Consequences of the procedure for removing warts with liquid nitrogen

Warts are small growths on the skin that usually do not cause pain. Some lesions are itchy and may hurt, especially if they appear on the legs. There are five types of warts: common warts (appear on the hands), flat warts (appear on the face and forehead), genital warts (condylomas, appear on the genitals, in the pubic area and between the thighs), plantar warts, subungual warts (located under or around fingernails and toenails).

Causes and types of warts

Warts are skin growths that look like a hemispherical nodule, a dense skin growth or a soft papule. It is possible to hope that the wart will disappear on its own only in childhood, when such resolution is observed in approximately half of all cases. As for adults, the spontaneous disappearance of an epidermal growth is the exception rather than the rule.

Doctors say that the papilloma virus, which is present in the body of almost every person, is to blame. This virus “dormants” for some time, remaining in a latent state, and it becomes active at the most inopportune moment, when the protective function of the immune system decreases.

Typically, warts appear on the surface of the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of a person. The most common types of warts are:

  • Genital;
  • Flat;
  • Plantar;
  • Ordinary (or vulgar).

More often , warts form in women and children. This has nothing to do with the widespread stereotype that this phenomenon occurs due to uncleanliness or violations of personal hygiene rules. In fact, children and women are at risk only because their skin is thinner and more delicate. In children, for example, only three layers are distinguished in the epidermis, while in an adult there are five. Frequent microtraumas and violations of the integrity of the skin barrier, as well as the imperfection of the children's immune system, also provoke an increased risk of skin growths in patients of the younger age group.

The most common are common or, as they are also called, vulgar warts. Their favorite place is the fingers and hands. It often happens that when people see a wart that appears, they try to remove the skin defect themselves by tearing it off. However, under no circumstances should you do this. Thus, repeated self-infection of nearby skin areas occurs.

Many people think that getting rid of a wart can be done very simply by cutting it off with a blade or sharp knife. But this opinion is erroneous, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the wart, but it is possible to cause its further increase in size. It is also important not to confuse a wart with a tumor and take all necessary measures in a timely manner. As mentioned above, a wart looks like a spherical papilla or nodule, its base is located deep in the skin.

Sometimes warts cause very unpleasant and painful sensations, making it difficult to carry out daily work. Warts are considered a cosmetic defect, and may also indicate an abnormal growth of tissue, which can undergo a process of malignant degeneration, leading to a precancerous or oncological condition, therefore, if you notice such an epidermal growth, you should seek help from an experienced doctor as soon as possible, who will tell you how to It is better to remove a wart on the body.

Causes of warts

Warts are a type of infection caused by viruses in the human papilloma (HPV) family. There are more than 100 types of HPV. Warts can grow on all parts of the body. They can grow on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and rectum. Common types of HPV tend to cause growths on the skin (such as on the hands and fingers), while other types of HPV cause warts on the genitals and rectal area.


  • Causes of warts
  • Treatment of warts

Skin lesions can be transmitted to another person during direct contact. It is also possible to get warts from using towels or other items that belong to a person with such growths.

On the genitals, they are highly contagious and can be transmitted to another person during oral, vaginal or anal contact. It is important to avoid unprotected sex if you or your partner has HPV in the genital area. In women, lumps can grow on the cervix (inside the vagina) and the woman may not even know she has them. She can pass the infection to her sexual partner without knowing it.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

Treatment of warts with liquid nitrogen until recently was considered a priority in the practice of ridding patients of skin defects.

In medicine and cosmetology, this method is called cryotherapy or cryodestruction.

Cryotherapy is also used to get rid of papillomas and unwanted moles. Wart removal with nitrogen is carried out manually or using a hardware method using a special cryoprobe, but in clinics and beauty salons the manual method is the most common.

When answering the question of whether it is painful to remove warts with liquid nitrogen, it is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer, due to the individual sensitivity of the patient. However, having decided to undergo the procedure of wart removal with liquid nitrogen, the price of which varies significantly in different clinics, you should be mentally prepared for some discomfort during the manipulation process.

At the first stage, the doctor dips a small cotton swab, which in cosmetology is called “reed”, into a cylinder of liquid nitrogen and touches the defective area of ​​​​the skin. The exposure time varies from 10 to 30 seconds, which is quite enough to freeze the wart. During the procedure, a “cold bubble” is formed, in which the doctor tries to capture the tumor. If this can be achieved, then the tumor disappears forever.

Burning out warts with liquid nitrogen usually occurs under local anesthesia with novocaine, especially when it comes to children. After cauterization, pause for 1-2 minutes. After this, the doctor carefully examines the wart and makes a conclusion about whether repeated exposure to liquid nitrogen is necessary.

A very common question is about the consequences of removing warts with liquid nitrogen . In most cases, classical cryodestruction has a positive effect. It should be borne in mind that after the procedure, the place where the wart was turns pink and becomes whitish. This is the result of epidermal cell death, which is a normal and expected skin reaction. Also, many people complain that after removing a wart with liquid nitrogen, a blister appears. This is also an absolutely normal phenomenon, which means that cryodestruction has affected the deeper layers of the skin.

The bubble that forms on the surface of the skin is filled with a clear liquid and is reddish or white in color. If the blister does not bother you or cause discomfort, do not pop it. Soon it will disappear on its own, and you will forget about the problem that previously bothered you. If such a skin manifestation is absent, most likely only the superficial skin layers were affected during the procedure, which increases the risk of relapse.

The price of wart removal with nitrogen in St. Petersburg will depend on the method, location and number of skin tumors.

How exactly does cryodestruction help get rid of warts?

Warts are benign skin growths that appear due to HPV, the human papillomavirus, entering the body. They usually look like a nodule or papilla measuring 1-15 mm with a rough surface, but they can also be smooth. Color: flesh, gray or brown.

Infection occurs when the skin is damaged or through contact with objects contaminated with viruses.

Avoiding the formation of warts is quite simple. Prevention methods are basic and primarily related to personal hygiene:

  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Treat any skin damage with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green
  • Use individual slippers and towels when visiting the fitness club/swimming pool/sauna
  • Support your immunity
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Use contraception during sexual intercourse

Cryodestruction - what is it?

Cryodestruction is a method of removing pathological skin growths using low temperatures. Liquid nitrogen is used for cooling. It freezes the intracellular structure of benign formations. The virus dies, and the skin is painlessly cleansed. This method has been used in practice for a long time and has no side effects.

The cryodestruction procedure is very quick and painless. The doctor applies liquid nitrogen to the wart and presses it lightly for 5-30 seconds. Contact time depends on the size of the tumor. This is a comfortable procedure that does not require a rehabilitation period. Usually, patients do not even have time to understand that the treatment process has already ended, and they can return to their usual rhythm of life.

After the procedure, a small bubble forms at the site of the wart, which cannot be opened. It will burst on its own in 4-5 days. This area of ​​skin must be treated with an antiseptic and sealed with a bactericidal plaster. Contact of water with skin is absolutely safe. There are no restrictions from day one. A crust forms at the site of the bubble, which will disappear within 7-10 days. Complete restoration of the skin occurs within a period of up to six months. As a result, no scars or scars remain on the body, and the skin tone is completely evened out.

Advantages of cryodestruction compared to other methods:

1. Painless

There may be adjustments for individual sensitivity, but in most cases the procedure is comfortable and does not cause discomfort.

2. Security

Cryodestruction does not cause complications and excludes cases of relapse. The formations disappear forever, and the subcutaneous tissue and fiber are not damaged.

3. Affordable price

Make an appointment with a Podologist


Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant during cryotherapy procedures, which freezes tissue at a temperature of -196°C. Cryopharm spray contains a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane. It is an alternative refrigerant to nitrogen. When using the drug, tissue is frozen at a temperature of -57°C. It is quite enough to destroy pathological cells and remove warts.

Cryopharm spray, the price of which is quite affordable, is packaged in aerosol cans. The product kit includes special disposable nozzles and holders, which guarantees ease of use.

When using the product, you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation at the treatment site. The skin turns white for a while, but then quickly returns to color. After some time, the skin on the treated area turns red and a barely noticeable blister forms under the wart, under which healthy tissue forms.

A wart removed with a spray disappears on its own 10-14 days after the procedure. For large warts that have not disappeared after a single use of the product, it can be used again without any harm to health. On average, one bottle of the drug is enough to remove 12 warts.


Cryopharm spray is not prescribed for the removal of warts in children under 4 years of age. A clear contraindication for the product is skin formations on the skin of unknown origin. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Do not use products on areas of skin with increased sensitivity. This applies to the face, neck, armpits, genital area, etc. It is prohibited to apply the spray to keloid scars, moles and pigmented areas of the skin where hair grows. The drug should be used with increased caution in diabetes mellitus due to the reduced rate of tissue regeneration.


You can buy cryopharm at a pharmacy without a prescription. Its main indications are the removal of papillomas or warts. The drug is prescribed to combat papillomas that appear on the skin when infected with the human papillomavirus. It allows you to remove flat warts, including old formations.

The product can be used on various skin surfaces: palms, elbows, knees, fingers, etc. Cryopharma is indicated, in particular, for treating feet when warts form on them. They are often called plantar spines. Deep formations cause severe discomfort. Large warts on the feet, as a rule, have several roots, so the drug is prescribed in several courses.

Cryopharma for papillomas, reviews confirm this, is an effective remedy. But at the same time, the remedy is prescribed only for the removal of benign formations that are not located in places of increased trauma: armpits, waist folds, etc.

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