation of the Uno spoon and the features of working with it:

  • The device and hands are disinfected with an alcohol-containing liquid (for example, vodka), but not with pure alcohol. You can carry out the procedure wearing medical gloves.
  • The first stage of cleaning is carried out using a “strainer”, which is used to “collect” sebum. Move the nozzle smoothly, gently pressing it onto the surface of the face. The vector of movement is along the massage lines in the direction from the eyebrow arches to the scalp upwards, from the middle of the nose to its side parts and further to the cheeks. Then the chin is cleaned.
  • The “spoon” is used after removing excess sebum for deep cleansing. In particularly difficult cases, a device called a Vidal needle is additionally used, which is necessary to make an exit in a closed pimple. The released contamination is “removed” by quickly and easily moving the nozzle to the side.

Regardless of the degree of contamination, the contents of the “sieve” and “spoon” must be periodically removed, and the nozzles must be treated with a cotton pad moistened with a disinfectant.

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