4 ways to cover up redness on the face - recommendations from a makeup artist

How to get rid of redness from rosacea

The beautiful name “rosacea” conceals a rather unpleasant disease, the manifestation of which is expressed “on the face”. It is on the face that redness of an incomprehensible nature occurs. Sometimes they appear after going to the bathhouse, walking on a sunny day, after jogging or drinking alcohol. The reasons are different, but there is one sign – redness. Sometimes it gradually goes away, then appears again. And over time it becomes a “constant companion.” What causes the disease and how to remove rosacea on the face: this is the question that worries us today.

Spot masking of redness on the face

Pimples are masked like this:

  • After treating the entire facial skin, a thick concealer so that not only it is covered, but also a little of the skin nearby.
  • After this, the edges of the product are shaded, and the product on the pimple itself remains untouched. This is necessary to achieve optimal coverage: if you start blending concealer applied directly to the pimple, it will not be covered.
  • Then powder this area a little more densely than the rest of your face.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a non-infectious skin disease. The main symptom is redness of the epidermis as a result of inflammation. The danger of the disease is that at first the redness appears and disappears for a long time, and then appears again. The problem becomes urgent when the redness does not go away at all.


Rosacea covers the nose, forehead, and cheeks. Redness may spread to the neck, chest, back and scalp. With prolonged development of the disease, redness turns into papules - nodular formations and pustules - bubbles with liquid, after which pigmentation and peeling are possible. The skin swells and turns red. 20% of patients have eye lesions (rhinophyma). General symptoms:

  • redness of the affected areas and swelling that occurs simultaneously;
  • increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin;
  • the appearance of spider veins and spider veins around the wings of the nose;
  • in places of redness, the appearance of papules and pustules;
  • thickening of the affected areas of the dermis and associated curvature of the facial shape;
  • if the disease “spreads” to the eyes, then reddened and swollen eyelids are noticeable, itching develops at the roots of the eyelashes and crusts appear;
  • there is a feeling of dryness in the eyes or watery eyes;
  • on the affected areas there may be a burning sensation, slight tingling, itching;
  • pain is felt when touched;
  • In the area of ​​redness, the skin is hot to the touch.

Removing rosacea is difficult, since the disease is characterized by a chronic course with periods of remission and exacerbation. During remission, only redness is usually noticeable. In the acute stage, all other symptoms of the pathology appear.

Note: Such redness develops after 30 years in women with fair skin. The disease affects 8-10% of people on earth. In men, rosacea rarely develops, but is more severe.

Selecting a foundation to cover redness

If you don't like multi-layered makeup, you can get by with foundation. However, in this case you will have to be very careful when choosing a suitable foundation. Even though you know what to look for, most likely you will still find your product not the first time, but through trial and error.

So, you can use:

  • Very dense foundations. They usually say “super resistant”, “lasting 24 hours”, “longwear”. The texture of such foundations is very dense and can be viscous. They often leave a matte finish. As a result, you get an even complexion and no oily shine. This method is quite effective and simple, and you will quickly get used to masking redness this way. However, it has disadvantages, since some persistent and dense products, with prolonged and regular use, can cause the formation of comedones and other rashes. Therefore, it is better to use thick foundations for makeup for special events, where there will be no opportunity to correct it during the day.

  • CC creams – a good option for everyday makeup. These products can miraculously even out the complexion and correct pigmentation imperfections. It is best to use CC creams with green undertones, such as Dr. Jart+. It is quite expensive, but its consumption is very economical, and the result achieved by using it will please any woman.

Causes of redness

The origin of the pathology of rosacea is still not entirely clear. The disease is associated with various factors. The immune system, diseases of capillaries and blood vessels, and skin microorganisms play a role in its occurrence.

Redness occurs due to external factors:

  • addiction to tanning;
  • frost or heat;
  • love of alcohol:
  • taking hot drinks;
  • an abundance of spicy food;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics.

Such reasons affect the tone of facial vessels, causing them to dilate and provoke rosacea.

Scientists have not proven the effect of a genetic factor, but in 40% of patients with rosacea, similar rashes appear in close and distant relatives. Redness on the face occurs due to hormonal “stress”: menstruation, menopause, endocrine diseases. The effect of other internal factors on the development of the disease is also considered:

  1. With “rosacea”, pustular rashes are possible. Typically, such manifestations are associated with the “work” of bacteria. But when studying the purulent contents, no microorganisms were found, which indicates the absence of infection.
  2. In a number of patients, when scraping the redness, larvae of mites of the genus Demodex were found, which provoke rosacea. But this “mite infestation” does not apply to all patients.
  3. In case of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, inflammation of the intestines), 50% of people develop rosacea. Poor functioning of the digestive tract provokes the disease.
  4. Nervous disorders associated with a “broken” psyche can also cause redness. Just looking in the mirror at your red face can cause a nervous shock.
  5. Uncontrolled use of medicines. Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs without medical advice can cause skin disease.

Other reasons can be named. If there is a disturbance in vascular tone, lymph circulation, malfunction of the sebaceous glands, or malfunction of the immune system, redness is also possible.

Important! You should not take independent action and remove rosacea on your own, using a home first aid kit or folk remedies. First, you should understand the causes of rosacea, and only then treat it under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Physiotherapy has all these qualities.

The first stage of therapy, the longest, is to reduce swelling and inflammation in and around the vascular wall. Two methods are suitable for this. Laser-magnetic therapy is a combination of red and infrared laser radiation with a constant magnetic field. A powerful anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect on the vascular wall promotes the outflow of excess blood and lymph from the face.

Mens therapy, better known as microcurrent . A mild anti-inflammatory effect, restoration of normal tone of the neuromuscular system that regulates vascular contraction, normalizes vascular reactions to external influences.

Both procedures are prescribed 2 times a week, a total of at least 12-20 procedures are required. Depending on the prevalence of specific symptoms, you can start with microcurrent (redness and hot flashes predominate) or laser-magnetic therapy (swelling and inflammation predominate). For optimal results, it is advisable to use both methods. The procedures are inexpensive and painless, but require regular visits to the doctor (2 times a week for 30-40 minutes). The earlier treatment is started, the more effective and shorter it will last. After the procedures, maintenance therapy is prescribed.

In addition to physical therapy, medications may be prescribed that are selected individually. Efficacy is assessed as treatment progresses; drugs may be changed or combined.

Second phase. After stabilization of the situation, persistently dilated vessels that cannot be eliminated by therapeutic methods are removed.

One of the most effective and gentle methods for removing “vessels” is the use of a neodymium laser with a short powerful pulse. Delivery of such a pulse with an absorption spectrum in oxyhemoglobin (a blood component) promotes the removal of blood vessels without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Correct approaches to treating rosacea

Rosacea is considered a chronic disease, the manifestations of which disappear and appear again. By following medical recommendations, you can return your skin to its original appearance and natural, light color.

Home care rules

Do not apply to irritated, inflamed skin with redness:

  1. Scrubs and rolls with fruit acids that injure the surface. They will not clear the skin, and can cause an exacerbation of rosacea.
  2. Alcohol-containing lotions that irritate the inflamed surface.
  3. Fatty creams that disrupt the natural pH balance and close pores.

The epidermis needs to be moisturized. Wash with water at room temperature. When walking in the sun, use SPF cream with sun filter 30 or 50. Try not to go outside in frost or strong wind.

Important! Following these care rules will not get rid of rosacea, but you can minimize irritation and soothe inflamed skin.

Local treatment

Local treatment, which includes superficial procedures, helps relieve signs of rosacea. The therapeutic effect is achieved when using:

  1. Azelaic acid, which is used for various forms of rosacea. It affects acne, reduces the amount of fatty acids in the lipids of the dermis, and restores metabolic processes in the follicles of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Metranidazole, which helps remove papules and pustules. Papules are nodular formations that appear as redness and rash. Pustules are blisters with purulent contents that appear with prolonged rosacea.
  3. Antibiotics prepared in the form of lotions or mash. They have a wide spectrum of action. They are applied locally to the acne area, which helps remove infectious pustules.
  4. Antiparasitic drugs, if larvae of mites of the genus are found during scraping in the pustules

A similar treatment regimen is used if redness needs to be removed at an early stage of rosacea. When the disease is not advanced, medicinal ointments and creams can clear up skin rashes.

Note: It is necessary to switch to dietary nutrition, eliminating spicy, hot, spicy, salty, and sour foods from the diet. You should give up alcohol and tobacco.

Drug treatment

In severe cases of the disease, rosacea must be removed in the clinic. In this case, dermatologists usually prescribe systemic drugs. In addition to anti-inflammatory therapy, they restore the protective function of the skin and at the same time saturate them with moisture.

The doctor considers the main tasks to be:

  • remove the exacerbation stage;
  • remove symptoms of the disease;
  • increase remission time.

Medicines used:

  • antibacterial nature, if microorganisms are found in the scraping;
  • antihistamines to relieve possible allergies;
  • antibiotics to clear up severe rosacea;
  • agents that relieve inflammation;
  • glucocorticosteroids.

The treatment is based on injection therapy to restore the skin's hydrobalance, as well as peeling to remove papules, pastulas, and smooth the surface layer of the epdermis. Ointments are used that are combined with other forms of treatment.

Preparations containing hyaluronic acid, amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins and minerals are administered as injections. Vitamin-mineral complexes strengthen vascular walls.

Special, therapeutic peels of superficial and medium action help to remove the signs of rosacea. To get rid of redness quickly, superficial peeling in combination with injections is suitable. At the same time, the person does not “fall out” of the social lifestyle, since the rehabilitation period is short. During treatment

  • metabolic processes are restored in the dermis;
  • neurogenic inflammation is relieved;
  • “on the face” serbo-regulating and moisturizing effect.

Important! You should not use peels based on fruit acids or salicylic acid, which do not remove rosacea and lead to worsening inflammation.

What happens in the skin?

Redness, no matter what causes it, represents increased blood flow to the skin. The vessels dilate greatly and contract with difficulty. Some of the fluid from the overcrowded vessels can seep into the surrounding tissues - swelling occurs.

Proteins and blood cells may also leak out. The condition of connective tissue fibers and muscles that help blood vessels contract and drain blood and lymph from the skin deteriorates. Stagnation and low-grade inflammation occurs in and around the vascular wall. Opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms can join this inflammation, which weakens the skin’s defenses.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in parallel with therapeutic effects.

Laser exposure

Laser pulses tone blood vessels and restore blood circulation. Already after the first procedure, the effect is noticeable - reduced redness and a healthier complexion.

The method works as follows: the laser beam acts on all manifestations of rosacea without damaging deeper, healthy tissues.

Laser exposure is carried out after drug therapy, when correction of spider veins or other vascular problems is needed. This physiotherapy procedure can remove skin defects during remission. It is repeated once every 2 weeks with a total number of sessions from 3 to 7.

Note: The laser is not used at the acute stage, when inflammation is severe and dry skin is noticeable. Exposure to a laser beam can make the situation worse.

After completing the full therapeutic course, the patient’s blood vessels are strengthened, swelling and redness are relieved, the number of skin rashes is reduced or eliminated, and itching goes away. This leads to improved quality of life and socialization.

Using high intensity flashes of light

IPL, or high-intensity flashes of light, act locally to destroy oxyhemoglobin in the capillaries. This procedure

  • eliminates skin redness;
  • visually reduces the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • destroys microorganisms on the surface of the epidermis.


Cryomassage of the face is cooling of the skin and tissues. The procedure reduces the discomfort of rosacea due to spasm and narrowing of blood vessels. After the procedure, microcirculation and blood vessel filling are enhanced. An increase in blood flow leads to further redness, so the procedure for rosacea is not always prescribed and is considered useful and necessary.

Using a green base for red facial skin

According to color rules, redness can be neutralized by adding green pigment. Therefore, it is the green makeup base that is used in such cases. When one shade is applied to another, the color is neutralized and the skin acquires a grayish tint.

  • Apply the green base using a damp sponge or your hands, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then apply your foundation.
  • The green base can also be used spot-on if the redness is local. Apply foundation to these areas in the same way as over the rest of the skin and your complexion will even out.

Possible complications

With advanced rosacea, the following develop:

  1. Purulent-septic complications, when an oblong formation rises above the level of the skin, from which pus periodically oozes. This is a slow-burning process of inflammation.
  2. If the eyes are affected, then a gradual deterioration of vision occurs. With advanced ophthalmic rosacea, complete loss of vision is possible.
  3. Deterioration in appearance caused by distortion of facial features. With persistent erythrema and edema, phymatous growths are observed, which spoils the appearance. With such a complication, the quality of life deteriorates.

In case of exacerbation of the disease or its complications, social maladjustment develops: people are afraid to go out, communicate, and appear in society.

Refresh yourself

The easiest (and cheapest) way to revive sleepy skin is to wash your face with cold water. This elementary action narrows blood vessels and pores. Your skin instantly becomes smooth, toned and firm.

Extra Bonus

: Along with your swollen face, your remaining sleep will most likely go away.

To avoid falling asleep on the way to work or at work, take a small bottle of thermal water in spray form with you - and refresh yourself as often as needed.

Preventive measures: how to prevent the development of rosacea?

Removing rosacea and fighting it is a long, troublesome task and involves vascular therapy. How to minimize the occurrence of rosacea. The rules are simple:

  • try not to go outside in low temperatures and strong winds;
  • minimize sun exposure or use a sun protection factor;
  • do not visit baths and saunas;
  • tune in to dietary nutrition, excluding spices, alcohol, hot dishes and drinks;
  • do not take risks and refuse traumatic cosmetic procedures;
  • act on the skin gently and delicately, focusing on cleansing and moisturizing;
  • avoid excessive physical activity.

But rosacea can also occur for other reasons. A competent approach, a good dermatologist and properly structured therapy are the cornerstones in the treatment of rosacea.

Long-term treatment is aimed at strengthening the condition of blood vessels and relieving inflammatory manifestations. After therapy, you should apply the recommended medications to your skin for several months and adjust your lifestyle. Usually women do everything necessary to restore their original appearance and fair, blemish-free skin.

Features of makeup for red facial skin

Having chosen the ideal foundation for yourself or getting used to using a green base for makeup, do not forget that if there is redness on the skin, you must follow the rules in makeup.


  • Do not wear red lipstick : it will again enhance the red undertone of the skin.
  • Be careful with shades of warm shades , it is better to use neutral colors.
  • Do not overuse blush : if you think that the redness is still somewhat noticeable, do not use it.

Open your eyes

Be sure to curl your eyelashes with special eyelash curlers. This simple trick will open your eyes and brighten up your face.

Use 2 coats of mascara to give your look extra depth and boldness.

If you plan to use eyeliner, eye shadow, and lipstick, you'll want to avoid any dark shades that will accentuate your haggard look. For example, green and purple colors will make the whites appear redder.

Choose caramel shades - they will marry any eye color.

Look at the world through blue glasses

Did you put matches in your eyes? Now carefully keep your gaze on the blue sky outside the window. Are you saying there's a shortage of blue sky at 5am in December? In the evening, leave an open GEO on your bedside table with a photo of the endless Indian Ocean, and admire it right away

after the alarm clock rings.

Zen and meditation have nothing to do with it.

Of all the colors, blue is the only one that signals the brain to stop producing melatonin, the sleep hormone, according to the Lighting Research Center.

But not only. These guys found out that nature programmed us every morning to be in a bad mood. As soon as we open our eyes, cortisol, the stress hormone, begins to enter the bloodstream. And it is maintained there from 30 minutes to 1 hour!

Want more joy? Look at the sky and your cortisol will drop by 70%.

Contrary to stereotypes, red and orange stimulants are not suitable for awakening: the body feels deceived and reacts to them like a wounded bull to a bullfighter.

MINIMUM makeup

Your skin is exhausted. Therefore, this morning is not suitable for thick foundation and powder. They will make your face even duller. To avoid the mask effect, instead of classic foundation, apply a foundation mixed with moisturizer.

And don't forget to cover up dark circles under your eyes.

To add life to your cheekbones, apply bronzer just under your cheekbones, followed by a little peach blush. This secret distracts from tired eyes and brightens your skin tone. Apply bronzer to the chin area to highlight your jawline.

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