What kind of lichen can you get from a cat and how to treat it?

Can a person or another pet get shingles?

It is important to remember that dermatophytosis is a contagious disease to other pets and humans. However, infectiousness also depends on the immunity of the animal or person in contact with the sick person.

The incubation period ranges from one to three weeks, and the manifestation of clinical signs depends on risk factors.

Main risk factors:

  • age (young and older dogs and cats get sick more often);
  • damaged skin (presence of abrasions and scratches);
  • concomitant diseases (for example, immunodeficiency in cats);
  • stress.

Long-haired cats are often carriers of dermatophytosis type M. canis. About 10–90% of cats are so-called asymptomatic carriers (without showing clinical signs). Up to 90% of cases of human dermatophytosis are caused by the same type of M. canis and the source of infection is cats.

But a person (or pet) can also become infected from a dog. Yorkies and hunting breeds are predisposed to dermatophytosis.

Infection occurs when fungal hyphae attach to a weakened organism. Subsequently, they descend into the hair follicles, in which the fungus forms spores. Subsequently, clinical symptoms appear and the pet can infect the person or animals with which it has been in contact, especially if their immunity is weakened.

In cats, the muzzle area, ears, and forelimbs are often affected. In dogs - head, neck, limbs.

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Ringworm: how to avoid getting infected?

Ringworm is a contagious disease. It is caused by a special microbe - a fungus that parasitizes the skin of humans and animals.

Fungi in humans affect the hair of the head, beard, skin of the face, hands, and torso. Children get ringworm more often than adults. People become infected with the fungus from each other. For example, through shared combs, hats, towels, pillows, washcloths, etc. Infection can also occur in a hairdressing salon if razors, clippers, scissors, and combs are not disinfected there.

Most often, children become infected when playing with stray cats and dogs. And also from calves, cows, horses, which can also suffer from ringworm. When infected with lichen, red spots appear on the patient's skin, often in the form of rings. They flake and sometimes itch. Round bald patches with broken, as if trimmed hair form on the head, which is where the name “ringworm” comes from.

With this disease, it is very important to start early treatment. In the first days, when there are only red spots on the skin, you can get rid of them easily. But when lesions appear on the head, treatment continues for 1.5-2 months. Children with ringworm are limited in their communication for the entire period of the illness.

Parents should know that ringworm is dangerous. Infection with it can occur when fragments of hair or scales from a patient get on the smooth skin or upper part of the head of a healthy person. Therefore, if suspicious spots appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, you need to remember a number of rules. Adults must know that the patient must always wear a cloth cap on his head in case of a disease of the scalp and a bandage in case of damage to the smooth skin. The underwear of such a person must be washed separately with mandatory boiling or at maximum temperature in a washing machine. At the end of treatment, final disinfection must be done. All members of the patient's family, including adults, should be examined by a doctor. A sick child has no right to attend school, kindergarten, or nursery. He must have a separate bed and personal items.

Ringworm, as already mentioned, can be contracted from sick people and animals. You cannot play with stray cats and dogs, much less put them on the bed. If the animal turns out to be sick, you need to take it to a veterinary clinic. After touching cats and dogs, as well as calves, cows and horses, be sure to wash your hands. You cannot use other people’s hats, combs, towels, or washcloths. And also notebooks, books, toys for children with ringworm. Don't sleep on someone else's bed or share a shared bed. Request that hairdressing salons disinfect their tools, and wash your hair with hot water and shampoo after a haircut.

At the first sign of ringworm, consult your doctor. Children, if they notice illness in their friends, immediately inform the teacher about it. It is necessary to strictly observe the cleanliness of the body, clothes and especially hands. Wash your face, hands and feet with soap daily. This is the key to fighting ringworm.

I. KABAKIN, chief physician of the Syzran Dermatovenerological Dispensary

"Volzhskie Vesti"

22:00, November 1, 2022, Friday / 11429 / SOCIETY Follow us on social networks


Signs characteristic of lichen

Typical symptoms of this disease are:

  • round, hairless areas of skin;
  • redness;
  • peeling of the skin and crust;
  • the appearance of dandruff, dulling of the coat;
  • itching (not always evident).

Ringworm is usually found in a specific area of ​​the skin, that is, it is a focal or symmetrical focal lesion; only in dogs there is a generalized form of the disease, which can cause extensive damage.

There are also less typical manifestations of dermatophytosis. So, in dogs, these are kerion (a clearly defined raised round nodular lesion, most often located in the muzzle or forelimbs) and so-called mycetomas - damage to the claws and fingers, chronic inflammation of soft tissues, caused by a fungus.

Dermatophytic mycetoma can also occur in cats . Persian cats are predisposed to this disease (in 99% of cases). The neck, back, tail, and sides of the pet are most often affected.

If you find similar symptoms in your pet, then do not put off visiting a doctor until later. Remember that there is a huge chance that you and your family members will become infected; you must follow the rules of personal hygiene and isolate the animal during treatment.

Symptoms of the disease are deprived

Typically, the first signs begin to appear within two weeks after infection. During this period, it is worth paying attention to the skin. When a person has lichen, the following symptoms usually appear:

  • the first sign will be damage to the skin: superficial red spots;
  • usually the fungus affects the area of ​​the forearm, neck, scalp, face;
  • over time, the red spots acquire a flaky structure with a ridge along the edges;
  • Damage to nails and hair may occur;
  • peeling spots quickly spread throughout the body over time;
  • there is a feeling of itching, severe scabies;
  • When lichen occurs on the scalp, a bald spot appears on the affected area.

Diagnosis of dermatophytosis

Diagnosis is made based on history and symptoms. Among the diagnostic methods, the doctor can offer you:

  1. Wood's lamp examination . In this study, the doctor sees a bright yellow-green glow from the hairs, but only 50% of M. canis strains give such a glow. You also need to remember that dust, crusts, areas of skin treated with medications (for example, tetracycline), as well as carpet fibers can glow a similar color. Therefore, a negative test result does not exclude the presence of dermatophytosis/microsporia.
  2. Microscopic examination . Hair/fur and crusts from the surface of the skin are taken for analysis and examined directly under a microscope. A negative result also does not exclude dermatophytosis.

  1. Dermatoscopy (epiluminescent microscopy) is performed using a device - a dermatoscope, but it is not a common research method in our conditions.
  2. Cytological examination . The specialist stains the material from the affected area with special substances, making it easier to detect damaged hair and dermatophyte spores.
  3. Sowing on a fungal culture . It is the most reliable research method to determine the type of fungus. The material from the affected area (hairs, scales, etc.) is inoculated onto a nutrient medium, for example, Sabouraud agar. It is necessary to wait until the fungal culture grows so that the pathogen can be unambiguously identified, so the analysis is carried out within 1–3 weeks.
  4. Histopathology . The specialist takes a section of the skin and conducts a histological examination of it. Detection of spores or mycelium threads in the hair follicle or epidermal cells gives a positive test result.
  5. PCR diagnostics is based on determining the genetic material of dermatophytes.

Sometimes multiple methods are required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of deprivation in people

Ringworm transmitted from cats is dangerous not only for the kitten, but also for people who come into contact with it. Treatment for people should be prescribed by a dermatologist. Moreover, the sooner the first symptoms are discovered after infection, the faster treatment will occur, including:

  • As a rule, a dermatologist can prescribe ointments with an antifungal effect.
  • At home, you can use a solution of 10 grams. elecampane roots per 100 ml. boiling water
  • Treatment of lichen involves removing hair from diseased areas because it is easily transferred to healthy areas. Hair removal should be carried out for at least a week, and the head can only be washed with antifungal shampoos.
  • You can treat with sulfur-salicylic ointment, which is rubbed in at night.
  • Also, an area infected by a kitten can be treated by wiping with iodine.

Theories for the appearance of pityriasis rosea

Dermatologists have long been researching the causes of this skin disease. Only by knowing where the problem “legs grow” from can you prescribe the correct treatment and discuss whether infection with pityriasis rosea is dangerous.

Pathology occurs under the influence of infections. The following signs support this statement:

  • outbreaks are observed after winter, in damp, windy and slushy weather, when vitamin deficiencies and colds dominate;
  • stressful situations that arise due to various factors: nervous strain, antibiotic treatment, climate change or hypothermia (overheating);
  • the disease is typical for children over 10 years old and the age group from 20 to 40 years;
  • goes away on its own after a few weeks and does not require specific treatment;
  • acquired immunity develops: it is impossible to get sick again.

Sometimes pink spots of lichen occur during pregnancy, but there is no need to be afraid of this. The disease does not in any way affect the health of the unborn child.

Doctors tend to believe that pink dermatosis is caused by the herpes virus type 7. There is a basis for this statement: in the early stages of the development of herpes, rashes characteristic of Zhiber's lichen appear on the skin. The disease occurs only against the background of reduced immunity, during the cold season, which also speaks in favor of its viral nature.

In addition, lifelong immunity is formed, and the disease is mild. It is enough to sleep well, eat right, take vitamins, and after a few weeks you can forget about the disease.

Roseola exfoliates is classified as an allergic disease, and not without reason. The symptoms of dermatosis are alleviated by wearing clothes made from natural fabrics and taking antihistamines that relieve allergies. Therefore, the general nature of the disease is infectious-allergic.

Whether Gibert's pityriasis rosea is contagious or not remains a mystery. Usually the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact, but such cases are rare. There are examples when pathology affected entire families, but these are also rare. Therefore, the exact routes of transmission of pityriasis rosea are unknown.

If you come into contact with a person infected with pityriasis rosea, then this is not a reason to panic: the likelihood of infection is extremely low. It is worth taking immunostimulating drugs to maintain the body's protective barrier.

Roseola exfoliates belongs to skin pathologies grouped under the name “lichen.” Symptoms of pityriasis rosea include the initial appearance of 1-3 pink maternal plaques up to 3-5 cm in diameter on the skin. After a week, the number of rashes increases.

Over time, the rashes grow up to 2 cm, but do not merge with each other. The center of the spot becomes yellowish and begins to peel off. The edge of the spot remains pink and smooth, giving the overall appearance of a medallion. Skin itching and fever are possible.

The features of dermatosis include a clear duration of progression. Recovery occurs 6-8 weeks after the appearance of the first spots, with no relapses observed.

Atypical forms of the disease

Sometimes Zhiber's disease proceeds according to a non-standard pattern:

  • the presence of severe itching (usually it is minor);
  • increase in body temperature against the background of general malaise;
  • maculopapular rashes that last much longer than 6-8 weeks;
  • complications leading to eczema.

Whether complications arise or not depends on the behavior and condition of the patient. Problems arise from rubbing the skin or frequent washing, ill-conceived local therapy, increased sweating and a predisposition to allergic manifestations.

Mechanical or chemical action on inflamed areas does not alleviate the condition, but increases itching and prolongs the duration of the disease. Only a qualified doctor can help with treatment (if necessary).

What is ringworm and what causes it?

Ringworm is the common name for a fungal infection that affects the upper layers of the skin, hair and legs. The infection occurs in both humans and all types of domestic animals. The disease appears as red raised rings. Ringworm is spread by special types of fungi known as dermatophytes , so the scientific name of the disease is dermatophytosis .
Some dermatophytes are able to infect only certain species, while others spread the infection among different species of animals or transmit it from people to animals. In cats, one species of dermophyte, Microsporum canis, is responsible for almost all ringworm infections. This species is still contagious to dogs and people. Sometimes ringworm is caused by the species Trichophyton mentagrophyte, which is also dangerous to humans.

What to do to avoid getting sick

Prevention measures are simple:

  • do not overcool;
  • avoid colds;
  • take vitamin supplements;
  • monitor your diet, which should be nutritious;
  • Give your body physical activity: walking, running, fitness, regular gymnastics will help.

Diseases occur against a background of weakened immunity, so pityriasis rosea finds the opportunity to “settle” on the surface of the skin. It seems that the disease is not dangerous, and it is not easy to get infected. But we cannot ignore the fact that Zhiber’s lichen can be confused with another skin disease, and a weakened protective barrier leads to many unpleasant consequences.

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