Is it possible to pull hair out of a mole? Why does hair grow from a mole?

Publication date: July 03, 2014.

Now many people decide to undergo a procedure such as mole removal. After all, they are not always pretty, and sometimes cause discomfort. But what are the consequences of removing moles? Will there be a huge scar left, will the mole grow again? First, let's figure out what neoplasms can appear on human skin?

The structure and location of hair in the skin

The skin consists of three layers:


- epidermis. The cells of this layer originate at the border of the first and second layers. During their life, they gradually harden and move to the surface of the skin. All epidermal cells are completely renewed in 2 weeks.


layer - dermis. This is the basis of the skin, consisting of connective tissue. It also makes up ligaments and tendons. It is this layer that gives the skin elasticity and strength at the same time.


layer - subcutaneous adipose tissue (subcutaneous fat). As you might guess, it contains mainly fat cells.

As you can see in this picture, the hair follicle is located on the border of the second and third layers, i.e. dermis and subcutaneous tissue. This is where the vessels that feed it approach the hair.

Methods of surgical removal

  • Excision with a scalpel. Requires painkillers, there is a possibility of scarring. They resort to difficult cases.
  • Cryodestruction – exposure to liquid nitrogen. Traces of the operation heal quickly. But it is only suitable for small areas, because with extensive growth there is a risk of missing some areas.
  • Electrocoagulation – cauterization with electric current. Quite a painful procedure.
  • Laser. Does not require anesthesia, so it is suitable even for pregnant women. Leaves no scars.

How deep do moles grow into the skin?

Very often, people think that moles have some kind of “roots” that can grow deep into the skin. Fortunately, this is not true for benign moles. These skin formations do not have any roots and in the vast majority of cases they are located no deeper than 1 mm.

In black in the image I drew the most common location of the mole in the thickness of the skin. You can see that even with the deepest location of the nevus, the hair roots are usually located lower.

How to safely remove hair

To get qualified help, it is better to go to a clinic for the removal of papillomas, warts and moles. After all, the best way to eliminate vegetation is to eliminate the growth as a whole. Such a radical approach is clearly justified if the nevus is located on the front of the head or where clothes constantly touch it, rubbing or clinging to hairs.

Without surgery, the only way to remove hair on moles is to trim them with nail scissors. This action must be carried out in good lighting so as not to accidentally injure the epidermis. It is recommended to first wipe the blades of the tool with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

Why does hair grow on a mole?

Looking at the previous picture, it seems to me more correct to say that the hair does not grow “FROM” the mole, but “ Grows right through it.”

". Special “channels” are formed in the mole through which hair grows. This type of hair is not much different from normal hair. They have the same structure, they can also increase in length and fall out. There was just a mole on their way to the surface of the skin. Sometimes they are a little thicker and darker than the surrounding ones. This is likely due to the fact that the hair follicles are located close to the nevus cells of the mole and receive more pigment than those around it.


A visual examination allows you to determine the type of birthmark. At the first appointment, the doctor asks the patient a number of questions:

  • how often does one take sunbathing or tan in a solarium?
  • were there any burns from ultraviolet radiation;
  • whether there were cases of malignant moles in the family;
  • whether the patient took hormonal medications;
  • whether he works in a specific industry related to the processing of toxic substances and investment;
  • suffers from chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • were there any cases of injury?

After this, dermatoscopy is performed - a method for examining suspicious pigmented formations. The specialist applies immersion oil to the spot, then uses a magnifying device to carefully examine the condition of the nevus. Using a three-point rating system, the dermatologist checks the following parameters:

  • asymmetry of structure;
  • coloring;
  • the presence of an atypical pigment network;
  • presence of light blue areas.

Dermatoscopy is considered an effective technique that gives a completely reliable result - up to 95%. But in some cases, this research method is not enough, so the question of whether large springs can be removed is decided after additional tests:

  • biopsy - analysis of tissue particles of the formation;
  • cytology - a test for the growth of malignant cells;
  • histology – determination of the degree of pathological processes, assessment of the condition and structure of cells;
  • epiluminescence microscopy is a clarifying technique for benign formations.

In some cases, an additional examination using ultrasound, radiography, or MRI is prescribed. If necessary, the doctor sends the patient for clinical urine and blood tests to assess the general health before surgery to excise the tumor.

Why don't hair grow from malignant tumors?

Here is a short digression on the differences between benign (mole) and malignant (melanoma, cancer) skin tumors.

The main signs of malignancy of any tumors are:

  1. loss of cells of their normal structure and functions
  2. constant, uncontrolled reproduction (division)

When the cells of a mole become malignant, they lose the ability to form “channels” for hair growth

. Outwardly, this is manifested by the disappearance of hair on the mole.

Why are other methods strictly contraindicated?

  • Pulling out with tweezers leads to irritation of the hair follicles, and from here it is not far to inflammatory processes.
  • Shaving damages the upper layer of the epidermis - as a result, it becomes coarser, which sometimes leads to malignant degeneration of cells.
  • Depilation using a cream often results in microcracks through which infection penetrates.
  • The use of wax strips causes injury, and this provokes various problems - from suppuration to malignancy. As a result, the cost of removing a mole may be cheaper than eliminating such consequences.

Is it worth it to eliminate unwanted vegetation at all? If the nevus is located in an inconspicuous place, it is better not to touch anything. After all, hair growth indicates that the skin formation consists of mature healthy melanocytes, that is, it is benign. So there is no need to provoke him into rebirth!

Briefly about the main thing:

If hair grows from your mole, this is a clear sign that it is benign. There are extremely rare exceptions to this rule, but in my practice they almost never occurred. If hair has stopped growing from a mole, do not rush to make terrible diagnoses.

If you still have questions, the following will help you:

  • In-person appointment with an oncologist
    (St. Petersburg)
  • Mole removal
    with histology (St. Petersburg)
  • My online consultation (from anywhere in the world)

Current issues

Most patients, after undergoing a laser mole removal procedure, observe some characteristic reactions of the body during the first two weeks, some of which are normal responses that are compensatory in nature. Let's consider several pressing issues regarding the consequences of removing nevi on the face and body.

Can cancer occur after mole removal? Skin cancer, or melanoma, usually develops as a consequence of the malignant transformation of a melanoma-prone mole. Moreover, if during the laser correction process the specialist incorrectly determined the required depth of the beam and did not completely remove the mole, the risk of developing melanoma increases.

After removal, a tubercle appeared. Despite the low-invasiveness of the technique, in the process of removing the nevus, healthy surrounding tissue remains, which will have to undergo the healing process of the wound surface that has formed in place of the mole. In this case, this zone can form a small tubercle, which will be covered with a dense crust in a few days. This is considered a normal reaction to manipulation.

Inflammation after removal of a birthmark. The inflammatory process after laser correction usually lasts for the first days, after which it goes away. If inflammatory signs persist for a long time, you must immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

Can a scar or scar form after removal of a nevus? The formation of scars can only be observed in the case of forced premature removal of the protective crust from the wound surface.

The scar itches and hurts after mole removal. Itching, burning, peeling and redness around a mole after removal are characteristic symptoms of a burn, which can be caused by unprofessional work of a doctor. This unpleasant complication develops if the specialist incorrectly determined the depth of exposure and subjected healthy skin cells to laser burning.

Pathological moles

There are other neoplasms that rightly cause concern in their owner. They can provoke the development of skin cancer. These moles also require removal, but this should be done by an oncologist or surgeon, with the selection of subsequent therapy. Removing pathological moles in aesthetic clinics and centers is extremely dangerous, which is why competent and conscientious plastic surgeons prescribe a series of tests at the slightest suspicion of a malignant growth.

The main signs of a “suspicious” mole:

• Abrupt appearance in adulthood;

• Intensive growth up to 1 cm in diameter;

• Rapid modification of form and structure;

• “Glossy” or rough surface, disappearance of the skin pattern from the elevation;

• Thinning texture;

• The appearance of pronounced asymmetry;

• Peeling of the surface followed by the formation of a crust;

• Presence of itching and burning in the area of ​​the tumor;

• Partial or complete loss of hair from the surface;

• The appearance of depigmented areas, complete or partial change in color;

• Ulcerations on the surface;

• Formation of daughter nodules;

• The presence of hyperemia and swelling around the nevus;

• Formation of new nodules directly on the surface;

• Bleeding (sudden or with minor trauma);

• Separation of moisture and exudate.

What to do if a birthmark appears on your head?

When a mole appears on the head, its development is determined by where it is located and what color it is. In this case, you need to be very careful with this formation on your head, especially when combing and going to the hairdresser. If you are careful, such a mole will not pose a danger.

But such formations are not always small and do not interfere with their owner. If a cosmetic problem arises, it is best to remove the formation immediately so as not to provoke the development of cancer cells.

Adults can cope with difficulties on their own. But special attention should be paid to the problem when a mole appears on a child’s head. Again, you need to look at what shape the baby has. If the mole is flat, this is not a cause for concern. But at the same time, it is best to teach your baby how to properly handle this stain - do not comb or scratch. And if the mole has a convex shape, it is best to remove it immediately.

What does black hair from a mole mean?

For most people, birthmarks on the hair in the scalp are a cosmetic defect and do not cause problems throughout life. For owners of large marks of more than 5 mm, there are a number of restrictions associated with active tanning in the sun and going to a solarium. Prohibitions apply to carriers of multiple moles.

It is not recommended to expose places where melanocytes accumulate to ultraviolet light; against the background of increased insolation, degeneration may begin - a benign nevus becomes a malignant cancer. It is a tumor that has a tendency to change under certain conditions. Damaged cells begin to actively divide. As a result, the person is diagnosed with melanoma.

Hairy nevi are a natural physiological phenomenon

When should you be wary and consult a doctor to rule out malignancy of the nevus?

  • changing the shape of a mole from round to asymmetrical
  • rapid growth of moles, sizes more than 6 mm.
  • the contours of the mole have become uneven, the edges are “ragged”
  • change in color of the mole, it becomes uneven or blue-black
  • the surface of the mole has become glossy and shiny
  • an ulcer spontaneously appeared on the mole
  • loss of hair that previously grew from a mole
  • the mole has become dense to the touch
  • the appearance of “child” elements around the mole
  • feeling of itching in the mole area
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes

If you consider yourself at risk, have discovered one of the above signs, or are simply worried about this, make an appointment with a dermato-oncologist. And please never forget to use sunscreen.

Safe moles

A “calm” mole has a number of distinctive features:

• Its diameter does not exceed 0.5 cm;

• The general structure corresponds to the microrelief of nearby skin;

• Hair growth is observed on the neoplasm;

• Has clearly defined boundaries;

• Grows slowly and steadily, almost imperceptibly for the owner;

• It has the shape of a spot or a plaque slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

A safe nevus can change shape and color over time, and this is not something to be afraid of. However, it is recommended to remove raised moles in any case, especially if they are located in potentially traumatic places. Tearing off a raised mole and eliminating it on your own with the help of threads and other improvised means can lead to oncology.

It's worth removing a mole:

1. Located on the neck or décolleté (due to constant irritation from jewelry, scarves and closed clothing);

2. Localized in the armpit or pubic area (due to the risk of injury from the razor);

3. Rapidly growing and changing shape;

4. Causing pain, itching and burning when rubbed with fabric;

5. Bringing purely aesthetic discomfort.

Examine the stain before removing hair

If a person discovers a new spot on his body on which vegetation appears, the thought immediately arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole?

Before you begin removal, you need to pay attention to the newly formed stain.

  • hairs can be removed from moles that are flat and small in size, and also if the edges are smooth. These formations are the safest.
  • If the mole is large in size and has uneven edges, protruding, then hair pulling can be resorted to only after the doctor looks at the formation and conducts a full examination.

When a person with a problem turns to a doctor and asks whether it is possible to pull out hair from a mole, he answers that you can only resort to cutting or special removal methods.

Classification of moles:

1. Moles of epidermal origin (borderline, mixed, intradermal).

2. Moles of dermal origin (the most common representative is the blue nevus).

3. Combined moles.

4. High-risk moles (congenital and dysplastic nevi).

The most common type of moles are intradermal nevi - in appearance they are dome-shaped or papillomatous formations, from light brown to black in color, in some cases they can be reddish or whitish.

You can ask any questions you may have, sign up for a tumor removal procedure, or have a free consultation with a specialist by phone:

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Moles on the back - before surgery. Dermatoscopy:

Doctor: Grishko R.V.

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