Applicator (pencil) for removing warts - Vrtner pen, reviews of the product

AdminMedications When a skin defect is discovered - papillomas, warts, and so on, a person immediately begins to look for ways to get rid of this scourge. An effective way to remove such a problem is cryodestruction, but this procedure is carried out only in a clinical setting.

However, there is also a home analogue of cryotherapy - the Wartner pen, which can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. How to use the Wartner pen, what are the contraindications for this, and how to care for your skin after the procedure - this and much more will be discussed in this article.

What is the remedy

Experts recommend removing skin growths as soon as they appear. In addition to a cosmetic defect, papillomas and warts can become injured, which creates certain health risks. The danger is secondary infection of the growth, which can lead to blood poisoning.


Skin growths are provoked by the human papillomavirus, and as is known, it can be of different types, including oncogenic ones, leading to the development of a malignant formation.

The Wartner pen is simple and easy to use, and after the procedure there are no scars or other traces of growth left.

After the chemical burn heals, clean and healthy skin remains in its place. The Wartner pen is a preparation for delicate cryodestruction of various skin tumors.

Release form

The drug Wartner is available in two forms - aerosol for freezing and a pen for chemical cauterization. The yellowish gel is placed in a plastic handle, on one side of which there is a rotating dispenser cap, and on the other - an applicator for spot application.

The package contains the following items:

  • 50 ml can of refrigerant;
  • 12 disposable applicators;
  • a holder that prevents the product from getting on healthy skin;
  • a file for removing the stratum corneum on the growth to facilitate the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  • instructions for use.


Before starting treatment, you must carefully study the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications.

Composition and operating principle of the Wartner wart removal applicator

The main active ingredient is trichloroacetic acid, the principle of which is to cauterize the skin growth. Since the consistency of the drug is gel-like, it can be applied as accurately as possible to the wart and burn out the pathological focus at the root.

The drug penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, acts locally, gradually exfoliating the growth. Under the influence of the active substance, the nodule becomes darker and denser. Relapses after the procedure are excluded.

Purpose and mechanism of influence on warts

The Wartner pen is designed to remove skin growths caused by the activity of the papilloma virus. The product causes local exfoliation of neoplasm tissue and destruction of the papilloma virus in the affected tissues.

How is the growth removed?

After application of the drug, instant freezing of the neoplasm tissue occurs, which leads to its necrosis. Within three days after use, a blister forms at the site of the papilloma. It performs protective functions - it prevents the addition of a secondary infection and accelerates the process of regeneration of epithelial cells. After three days, the bubble settles and a hard crust forms.

Further, (days 3–10), the neoplasm gradually disappears, and young, healthy skin is restored in its place. At first, the treated area has a light shade, but over time it evens out and blends with the skin tone.

Advantages of the method

The main advantages of using the Wartner pen to remove warts include:

  1. Affordable price - procedures carried out in clinics are much more expensive than this product, and at the same time the effectiveness of home and clinical procedures is almost identical.
  2. Easy to use - the gel is distributed evenly on the growth and does not get on healthy areas of the skin.
  3. Absolutely painless.
  4. After the procedure, there are no scars, pigment spots or other marks left.
  5. Allowed for use on children over 4 years of age.
  6. The procedure not only helps remove skin growths, but also destroys the pathogenic infection.

A liquid nitrogen

Effective methods for removing moles and papillomas include cryodestruction. The procedure uses liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -196 °C. This substance freezes the liquid in the altered cells, after which they are completely destroyed. The procedure is painless, so there is no need for anesthesia. After using liquid nitrogen, crusts may remain at the site of the growth. They are completely rejected after two weeks. As a rule, there are no scars at the site of removal of a mole or papilloma. Unfortunately, this method cannot be used if a tumor biopsy is required.

Carrying out the procedure and application rules, instructions

If you plan to remove a plantar wart, your feet should first be steamed in a hot bath, and then the stratum corneum should be cleaned off with a special file. To remove young or soft tumors, this preparatory stage is not necessary.

Before using the pen for the first time, you must turn the cap clockwise until a drop of gel appears on the applicator. Then you should follow the following instructions:

  1. The product is applied pointwise, in a thin layer, and should cover the entire surface of the neoplasm.
  2. To prevent the gel from damaging healthy skin, you must first thickly lubricate it with a rich cream.
  3. To apply the gel, leave it on the growth for 15 minutes.
  4. Then the softened formation is eliminated under running warm water.
  5. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 4 days; if the growth is small, once a day is enough.

After the first procedure, the tumor will darken - this is a normal phenomenon that indicates tissue necrosis.

Where to buy the drug and what is its current price

You can buy a pencil both at the pharmacy and in online stores. The cost depends on the region and the chosen place of purchase. The average price is 850-1210 rubles. The drug is considered affordable for most patients when compared with hardware treatment in clinics. It has no analogues.

Important! You must order the product online from trusted resources. There are scammers operating online who reduce prices and sell goods that do not meet the stated characteristics.

Security measures

To prevent wart removal from being complicated by undesirable consequences, it is recommended to observe the following precautions:

  • Use only external growths.
  • Ventilate the room well before and after the procedure.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after the procedure.
  • Use on children should only be carried out under the strict supervision of adults.
  • Do not use any other items during the procedure other than those included in the product kit.
  • Do not cauterize more than 1 tumor at a time.
  • Maintain an interval between repeated courses of at least 2 weeks.
  • Store in a cool, dry place out of reach of children and animals.


High-frequency current is often used to combat tumors. This method of removing moles and papillomas is quite painful, so the doctor must use anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor brings a special needle to the head of the growth, which conducts an electric current. A spark occurs between the device and the skin. It burns the neoplasm cells to the very foundation. There is no blister after the procedure. But a scar forms on the surface of the skin, which resolves over time.


Molchanov Sergey, Kaspiysk.
“I get warts all the time, and I fight them all the time using different means. I burned the tumors with nitrogen several times, but after a while there was a relapse. In the end, the doctor advised me to try the Wartner pen, and, of course, I immediately bought it. I want to say that applying the product is very convenient, the gel does not spread, and does not have a strong odor.

As soon as a skin growth appears, I immediately lubricate it with gel, and after three days not a trace of the wart remains. I advise everyone to buy this pen - with its help you can quickly and easily get rid of unaesthetic growths.”

Parshina Svetlana, Mozhaisk. “I used the Wartner pen to treat a wart on my daughter (8 years old). She was very afraid to go to the clinic, and so they decided to get rid of the wart at home.

I was very afraid that after the procedure the skin would be left with a scar, but after complete healing the skin was smooth and healthy. We are very pleased - convenient, simple, painless, affordable - the price is significantly lower than cryotherapy in the clinic.”

Mironova Olesya, Arkhangelsk. “Removing warts at home is quite dangerous. Firstly, without consulting a doctor, you cannot be absolutely sure that the neoplasm is benign; secondly, if the drug comes into contact with healthy skin, or if it is used incorrectly, a chemical burn is possible, which will leave a scar.

Thirdly, there are contraindications for using Wartner that must be carefully taken into account. Many people say that the Wartner pen costs less than a procedure in a clinic, perhaps this is true, but in a clinic the procedure is carried out by qualified specialists, and, therefore, its quality, safety and effectiveness will be higher.”

Makarova Yulia, Irkutsk. “A wart on my foot makes it terribly difficult to walk, and I’ve been saving money for radio wave removal for three months. Having come across information about a Wartner pen on the Internet, I decided to buy it - it’s cheaper and can be used at home.

It turned out to be very simple and convenient - the gel is applied to the tumor, left for 15 minutes, and you can go about your business. After 4 days, the wart completely peeled off, and after 10 days the wound healed without a trace. I recommend it to everyone - fast, very convenient and effective.”

Of course, removing warts using a Wartner pen is easier and more convenient than carrying out this procedure in a clinic, however, the availability and dispensing of the drug without a doctor’s prescription should not cancel out a consultation with a specialist.

Not all skin growths can be removed in this way; in addition, there are contraindications for using the pen, so before deciding to remove warts at home, you must undergo the necessary tests and consult a doctor.

Why remove tumors

Moles and papillomas can pose a real threat to human health and even life. For example, a nevus can degenerate into one of the most aggressive types of cancer - melanoma. Usually the tumor progresses rapidly, since the body’s response is weak or absent altogether. Strong immunity can suppress the development of the papilloma virus. Often, the growths that appear disappear on their own without a trace. If the immune response is insufficient, the tumor will not disappear. It may even increase in size. In place of one papilloma, several appear at once. The growths can become injured and become infected. In addition, papilloma can cause the development of squamous cell carcinoma and other types of cancer. Removal of moles and papillomas can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

If there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration of the nevus, it must be eliminated with extreme caution and only in a medical facility. After the procedure, tissues are necessarily sent for histological examination. The same is done with suspicious papilloma. In this case, the optimal way to remove the tumor is surgery. Fortunately, not all nevi and papillomas are dangerous. They rarely develop into melanoma or other types of cancer. Most often, patients remove moles and papillomas for aesthetic reasons.

Prevention of warts

The following recommendations will help prevent the appearance of formations on the skin:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands after contact with money, handrails in public transport, etc.
  2. Treat wounds and abrasions in a timely manner.
  3. If you come into contact with a person who has warts, you should wash your hands more often and limit the use of shared objects.
  4. Maintain a proper diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  5. To refuse from bad habits.
  6. When visiting a public bath or swimming pool, wear personal shoes.
  7. Working with cleaning products must be done with gloves.
  8. Wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials to avoid the formation of plantar warts.
  9. When having sexual intercourse, use a condom.
  10. Timely contact a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Frequently changing sexual partners increases the risk of HPV infection.

Thus, a wart remover - an applicator pen or Wartner gel - is excellent for use at home. If you follow all precautions, the result will not be long in coming.

Direct analogues

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Its cost is 700 rubles. If this product is not available, you can purchase any of the direct analogues of Wartner Cryo. The cost and method of use of such drugs are practically no different from the original drug.

Cryopharma for feet

Cryopharma allows you to freeze common warts and papillomas. Cryopharma for feet is used to eliminate spines. Both products contain liquefied gas, which cools the applicator to a temperature of minus 57 degrees. Cryopharma for feet is different in that the set, in addition to a balloon, holder and 12 applicators, includes a reusable nail file and protective patches.

The method of use of Cryopharma, indications and contraindications are identical to Wartner Cryo. This remedy also allows you to quickly and painlessly remove growths. Its cost in pharmacies is 750 rubles. Cryopharma for feet is a little more expensive, its price reaches 900 rubles.

Aerosol Veruclin

Veruclin freezes the growths with a refrigerant that includes dimethyl ether, propane, isobutane and butane. At the outlet, liquefied gases show a temperature of -50 degrees. Thanks to this, the drug painlessly and quickly freezes the tumor along with the root.

The packaging of the drug contains sponge applicators onto which refrigerant is applied using a sprayer. It is important to monitor the applicator: if the refrigerant drips from it after application, the product cannot be used in this form. You need to wait a few seconds or blot the applicator with a piece of cloth.

The cooled applicator is applied to the growth and held for 40 seconds. The drug is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin. One balloon is enough to treat 12 tumors. The cost of the aerosol is 500 rubles.

Drug Maxivart

Maxivart is the latest product that allows you to freeze a tumor in one procedure. 10 seconds are enough for one application. The removal procedure is painless and safe; there are no scars left after it.

Maxivart aerosol contains dimethyl ether. The volume of the can is 20 ml. The product should not be used on areas of skin covered with hair, as well as on keloid scars, pigmented areas and mucous membranes.

Sometimes after application of Maxivart the growth becomes painful or rises above the skin - this is a normal reaction. It is recommended to cover the treated area with a plaster that will protect it from environmental influences and damage from clothing. The price of the drug is 750 rubles.

When is Wartner needed?

Papillomaviruses are responsible for the appearance of warts. Papilloma does not have a malignant etiology, but the risk of developing into melanoma is still present. Moreover, all warts behave differently.

It is necessary to sound the alarm with the appearance of the first outbreak. The treatment method largely determines the further activity of tumors. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate! Any therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The use of the drug is justified in case of the appearance of plantar and common (vulgar) warts, as well as dry calluses. Their location should be limited to the upper and lower extremities.

The appearance of growths and nodules never goes unnoticed. It is simply impossible not to attach importance to this! Vulgar warts appear on the fingers and hands. They are hard and dry, semicircular in shape. The surface of a common wart resembles a cauliflower (due to its bumpiness). Plantar growths are located in the deep layer of the epidermis, which makes their removal much more difficult. These are flat growths on the feet or toes. Characterized by painful sensations while walking. The Wartner applicator pen is a very good product that removes warts by peeling the top layer of skin. With its help you can get rid of senile, filiform and chicken warts localized on the arms and legs.

Do not use the drug on sensitive areas of the skin: on the face, mucous membranes, in the armpits. The product is also not intended for intimate areas.

Side effects

Negative consequences after treatment with cryopencil are observed in rare cases. Side effects are most often associated with:

  • ignoring contraindications to therapy;
  • exceeding the maximum dosages specified in the annotation;
  • skin sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Negative reactions manifest themselves in the form of:

  • itching and burning of the treated area;
  • discoloration of the area next to the papilloma;
  • the formation of a white ring around the growth.

After applying the product, the skin area may become discolored.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

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