Purse-string wrinkles around the lips: how to remove and prevent their occurrence

As they age, many people notice vertical wrinkles above the upper lip - what to do in this situation, is it possible to correct the defect or at least make it less noticeable? The formation of wrinkles around the lips is an unpleasant phenomenon. They always show age and can change facial expression, which gives it a gloomy appearance.

Experts in the field of aesthetic cosmetology identify several types of wrinkles :

  • so-called purse string – small, vertical and located around the lips;
  • marionette wrinkles extending almost vertically from the corners of the lips towards the chin area;
  • nasolabial folds , formations extending from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose.

To know how to remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip or other types, you need to understand how and where they appear.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The first small defects in the area of ​​the upper lip or around the mouth appear quite early, gradually their number and depth increase. Experts identify a number of reasons that provoke the appearance of wrinkles, and some of them can be influenced.

  • Wrinkles are influenced by anatomical features. The orbicularis oris muscle is fixed directly in the dermis. Each muscle contraction stretches the skin; there is no fat layer and few sebaceous glands in this area. Therefore, restoration of the skin in this area is difficult with age. This creates the basis for the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, this zone depends on the level of estrogen in the body. As you age, collagen synthesis decreases, the skin loses its elasticity, and folds appear.
  • Facial expressions and active articulation make a certain contribution. In people of certain professions (presenters, singers, teachers), wrinkles appear faster.
  • Additionally, bad habits have an impact: pursing, biting lips, pulling them into a straw, drinking through a straw, frequent use of chewing gum and smoking. The latter affects not only the work of the lips, but also the action of nicotine on collagen fibers, skin and body cells. And knowing the reasons, it is important to determine how to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip or in the corners of the lips.

Reinforcement of purse-string wrinkles with mesothreads

The thread reinforcement technique is aimed at smoothing purse-string wrinkles and strengthening the skin above the upper lip. Mesothreads are inserted parallel to the lip contour. They prevent the skin from folding. Gradually, the threads dissolve, and instead of them, their own collagen frame remains, providing a lasting effect. In one procedure, 5 threads are installed on the left and right.

Mesothreads are inserted with microneedles, which are guided by a guidewire or cannula. Excess tissue is moved from the defect area to the surface of the threads, the skin is tightened. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, and lasts about 15 minutes. The effect is comparable to a surgical lift; it lasts up to 5 years.

Fighting wrinkles at home

If you are thinking about how to remove purse-string wrinkles around the lips, you should understand that completely getting rid of them is almost impossible. Moreover, it is dangerous and can disrupt the aesthetics and functionality of this area of ​​the face. We need facial expressions, we need to talk and eat, all this uses the muscles of the mouth. But there are ways to make wrinkles less pronounced and less noticeable.

The first thing you need is to quit smoking once and for all. This is not only a way to combat lip wrinkles, but also improve the health of the whole body. You should also avoid chewing gum and drinking through straws.

Control of the face and lip area is important. Learn not to tense your lips, purse them or curl them. The tissues are maximally relaxed in a light half-smile, which also reduces the severity of wrinkles.

Skin protection from UV radiation is necessary. They dry out and accelerate the aging of this delicate area. Therefore, you need protection with an SPF of approximately 30-50.

Properly selected cosmetics are also important. For such a delicate area, masks and creams with fat-soluble vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants and retinoids, collagen, peptides, and hyaluronic acid are needed. Moreover, you need to use cosmetics from the age of 25-30, for preventive purposes. For deep wrinkles, when the process has already gone far, the effectiveness of these products is low.

Face building can help, but you need to select the exercises very carefully so as not to put excessive stress on the perioral area.

Homemade masks are useful for moisturizing and nourishing - with cucumber, yogurt, sour cream, fruits and berries. When applying masks, a light massage along the lines from the lips to the chin is useful. You should add nuts, seeds, dairy products, and vegetables to your diet.


2 weeks before the procedure and a month after, avoid visiting solariums, beaches, increased physical activity, and stop taking blood thinning medications a week. After rejuvenation, it is forbidden to sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, or use decorative cosmetics. Contraindications are common to all such interventions - acute and chronic diseases, pathological changes in the epidermis in the area, cancer, other serious pathological processes, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

Cosmetology procedures

There are many options to reduce the severity of wrinkles around the mouth, smooth the skin, and rejuvenate this area. Fillers with hyaluronic acid can help eliminate purse-string and other types of wrinkles. They help fill wrinkles and smooth the skin, but such correction has a temporary effect. The injections will need to be repeated regularly.

Biorevitalization with compositions based on hyaluronic acid can also help. The procedure moisturizes the skin, corrects fine wrinkles, and gives a rejuvenating effect.

Mesotherapy is used with compositions containing collagen, elastin, a complex of vitamins and minerals. The effect is slower, but stable, slowing down the aging process.

Botox injections help eliminate muscle spasms, remove purse-string wrinkles, and lift the corners of the mouth.

It is possible to place mesothreads; they are placed along the contour of the lips; as they dissolve, a frame is created based on collagen fibers, which help strengthen the skin and smooth out the wrinkle area.

Laser peeling using fractional modern lasers helps stimulate collagen synthesis processes, exfoliate the top layer of skin, rejuvenate, and smooth out wrinkles.

Fractional laser resurfacing

According to patient reviews, laser resurfacing is comparable in effectiveness to surgical correction of purse-string wrinkles, while it is easily tolerated and does not carry the risk of serious complications. With fractional laser rejuvenation, the effect is on the deep layers of the skin. Moreover, unlike continuous resurfacing, the laser beam removes small microtubules of the skin only in certain areas. The result is the same as with continuous exposure, but the risk of side effects is reduced and recovery is accelerated. Modern equipment makes it possible to accurately dose the impact for the best result. After laser resurfacing:

  • regeneration processes are activated in the deep layers of the skin;
  • fibroblasts are activated;
  • stimulates the production of your own elastin and collagen;
  • metabolic processes in the skin are activated.

All these processes continue for another six months. The recommended course is 3-4 procedures, they are carried out under local anesthesia, the recovery period is 5-7 days. Laser radiation is safe for humans and does not have even remote consequences.

More invasive techniques

If the wrinkles are deep enough, there are many of them, and a more radical solution to the problem is important, more serious, invasive correction methods may be required. For them, it is necessary to carefully select a clinic and specialists; the methods have certain limitations and a rehabilitation period.

Lipofilling is the filling of wrinkles and folds of skin in a problem area with one’s own fat tissue, taken from another area and specially prepared. The technique helps eliminate wrinkles, add volume to the lips, and rejuvenate them.

Thread skin lifting helps get rid of nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles. It is used for a comprehensive solution to facial problems.

SMAS lifting uses targeted ultrasound to tighten connective tissue and muscles, helping to reduce the deepest wrinkles around the mouth. marionette lines
Information materials on the site are posted for the purpose of information, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Recommendations from cosmetologists and prevention

Prevention of aging and properly selected professional and home skin care can slow down the aging process of the skin and avoid the early appearance of deep wrinkles.

Care for the skin around the mouth must be individualized and take into account exactly your skin needs. Home care is based on the principle of “cleansing - toning - active care”, and includes cleansers, creams (thicker textures in winter, lighter textures in summer), active serums.

Another effective remedy against skin aging is professional care and microcurrent therapy from Biologique Recherche. The concept of facial care from the French brand Biologique Recherche includes more than 90 active products and concentrates to solve any skin problem.

The application of each product and other products - masks, serums, fluids and creams - is accompanied by specially developed massage techniques and microcurrent therapy, which help the products penetrate deeper into the skin, and therefore achieve more expressive results.

Folk remedies

You can use a scrub at home. It is prepared independently, taking into account the fact that the skin around the lips is highly sensitive. To do this, take fine sea salt and olive oil (proportion - 1 teaspoon of salt to 2 tablespoons of oil). This remedy is effective, but should not be abused. Once a week will be more than enough.

You can also make a scrub based on sea salt and honey, which are mixed in equal proportions. This product has moisturizing properties.

Cucumber lotion gives good results. You can prepare it at home:

  1. Take a cucumber.
  2. Grate.
  3. Pour 100 g of medical alcohol and leave for two weeks in a dark place.
  4. Strain.
  5. Fill the glass with clean water and add a little glycerin.
  6. Mix thoroughly.

The resulting lotion is suitable for daily use.


Homemade masks are inferior to the latest developments in cosmetology. But with regular use, they are quite effective. The following recipes can be used:

Mask Recipe Application
Made from white clay and vitamin E (both ingredients are sold in pharmacies) For 1 tsp. clays take a vitamin E capsule and enough warm water to make a product with the consistency of liquid sour cream The mixture is applied to the area around the lips. The mask can be done once a week
From cucumber
  1. Take a cucumber.
  2. Grate it.
  3. Add the same amount of sour cream and liquid honey
Apply the mixture to steamed skin, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse off
With green peas
  1. Take fresh or frozen product.
  2. Prepare the paste in a blender.
  3. Lightly diluted with kefir
The product is applied to the circumlabial area, left for 20 minutes and removed
From green apples Grind to puree Apply to the skin around the lips for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. As a last resort, you can simply wipe the problem area with an apple slice.
From potato starch Starch is diluted with kefir to the consistency of sour cream. The mass is applied to the skin around the lips for 10 minutes, then washed off with water.

In addition to starch and clay masks, other procedures can be repeated at least every day. Cosmetologists also advise lubricating the skin around the lips with liquid honey in the evening, leaving the product for half an hour, and then rinsing with warm water.

How to fight?

With age, the skin becomes thinner, and the volume of hyaluronic acid and collagen, two components that are responsible for its tone, decreases. As a result, removing wrinkles is not easy.

Salons offer Botox - a method that is quite effective, but expensive. This is an unsafe procedure. It is fraught with various side effects, including:

  • the appearance of vision problems;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • itching at the injection sites;
  • heart rhythm disturbances and other unpleasant phenomena.

Botox is not used at home. Pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products are widely used. Many women believe advertising, believing that expensive drugs will give the desired effect in a short time. But even the best quality creams don’t work that quickly. You need to complete the whole course for results to appear.

Folk remedies by themselves do not give the desired effect, but they work well in combination with other techniques, including special facial gymnastics and massage. Such products also need to be used for a long time.

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