How to get rid of scars and scars and restore skin

Scars and scars can seriously complicate the life of the most confident person in his own attractiveness. Skin damage that does not go away over time does not affect health - a person with traces of acne on the cheeks or with scars from abdominal surgery may have ideal tests and well-being - but they do affect psychology.

Scars attract attention, distinguish us from other people, and prevent us from enjoying our own reflection in the mirror or wearing revealing clothes. That is why at the Cleo Line clinic we use modern methods of laser and other therapy to get rid of scars and scars and restore the skin.

What are scars and scars?

Scars are connective skin tissue that forms after healing of burns, injuries, surgeries, and inflammatory processes. Varieties of scars also include stretch marks (striae) - narrow wavy stripes with grooves of atrophied tissue, which can be white or red-violet. Striae appear in places of greatest stretching of the skin - for example, on the stomach of pregnant women or people who have gained a lot of weight in a short time, on the hips and armpits of teenagers who have sharply increased in height in a short period of time.

Ways to use apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar can be a very effective treatment for acne and acne scars. It is one of the best skin care products because its use is quite simple and affordable.

Vinegar can be used as a stand-alone product, or you can add it to homemade skin tonics to increase their healing properties and reduce skin irritation. You can prepare a fairly simple toner, examples of recipes for which we will show you below, and store it in a small bottle of 100 - 200 ml, so you can use it even on the go.

Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, which can help restore the natural acid-base balance of the entire body, including the skin, and promote skin regeneration. When the skin is in natural balance, it can better fight harmful bacteria, and in particular those that cause acne.

Apple cider vinegar also works as an astringent on the skin and naturally dries it out. These properties can heal any type of acne.

Apple cider vinegar contains many vitamins that are important nutrients for your body, including A, B2, B6, C and E. It also contains malic and lactic acid, alpha hydroxy and amino acids.

How long does it take to remove or soften acne scars using apple cider vinegar?

The results of using vinegar may vary depending on the person and the stage of development of acne. And they will become noticeable in a period of several days to two weeks. This is the optimal time required for the renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The skin is made up of different layers. It takes about a month for the top layer of skin to renew itself for teenagers and up to 42 days for middle-aged and adult people. Removing particularly old scars and scars on the skin that formed many years ago can take quite a long time before they will finally disappear.

This is why it is so important to treat acne scars when they form early, thereby speeding up the healing time of acne scars and blemishes significantly.

Types of scars

Normotrophic scars are most often located at the same level with the skin, they are less noticeable, easiest to correct and differ mainly in shade - they are somewhat lighter than the skin.

Atrophic scars occur after an inflammatory process or injury; they are not as elastic as normal tissues and have a concave surface. A typical example of atrophic scars is stretch marks and post-acne.

Keloid scars can have different shapes; they are elastic, dense, usually with a smooth surface. The appearance of keloid scars can lead to unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, even pain. Typically, such formations protrude above the surface of the skin. They have clear boundaries. Keloid scars can grow and appear again after removal. Most often they form on the outer surface of the shoulder, in the sternum and upper torso. Difficult to correct.

Hypertrophic scars protrude above the surface of the skin. Most often they have a pink tint, and are formed due to the large area and depth of the wound, contamination of the surface or other unfavorable conditions for the healing of damaged tissue. It is mature connective tissue covered by a layer of epidermis. Within six months after its appearance, hyperkeratosis gradually disappears, and the progression of the scar stops.

Precautions and Warnings When Using Apple Cider Vinegar on Skin

Whichever way you choose to use apple cider vinegar for skin care, you need to be aware of any problems that may arise from using apple cider vinegar toner on your skin.

Follow these precautions and warnings when using apple cider vinegar:

  1. Continue using apple cider vinegar until your acne stops spreading and you will see a significant improvement in your acne scars.
  2. If your pimples look more like small rashes, dilute your toner further, as highly concentrated vinegar can irritate your skin.
  3. If you use apple cider vinegar three times a day for a month and see no improvement, stop using the product.
  4. Try to make fresh toner as often as possible to retain all the beneficial healing properties from the ingredients.
  5. Store apple cider vinegar toner in a dark place, as exposure to sunlight may spoil it.
  6. If you find that using apple cider vinegar products does not clear up your scars and pimples and, on the contrary, your appearance is rapidly deteriorating, consult a dermatologist who will recommend a more appropriate treatment for you or prescribe a special prescription for clearing your facial skin.

Treatment methods

Apart from surgery, there are several ways to treat scars: cryotherapy, wearing compression garments, using silicone preparations, enzyme injections and hormone therapy. But the most effective, safe for the patient and widespread method is laser therapy.

The laser has a highly precise impact with controlled depth, allowing it to avoid damaging healthy tissue. The procedures cause virtually no discomfort, and the recovery period is minimal. The laser removes “extra”, that is, scar tissue and stimulates the production of collagen - the irradiation site heals, and after several procedures not even a trace remains of the scar. The number of procedures is individual, depending on the age of the scar and your characteristics.

To enhance the effect of the laser and stimulate the smoothing of skin relief, plasma lifting is used. The patient is injected with plasma from his own blood into the scar area. This procedure allows the skin to recover faster and stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin. Plasmolifting is also effective in the treatment of acne. The second option for injection “assistance” with laser is mesotherapy. We use only drugs that are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and have all the necessary quality certificates.

Chemical peeling will also help smooth out small scars - it is effective in working with small atrophic scars. A series of peelings allows you to even out the texture of tissues and skin color.

Special medications can be used to treat keloid scars. They are prescribed only by a doctor - consultation is required!

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes to Reduce Acne Scars

Many people do not like to use pure apple cider vinegar because it is very concentrated and does not have a good smell.

The best way out of this situation is to make your own apple cider vinegar tonic. If you wish, based on your preferences, you can add other ingredients to the apple cider vinegar - water, tea tree oil, honey and green tea.

It all depends on your preferences, capabilities and condition of the skin on which the tonic will be applied.

List of ingredients

To make your toner more effective in combating blemishes and acne marks, mix the following ingredients together:

  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.
  • 2 teaspoons filtered or distilled water.
  • two drops of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil will add some moisture to your skin to reduce the dryness from the vinegar.

Apple bite toner for facial acne

If you have the desire and ability to use the healing properties of honey and green tea to make an apple cider vinegar toner, then the following acne toner recipe is for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Tonic Recipe

Follow these instructions to make an all-in-one home remedy for acne:

  1. Pour some vinegar and green tea into a small cup.
  2. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey.
  3. This toner does not keep well in bottles, so shake it as needed.
  4. Use tonic immediately after preparing it.

What else can you add to apple cider vinegar?

There are many ingredients that can be added to an apple cider vinegar toner. Do not mix more than two or three ingredients as this may cause skin irritation.

To add to your apple cider vinegar toner, choose one or two of the following ingredients:

  • A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • one drop of lavender essential oil for a calming effect. It will also give the product a wonderful lavender scent,
  • one drop of chamomile essential oil,
  • one teaspoon of tea tree oil,
  • one teaspoon of rose water.
  • one teaspoon of aloe vera gel.

Care and recovery

After laser resurfacing, the skin recovers quite quickly. However, in the first few hours after the procedure, redness and discomfort may appear. If they cause you discomfort, you can apply a cooling compress to the treatment area.

For 3 days after the removal procedure, you should not wipe the treated areas of the skin with alcohol-containing substances. It is prohibited to visit the sauna and swimming pool, take a hot bath, or sunbathe.

The skin needs to be moisturized. Or use special medical gels and creams that your doctor will prescribe for you.

Each patient at Cleo Line is given detailed care recommendations after the procedure.

How to Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Pimples, Blemishes and Scars

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The easiest way to get rid of pimples and blackheads at home using apple cider vinegar is to prepare a toner for problem skin. You need to combine water and vinegar in a 2:1 ratio, then mix the liquid thoroughly. Before applying, check the sensitivity of the epidermis - blot the area of ​​skin on the wrist with a swab. and wait half an hour. If there is no reaction at this place, then you can safely use lotion. To connect, you need to use only mineral or purified water

The procedure for applying apple cider vinegar toner is as follows:

  1. First, wash your face with mild soap and cleanse with a mild moisturizing lotion.
  2. Dry your face with a dry towel.
  3. Moisten a cotton swab with toner. Then gently wipe the face or affected parts of the body with the product.
  4. Apply toner to your face or body three times a day: morning, afternoon and before bed.
  5. Make a small amount of apple cider vinegar toner to use at work during breaks when your skin starts to feel tired or oily.
    In some situations, apple cider vinegar can not be mixed with water. For example, pure vinegar applied to an area with acne will effectively dry it out and eliminate inflammation. But such use is only permissible spot-on.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner Ingredients

How to remove facial scars naturally

There are various natural ingredients that can be used to remove scars from the face.

Lemon juice for acne scars

Lemon is a natural bleach. Vitamin C in lemon helps in rebuilding collagen. When you use lime juice on acne scars, the spots become lighter day by day.

Lemon juice is an excellent skin reliever. The acid in lemon juice helps lighten your skin and make scars less noticeable. It can actually get rid of freckles and lighten dark scars faster. Not just scars, if you have swollen pimples, lemon juice can help reduce redness. And it's probably the most easily accessible ingredient in your refrigerator. So, you just need to take it from there and squeeze out the fresh juice to apply to your acne scar every day! However, just don't go out in the sun after applying lemon juice on your skin. This makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Even after you leave your home, be sure to apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Acne Scars

  • Take a fresh lemon and squeeze its juice. Apply this juice directly to the scars with your fingertips or a cotton swab, leave it on for ten minutes and rinse with water. Do this once a day for two to three weeks, during which time you can see your scars significantly reduced. If you want, you can also mix honey with lemon juice to make it more effective in reducing acne scars.
  • If your skin is very sensitive, dilute lemon juice with some rose water and then apply it on your scars.
  • You can even mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with two teaspoons of Vitamin E oil and then apply this to your acne scars. Vitamin E is a very good emollient with lots of antioxidants that protects and even improves your skin texture.

I. Make a lemon mask to remove acne scars

You will need:

  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Almond oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.


  • Mix everything and apply on scars once a day for 7-10 days. You will see the difference.
  • After using lemon juice, never go out in the sun!

II. Lemon and Honey to Remove Acne Scars


  • Lemons - 1-2 pieces
  • Honey (optional) - 1 tsp.
  • cotton ball


  • Squeeze the lemons into a bowl.
  • Add honey and mix well.
  • Dip a cotton ball into this mixture.
  • Now apply this mixture all over your face or the area where you have acne scars.
  • Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and dry.
  • Do this once a day for at least 2-3 weeks.

Honey for Acne Scars

Honey can also treat acne scars.

How to Use Honey for Acne Scars

  • Apply honey to the scars and leave overnight.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with ? a cup of oatmeal. Apply this mixture gently on acne scars. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Add ? teaspoon cinnamon powder with 1 tablespoon honey and apply on scars. Leave it for an hour. You can even use it overnight. Then wash off.

Make a honey-aspirin mask to remove acne scars

Although aspirin is not a natural ingredient, but you can always use it with honey to get rid of acne scars. The salicylic acid in aspirin works wonders and its gritty texture gives you the perfect exfoliation.

You will need:

  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Aspirin-2-3
  • Water - a few drops


  • Place aspirin in a few drops of water until it dissolves and forms a paste. Do not use too much water as it requires grains of sand to exfoliate.
  • Add honey to this aspirin-water paste and mix
  • Apply to scars and leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Now wash it.

Aloe vera

This wonderful herb, Aloe Vera, not only soothes swollen skin, but also helps in repairing damaged tissues, promoting the healing process. It is better to use fresh gel-like substance directly from aloe vera leaves than to use through similar products containing aloe vera

How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

Take an aloe vera leaf and peel off its outer green skin. You will see a gel-like substance under its green outer skin. Take out this gel and apply it on the scars. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash it off.

Apply aloe vera gel twice daily to see results in just a few days. Not only will your acne scars diminish, but your skin will begin to glow.

Olive oil

Olive oil can be called the most environmentally friendly oil, as it contains a large amount of vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1 and B2), iron and antioxidants. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil also help remove acne scars.

How to Use Olive Oil for Acne Scars

Before going to bed, you should apply olive oil to your scars.

You will need:

  • Olive oil
  • Warm water
  • Clean cloth or towel


  • Take some olive oil and gently massage your face with it. Focus more on acne scars.
  • Massage for a few minutes until you feel all the oil has been absorbed by your skin.
  • Now take a clean towel or cloth and fill it with warm water.
  • Place a warm, damp cloth on your face to create steam.
  • Now gently wipe off the excess oil with a cloth. Don't wipe.
  • After 1-2 minutes, rinse your face with normal water.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another popular remedy for removing acne scars through its exfoliating effects. Gentle coarse granules of baking soda mixed with water remove the dead layer of skin from the face without any inflammation caused by application.

How to Use Baking Soda for Acne Scars

  • Take a couple of teaspoons of baking soda and use water to make a paste.
  • Gently massage your face with this paste that focuses on acne scars.
  • After massaging for 1-2 minutes, leave the paste on your face for a few minutes.
  • Now rinse off with warm water.
  • Apply some moisturizer, preferably olive oil.
  • Repeat this process twice or three times a week.

Raw potatoes

Raw potatoes can work wonders in removing acne scars.

How to Use Raw Potatoes for Acne Scars

  • Take the potatoes and cut them into round slices.
  • Take a slice and gently rub it on your face in a circular motion.
  • Keep doing this until you feel your potato piece is dry.
  • Take another piece and do the same.
  • Repeat this for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Now leave your face so that the remaining potato juice is absorbed by your skin.
  • Now wash it off.
  • Apply some moisturizer suitable for your skin.

Do this raw potato massage 3-4 times a week for at least 1-2 months depending on the intensity of your scars.

Raw tomatoes

Red good tomatoes can also remove scars from your face.

How to Use Raw Tomatoes for Acne Scars

There are two ways to do this: one simple way and one that is not so simple. First, the simple way.

  • Take a ripe red tomato and cut it into pieces.
  • Apply this tomato pulp on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash your face.
  • Repeat this daily for a week or two.

Now the second way to use tomatoes is by creating a mask

Make a tomato mask to remove scars

You will need:

  • Tomatoes-2
  • Cucumbers-1
  • Avocado -2


  • Take the pulp from the tomatoes
  • Grate the cucumber and avocado and squeeze out the juice.
  • Mix everything.
  • Apply to face.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash with water.

Tea Tree Oil for Acne Scars

Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral essential oil. So, not just for acne scars, tea tree oil is essentially one of the best acne treatments. Regarding scars, this oil is most useful for treating hypertrophic scars. Therefore, if you have such elevated or hypertrophic acne scars, you can effectively use tea tree oil to heal them. Tea tree oil, due to its anti-inflammatory effects, will definitely help you get rid of such acne scars. This oil is also moisturizing. It provides moisture and helps to moisturize the scar, which gradually reduces the scar and makes it disappear.


  • Tea tree oil - 2-4 drops
  • Water - 1-2 tbsp.
  • cotton ball

Adjust the amount depending on the area of ​​your acne scars

Do it:

  • Add tea tree oil to water.
  • Take a cotton swab and dip it in the diluted tea tree oil.
  • Apply this on acne scars.
  • Repeat 2-3 times a day

Precautions: Never use tea tree oil undiluted. It's too strong. Always dilute it with water, moreover if your skin is sensitive.

Apple cider vinegar for acne scars

Apple cider vinegar has many benefits. It is astringent and a natural disinfectant, making it a good natural antiseptic. It also balances the pH levels of your body and your skin when applied topically. And because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it is effective in treating acne. All these properties of apple cider vinegar are provided by its beneficial components, which include vitamins, minerals, carbolic acid, ketones, aldehydes, amino acids, antioxidant, acetic acid and many others. This is a well-known acne remedy. You can also heal acne scars with apple cider vinegar. Since this vinegar washes away dead skin cells, it can lighten acne scars to a great extent. You can use apple cider vinegar with water or with honey.

1st way to use apple cider vinegar: with water

Take this:

  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 part
  • Water - 1 part
  • cotton ball


  • Mix apple cider vinegar and water
  • Dip a cotton swab into it.
  • Apply this to your acne scars.
  • Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash it with water.
  • Do this once a day

2nd Way to Use Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey


  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 2/3 cup
  • Honey - 1-2 tsp.
  • cotton ball


  • Mix all three ingredients well.
  • Dip a cotton ball into the solution.
  • Apply this on acne scars.
  • Leave it for half an hour.
  • Wash it with water. If you feel sticky because of the honey, you can even wash it off with warm water.
  • Do this once a day.
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