How to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis in the ears, the best treatment methods

What's happened

Seborrheic dermatitis in the ears is manifested by peeling skin, itching and redness. Such manifestations are localized in the ear canal, auricle or behind the ears.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • there is a change in the usual color of the skin behind the ears and in the auricle;
  • there is slight swelling;
  • small nodules appear on the skin containing a clear liquid (they are able to open on their own, forming wet spots that are a springboard for the development of microbes);
  • the epidermis is characterized by a dry state and peeling;
  • the ear of adults becomes covered with yellow scabs;
  • pus or colorless liquid may be discharged from the ear canal, accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • If the disease is not treated in time, the skin in places where dermatitis is localized becomes rough and covered with pigment spots.

The severity of a skin disease depends on many factors. The more you delay treatment, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the unfortunate peeling.

Doctors, depending on skin type, distinguish 3 forms of dermatitis:

  1. Dry. White flakes (dandruff) appear. Sebum cannot come to the surface normally, so pores become clogged and signs of dry skin appear. If dandruff is eliminated mechanically, the skin will have a red tint, which indicates inflammation.
  2. Fatty. Increased sebum production, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Peeling takes on a yellowish tint. Typically occurs in adolescence.
  3. Mixed. It is characterized by the presence of several foci: for example, a white rash (dry type) occurs on the skin of the face and ears, and the hair and eyebrows are covered with yellowish scales.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

The diagnosis of AD is made based on the diagnostic criteria proposed in 1980. To confirm dermatitis in a patient, 3 mandatory and additional symptoms should be identified. Experts often expand this list.


  • a history of atopy or a hereditary predisposition;
  • typical location and shape of rashes;
  • itching of affected skin areas;
  • the course of the disease is chronic and relapsing.

Additional signs:

  • palmar ichthyosis (the simple form is characterized by peeling of the skin surface);
  • xerosis of the skin (pathological dryness resulting from hyposecretion of the sebaceous glands);
  • nipple eczema;
  • localization on the limbs (hands and feet);
  • erythroderma (a type of skin disease);
  • the onset of the disease is determined in infancy;
  • susceptibility to various infectious skin diseases;
  • immediate reaction during diagnostic testing;
  • recurrent conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconus (pathological deformation of the cornea);
  • IgE content in blood serum in large quantities.

In addition to the criteria already mentioned, experts often take into account the following signs:

  • facial eczema (neuroallergic dermatosis in a relapsing form);
  • cheilitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane and edges of the lips);
  • peeling of various areas of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis is divided into the following forms:

  1. Infant;
  2. Children's room;
  3. Adolescent-adult[2].

Reasons for appearance

Seborrhea in the ears may appear due to certain circumstances that are related to the health of the organs and systems of the human body. Among the causes of ear dermatitis, doctors identify:

  • weakened immune system;
  • improper metabolism;
  • lack of vitamins, which often occurs in the spring;
  • hormonal imbalances, especially during adolescence and pregnancy;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver;
  • frequent stress;
  • genetic predisposition.

There is also contact dermatitis, which can occur due to the following factors:

  • wearing jewelry, hearing aids or headphones made of metal that does not suit your skin;
  • the use of chemical detergents and dyes that cause allergic reactions on the skin;
  • drops for the treatment of otitis media;
  • strong compression of hats made of synthetic materials towards the ears.

If ear dermatitis is not treated in time, it can develop into dermatosis.

Important point! Dermatosis is associated with the action of the fungus Malassezia furfur, which feeds on sebum secreted through the skin. The products of its vital activity are toxins that lead to the destruction of the epithelium. Seborrheic dermatosis often affects the ears.


Complications from dermatitis are rare. With seborrheic appearance, there is a high probability of developing dermatosis of the ear. The disease can spread to the neck and cheeks. Other types of ear canal dermatitis can develop into eczema without treatment.

Complications can arise due to severe itching. When scratching, there is a high risk of infection. If the infection gets inside the ear, the inflammatory process of the ear canal will begin. This consequence significantly complicates the treatment process.

Features of treatment

To cure dermatitis or dermatosis, complex therapy is required:

  • general strengthening of the immune system through proper nutrition and a vitamin course;
  • local ointments and creams;
  • taking antifungal, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs (orally and by injection);
  • various lotions based on decoctions from traditional medicine;
  • using a special liquid that smoothes out folds on the skin (for example, Castellani).

You should not carry out self-diagnosis, because to determine the type of dermatitis you need to consult a dermatologist or otolaryngologist.

How to fight with drugs purchased at the pharmacy

To dry the skin, use zinc ointment. If there are various swellings and lesions, then they resort to applying boric or picric acid to the affected areas.

Is itching severe? Then purchase antihistamines, such as:

  • zodak;
  • suprastin;
  • loratadine;
  • cetirizine;
  • Parlasin.

The last two options are also sold in the form of syrup, so they are well absorbed by the child’s body.

If you have atopic dermatitis caused by a number of factors, the following measures are taken:

  1. Drops are placed into the ear canal. Sofradex solution is considered to be an effective medicine. It not only relieves inflammation and swelling, but is also designed to eliminate unpleasant itching. You can buy an analogue of the medicine - Polydex, which perfectly fights fungi and bacteria.
  2. A thin layer of corticosteroid ointment is applied to the location of the disease (several times a day). Geocorton, which has an antimicrobial effect, is suitable for children and adults.
  3. When diagnosing contact dermatitis, of course, eliminate the irritant.

In addition to using various creams and ointments, you can use special shampoos that fight dandruff:

  • nizoral;
  • skin cap;
  • sebozol;
  • sulsena;
  • and many others.

They include:

  • ketoconazole, which blocks the access of nutrients to fungal cells;
  • ciclopirox, which fights mycoses;
  • zinc, which not only prevents the growth of fungus, but also eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • selenium disulfide, which slows down the renewal of skin cells;
  • tar (a folk remedy that eliminates peeling).

Ointments and creams to combat seborrheic dermatitis in the ears:

  1. Selena-based Sulsena paste is a good remedy for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. It dries well and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  2. Glucocorticosteroid creams, ointments and lotions have proven themselves on the positive side. But their use should be carried out after consultation with the doctor.
  3. Lotions and ointments that contain salicylic acid are designed to soften the skin of the affected areas. They are used before the main drugs with intensive effects on the fungus are applied.

To relieve severe inflammation, a dermatologist may prescribe physical therapy. Exposure to UV rays, cold air and ozone can eliminate even the most severe forms of the disease.


If you want to spend minimal money on the treatment of ear dermatitis, then pay attention to herbs and potions donated by nature itself. Of course, unlike highly effective synthesized drugs, you will have to tinker a lot, but traditional medicine has practically no contraindications, and is cheap or even free (if prepared independently).

For treatment, decoctions and infusions are used, as well as vegetable oils. They are applied to a tampon, cotton pad or turunda, and then applied to the location of the inflammatory process.

They can be used for acute seborrhea.

Important point! Eliminating severe manifestations of dermatitis is not enough. To eliminate all symptoms of the disease, complex therapy must be carried out for 2 months.

Folk remedies for eliminating oily seborrhea involve the use of the following gifts of nature:

  • St. John's wort herbs;
  • sage and chamomile flowers;
  • infusion of stinging nettle;
  • homemade ointments based on oak bark, burdock and honey.

You can also use tar soap, vinegar lotions and a soda solution (baking soda + water).

To cure dry seborrhea, make lotions from:

  • decoction of onion peels;
  • infusion of dried nettle leaves;
  • linseed oil in symbiosis with violet leaves and sea buckthorn;
  • castor oil with the addition of egg yolk;
  • a decoction based on burdock roots in combination with lard.

All these compresses and tampons are placed on the affected areas of the skin. After some time, they are removed and the auricle is thoroughly wiped with a cotton pad.

Course of the disease in children

Ear dermatitis may appear in a child if a lot of mother’s hormones have accumulated in the baby’s body, which are allergens for him. This disease occurs more often in infants.

Seborrhea may be the cause of dermatitis in children.

Treatment involves the use of creams and ointments. In severe cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes hydrocortisone topical medications.

Prevention measures

Even if you eliminate all symptoms of the disease, ear dermatitis may start again. This is why it is necessary to take preventive measures.

You should:

  • regularly wash your hair with a special shampoo, selected together with your dermatologist (the use of tar soap is allowed);
  • eat right (exclude easily digestible carbohydrates, replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, be sure to eat cereals, hard pasta, cheeses, meat and fish; it doesn’t hurt to season your dishes with iodized salt);
  • if contact dermatitis has been recorded, then you will have to change your jewelry, headphones or hearing aids;
  • do not overcool by protecting your ears from the cold with a hat (only natural fabrics);
  • buy a vitamin complex containing zinc, selenium, magnesium at the pharmacy (you can take prenatal vitamins Elevit);
  • Remember to regularly wash your ears and use only your own personal hygiene items.

A little about diet

During treatment you need to adhere to a diet . Excludes:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fried food.

Stop eating large quantities of baked goods and sweets, because they contribute to the development of fungus. If you take vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins A, E, B (carrots, apples, cabbage, asparagus, etc.), you can not only strengthen your immune system, but also ensure rapid regeneration of the skin.

Drink as much water as possible (preferably mineral water without gas), because it will help improve your metabolism. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

If you have bad habits, try to give them up, because smoking and alcohol are precisely the factors that, albeit indirectly, provoke the occurrence of dermatitis and dermatoses in the ears. Replace them with sports. Such compensation will only be beneficial.

Thus, seborrhea in the ears is easily eliminated with the help of conventional drug treatment, which, in combination with cosmetics and decoctions from the field of traditional medicine, can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease. People actively struggling with dermatitis in the ears are advised to follow a diet, hygiene and start eating a balanced diet.

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