Removing ear hair: 7 ways to get rid of excess hair

Ear hair on men is one of those sensitive issues that is not discussed openly and is therefore not as obvious. But this does not mean at all that the problem does not exist, and in no way reduces its significance. Sociological studies conducted in New York back in 1984 showed that at least 74% of men suffer from excess hair in the ear area. Over time, this problem did not disappear, but new ways to solve it appeared.

Excessive hair is not always pleasant

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following questions: what causes hair growth on and in the ears of men, does it affect health, and what solutions to this problem (salon and intended for home) exist.

When childhood problems become adults

Hair grows in the ears of all men and women, regardless of their age; these small and transparent hairs perform a barrier function, namely, they prevent dust, moisture and pathogens from penetrating deep into the ear canal.

Problems with increased hair growth in the ears appear with age. Due to changes in hormonal levels, short and thin hair in the ears of men turns into thick and hard stubble, which sticks out untidy from the ears or covers the outside of the ears.

Interesting! The results of some studies show that the hormone involved in scalp baldness - dihydrotestosterone - is responsible for the abundant hair in the ears, as well as the hair on the nose in men.

There can be many reasons for hair growth inside the nose.
The second reason for the appearance of unwanted hairs concerns not only men, but also women. As you age, ear hair grows longer and thicker because your body undergoes changes in its growth cycles.

Six signs of aging

Like England's defeat at Euro 2016, aging is something you don't expect, but when it happens you accept that it's inevitable. This does not mean that there is nothing you can do to prevent old age from catching up with you a little later.

Of course, old age does not spare anyone, but how quickly you grow old depends only on you. A surgical facelift is not the only way to combat old age (look at Mickey Rourke). There are several other ways to delay the time when you will be called grandpa.

Here are six obvious signs of aging and tips on how to, if not avoid them, at least delay their appearance.

Operation “Elimination”: proper cutting of hair in the ears, under them and in the nose for women and men

Ear hair does not cause serious harm to the body. Due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, particles of dirt, earwax, and pathogenic microorganisms may accumulate in them. It is not uncommon for the following to appear in the ears:

  1. dandruff,
  2. itching,
  3. skin irritation.

The main problem that men face is aesthetic. Stubble sticks out untidy from the ears, provoking excessive attention from others, and even ridicule.

For this reason, vegetation in the ear canal and outside the ears must be removed. Now there are many ways to get rid of excess vegetation. Some of them can be done at home, some can only be done in a salon.

Hair melting

Epilation lotions are used for this. They can be used on all areas of the skin, with the exception of the eye area and perineum. The active substances contained in these lotions cause the hair to dissolve. Hair loss occurs exactly along the skin line. This procedure lasts about two weeks, says Dr. Matarasso.

You can find hair removal lotions in pharmacies under different names, such as Nit and Neir. These lotions are easy to use and not painful, but some have a strong odor. They are applied to the skin using a tampon. After 15 minutes, wash off the lotion with warm water.

Here's Dr. Newcamer's warning: "Don't get your face too wet, or you'll get a rash." People with dark hair and dark skin are less sensitive to the effects of lotions and may leave them on for longer, he says. People with thin skin and blond hair are less resistant to lotions.

Home methods for removing short hair using a machine or trimmer

At home, ear hairs can be cut, shaved, plucked, or use one of the chemical depilatory products. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but, most importantly, none of them radically solves the problem with ear hair. That is, after a certain time after removal, the hair begins to grow back. Let's consider each method of removing unwanted vegetation separately.

  • The hairs that grow on the outside of the ear can be shaved. The process itself is not much different from shaving any other part of the body, but there is one caveat: few people are able to perform this procedure on their own. It’s better to ask someone close to you to perform this procedure, because otherwise you will have to show off with cut, sloppily shaved ears.
  • Hair in the nose and ears can be trimmed with special scissors with rounded edges. You need to cut it carefully, without going deep into the ear canal, so as not to damage the eardrum.

Advice! A good alternative to scissors is a trimmer. This device will help you quickly, painlessly, efficiently and, most importantly, independently remove unwanted hairs in hard-to-reach places, which, in fact, are the ears.

Use the equipment carefully
The trimmer is indispensable for excess vegetation in hard-to-reach places

  • For plucking, tweezers with blunt, beveled ends are used. This procedure is painful and difficult to do on your own.

The beveled ends of the tweezers capture hairs better

  • Special depilatory creams allow you to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. Such products contain a substance that destroys keratin. During the procedure, you must ensure that the depilatory agent does not get into the inner ear. Do not use chemicals if you have sensitive or allergy-prone skin, as this will cause the ears to become covered with itchy blisters.

Could there be any other unpleasant moments besides pain?

After electrolysis, small pigment spots, slight scar changes or follicles may appear, i.e. inflammation of the hair follicles, explains Dr. Matarasso. Although sterile conditions are maintained, there is a small chance of skin infection, he says.

To be as careful as possible, you should change the needle each time you perform this procedure. Also ask your doctor to wear latex gloves.

If you are interested in the question of the possibility of effectively using household appliances for electrolysis at home, then they are inferior to the equipment of cosmetic hospitals. Therefore, experts are skeptical about the use of those tools that are described in the catalogs.

We invite you to read: Traditional methods of treating hair loss

“Some devices that use radio waves are designed to painlessly destroy the follicle located at the base of the hair,” explains Carol Walderman. “Hair, however, does not conduct electricity, so it is not clear how its root can be destroyed?”

Even if the follicle is cauterized during regular procedures with electrolysis due to galvanic current, Carol Walderman continues, hair growth resumes in 90% of cases. This is why it is necessary to continue permanent hair removal through repeated treatments.

Added: 03-04-2019 16:28

Is your hair growing and covering your earlobes? Professional methods in the salon

Professional methods used in salons allow you to remove ear hair for a long time.

One of the popular procedures is wax depilation. Its implementation will take no more than 10 minutes: the ear canal is lubricated with olive oil to protect the skin from damage, warm wax is applied to a depth of no more than 3-4 mm, after hardening the wax is removed along with the hairs.

To radically solve the problem so that ear hair stops growing, laser hair removal and electrolysis are used. Laser hair removal is one of the most expensive procedures. Short-wave radiation locally affects the hair follicle and destroys it. In some cases, several courses may be required to consolidate the results.

Photos of the ears before and after laser hair removal

Electrolysis hair removal is used for excess hair on the outside of the ear. A thin needle is inserted into the hair follicle, through which a low-power electric current is passed, which leads to the destruction of the root and the cessation of hair growth.

Traditional medicine methods

Folk practice is also a productive way to eliminate excess hair. Folk remedies have excellent results, take little time, and can be done at home.

Traditional medicine has a wide range of useful remedies:

  • sugar and soda;
  • iodine;
  • turmeric, datura oil:
  • manganese solution;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, it is better to use walnuts.

Most often, they get rid of unnecessary hair from the ears and other areas of the body using potassium permanganate and iodine. This procedure is carried out before bedtime. To do this, you need to dissolve particles of potassium permanganate in hot water; it is recommended to make the solution translucent - this will help to avoid skin burns. When the solution is ready, you should wipe the areas of the body where hair will be removed. Getting rid of unnecessary hair from the ears using a solution of potassium permanganate is a fairly effective method. However, it has its disadvantages:

  • areas of the skin may become discolored;
  • a person may get burned.

A good and effective traditional medicine is iodine solution. The method of its preparation includes the use of:

  • iodine in a volume of 1.5 g;
  • castor oil - 5 g;
  • ammonia and medical alcohol in proportions of 2 g and 35 g, respectively.

These ingredients should be mixed well, then the mixture should be left until it becomes clear in color for a couple of hours. The prepared solution must be applied 2 times a day to areas of skin with unwanted hair. This procedure should last no more than 2 weeks. This folk method of removing unnecessary hair is very effective, and with its help you can get rid of it for a long time.

One of the effective means of getting rid of unwanted hair is considered to be pine nut shells, with which you can get good results. To prepare, you need to completely burn the shells of 10 nuts, and dilute the resulting ash with 1 tbsp. l. boiling water The resulting mixture must be applied to the areas of the body from which hairs should be removed for 10 minutes. To completely eliminate hair, it is recommended to conduct several such sessions.

Ammonia or medical alcohol will help remove unnecessary hairs. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a mass of 10 drops of the selected alcohol, then pour a 5-6% solution of hydrogen peroxide into it in the amount of 50 ml, then add 10 g of wheat flour. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and place it on the areas of the skin where hair needs to be removed for 10 minutes. This procedure is intended only for those areas of the skin that are not hypersensitive.

The oldest method of traditional medicine is to get rid of unnecessary vegetation using sugar. You need to take several pieces of refined sugar, 10 pieces are recommended, and a pinch of citric acid. Add 3 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. water. Next, keep all this on low heat until a plasticine-like mass of a golden hue is formed. Apply the prepared mixture to unwanted hair and immediately remove sharply.

One of the most modern compositions of traditional medicine is the following: 1 tsp. Dilute baking soda with a glass of hot water and mix thoroughly. When this solution has cooled, it is recommended to moisten a cotton pad with it, squeeze lightly and treat the problem area of ​​hair growth.

It is recommended that this disk, soaked in the solution, be glued to the skin with a medical plaster and left overnight. This procedure should be carried out 3 times, after which the unwanted hair will weaken and fall off.

Hair that grows on the ears is a warning sign! What does it mean?

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the ears are the mirror of the heart. Science says that ear canal hair is a common indicator of heart attacks.

In 1973, Dr. Sanders T. Frank and his team of researchers published a study that claimed that the diagonal fold of the lobe, later nicknamed the "Frank sign" by the researcher, was a positive predictor of coronary heart disease.

Doctors are working with a dermatologist to find answers. In New York in 1984, a group of doctors published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, claiming a strong link between ear canal hair and coronary heart disease. The study included 43 men and 20 women, and 90 percent of the participants who had both diagonal earlobe crease (DLC) and ear canal hair had heart failure.

They suspect that long-term exposure to androgen, the king of male hormones and the father of testosterone, is caused by clots in the arteries due to excess production of red blood cells.

In 1989, a doctor conducted a study in which 215 patients participated. “Significant differences were also observed between men with and without ear canal hair in the matched age group,” the authors write in the report abstract. The appearance of hair increases with age.

Edston E. showed his study with similar results in the June 2006 edition of the American Journal of Forensic Pathology.

However, no one is sure of the reason for this connection; some blame testosterone supplements.


Those little hairy ears

Hairs often appear on the ears of a newborn baby, which causes serious concern among his parents. Sufficiently thin hairs have nothing in common with the hair of an adult and are called lanugo. The “fluff” is located not only on the ears, it is visible to the naked eye on the shoulders and back.

Hair on the ears of a newborn is normal and does not pose a danger to the baby’s health.

Lanugo develops in the womb at the twelfth week. Gradually they die off and are replaced by others, thinner and almost invisible. The main task of lanugo is protection; they retain the substance secreted by the baby’s body on the surface of his body.

In many babies, the lanugo disappears even before birth, but if the baby is premature, its hairs can be quite dark and coarse, but sooner or later they are “wiped off.” Some people will need 2-3 weeks for this, others 4-5 months, whatever it is, lanugo does not pose any danger and does not require outside intervention.

Compassionate grandmothers strongly recommend fighting lanugo with bread crumbs; doctors consider this method unfounded and useless

Advice! Newborn babies are constantly lying down, so the hairs on the back and shoulders are wiped off faster. And in order to get rid of lanugo on the ears, place the baby on his side more often.

Bulldog jaws

The most common cause of this phenomenon is the combined effect of gravity and a decrease in collagen content in the skin. If you don't want to look like a bulldog, start taking care of your teeth too. When you lose teeth, your jaw tightens, the skin in that area sags, and wrinkles appear.

That's why it makes sense to invest in a good electric toothbrush, such as the Oral-B 7000, which provides a massage effect and keeps your teeth and jaws healthy. Today, brushing your teeth with a regular toothbrush is like cleaning the carpet with a rag instead of using a vacuum cleaner.

Age spots

Caused by ultraviolet rays, these small clumps of melanin (the pigment on your skin) reveal your age. Do not think that age spots appear only in old age.

Georgie Cleave, founder of beauty brand OSKIA, says: “An age spot can sometimes take 25 years to develop. So those dark spots that you start to notice on your skin after age 40 were there much earlier.”

There are dozens of products for removing such stains. To achieve results, you will have to use such products for quite a long time and regularly, and the result may not be at all what you expect. This is why prevention is the best solution. Most often, spots appear on the hands. You can't wear gloves all year round, so regularly using hand cream with SPF30 is the solution.

If you are a resident of a metropolis, you will need additional protection. Recent studies in the field of dermatology have shown that the appearance of age spots is also associated with exhaust gases. Air pollution increases skin pigmentation. In addition to using sunscreen, dermatologists recommend a diet rich in omega oils and antioxidants to support the skin's natural defense mechanisms. Doctors also recommend avoiding the use of abrasive skin scrubs, as they reduce the skin’s ability to withstand the effects of exhaust gases and solar activity.

Gray hair

According to recent studies, men fear gray hair even more than baldness. Hair coloring is an obvious, but not the best solution. Take a look at Paul McCartney or Silvio Berlusconi to see this.

The best solution is to take a more detailed approach. If you decide to dye your gray hair, you don’t need to dye your entire head with one color, as this will age you even more. Instead, apply frequent highlights where there is the most gray hair. It looks more natural.

Alternatively, you can show off your silver hair like George Clooney. In addition, gray hair is becoming fashionable. And who will say that you are not 23 years old if you have gray hair?


Because men's skin is thicker and contains more collagen, it ages more slowly than women's. But after forty years, one way or another, the aging process becomes noticeable.

Your biggest enemies in skin aging are the sun, smoking and stress. Excessive sugar consumption also leads to loss of skin elasticity. Eliminating sweets from your diet helps delay the appearance of wrinkles. This is because sugar negatively affects collagen. This process is called glycation: sugar settles on proteins - collagen and elastin, causing them to become less effective. This leads to loss of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles.

To stay young as long as possible, you need to give up not only donuts, but also booze. Alcohol causes dilation of blood vessels, which put pressure on collagen and elastin. Remember this when you want to drink.

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