Pimples on the cheeks: the main causes of their appearance, tips on how to get rid of and cure the skin quickly and easily using modern methods (video and 110 photos)

If epidermal defects or systemic diseases form, acne often appears on the face. Patients with a negative emotional background are also prone to their formation. This is not a cosmetic defect; you need to look for the root cause in the condition of the internal and external organs; perhaps a disease develops in the human body. Depending on the location of acne, you can look for the presence of a particular pathology in the human body. In addition to defects and diseases in the body, acne can appear due to improper care procedures or the presence of hypersensitivity to components of cosmetic products.

Pimple distribution map

Typically, pimples are localized on the following areas of the face and surrounding tissues:

  • forehead, nose, chin;
  • cheeks, temples;
  • lips, eyelids.

A cosmetologist, dermatologist, therapist, and gastroenterologist are involved in recognizing the development of the disease depending on the spread of acne.

If acne is located in the eyelid area, liver and kidney pathologies can occur in the human body. If there are pimples on the chin, problems are sought in diseases of the digestive tract.

There are various zones on the face where epidermal pathology can spread. This is a kind of mirror reflecting the state of internal organs and systems.

In order for a doctor to accurately understand the possibility of developing the disease depending on the spread of acne, it is necessary to know which organs or systems are associated with different areas of the face. These data are shown in the table.

Face areaInternal organs
CheeksRespiratory tract
Cheekbones, chinDigestive system
NoseThe cardiovascular system
Wings of the noseEpigastric region
bridge of the nosePancreas
EyelidsReproductive and urinary system
Mouth and surrounding areaIntestines
ForeheadGastrointestinal tract
Brow ridgesCirculatory system, gastrointestinal tract

The presence of pimples in this area alone is not enough to determine the diagnosis. Based on the symptoms, the doctor assumes a pathology, prescribing laboratory and instrumental tests. It is with their help that various types of diseases are identified.

Common reasons

The most common causes leading to acne formation are identified. They must be taken into account when prescribing tests to identify various diseases.

The following pathological factors are identified that cause blockage of pores with a concentration of purulent contents:

  • endocrine disruption;
  • formation of an inflammatory focus;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • diabetes mellitus and other pancreatic diseases;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • lack of use of epidermal care;
  • weak immunity;
  • spread of pathogenic microflora;
  • hypersensitivity reaction;
  • subcutaneous mite reproduction;
  • negative psycho-emotional background;
  • environmental pollution.

Often, pimples can form due to chronic infection, leading to intoxication. Therefore, it is necessary not only to identify the root cause, but also to cleanse the body of toxins, waste, and pathogenic microorganisms. To do this, you can use Enterosgel, which belongs to the group of sorbents. It effectively removes all toxic products from the gastrointestinal tract, prevents intoxication and infection. It is also applicable for allergies, removes antigens. Constipation does not occur during its use, so it can be used for a long time.

Frequent phone conversations and small red pimples*: where is the connection?

Where does your phone go? In your purse, on the table, in your hands, in your pocket. Agree, these are not the most sterile conditions. Dust settles on the gadget screen, cosmetics imprint, bacteria multiply, and when you put the phone to your cheek, they get on the skin.

It is important to wipe your phone down more often and try to keep it in a case that covers the screen so that it gets less dirty. Although this factor is not the leading factor in the formation of acne, it can also cause rashes.

Causes and methods of treatment for pimples on the forehead

If acne develops in the forehead area, most often the cause is endocrine disruption. Acne can gradually spread to the nose, cheek area, that is, it affects the entire T-zone. The following pathogenesis is distinguished:

  • a large amount of dirt and bacteria accumulate in the pores, so they become clogged;
  • Excessive amounts of sebum are produced;
  • purulent discharge is formed.

To identify the cause of the disorder, you need to take a hormone test. Be sure to examine the level of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones.

There are different zones on the forehead, if affected, one can suspect a more precise localization of the lesion:

  1. Central part of the forehead
    . Perhaps the intestines are affected, its microflora is disturbed. It is recommended to get tested for dysbacteriosis.
  2. Hair growth area
    . The presence of gallbladder pathology and the possibility of stone formation are assumed.
  3. Lateral parts of the forehead
    . They look for lesions in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum.
  4. Area above the eyebrows
    . Check the condition of the cardiovascular system and urinary tract.

When examining a patient, an anamnesis must be taken. Find out what foods a person eats. If he eats too much flour, fatty, fried, and sweet foods, this is precisely the problem. Such products are difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract.

The doctor should ask the person about the amount and types of medications used. Many of them are toxic to the body and cause rashes. For example, long-term use of antibiotics.

The forehead is susceptible to hypersensitivity reactions. For example, if an allergy to cosmetics develops.

The following treatment methods are distinguished:

  • eating healthy foods, refusing food that is prohibited by the gastroenterologist;
  • cleansing the digestive tract with sorbents;
  • the use of creams, ointments, tonics with an antiseptic effect for the epidermis.

To identify the exact damaging factor, it is recommended to take tests of stool, blood, and urine.

Causes of the rash

There are many reasons why a rash may appear on the cheeks:

  • There is a blockage of the sebaceous glands - acne and comedones appear. A fairly favorable environment is created for many microorganisms that are involved in creating a focus of inflammation. Subsequently, adjacent tissues are affected. The appearance of comedones, for example, is considered a serious disease, since the reasons are not only hygienic and related to problems with internal organs. Cosmetic procedures alone are not enough.
  • Hair follicles with sebaceous glands are clogged with horny masses and sebum. Milia appear, which are expressed as white rashes and form in the same way as comedones. However, they are not inflammatory elements and a dermatologist can remove them without difficulty.
  • Allergic reactions. In this case, a red rash, urticaria and contact dermatitis occur. Often such diseases are accompanied by a burning sensation and can be relieved with the help of antihistamines. You can get rid of allergies after identifying and getting rid of the allergen directly.
  • Inflammatory processes inside the human body. In particular, the respiratory tract and intestines can become inflamed (sometimes dysbacteriosis occurs), the functioning of the reproductive system is disrupted, problems with blood vessels occur, and so on.
  • Vitamin deficiency, when the human body does not have enough vitamins. At times, rashes occur, on the contrary, due to an excess of vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to eat more healthy fruits and vegetables, and take multivitamin complexes.
  • Poor nutrition and bad habits. The digestive system begins to function poorly if you eat fatty foods, buy a lot of sweets, drink an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages, and so on.

Due to the fact that the human body is infected with parasites. Sometimes these organisms are not easy to diagnose, but they can seriously harm the body's vital systems, even spoil the immune system. A rash can also occur due to streptococcal infections and other skin diseases.

Publication date: 2018-02-07

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping

Etiology, treatment of acne on the cheeks

Rashes in the cheek area depend on the condition of the digestive tract and respiratory system. It is recommended to take into account the area where pimples occur:

  • middle
    - the development of an inflammatory process in the alveoli of the lungs is possible;
  • lower part, cheekbones
    - possible development of intestinal dysbiosis, intoxication of the body;
  • the upper part
    is the use of low-quality, low-grade cosmetics, which gradually clog pores, cause allergic reactions and the accumulation of bacteria.

If a person develops large, purulent pimples in the summer, one of the most common reasons is the use of air conditioning. Cold air can lead to a negative reaction and accumulation of sebum.

Subcutaneous mites - demodex - can spread in the cheek area. It is not visible visually, but it leads to the formation of large acne that is difficult to treat.

Therapy methods:

  • checking the respiratory tract for the presence of inflammatory pathology, comprehensive treatment of the disease;
  • the use of probiotics and sorbents to eliminate intoxication of the digestive tract;
  • the use of external agents to eliminate inflammation and bacterial infection of the skin.

If skin defects develop, it is recommended to avoid cosmetics that contain harmful substances. For example, paraffin, mineral oil, lanolin. The components clog pores and cause the formation of comedones.

How to cure acne on face

With the development of modern medicine, many possibilities and ways to treat and remove acne on the cheeks have appeared. The main thing is not to start the disease. The sooner you start treatment, the faster and with the least consequences you can defeat it.

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People who self-medicated and ignored visits to the doctor acquired huge scars in the form of scars. In addition, purulent pimples are contagious and can spread throughout the body.

Often the doctor advises the patient to use complex therapy to combat acne on the cheeks. That is, simultaneously be treated with medication and visit beauty salons, where the skin is cleaned and treated, both the whole body and the face separately.

Very often, a photo depicting acne on the cheeks and the consequences after self-medication reminds people how important it is to solve the problem in a timely manner.

Diagnosis and treatment of acne on the nose

Rashes and acne development most often occur on the nose. This is a problem area with abundant sebum secretion. Therefore, it is necessary to use high-quality treatment to not only eliminate acne, but also prevent its recurrence. Some of the most common causes of acne on the nose are:

  • excessive secretion of sebum with clogged pores;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • careless, poor quality care;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas, islets of Langerhans;
  • inflammatory diseases of the stomach, for example gastritis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

Treatment methods:

  • consumption of high-quality food, adequate physical activity;
  • use of high-quality cosmetics for facial care;
  • adequate hormonal therapy in the presence of endocrine pathology;
  • use of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agents for external use.

There are special strips to remove clogged pores on the nose. It is recommended to use them over a long period of time to cleanse the pores.

Identifying and eliminating acne on the chin

The following etiological factors are distinguished:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including in the gum area;
  • disease of the reproductive system (inflammation in the uterus, ovaries in women, prostate in men);
  • consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, caffeine;
  • negative psycho-emotional state.

To identify the exact cause, you need to consult a gynecologist, urologist, or endocrinologist. They will prescribe laboratory blood tests and instrumental tests. With their help, pathology can be accurately determined.

If large acne develops in women, the following reasons can be assumed:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • deviation of the menstrual cycle.

Treatment methods:

  • pathogenetic therapy of the reproductive organs, carried out after ultrasound of the pelvic organs and other tests;
  • treatment with hormones for endocrine imbalance;
  • local antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs for symptomatic therapy.

Without adequate diagnosis, treatment of any pathologies cannot be started.

Detection and treatment of acne on the temples

This is the rarest area where acne forms. More often the cause of the condition is inflammatory pathologies of the gallbladder. But it is additionally recommended to consult with an endocrinologist to rule out pathology causing hormonal imbalance.

The following damaging factors are identified that cause the formation of acne in the temple area:

  • insufficient intake of vitamins into the body;
  • difficulty functioning of the small and large intestines;
  • difficulty with lymphatic drainage.

Rashes on the temples periodically appear after changes in the level of physiological hormones. For example, when using contraceptives, after childbirth, during adolescence.

Therapy methods:

  • diet with no fast food, fatty, fried foods;
  • use of multivitamins;
  • applying local cosmetics to eliminate the rash.

If the condition is physiological, no treatment is required. It will go away on its own when the damaging factor is eliminated.

Breakouts and dirty makeup brushes

There is such a sign that if you do not periodically wash your makeup brushes, then sooner or later you may encounter the appearance of rashes on the skin of your face. Women often use sponges and brushes to apply blush, powder, and foundation. But if you have oily or problematic acne-prone skin, it is better to give preference to disposable products.

For example, compact powder can be applied with a cotton pad, disposable sponges can be used for cream, and blush can be blended with your fingers. If this option does not suit you, make sure that your brushes are always clean. There are special products for washing them. Don’t forget to periodically get rid of old makeup tools.

Diagnosis and methods of eliminating acne on the bridge of the nose

If acne is concentrated on the bridge of the nose, the following reasons are identified:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages, smoking, poor quality food in the diet;
  • negative psycho-emotional background.

The main function of the liver is to remove harmful, toxic products. It takes part in the production of red blood cells. If its function is impaired, rashes always appear on the face.

Therapy methods:

  • reduction of protein products in the diet;
  • exclusion of situations leading to severe stress, irritation, neurosis;
  • use of cosmetics for local treatment.

When dealing with acne on the bridge of the nose, it is important to establish a stable psycho-emotional background.


Often, a rash on the face and entire body can be caused by allergic rashes. This could be an allergy to certain foods, cosmetics, frost, heat, and so on.

In this case, you just need to remove the allergen and gradually the acne will go away. But there are situations when it is not possible to protect yourself from the allergen, then it is worth taking a course of anti-allergy medications.

Sometimes, after prolonged use of antibiotics or intolerance to the medication, a rash may appear on the body. After completing the course of treatment with such drugs, the allergy goes away on its own. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor for help.

Detecting and treating acne around the eyes

Factors leading to the formation of pimples around the eyes:

  • pathologies of the kidneys, adrenal glands;
  • insufficient intake of water into the body;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction, for example, when applying low-quality cosmetics.

Treatment methods:

  • stabilization of water and electrolyte balance by drinking large amounts of water, at least 2 liters per day;
  • compliance with sleep and wakefulness, long rest.

If acne is concentrated around the eyes, it is prohibited to use aggressive cosmetic preparations intended for antiseptic treatment.

This can cause the formation of wrinkles and irritation. Only soft, gentle cosmetic products are used.

Features of treatment, identifying the causes of acne around the lips

Rashes around the lips are very rare. This usually indicates the following abnormalities in the body:

  • impaired fecal formation, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea;
  • increased flatulence, bloating;
  • colic associated with intestinal spasms;
  • stress, depression, nervous tension;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unsuccessful hair removal around the lips, leading to clogged pores and inflammation;
  • allergic reaction.

Therapy methods:

  • prohibition of consuming large amounts of carbohydrates;
  • use of hormones to stabilize endocrine levels;
  • the use of probiotics that stabilize the state of intestinal microflora.

If rashes appear on the face in a certain area for a long time, the cause of the lesion can be assumed. But you are additionally required to pass laboratory and instrumental tests prescribed by your doctor. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own by starting therapy. Such treatment will be incorrect and will lead to many negative consequences.

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